维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com 第24卷第9期 2008年9月 无 机 化 学 学 报 Vo1.24 No.9 1519~1522 CHINESE JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 2,6.二氯苯甲酸桥联的双核锰配合物的水热合成与晶体结构 张春华 唐斯萍 陈满生邝代治 邓奕芳 (衡阳师汜a4-学院 化学与材料科学系.衡阳关键词:锰配合物;晶体结构;2,6-二氯苯甲酸: 水热合成 中图分类号:O614.7 11 文献标识码:A 421008) 文章编号:1001.4861(2008)09—1519—04 Hydrothermal Synthesis and Crystal Structure of a Manganese(H) Compound Bridged by 2,6-dichlorobenzoic Acid ZHANG Chun—Hua TANG Si—Ping CHEN Man-Sheng KUANG Dai—Zhi DENG Yi.Fang (Department ofChemistO"and Materials Science,HengyangNormal University,Hengyang,Hunan 421008) Abstract:A dinuclear manganese(//)complex,【Mn2(L )2(phen)4】 (C104)2(1),has been synthesized and stmcturallv characterized (HL =2,6一dichlorobenzoic acid,phen=1,1 0.phenanthroline).It crystallizes in triclinic svstem,sDace group P1 with a=1.1 12 3(4)nm,b=1.378 2(4)nm,c=2.085 7(3)nm,a=93.768(2)。,/3=90.606(10)。, :95.606(3)。 V=3.174 8(15)nm。,Z=2,C62H ̄C16Mn2N8O12,Mr=1 409.58,D =1.475 g・cm , =0.718 mm一。F(000):1 428R: 。0.064 3,wR=0.138 3.In the crystal the manganese atom is six—coordinated by two oxygen atoms from two diflferent 2,6-dichlorobenzolate molecules and four nitrogen atoms from two l10一phenanthroline m0lecu1es,comp1eting an ,octahedra1 geometry.CCDC:692296. Key words:manganese complex;crystal structure;26一dichlorobenzoic acid;hydrothermal synthesis ,In recent years,manganese cluster has become an attractive research field because of the involvement of manganese in several biological redoxactive systems, polynuclear species that often arise through ligand bridgingt7,81.In order to continue our studies on the man. ganese complexesI ~ ,we have chosen 26一dichloroben. ,especially in the oxygen—evolving complex(OEC)of zoic acid and phen as ligands and investigated theirs photosystemⅡ(PS 1I)in reen plgants.It was thought that the coordination environment of Mn in OEC reaction with Mn(Cl04)2・6H20.We report herein the synthesis and crystal structures of the manganese(Ⅱ) compound,[Mn2(L )2(phen)4]・(ClO4)2(1). 1 Experimental 1.1 Materials and instruments All the regents and solvents were used as contains O and N donors,and the binding of aqua to the Mn site may be important to the oxidation of aqua for the evolution of dioxygen【 .Moreover sterically hinde. red ligands are commonly used to control the coordination environment of metal ions,and hence their properties,through favouring lower coordination numbers and by preventing the unwanted formation of 收稿日期:2007.11-26。收修改稿口期:2008—06.02,commercial sources without further puriifcation. Elemental analyses were performed on a Perkin.Elmer 。 湖南省自然科学基金资助项目(N。.05JJ30016)湖南省教育厅重点项目(N。.O7A013)和湖南省高校 十一五”重点建设学科资助项目 通讯联系人。E-mail:zhangehunhua668@yahooc0m.cn .第一作者:张春华,男,44岁教授,研究方向:有机合成及金属有机化学。 ,维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com 1520 无机化学学报 第24卷 240C analyzer.The IR spectra were recorded on丌IR一 8700 spectrophotometer using KBr discs.TG curves 0.24 him×0.26 mm×0.30 mm was selected for structure determination and the data were collected on a Bruker Smart l00O CCD diffractometer witl1 a Mo Ka was recorded on a Perkin—Elmer Pyris Diamond thermoanalyser in lfow of N2,in the temperature range radiation(A=0.071 073 nm)at 291(2)K by using an∞ scan mode in the range of 2.50。<0<26.00。.A total of 24 249 reflections were collected and corrected by SADABS,of which 1 2 265 were unique with R = from20 oCto 800 oC。with aheating rate of10℃.min~. 1.2 Synthesis of the title compound A mixture of Mn(C104)2・6H2O(0.181 g,0.5 mmo1), 2,6-dichlorobenzoic acid(0.192 g,1 mmo1),NaOH (0.041 g,1 mmo1),phen(0.101 g,0.5 mmo1)and H20 (10 mL,0.55mmol1 was heated in a 25 mL capacity Teflon—lined reaction vessel at 1 60℃for 6 days.the reaction mixture was cooled to room temperature over a period of 40 h.The product was collected by filtration, 0.003 2,8 3 19 were considered as observed[1>2o-(,)]. The stuctrure was solved by direct methods and difference Fourier syntheses.The non—hydrogen atoms were refined anisotropically and hydrogen atoms were introduced geometrically.The final R=0.06 1 6.wR= washed with H20 and air—dried,Yield:0.1 5 g(54%). Ana1.Calcd.for C62H3sC16Mn2N80l2(%):C 52.78;H 3.62; N 7.95;Found f%):C 53.22;H 3.31;N 8.12.Main IR O.126 1 w=l/[-o (确+(0.05 +1.22P],where P=(Foz+ 2F ̄2)/3),S=1.038,(△ )一=O.001.The highest and lowest residual peaks in the final difference Fourier map are 266 and 3 1 5 e‘nm .respectively.All ealcula— bands cm—1):3 435(vw,br),1 610(s),1 517(s),1 454(s), 1 425(m,br),1 199(w),1 145(w),1 088(s),847(w),810 (vw),777 w),725(w),624(w),448(w). 1.3 Crystal structure determination A suitable yellow block crystal with dimensions of tions were performed by the SHELXTL program[131. Crystal data and structure refinement parameters are listed in Table 1 and the selected bond lengths and bond angles are listed in Table 2. CCDC:692296. Table 1 Crystal data and structure parameters for the rile complfex Empirical formula Formula weight C62H3sC16Mn2N8Ol2 1 409.58 De/(g・cm 3) Z 1.475 2 Temperature/K Crystal system Space group 291(2) Triclinic P1 Absorption coefifcient/rain F(000) Crystal size/mm O.718 1 428 O.24×0.26×0.30 u/nm b/nm c/nm ot/(。) 1.112 3(41 1.378 2(4) 2.085 7(3 93.768(2) 0/f。、 Limiting indices Reflections collected/unique Data/restraints/parameters 2.50to 26.00 一13≤h≤13.一16≤ ≤16.一25≤l≤25 24 249(尺 0.003 2) 1 2 265/0/858 卢/(。) .y/(。) 90.606(1) 95.606(3) Goodness of ift on F Final R indices[,>2 ∽] 1.088 R ̄-O.064 3,wR2=O.138 3 V/tim’ 3.174 8(151 Largest dif.peak and hole/(e-nm-3)466 and-596 Table 2 Selected b0nd lengths(啪)and bond angle(。) 维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com 第9期 张春华等:2.6-二氯苯甲酸桥联的双核锰配合物的水热合成与晶体结构 l521 Continued Table 2 -x+1,一).一::b:一x+2.一),-z+1 2 Results and discussion 2.1 Crystal structure of the title complex The selected bond lengths and bond angles are listed in Table 1.The coordination structure of the title compound is shown in Fig.1,and the molecular structure consists of two completely uniform dimanganese molecules(Fig.2).In every unit,the Mn“ ion in each cation is in a distorted octahedral coordina. tion environment,coordinated by a pair of chelating phen ligands and two oxygen atoms from two different 2,6一dichlorobenzoic acid.The phen groups exhibit their usual acute N…N distances fO.272 8-0.273 4 nIll1 and N—Mn—N angles(73.27(13)。-73.42(1 1)。),very close to those found in Mn(phen)2C12,and Mn(phen)2(N3)2 , which the pairs of phen ligands are also cis—related.The Mn atoms are six—coordinate but the geometryis a .distorted oetahedron with N(2)and O(2) at the apical positions,principally due to the“bite”of the phen ligands.The Mn—N bonds range from 0.227 2 f71 to 0.230 0(7)nm,while the Mn—O bonds from 0.2 1 3 4(5) to 0.218 1(3)nm.The sum of bond angles 0(1)一Mn(1)一 N(1)101.65(12)。,N(1)一Mn(1)一N(3)96.26(12)。,N(3)一 Mn(1)一N(4)73.42(1 1)。and N(4)一Mn(1)一0(1)89.1 1(10)。 is 360.44。,showing the 0(1),N(1),N(3)and N(4)atoms are coplanar.These data indicate that the Mn(1)atom of the complex has a slightly distorted octahedral coordination configuration.The other Mn f2)atom is Code:A:一x+l,一 -z;All perchlorate ion are omitted for clarity Fig.1 Asymmetric unit in compound 1(thermal ellipsoids at 30%probability leve1) similar to the Mn(1),which is in distorted octah—edral configuration.In 1,each ligand adopts an O,O- bidentate bridging mode using a carboxylate group.Two Mn“centers are doubly bridged by the L ligands.form- ing a dinuclear structure,with a Mn—Mn distance of 0.485 3 nm. Code:A:一 +1.一1 .-z Fig.2 Dinuclear structure of the title complex 2.2 Spectra characteristics The infrared spectra of the title complex has been recorded and some important assignments are shown above.One feature of the IR data is the separation between a ̄(coo一)and (C00一),which have often been used to diagnose the coordination modes in the carboxylate ligands.The separation for monodentate carboxylate groups is>200 cm一,whereas it is<200 cm~in bidentate groups【l6J.The separation f△)between (coo-)and/2 (COO一)is 1 56 cm~for 1,indicating bi dentate coordinating modes for the coordinated carboxylate groups,and the strong absorption at 1 1 45 and 1 088 cm一 indicates the presence of perchlorate ion.These IR results are coincident with the crystallo- graphic sturctural analyses. The results of TG.DTG illustrate that the compound decomposition takes place in two steps.The TG CHIVe shows that one 2,6一dichlorobenzoate released up to 297℃with the estimated weight loss of 14.45wt% (calcd.:1 3.48wt%).On further heating,the compound loses 35.28wt%of weight continuously during the 维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com 1522 无机化学学报 第24卷 second step from 307 to 702℃.corresponding to the removal of one L and two phen molecules(calcd.: 32.21wt%),and another two phen ligands is broken above 705℃. [11 Pec]oraro V L.Manganese Redox Enzymes.New York:VCH, 1992. 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