专利名称:Parameter adjustment device and method
发明人:Charles Tak Ming Choi,Yi-Hsuan Lee申请号:US12627192申请日:20091130公开号:US08666503B2公开日:20140304
摘要:A parameter adjustment device and method thereof for a stimulator is
disclosed. The parameter adjustment device comprises a generation unit, a user interfaceand a process unit. The generation unit generates a test MAP based on a current MAP.
The user interface displays the current MAP and the test MAP for choosing one of themas the preferred MAP, and displays a major and a minor for choosing again, the major andthe minor is defined as a significant difference and a little difference between the testMAP and the current MAP respectively. The process unit computes the acceptanceprobability of the preferred MAP based on a major or minor probability correspondencerelationship and determines a next MAP by comparing the acceptance probability withthe test probability. When one of the termination conditions is satisfied in an iterativeoperation, the next MAP is outputted as the best MAP.
申请人:Charles Tak Ming Choi,Yi-Hsuan Lee
地址:Hsinchu TW,Taichung TW
代理机构:WPAT, P.C.
代理人:Anthony King