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SAE J400 Revised NOV2002
Summary of Method—The test consists of projecting standardized road gravel by means of a controlled airblast onto a suitable test panel. The testing apparatus is called a gravelometer, designed to contain roadgravel, a test panel holder, and a gravel projecting mechanism. The projecting mechanism, located in front ofthe test panel, consists of an air nozzle in the base of an inverted pipe tee. The stem of the pipe tee pointsupward and is located beneath a vibrating hopper into which the gravel is poured. The gravel, falling into theair blast, is projected toward and impacts upon the test panel, which is usually held perpendicular to theimpinging gravel. All testing is conducted under controlled temperature conditions, generally roomtemperature (ambient) or –29 °C ± 3 °C (–20 °F ± 5 °F). After the gravel impact, tape is applied to remove anyloose paint chips remaining on the panel, and the degree of chipping is determined by visual comparison withthe SAE Chipping Rating Standards1, by counting the number and sizes of all chips, or by other methodsdeemed suitable between the contractual parties involved.Equipment and Materials
Gravelometer—A gravel projecting test apparatus which is constructed according to the design specificationsshown in Figure 1.
1.Available from Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001—Identified as EA-400.
SAE J400 Revised NOV2002
OPERATION/MAINTENANCE CHECKLIST—The operation/maintenance checklist shown in Figure 2 shall becompleted at least once a month for testers that are operated on a weekly basis and once every 6 months fortesters that are operated less frequently.
NOTE—Values in chart are specific to the standard gravel testing protocol. Different specifications may be
necessary for other media types.If the answer to any of the following questions is NO, discontinue testing until the problem has beencorrected.
SAE J400 Revised NOV2002
Gravel—The gravel for this test shall be water-worn road gravel, not crushed limestone or rock. The gravelwill pass through 15.86 mm (5/8 in) space screen when graded, but be retained on 9.53 mm (3/8 in) spacescreen. It is important to note that mesh screen is not a substitute for space screen. The gravelometer has9.53 mm (3/8 in) space screen in the bottom to separate fractured pieces of rock and dust smaller than 9.53mm (3/8 in) so that the retained gravel on this screen may be reused. Because the gravel tends to blunt orfragment after repeated impacts, it should be changed at a regular frequency. For testers that are operated ona weekly basis, 2 pints of gravel shall be replaced with fresh gravel each month. For testers that are operatedon less frequent basis, 2 pints of gravel shall be replaced with fresh gravel at least every 6 months.Gravel must be washed prior to initial use.
Other media may be used as agreed upon by contractual parties.NOTE—Pint measurements refer to a 1 pint container full to the top.4.3
Paint Removal Tape—10 cm (4 in) wide or 5 cm (2 in) wide, 3M product #898 filament strapping tape orequivalent. Other tape may be used as agreed upon by contractual parties.
NOTE—The adhesion strength of the tape use makes a significant impact on how much separated paint is
removed. 4.4
Temperature Conditioning Equipment—Gravelometer tests are usually run at ambient or a lowertemperature, generally –29 °C (–20 °F), which shall be mutually agreed upon by contractual parties. Testsconducted at different temperatures will employ the following:
METHOD A—A cold room or chamber in which the gravelometer and test panels are maintained at thespecified temperature of testing.
For freezers that employ a defrosting mechanism, document the method of defrosting and any temperaturechanges.
METHOD B—A freezer in which the test panels are cooled to 5.6 °C (10 °F) below the test temperature beforethey are individually transferred and tested immediately in a gravelometer at room temperature locatednearby.
METHOD C—Ambient: room maintained at a temperature between 20 °C (68 °F) and 30 °C (86 °F).
Transparent Grid—A chip counting aid constructed of transparent plastic approximately 3.2 mm x 12.7 cm(1/8 x 5 x 5 in), on which a 10.16 x 10.16 cm (4 x 4 in) grid of 2.54 cm (1 in) squares has been etched orscribed.
Chipping Rating Standards—A photographic transparency, depicting the size and shape of each chip. SeeFigure 3 for representation of this transparency. Figure 3 IS A REPRESENTATION ONLY.
SAE J400 Revised NOV2002
SAE J400 Revised NOV2002
Test Specimens—It is recommended that three replicates of each test specimen be exposed in thegravelometer. The number of replicates will be agreed upon between contractual parties. The test specimensare typically flat and 10.16 x 30.48 cm (4 x 12 in) in size in order to fit into the panel holder of the gravelometer.The test panel material, the panel’s thickness or gauge, and preliminary surface treatments (such asphosphating or anodizing) should be the same for all tests in any series and as representative as possible ofthe actual part. Any deviations in these parameters may produce misleading test results.
For profiled test specimens, or nonstandard test specimens, limits for uniform thickness, uniform backing, anduniform specimen holders must be determined and agreed upon by contractual parties.
Setup and ProceduresSetup
Paint or process the test panels as specified for the systems under test.
It should be noted that the chipping test results will be dependent upon the nature of the coating’sformulation, the method and degree of drying or curing of the various coats, and the film thickness involved.Uniformity of film thickness is extremely important, and each component of the system should be controlledas uniformly as possible.
The test specimens must reach the test temperature for a minimum of 15 minutes prior to testing inaccordance with the appropriate method specified in 4.5.
In the conditioning environment, proper heat transfer can be facilitated by separating the test specimens sothat the conditioned air can circulate freely about the specimen.
Fill a 0.473 L (1 pt) container to the top with grated/screened gravel.
During exposure of multiple specimens, no more than 10 pt of gravel shall be allowed to collect on the sizingscreen. Once 10 pt have collected on the screen, scrape the gravel across the screen so that the smallrocks will fall beneath the screen. Remove the gravel that remains on top of the screen from thegravelometer for re-use. Remove and discard any stones that have lodged in the screen.
Other media can be used as agreed upon by contractual parties.
Adjust air pressure on the gravelometer to 483 kPa ± 21 kPa (70 psi ± 3 psi) with the air valve open.For older cabinet type gravelometers, keep lid to gravel chamber on the gravelometer closed during thisoperation as safety precaution.
Set feed rate so that the hopper empties in 7 to 10 s/pt.
Other air pressures can be used as agreed upon by contractual parties.
SAE J400 Revised NOV2002
After the air pressure is adjusted, shut off air valve, and open the lid to the specimen chamber. Placeone test specimen conditioned at the desired test temperature in the panel holder with the coated sidefacing the gravel projecting mechanism. Mount the specimen as tightly as possible so as not to affectthe angle of the panel orientation or allow movement during the test.
The specimen holder shall have an edge-supported backer plate. Other specimen mounting fixturesmay be used as agreed upon by contractual parties.Close lid to panel chamber.
Open the gravel feed door and pour gravel from the one pint container obtained from step 5.1.3 intothe top of the gravel hopper. Do not allow gravel to fall into the nozzle entrance. Open the air valve toallow the air to project the gravel at the sample.
NOTE 1—The gravel hopper must empty within 7 to 10 s. If gravel remains in the hopper after 10 s, stop the
test and investigate the cause. The operator may not touch the gravel during the test or otherwisephysically help the gravel into the funnel.NOTE 2—It is important to note that the vibrator may become frozen when the chamber is installed in a cold
room or freezer. If the vibrator is frozen, discontinue the test until the vibrator has thawed and isoperating correctly.NOTE 3—Shut off air valve, open lid to specimen chamber, and remove the test specimen.
Pull back on the specimen mounting clamp to open the specimen holder on the specimen holderassembly.
Clamp to close the specimen holder.
Pour gravel from the one pint container obtained from step 5.1.3 into hopper.Set the Test Timer.
There are two ways to operate a test on these units. A Timed Test is a test that shuts off the machine afterthe preset amount of time has passed. A Manual Test requires the operator to shut off the machine after thedesired amount of time has passed.Timed Testa.b.c.d.
Make sure the control switch is set to STOP.
Set the Test Timer to the desired test time. This is typically < 10 s.Turn the main power switch to ON.
Flip the control switch to TIMED START. Testa.b.c.d.e.f.g.
The manual test requires the operator to manually stop the test. Once started, it will not stop by itself.Make sure the control switch is on OFF.Switch the main power control switchSwitch the control switch to MANUAL.
After the desired amount of time has passed, flip the control switch to OFF.
Once the test is complete, remove the test panel from the specimen holder by pulling back on thespecimen clamp and pulling out the test specimen.
Remove the rocks from the return receptacle and screen before reuse.
SAE J400 Revised NOV2002
If necessary, allow panels to return to room temperature and dry with a soft cloth to remove anycondensed moisture.
i.Using the tape referenced in 4.4, remove all loose or damaged paint.
j.Cover the tested area of the specimen with a strip of tape or multiple strips of tape side by side. Firmly
adhere the tape to the test specimen by applying uniform pressure. (Uniform pressure can be appliedby using items like a tongue depressor or a pencil eraser.) There can be no air bubbles trappedbeneath the tape.
k.Remove the tape by pulling straight up.
l.Apply new strip(s) of tape to the specimen and repeat the paint removal process in the opposite
m.Continue this procedure using new strips of tape until all loose or damaged paint is removed.n.Other tapes or loose paint removal methods may be used as agreed upon by contractual parties.
o.Determine the degree of chipping by one of the following methods of the Gravelometer Rating System.
Gravelometer Rating SystemMethods Available
NOTE—other methods may be employed as agreed upon between contractual parties.6.1.1
There are two methods available for determining the degree of chipping from gravel on the tested panel(other media will require other evaluation methods.) In Method I, the exact number of chips in each sizerange is tabulated for the specified test area, while Method II utilizes a visual comparison of the tested panelwith the SAE Chipping Rating Standards shown in Figure 3 which depict various degrees of chipping severityand are arranged sequentially from best to worst according to chipping size and frequency.
Method I is the most precise and should be used where definitive accuracy is required or as the refereemethod in case differences arise between laboratories; however, it is more time-consuming than the visualcomparison method.
Method II is much faster and, while more of an approximation than the first method, can be used for manyroutine laboratory evaluations where the accuracy of Method I is not required. Method II also lends itself tofield survey work where the chipped areas can be rated by direct comparison with the chipping RatingStandards.
With both methods, the chipped area to be evaluated on the tested panel should be the 10.16 x 10.16 cm(4 x 4 in) square that exhibits the center of the chipped pattern.
Basic Structure of Rating System—Generally, the basic structure of the chip rating system consists of oneor more number-letter combinations in which rating numbers 10-0 indicate the number of chips of each sizeand rating letter A-D designate the sizes of the corresponding chips. A point of failure notation may also beincluded in the rating if more descriptive refinement is desired.
NUMBER OF CHIPS—A whole rating number selected from the range of 10-0 in Table 1 is used to indicate thenumber of chips of each size in the 10.16 x 10.16 cm (4 x 4 in) test area.
Rating Number
Number of Chips
Rating Number
Number of Chips
SAE J400 Revised NOV2002
SIZE OF CHIPS—The size of the chip is specified by a rating letter selected from A-D in Table 2. Due to theirregular nature of chipping, the size cannot always be measured exactly so it has to be approximated.
Rating Letter
Size of Chips
>1 mm (>approximately 0.03 in)1–3 mm (approximately 0.03–0.12 in)3–6 mm (approximately 0.12–0.25 in)>6 mm (>approximately 0.25 in)
POINT OF FAILURE—The coating layer at which the most predominant chipping failure occurs is designated asthe point of failure. The notations in Table 3 can be used to designate this information if desired. Othernotations may be used with agreement between contractual parties.
Level of FailureSubstrate to PrimerSubstrate to Topcoat
PrimePrimer to Topcoat
Failure TypeAdhesionalAdhesionalCohesionalAdhesionalCohesional
Counting can be facilitated by the use of a transparent overlay onto which has been etched a grid of2.54cm (1 in) squares. The grid is placed over the area to be treated as a guide to remembering the areasthat have been counted.
The operator examines the area within a 2.54 x 2.54 cm (1 x 1 in) square, decides on the size of each chipas encountered, and records it. Rate all 16 squares and record the results.
The actual number of chips counted for each size is then converted into the number-letter combinationsutilizing Tables 1 and 2. The number-letter rating is then arranged with the most numerous size first,followed by the next more numerous, etc. This may then be followed by the Point of Failure notation.For example, for a panel on which there are 20 chips less than 1 mm (A size), 40 chips of 1 to 3 mm (Bsize), and 3 chips of 3 to 6 mm (C size) with primer-topcoat failure, the number of chips on the rating wouldbe 5B-6A-8C (P/T). This rating can be condensed by converting the total number of chips on the panel tothe corresponding number category, which is then followed by the size designations in the same order. Inthis example, with a total of 63 chips, the rating would be summarized as 4 BAC (P/T).
METHOD II—VISUAL COMPARISON PROCEDURE—The Chipping Rating Standards shown in Figure 3 areutilized.
These have been prepared so the chips of only 1 size are shown in each illustration. The number of chipsillustrated in each standard is the fewest number of chips in each rating number category; for example, theNo. 5 standards all show 25 chips, the No. 3 standards show 75 chips. All of the No. 8 and No. 10 categoriesand the lower number D size categories have not been included in order to keep the photographs to amanageable number.
SAE J400 Revised NOV2002
Visually compare the area to be rated with the standards.
Since each standard exhibits only one chip and actual chipping seldom occurs in only one size, one ormore standards should be superimposed until that combination of standards which more nearly resemblesthe panel is obtained. Record the standards that were used to achieve the match with the panel underexamination.
As with Method I, the most numerous chips should be listed first, the next most numerous second, etc.Again, the number-letter ratings may be summarized to give a condensed single number rating based onthe total number of chips of all sizes followed by the letter ratings to indicate the relative number of chips ofeach size.
For example, a panel requiring the superimposition of a 6A standard, a 5B standard, and an 8C standardwould be described as 5B-6A-8C (P/T) and summarized as 4 BAC (P/T).
Precision—Because of the possibility of slight variations in the number, size, type, and distribution of gravel ineach test sequence, some variation in the raw counts of chips in the various size categories will be reflected inthe data. However, when these counts are converted into the condensed rating of Method I or the rating thatcan be obtained by Method II, if the results differ by greater than one number-letter rating, they should byconsidered suspect.
Reporting of Results—Reports of the gravelometer tests shall include the number-letter rating and allapplicable test conditions that deviated from the standard as outlined. In addition, reports should include thematerial type, thickness, and any preliminary surface treatment of the test panel together with the type ofsurface coating(s), baking, or pertinent processing schedules, and the film thicknesses of finishing systembeing evaluated.Notes
Marginal Indicia—The change bar (l) located in the left margin is for the convenience of the user in locatingareas where revisions have been made to the previous issue of the report. An (R) symbol to the left of thedocument title indicates a complete revision of the report.
SAE J400 Revised NOV2002
Rationale—Editorial revisions made to add frequency of use of checklist in 4.1.1 that was unintentionally left
out of submitted document.Relationship of SAE Standard to ISO Standard—Not applicable.
Application—This SAE Recommended Practice covers a laboratory procedure for testing and evaluating the
resistance of surface coating to chipping by gravel impact. The test is designed to reproduce the effectof gravel striking exposed paint or coated surfaces of an automobile and has been correlated with actualfield results. The specific intent of the test is to evaluate organic surface coatings or systems on flat testpanels; however, it may be possible to extend this type of testing to finished parts or other types ofmaterials such as anodized aluminum or coated plastics if the results are interpreted with respect to thelimitations and intent implied by the original testing procedure and rating system.Reference Section
GMR-767—The Measurement of Chipping of Automotive Finishes, Hays, Donald R., Detroit, MI,
General Motors Laboratories, 1968
Developed by the SAE Textiles and Flexible Plastics Committee