专利名称:Voice coil speaker
发明人:Naoki Takada,Hiroyuki Tanaka,Kenji
Kono,Masayoshi Uehara
摘要:There is provided a voice coil speaker containing a bobbin having multilayervoice coils formed thereon in which the bobbin and a circuit board are properly arranged.In a voice coil speaker equipped with a bobbin having multilayer voice coils formed
thereon and a diaphragm connected to the bobbin, the bobbin and the diaphragm beingprovided in a speaker body, an audio signal processing circuit board for processing anaudio signal is disposed ahead of the diaphragm, and plural output terminals foroutputting to the multilayer voice coils are arranged in the peripheral direction of theaudio signal processing circuit board.
申请人:Naoki Takada,Hiroyuki Tanaka,Kenji Kono,Masayoshi Uehara
地址:Saitama JP,Saitama JP,Saitama JP,Saitama JP
代理机构:Posz Law Group, PLC