

2024-04-15 来源:钮旅网

1. 词汇及名词解释

In duplicate 一式二份 Base date 基准日

Agree or determine 商定或确定

The lump sum contract price 以合同价格 Advance payment 预付款

Interest-free loan 无息贷款

Amortization rate 分期摊还比率 Interim payments 期中付款

Schedule of payments 付款价格表 Instalments 分期付款

Rectification or replacement 修正或更换

Compounded monthly 复利

Statement at completion 施工报表

Written discharge 结清证明

Deliberate default 有意违约

Reckless misconduct 轻率的不当行为

Fixed rates of exchange


固定汇率 Gratuity 赏金

Commission 回扣 Balance 余额

Reasonably practicable 合理可能情况 Indemnities 保障

Outstanding work 扫尾工作 Policy 保单

Copies of the policies 保险单副本 Premium 保险费

The insuring party 应投保方

Full reinstatement 全部复原费用

Full force and effect 全面实施和有效 Typhoon 台风

Multiple periods 累计

Contract agreement 合同协议书 Tender 投标书


Performance guarantees 履约保证 Subcontractor 分包商 Dab

争端裁决委员会 Fidic

菲迪克(指国际咨询工程师联合会) Base date

基准日期(指递交投标书截止前28 天的日期)

Commencement date 开工日期

Tests on completion 竣工试验

Taking-over certificate 接收证书

“defects notification period 缺陷通知期限

Performance certificate 履约证书 Final statement 最终报表 Provisional sum 暂列金额 Retention money 保留金 Statement 报表 Goods 货物

Permanent works 永久工程 Plant


生产设备 “section 分项工程 Works 工程

Performance security 履约担保 Site 现场 Variation 变更

Mail or courier 邮寄或信差

Approval, certificates, consents and determinations 批准、证明、同意和确定 Assign 转让

Confidential 秘密

Royalty-free 免版税 Consortium 联合体

Interim payments 期中付款 Delegated 受托

Adequacy, stability and safety 完备性、稳定性和安全性 Nominated subcontractor 指定的分包商 Foreseeable 预见


Setting out 放线 Rates of wages 工资标准 Sufficiency of the contract price Recognized good practice

合同价格 Nuisance 妨害

Surface discharges and effluent 地面排水及排污 Apparatus 仪器

Visual inspection 目视检查 Outstanding 扫尾 Erection 安装

Trial operation 试运行

Commissioning 投产准备 Wreckage 残物 Fossils 化石

Review period 审核期 Rectified 修正

As-built documents 竣工文件 Operation and maintenance manuals 操作和维修手册 Dismantle 拆卸



Examine, inspect, measure 权检查、检验、测量 Rejection 拒收

Extension of time for completion 竣工时间延长 Expedite progress 加快进度 Delay damages 误期损害赔偿费 Deterioration 变质

Loss or damage 损失或损害 Outstanding work 扫尾工作

Remedying defects 修补缺陷

Performance certificate 履约证书 Quotations 报价单

Invoices, vouchers 发票、凭证 Duplicate 一式二份

The outstanding balance of the

retention money 保留金未付的余额 Addendum


附录,补遗 Undersign 文件末尾签名 Insert 插入,填写

In conformity with 依照 Bind 具有约束力 Ascertain 查明

In the capacity of 以…的资格 Affix 签署 Prescribe 规定 Construe 解释 In witness 作为证人,证据 Assignee 受让人,受托人 Specification (技术)规范 Pursuant to 按照 Allocable 可分摊的 Aggregate 总数

As appropriate 视情况而定 Appliance


用具,器具 Remedy 补救

Legal successor 合法继承人 Tender 投标,标书

Letter of acceptance 受标通知书 Tariff 关税

Multilateral 多变的 Treaty 条约

Enter into force 生效

Subscribe to 签名

Apply its rules 采用它的规定 Oversee 监督 Preoccupy 关注 Mutual 共同的 Embody 包括,体现 Liberalize 使…自由化 Cope with 应付 Implement


贯彻,实施 Perplexing 复杂的 Proliferate 激增 Impose 强加 Facet 方面

Interdependence 相互依存 Displacement 排水量 Hatch 船舱盖 Hull 船体

Break-buck ship 散货船 Hull carriage 托运架 Decker 甲板层 Strongback 强基地 Conveyor 输送设备 Roll on/off 滚装船 Knot

节(海里/小时)Congestion 拥塞 Prohibitive


禁止性的 Exorbitant 过渡的 Stilling basin 静水池 Waterfront 滨水区 Congest 拥挤 Ecology 生态学 Choke 塞满 Tideland 潮间区 Preclude 预防,排除 Dilute 稀释 Attach 系缚 Spring 倒缆 Hinder 阻止 Lay 绞 Galvanize 镀锌 Nominal 标称的,额定的 Cushioning 缓冲 Filament



Breasting dolphin 靠船墩

Berthing maneuver 靠船 Quay

实体顺岸式码头 Mooring 系泊 Warehouse 仓库 Mole 堤道码头 Tie 停泊 Lighter 驳船 Moorage 系泊处 Berth 泊位 Trestle 栈桥,高架 Fender 护舷 Contrivance 护舷 Breakwater 防波堤 Scour 淘刷 Asphalt 沥青 Crib


木笼 Caliber 质量 Rubble 抛石 Cyclopean 毛石 Header 丁头石 Pile sheet 板桩 Shaft 竖井 Dowel 销钉

Rubble mound 抛石机床 Trench 沟,地壕 Loaded draft 满载吃水 Dead weight 载重吨位 Turning basin 回转水域 Freighter 杂货船 Tug 拖轮 Capital 资本 Throughput 中转量

Navigational aids


航运设施 Remote sensing 遥感

Significant wave height 有效波高 Progressive wave 推进波 Wave crest 波顶 Wave trough 波底 Flood-tide 涨潮 Ebb-tide 落潮 Tidal range 潮差 In situ 就地 Wharf


Self-propelled hopper dredge 自航装舱耙吸式挖泥船 Trial and error 反复试验 Grapple dredge 抓斗式挖泥船 Chain bucker dredge 链式挖泥船 Hydraulic dredge 吸扬式挖泥船

Cutterhead pipeline dredge 绞吸式挖泥船 Spoil disposal aera


抛泥区 Dipper dredge 铲斗式挖泥船 Pier 突码头

Gauging station 水文站 Duly 正式的

Fluvial dynamics 河流动力学 Silt up 淤积

Revetment work 护岸工程 Bankfull stage 漫滩水位

Terminal velocity 沉降速度 At best 至多 Cofferdam 围堰 Screen 格栅 Embankment 填土堤坝,路基 Tendon 钢筋束 Post-tensioned 后张法 Abutment 支座 Crack



Anchorage 锚固 Pre-tensioned 先张的 Viscosity 粘滞性,粘度 Floodplain 滩涂 Chlorine 氯



2. 关键时间点


1. Progress Reports shall be submitted monthly thereafter, each within

7 days after the last day of the period to which it relates. 以后应每月报告一次,在每次报告期最后一天后7 日内报出。

2. the Employer shall give the Contractor not less than 7 days’ notice

of the Commencement Date

雇主应在不少于7 天前向承包商发出开工日期的通知。

3. The termination shall take effect 7 days after the notice is given

终止应在该通知发出7 天后生效(不可抗力造成工程持续受阻84天或断续受阻累积140天)。 14天

1. Employer shall give the Contractor not less than 14 days’ notice of the replacement’s name, address,duties and authority, and of the date of appointment.

如果雇主希望替换任何已任命的雇主代表,应在不少于14 天前将替换人的姓名、地址、任务和权力、以及任命的日期通知承包商。

2. Each Party shall give effect to each agreement or determination, unless the Contractor gives notice, to the Employer, of his dissatisfaction with a determination within 14 days of receiving it.

除非承包商在收到通知14 天内向雇主发出通知,对某项确定表示不满。 3. Tests on Completion shall be carried out within 14 days after this date

竣工试验应在此通知(承包商提前21天将其实施竣工试验告知业主)日期后的14 天内,

4. The Contractor may apply by notice to the Employer for a Taking-Over Certificate not earlier than 14 days before the Works will, in the Contractor’s opinion, be complete and ready for taking over. 承包商可在他认为工程将竣工并做好接收准备的日期前不少于14 天,向雇主发出申请接收证书的通知。

5. If the Contractor is prevented, for more than 14 days, from carrying out the Tests on Completion by a

cause for which the Employer is responsible, the Contractor shall carry out the Tests on Completion as soon as practicable.

如果由雇主应负责的原因妨碍承包商进行竣工试验达14 天以上,承包商应




6. In any of these events or circumstances, the Employer may, upon giving 14 days’ notice to the Contractor, terminate the Contract and expel the Contractor from the Site. However, in the case of sub-paragraph (e) or (f), the Employer may by notice terminate the Contract immediately

在出现任何上述事件或情况时,雇主可提前14 天向承包商发出通知,终止合同,并要求其离开现场(业主终止合同15.2,同样适用承包商终止合同)。 7. The notice shall be given within 14 days after the Party became aware, or should have become aware, of the relevant event or circumstance constituting Force Majeure,

此项通知(不可抗逆造成履行义务受阻)应在该方察觉或应已察觉到构成不可抗力的有关事件或情况后14 天内发出。 21天

1. The Employer shall return the Performance Security to the Contractor within 21 days after the Contractor has become entitled to receive the Performance Certificate.

雇主应在承包商有权获得履约证书后21 天内,将履约担保退还承包商。 2. the Contractor shall give the Employer not less than 21 days’ notice of the date on which any Plant or a major item of other Goods will be delivered to the Site

承包商应在不少于21 天前,将任何工程设备或每项其他主要货物将运到现场的日期,通知雇主。

3. Unless otherwise stated in the Employer’s Requirements, each review period shall not exceed 21 days,

除非雇主要求中另有说明,每项审核期不应超过21 天(承包商文件的审核)。 4. Unless the Employer, within 21 days receiving a programme, gives notice to the Contractor stating the extent to which it does not comply with the Contract, the Contractor shall proceed in accordance with the programme, subject to his other obligations under the Contract. 除非雇主在收到进度计划后21 天内向承包商发出通知,指出其中不符合合同要求的部分,承包商即按照该进度计划,并遵守合同规定的其它义务,进行工作。

5. The Contractor shall give to the Employer not less than 21 days’ notice of the date after which the Contractor will be ready to carry out each



of the Tests on Completion.

承包商应提前21 天将他可以进行每项竣工试验的日期通知雇主。

6. If the Tests on Completion are being unduly delayed by the Contractor, the Employer may by notice require the Contractor to carry out the Tests within 21 days after receiving the notice

如果雇主不当地延误竣工试验,雇主可通知承包商,要求在接到通知后21 天内进行竣工试验

7. If the Contractor fails to carry out the Tests on Completion within the period of 21 days, the Employer’s Personnel may proceed with the Tests at the risk and cost of the Contractor.

如果承包商未在规定的21天内进行竣工试验,雇主人员可自行进行这些试验。 8. The Employer shall give to the Contractor 21 days’ notice of the date after which the Tests after Completion will be carried out. 雇主应提前21 天将开始进行竣工后试验的日期通知承包商。

9. the first instalment of the advance payment within 42 days after the date on which the Contract came into full force and effect or within 21days after the Employer receives the documents in accordance with Sub-Clause 14.2 [Advance Payment], whichever is later;

在合同开始实施和生效日期后42 天,或雇主收到按照第4.2 款[履约担保]和第14.2 款[预付款]规定提出的文件后21 天,二者中较晚的日期内支付首期预付款。

10. after giving not less than 21 days’ notice to the Employer, 如果雇主未能遵守第2.4 款[雇主的资金安排]或第14.7 款[付款的时间安排]的规定,承包商可在不少于21 天前通知雇主,暂停工作。 24小时

1. The Employer shall give the Contractor not less than 24 hours’ notice of the Employer’s intention to attend the tests. 雇主应至少提前24 小时将参加试验的意图通知承包商。 28天

1. “Base Date” means the date 28 days prior to the latest date for submission of the Tender.

“基准日期”系指递交投标书截止前28 天的日期。

2. The Employer shall submit, within 28 days after receiving any request from the Contractor, reasonable evidence that financial arrangements



雇主在应在收到承包商的任何要求28 天内,提出其已做并将维持的资金安排的合理证明。

3. The Contractor shall deliver the Performance Security to the Employer within 28 days after both Parties have signed the Contract Agreement. 承包商应在双方签署合同协议书后28 天内,将履约担保交给雇主。 4. Where specified in the Particular Conditions, the Contractor shall give the Employer not less than 28 days’ notice of:

对专用条件中有规定的,承包商应在不少于28 天前向雇主通知以下事项: 5. The Contractor shall submit a time programme to the Employer within 28 days after the Commencement Date.

承包商应在开工日期后28 天内,向雇主提交一份进度计划。

6. If the Employer does not give permission within 28 days after being requested to do so, the Contractor may, by giving notice to the Employer, treat the suspension as an omission under Clause 13

如在提出这一要求(申请施工)后28 天内, 雇主没有给出许可, 承包商可以通知雇主, 将工程受暂停影响的部分视为根据第13 条[变更和调整] 规定的删减项目

7. The Employer shall, within 28 days after receiving the Contractor’s application

雇主在收到承包商申请通知后28 天内响应。

8. The requirement shall be made by notice within 28 days after the defect or damage is remedied.

这一要求(进一步试验)应在缺陷或损害修补后28 天内发出通知提出。 9. The Employer shall issue the Performance Certificate within 28 days after the latest of the expiry dates of the Defects Notification Periods

履约证书应由雇主在最后一个缺陷通知期限期满后28 天内颁发。

10. If all these items have not been removed within 28 days after the Employer issues the Performance Certificate, the Employer may sell or otherwise dispose of any remaining items.

如果所有这些物品,在雇主颁发履约证书后28 天内,尚未被运走,雇主可出售或另行处理任何这些剩余物品。

11. If the terms of the guarantee specify its expiry date, and the advance payment has not been repaid by the date 28 days prior to the expiry date, the Contractor shall extend the validity of the guarantee until



the advance payment has been repaid.

如果该保函条款中规定了期满日期, 而在期满日期前28 天预付款尚未还清时, 承包商应将该保函有效期延至预付款还清为止。

12. Thereafter, the Employer shall within 28 days after receiving a Statement and supporting documents, give to the Contractor notice of any items in the Statement with which the Employer disagrees, with supporting particulars.

雇主应在收到有关报表和证明文件后28 天内, 向承包商发出关于报表中雇主不同意的任何项目的通知, 并附细节说明。

13. The termination shall take effect 28 days after the later of the dates on which the Contractor receives this notice or the Employer returns the Performance Security.

此项终止应在承包商收到该通知或雇主退回的履约担保两者中较晚的日期后第28 日生效。

14. Whenever a Party does not give notice to the other Party of any claim within 28 days of receiving the claim, the first Party shall be deemed to have waived any right to indemnity under this Sub-Clause. 当一方未能在收到任何索赔28 天内,向另一方发出关于索赔的通知时,该方应被认为已放弃根据本条款规定的任何受保障的权利。

15. The notice shall be given as soon as practicable, and not later than 28 days after the Contractor became aware, or should have become aware, of the event or circumstance.

该通知(索赔)应尽快在承包商察觉或应已察觉该事件或情况后28 天内发出(索赔影响后28天或业主约定的时间递交索赔报告)。 42天

1. failure by the Contractor to remedy a default within 42 days after receiving the Employer’s notice requiring the default to be remedied 承包商未能在收到雇主要求纠正违约的通知后42 天内进行纠正。

2. the Commencement Date shall be within 42 days after the date on which the Contract comes into full force and effect under Sub-Clause 1.6 开工日期应在第1.6 款[合同协议书]规定的合同全面实施和生效日期后42 天内。

3. The first estimate shall be submitted within 42 days after the Commencement Date

第一次估算应在开工日期后42 天内提交(针对合同中没有支付计划表的情




4. the final amount due, within 42 days after receiving the Final Statement and written discharge in accordance with Sub-Clause 14.11 [Application for Final Payment] and Sub-Clause 14.12 [Discharge]. 在收到按照第14.11 款[最终付款的申请]和第14.12 款[结清证明]的规定提出的最终报表和书面结清证明42 天内,支付应付的最终款额。

5. the Contractor does not receive the reasonable evidence within 42 days after giving notice under Sub-Clause 16.1

承包商在根据第16.1 款[承包商暂停工作的权利]的规定,就未能遵照第2.4 款[雇主的资金安排]规定的事项发出通知后42 天内,承包商仍未收到合理的证明,承包商有权终止合同(同样适用于到规定付款42天后应付款为到位的情况)。

6. Within 42 days after receiving a claim or any further particulars supporting a previous claim, or within such other period as may be proposed by the Employer and approved by the Contractor, the Employer shall respond with approval, or with disapproval and detailed comments.

雇主在收到索赔报告或对过去索赔的任何进一步证明资料后42 天内,或在雇主可能建议并经承包商认可的其他期限内,做出回应,表示批准,或不批准并附具体意见。 56天

1. the amount which is due in respect of each Statement, other than the Final Statement, within 56 days after receiving the Statement and supporting documents

在收到有关报表和证明文件后56 天内,最终报表除外,支付每期报表的应付款额。

2. Within 56 days after receiving the Performance Certificate, the Contractor shall submit, to the Employer, six copies of a draft final statement with supporting documents showing in detail in a form approved by the Employer:

在收到履约证书后56 天内,承包商应按照雇主批准的格式,向雇主递交最终报表草案,并附证明文件,一式六份,详细列出。 84天

1. If the suspension under Sub-Clause 8.8 [Suspension of Work] has



continued for more than 84 days, the Contractor may request the Employer’s permission to proceed.

如果第8.8 款[暂时停工]所述的暂停已持续84 天以上,承包商可以要求雇主允许继续施工。

2. Within 84 days after receiving the Taking-Over Certificate for the Works, the Contractor shall submit to the Employer six copies of a Statement at completion with supporting documents

在收到工程接收证书后84 天内,承包商应按照第14.3 款[期中付款的申请]的要求,向雇主递交竣工报表。

3. If the execution of substantially all the Works in progress is prevented for a continuous period of 84 days by reason of Force Majeure of which notice has been given under Sub-Clause 19.2[Notice of Force Majeure], or for multiple periods which total more than 140 days due to the same notified Force Majeure

如果因已根据第19.2 款[不可抗力的通知]的规定发出通知的不可抗力,使基本上全部进展中的工程实施受到阻碍已连续84 天,或由于同一通知的不可抗力断续阻碍几个期间累计140 天,任一方可以向他方出终止合同的通知。

