一: NX 8 CAST Library
日期:2011 10
1、UG NX 8.0 CAST更新内容 :
Advanced Visualization Tools courses 先进的可视化工具课程 : Materials and Textures 材质和纹理 Lighting 灯光
Visual Effects 视觉效果
Showroom Environments 当场景环境
High Quality Image Animation 高品质图像动画 WAVE Engineering courses WAVE工程课程:
WAVE Overview and Interpart Modeling WAVE概述和部件建模 WAVE Systems Engineering WAVE系统工程 WAVE Project WAVE项目
Die Engineering courses 模具工程课程:
Getting Started with Die Engineering 导读和模具工程
Die Engineering Layout and Processing 模具工程设计加工
Die Engineering Analysis and Checking Tools 模具工程分析和校验工程 Routing Mechanical courses 机械管路设计课程 Routing – Linear Paths 管路轨迹
Routings with Heal Path 管线设计修复 Routings with Stock管线设计 Routings with Parts 管线设计
Routings with Assembly Components管线设计和组装 Routing – Adding Parts管线设计 Routing – Qualifying Parts管线设计
Routing Systems Diagramming 管线系统图 Routing – Runs and Spools 管线的走向与卷曲 Check-Mate检查验证 Simulation 仿真
Design Simulation courses 设计模拟课程 NX Open for CAE 打开NX的CAE 2、安装方法:
UG NX8.0的 CAST安装到比较简单,加压出来的文件大小约为2.77GB。打开文件双击文件“AutoPlay.exe”文件:
安装时会进入到安装装类型选择界面: 分为: (1)、Default 典型安装
对于大多数用户来说都可选择典型安装,将会安装所有内容 (2)、Custom 自定义安装
通过这个选项可以使你有选择的安装其中对自己有用的部分 (3)、Network/WebAccess 网络安装
你需要知道CAST源文件在网络某处的位置或网页源文件(网络服务器的连接地址或系统路径) 安装完成后单击开始菜单找到UG NX8.0:
二: In this lesson, you will:(在本节课中,您将学到)
Open, close, and save part files.(打开、关闭以及保存部件的操作) Use Roles.(使用角色)
Create new part files.(新建部件)
Explore the NX user interface.(了解NX的用户界面) End the NX session.(退出NX) 1.1 NX Overview (NX预览)
In this part of the lesson, you will:(在这节课中,您将学到) Identify the various NX applications.(认识不同的NX模块)
Explore components of the NX main window.(了解NX的主要窗口) Open, close, and reopen selected parts.(打开、关闭和重新打开部件) Change the displayed part.(切换窗口)
1.1.1 Gateway application(基本环境模块)
Tools in NX are grouped into a series of applications that support different major workflows, including creating geometry,
building an assembly, or producing a drawing.(根据不同的工作需求,NX由一系列不同的模块,例如:创建几何体、构造装配体和生成工程图等模块)
When you first start NX, you will start in the Gateway
In the Gateway application, you can:(在这个模块中,你可以) Create a new part.(创建部件) Open files.(打开文件)
Select applications.(选择应用模块)
View the contents of files.(查看部件文件)
Use simple analysis tools, like measuring distance.(使用一些简单的分析工具,例如测量部件的距离)
Gateway allows you to review existing parts. You must start another application, such as Modeling, to create or edit objects within a part.
(基本环境模块只允许你查看部件。如果你想编辑部件,则需要打开其他的应用模块,例如:建模模块。) 1.1.2 NX applications(NX应用模块)
NX functions are divided into applications of common capabilities:(NX常用模块:)
Gateway lets you open part files and do some basic manipulations. (基本环境模块,可以让你打开部件或者做一些基本操作)
Modeling lets you create solid models, surfaces and curves. (建模模块,可以让你创建实体模型、曲面或者曲线)
Drafting lets you create drawings of solids. You can also utilize surface and curve options. (制图模块,可以让你创建实体的二维工程图。你也可以创建曲面或者曲线。)
Assemblies lets you assemble individual solid models, surfaces and curves into a large representation.
(装配模块,可以让你将单个的实体、曲面和曲线模型组装成为一个大的装配体) Manufacturing lets you create the programs for NC machines to cut out solids, surfaces and curves.
The Start menu, located on the Standard toolbar, provides direct access to all of the NX applications.
开始菜单“start”,位于标准工具栏(standard toolbar)上,从这里我们可以直接进入我们需要的NX模块
Foundation applications are listed at the top-level, while more advanced applications can be found under the All Applications cascade.
在开始菜单下列出了NX的几个常用的模块,我们也可以选择所有的应用模块(All Applications)来查看更多的NX模块。
Your specific list of available applications may differ depending on the licenses that you have purchased. (根据您的NX许可证,这里显示的图片可能与您的NX稍微不同) This course covers the basic Gateway functions. 本节课程包含了基本环境模块。
1.1.3 The NX main window NX界面
The figure below shows the basic components of the NX main window. NX的界面有以下几部分组成,如下图所示:
NumberComponent((组成) 序号) Description(描述) 1 Title bar(标题栏) Displays the following information for the current part file: 显示当前部件的如下信息: The name of the displayed part (部件名称) The name of the current application(当前模块的名称) Whether the work part is read only (部件是否为‘只读’) Whether the work part has been modified since it was last saved 部件修改以后是否保存 2 The horizontal menu of commands displayed at the top of the main window directly below the title bar. These commands are called menu titles and each Menu Barcorresponds to an NX functional category. Each menu title provides access to (菜单栏) a menu of commands based on the current application. 菜单栏位于标题栏的下方。每个菜单标题下面都对应着相应的命令。我们可以通过菜单标题使用当前模块下的命令。 Toolbar area(工具栏区) Graphics window(绘图窗口) Resource bar(资源条) Cue line(提示行) The sequence of buttons below the menu bar. Click a button to activate a standard NX menu item. 菜单栏下方依次排列的图标称为工具栏。单击这些图标就可以激活NX命令。 The Graphics Window is where parts are created, displayed, and modified. 绘图区是创建、显示、修改部件的区域。 Combines a number of pages in one place. Commonly used tools on the Resource bar include the Part Navigator and the Assembly Navigator. 由一系列的页面组成。这里最常用的资源条为:部件导航器和装配导航器 Displays prompt messages about expected input for the current option. These messages indicate the next action you need to take. 提示你如何进行的下一步操作。 3 4 5 6 7 Located to the right of the Cue area, displays messages about the current Status lineoption or the most recently completed function. (状态行) 显示当前操作步骤的信息。
1.1.4 Open and Close parts 打开和关闭部件
The Open dialog box is used to open part files. ‘打开部件’对话框用来打开部件
The Look in field will display the name of the current directory. All files and folders in that directory will display in the list below Look in.
Use Preview to view the part before opening it. This is useful when you are unsure of the exact name of the part you are looking for.
Close parts 关闭部件
When you close a part, it clears the part from working memory without saving any changes that may have made to it. 关闭部件以后,NX就会从系统中清除该部件的信息。(此句话无实际意义,翻译着别扭) You can close specific parts while leaving other parts loaded. 当打开多个部件时,你可以指定要关闭的部件。
When you choose Close from the File menu a sub-menu expands, displaying the different ways parts can be closed. 在菜单栏标题‘文件’下,选择关闭,就可以查看关闭部件的几种方法。如下图所示:
The top two commands on the cascade menu will let you close only those parts you select, or close all parts that are loaded. 前两个命令是让你‘关闭选定的部件’或‘关闭所有部件’ 1.1.5 Reopen parts 重新打开部件
The system maintains a list of up to eight recently opened parts. This list is maintained even after a NX session is closed. NX可以记录最近打开过的8个部件。退出NX后,再次打开NX,仍然可以找到最近打开8个部件的记录。 Two ways to quickly access and reopen recent parts include: 我们可以通过以下两种方法来打开最近打开过的部件: The File menu 文件菜单栏
The History Palette
1.1.6 Activity: Open, close, and reopen parts 练习:打开、关闭和重打开部件
In this activity you will open, close and reopen parts.在这个练习中,你将打开、关闭和重打开部件:
Activity: 练习:
Open the part. 打开部件
On the menu bar click the File command. 在菜单栏上选择‘文件’命令
The File menu is displayed; this lists various commands for working with files. ‘文件’菜单栏下拉列表弹出,列出了相应的命令选项。 Choose the directory. 选择部件存储路径
On the File menu, click Open. 选择‘打开’命令
The Open dialog box appears. ‘打开’文件的对话框弹出。
If the \"parts\" directory is not displayed in Look in, click the arrow to the right of the field.
如果当前目录不是我们需要的,可以单击下图所示的箭头查找文件目录(与windows XP操作一样)
All of the available directories display. 所有目录列出。
Choose the parts directory. 选择‘parts’目录 (所有cast 配套练习文件请另行下载,下载地址:) Double-click the basics directory (folder). 双击打开‘basics’文件夹
All of the part files in this directory are now displayed in the list. 现在,该文件夹下的所有部件全部列出。 The Preview window. 预览窗口
In the Open dialog box verify that Preview is selected. 在‘打开’部件的对话框中确认一下‘预览’选项是否已选择。
In the list of parts select intro. 选择部件‘intro’
The image of the part appears in the preview window. 此时,我们就可以在右侧预览窗口查看该部件的图片
Click OK on the Open dialog box.
Click OK on the Open warning if it appears. 如果出现警告对话框,单击‘确定’
Start the Modeling application. 启动建模模块 On the Standard toolbar, click Start. 在‘标准’工具栏上,单击‘开始’
Choose Modeling. 选择‘建模’模块
The title bar of the NX window confirms that you are now in the Modeling application. 通过NX的标题栏,我们可以确认一下,当前模块是否为建模模块。 Close the part. 关闭部件
Choose File→Close→Selected Parts. 选择 文件-- 关闭 -- 选定的部件
The Close Part dialog box is displayed, which lists all parts that are open in the current session. ‘关闭部件’对话框弹出,它列出了已打开的所有部件 Select the intro part from the list. 从列表中选择部件‘into’ Click OK. 确定
The Close File message may appear. If it does, you will not save any changes.
Click No – Close. 单击 否- 关闭
The File menu can be used to open recent parts. ‘文件’菜单还可以用来打开最近打开的部件 Choose File→Recently Opened Parts. 选择 文件--最近打开的部件
The Recently Opened Parts cascade menu is displayed. It includes the entire path for each recent part file. 最近打开部件的层叠式菜单列出了最近打开过的部件及相应的存储目录 Select intro from the list. 从列表中选择‘intro’ The part appears in the graphics window. 打开了部件。 Close all parts. 关闭所有部件。 五:
1.1.7 Change the displayed part 更改窗口部件显示
You can open, or load, more than one part at any time and work on several parts concurrently. 你可以同时打开或者加载多个部件。 There are two identifiers for loaded parts: 已加载的部件,有两种状态:
Displayed: The part is displayed in the graphics window. 显示的:在窗口显示的部件
Work: The part is accessible for creation and editing operations. 工作的:已打开的部件,但是没有在窗口显示出来
Control which part is displayed in the graphics window by clicking Window on the menu bar. This displays a list of up to ten recently displayed parts. Select from the list to display a part.
我们可以通过菜单栏中的‘窗口’,来选择要显示的部件。‘窗口’最多可以列出打开的10个部件。 1.1.8 练习
First you will open two parts. 首先,打开两个部件
Open wcs. 打开部件‘wcs’
Open intro. 打开‘intro’
Access the Window menu. 进入窗口菜单
On the menu bar click Window. 在菜单栏上单击‘窗口’
The Window menu displays the names of all opened parts. 窗口菜单栏列出了已经打开的部件。 Note that intro.prt is the currently displayed part, thus it is denoted with a checkmark. 注意,intro.prt 是当前显示的部件,因此在它的前面有一个对勾标记。 Click wcs.prt. 单击 wcs.prt
The wcs part is displayed, it is now the active work part. 部件wcs显示出来。 Close all parts. 关闭所有部件 六:
1.2.1 Roles 角色的概念
NX runs a streamlined user interface based on users' experience level, industry, or company specific criteria. This streamlined user interface is called a Role.
Use Roles to simplify the NX user interface so that only the tools necessary for each of the main tasks appear. 使用角色可以简化NX的用户界面,因此该界面可以仅保留你当前任务所需要的命令。
When you first start NX you are, by default, in the Essentials (Recommended) Role . The Essentials roles contain a basic set of functionality that best suits a novice or occasional user.
The Advanced roles provide more access to toolbars. 高级角色可以使用更多的工具栏(命令)
1.2.2 Load a role 加载角色
Open the part and access the Roles pane. 打开一个部件,然后进入角色控制面板 Open intro. 打开 intro On the Resource bar, click the Roles tab
. 在资源条中,单击角色选项卡
Notice that the Essentials (Recommended) role uses large labelled buttons. 注意,基本角色(推荐的)使用的是最大的图标。
Note: 注意:
If you have previously started NX 6, your session will be started in the role that you were last in. 如果你先前打开过NX6,那么你的NX当前使用的角色为上一次使用的角色。 Pin
the Roles pane. 选择角色面板左上方的销钉按钮(单击此按钮,观察下此按钮的用法)
In the Roles pane click System Defaults to display the list of default roles. 在角色面板中,单击‘系统默认的’,列出系统默认的角色。
Load different roles. 加载不同的角色 Select the Advanced role. 选择高级角色 Click the Advanced
role. 选择高级角色图标
Notice that Advanced roles use smaller buttons and their names are available as tool tips. 注意,高级角色使用的是比较小的命令按钮(图标命令已隐藏),当你把鼠标移动到命令按钮上方时,系统就会自动提示显示出该命令的名称,如下图所示:
You will use the Essentials with full menus role to complete this course. 下面,我们使用完整角色功能的菜单,来完成本节课 Click the Essentials with full menus
role. 选择具有完整菜单功能的角色
Unpin the Roles pane. 单击下销钉(松开角色面板) Close all parts. 关闭所有部件
1.2.3 Create custom user roles 创建个性化角色
Once you become more familiar with NX, you may find that customizing and creating your own set of roles will better suit your needs.
Create user-defined roles using the Roles palette in the Resource bar. Simply right-click and select New User Role. 通过资源条的角色面板来创建角色。在角色面板上单击鼠标右键-选择创建新的角色(New User Role)
When the “New User Role” option is selected, the Role Properties dialog box is displayed. 选择新建用户角色以后,角色的属性对话框就会弹出。
Name of the .mtx file as stored 用于储存‘.mtx’文件的名称
Name of Role as referenced in your NX interface NX界面中用作参考的角色名称
Choose a graphic to represent your Role.
选择一个图标用来描述角色(角色的命令图标) Provide a description of the role. 角色的描述
Window showing application(s) referenced in Role. 列出可以使用该角色的模块名称
Structures Role; Current Only is used to capture a customized interface. 构造角色;仅当前的用于捕捉当前应用模块的自定义的用户界面 Save Dialog Memory. 保存对话框记忆
This dialog box automates the creation of a customized *.mtx file which can inherit the current state of the user interface. 这个对话框可以自动创建角色文件---依据当前应用模块界面的角色文件。(就是将当前自定义的界面,保存为角色) Note: 注意
Since the New User Role will inherit the current state of the user interface, it is important to set up the toolbars, buttons, and interface as desired prior to creating the role.
因为新建角色是基于当前应用模块的界面创建的,所以在创建角色之前,一定要自定义好NX的界面。 八:
1.2.4 Load customization from a previous release 加载先前版本的角色
If you used an earlier version of NX, your previous layout is listed in the Last Release folder in the Roles palette. You can load your customization from the previous release to the current release.
To do this, access the Customize dialog box. (Tools→Customize→Roles tab). Click the “Load” button and select the desired *.mtx file.
进入自定义对话框(工具---定制----角色选项卡)。单击加载按钮,选择角色文件(扩展名为“ *.mtx ”)
1.3.1 Templates 模板
When creating a new part file you can first select a template. Templates contain preset preferences and data objects. A part created from a template will have a copy of all the objects in the template part, and it will inherit all of its settings.
Use the tabs at the top of the New dialog box to select your desired set of template files (Model, Drawing, Simulation, or Manufacturing). Model Drawing Simulation Manufacturing These templates have different contents and start one of several applications. These templates start the Drafting application; some use the Master Model concept and create an assembly part file for the drawing. These templates start either the Simulation or FEM application. These templates help you create CAM Express setups, a general setup, or a blank.
NX generates a default name and location for the new file based on customer default settings for each template type. If you do not want to use the default name and location, you can change them before you begin work on the part, or you can do so when you save the part for the first time
When a part is created from a template NX will start the appropriate application based on the selected template. Note:
To create your own template refer to the NX 6 Help Library for more information on this. 1.3.2 Save options
When you make a change to a part, the word \"Modified\" appears in the title bar to indicate that changes have been made to the part, yet the original has not been saved over.
After a part is saved, the Status line will say \"Part file saved\File→Save As allows you to save the current part under a different name and/or in a different directory. When you select Save As, a file selection dialog box asks for the new name and location.
The name and location must be unique within the current directory. If you specify a name that already exists, an error message will display. Note:
Use File→Save All to save all open (loaded) parts. 十:
1.3.3 Create a new part from a template and save it 从模板创建一个新的部件和保存部件
Create a new part from a template. 从模板创建一个新的部件 On the Standard toolbar click New
. 在标准工具栏上选择 新建
The New dialog box is displayed. Use the tabs at the top of the dialog box to select your desired set of template files.
新建文件的对话框弹出,我们可以通过对话框顶部的选项卡选择想要的模板类型 Click the Model tab. 选择 模型 选项卡
The Template list shows all the available template files for the Model tab and the selected unit of measurement. 在模型选项卡下列出了当前可用的的模板以及模板单位 Select Model. 选择 模型
Define the properties of the new part. 定义新部件的属性
Define the type of units you want - Millimeters or Inches. In this case you will create a part in Millimeters. 选择你想要的单位类型-毫米或者英寸。在这个例子中我们选择,毫米。 Verify that Units is set to Millimeters. 确认一下,单位是否选择的是毫米。
Change the name of the part. 更改部件的名称。
In the New File Name group, double-click in the Name box to focus it. 在“新文件名”对话框中,双击“名称” Type your last name (use lower case letters but NO spaces).
输入您的“姓”(使用小写字母,但是不要有空格) 编者注:UG不支持中文字符,所以这里大家要输入英文名称 The system will automatically add the .prt extension after you type the part name. NX将会自动添加文件的扩展名“.prt”
Change the directory where this new file will be placed when saved.
选择文件存储的目录 编者注:UG不支持中文字符,所以这里大家要选择一个没有中文字符的目录 Click Open
next to the Folder box. 选择“打开
” 然后选择 “文件夹”
The Choose Directory dialog box opens. 选择文件目录。。
Navigate to the basics directory and click OK on the Choose Directory dialog box. 选择存储路径,然后确定 Click OK on the New dialog box. 确定
The new part is created but not saved. 部件已新建,但还未保存。
The part with your last name is now the Displayed Part. Notice the name you gave to the part is displayed in the title bar. 注意观察下标题栏。
Save the part. 保存部件。 Tip: 提示:
Remember, you may be working in a read-only directory, so you may not be able to save any parts. 注意,也许你的文件目录是一个‘只读’的,因此你可能不能保存任何部件。 Click File→Save. 选择 文件---保存。
If you are working in a read-only protected directory, you will receive a \"Save Warning\" message. 如果你存储的文件目录是‘只读’的,那么系统将会提示你“保存警告” Click OK on the Save Warning, if necessary. 如果需要,选择‘确定’,关闭该对话框 Perform a save as. 练习一下另存为
Click File→Save As. 选择 文件---另存为
The Save As dialog box is displayed. ‘另存为’对话框弹出
Save this part under a new name 重新输入一个新的名字,保存。
Type the new name into the File name box, then click OK. 在新文件名输入框中键入先的名称,确定。 Note:注意:
Saving a file under a new name does not replace the original. 另保存的文件不会替换原来的文件。
Cancel the Save As dialog box. 取消另存为对话框
Close all parts. 关闭所有部件
十一:1.4 Exit NX 退出NX
In this part of the lesson, you will: 在这节课中,你将学到:
Review the different exit and close commands. 复习一下不同的退出及关闭命令 1.4.1 Exit and Close 退出和关闭
Both File→Exit and File→Close enable you to immediately save modified files. The following tables list the options available in the Exit and in the Close dialog boxes when you do not first select a specific save operation.
文件-退出和文件-关闭都可以让你快速的保存做过的修改。下表列出了退出与关闭对话框的一些信息: Exit dialog box ‘ 退出’对话框 Button 按钮 Action 作用 Yes – Save and Exit 是- Saves modified files and exits NX. 保存修改的部件和退出NX 保存和退出 No – Exit 否--退出 Cancel 取消
Close dialog box 关闭对话框 Button 按钮 Action 作用 Yes – Save and Close 是- Saves modified files and closes them. 保存修改的文件和关闭它们 保存和关闭 No – Close 否--关闭 Cancel 取消 Closes the files without saving any changes. 不保存修改的文件 Revokes the Close command. 撤销关闭命令 Exits NX without saving any changes to the files. 不保存部件和退出NX Revokes the Exit command. 撤销退出命令
Ending the NX session 退出NX
To end an NX session: 我们可以通过以下两种方法来关闭NX
Close all of the part files (saving or not saving them as required). 关闭所有的部件文件(根据要求保存或不保存) Choose File→Exit. 选择 文件--退出 Note: 注意:
If you intend to continue to the next activity you should not end your NX session. 如果你想继续学习下一节课,则不需要退出NX.
1.5 The NX user interface(NX用户界面)
In this part of the lesson, you will: 在这节课中你将学到: Recognize the title bar. 深入了解标题栏
Use the Cue line and Status line. 使用提示栏和状态栏 Use and customize toolbars. 使用和自定义工具栏 Use and customize menus. 使用和自定义菜单栏 Access the View Popup menu 使用右键弹出菜单 Work in full screen display mode 全屏工作模式 Use and customize dialog boxes. 使用和定制对话框
Change Rendering Styles and color settings. 更改渲染模式和颜色设置 The title bar 标题栏
The title bar of the main NX window indicates the release of NX you are working in as well as the name of the active
application (in the case of the graphic below, the Modeling application is open.) NX的标题栏标明了NX的版本及当前工作的模块名称,如下图所示:
If the graphics window is open but not maximized, the name of the opened part appears in the title bar of the graphics area. 如果绘图窗口没有最大化显示,则标题栏显示的位置如下图所示:
The words \"Read Only\" tell you that this part cannot be saved with its current name. If you did make any changes to this part, you would need to rename it before you could save it.
“只读”的意思是告诉我们,当前打开的部件不可以保存。 如果你想保存这个部件,则需要使用另保存命令。
The Resource bar 资源条
The Resource bar is the set of tabs located along the edge of the NX window. 资源条位于NX窗口的左边。
The location of the Resource bar, as well as the tabs displayed on the bar, may vary depending on your specific configuration. 资源条的位置及其显示的选项,都取决于你的设置。
The Resource bar can be configured to display to the left or the right of the NX window. It can also be a standalone toolbar. 资源条可以位于窗口的左边或者右边。它也可以做为一个独立的工具栏来使用。
The Resource bar is divided into three main categories: 资源条由三部分组成: Navigators 导航器
Integrated Browser Window (Windows only) 内置浏览器(仅Windows 用户适用) Palettes 面板
Activity: Change the display of the Resource bar 练习: 更改资源条的位置
In this activity you will change the display of the Resource bar. 在这个练习中我们将尝试更改资源条的显示位置:
Change the display of the Resource bar 更改资源条的位置
Open the part and change the User Interface Preferences. 打开部件,更改一些用户界面设置 Open the Color part. 打开 Color 部件
On the menu bar choose Preferences→User Interface. 在菜单栏上选择 首选项--用户界面 The User Interface Preferences dialog box appears. 用户界面对话框弹出 Click the Layout tab. 单击 排样(布局) 选项卡
View the Resource bar as a floating toolbar. 注意观察下浮动的工具栏
In the Resource Bar group, select As Toolbar in the Display Resource Bar list and click OK. 在资源条选项中,选择“如工具栏‘,确定。
The Resource bar floats in the graphics window as a standalone toolbar. 资源条做为一个单独的工具栏,如下图所示:
Use the same process to return the Resource bar back to its original position. 使用相同的方法,使资源条返回原始位置。 Close the part. 关闭部件
Resource bar – navigators 资源条---导航器
The Resource bar provides access to two standard navigators from the Gateway application. 在基本环境模块中,NX提供了两种标准的导航器: Assembly Navigator 装配导航器 Part Navigator 部件导航器
These navigators provide graphical representations of the displayed part. They also offer an easy way to manipulate and edit data.
Depending on the application that you are running, you may have access to additional Navigators that are specific to those applications.
不同的模块,会有不同的导航器。 Note: 注意:
The Part Navigator is available from all NX applications. Feature editing operations can only be performed in the Modeling application.
Resource bar – integrated web browsers [Windows platform only] 资源条- 浏览器 (仅Windows用户适用)
The Resource bar includes integrated web browser windows, which provide a seamless switch between a web browser and NX. 资源条整合了Windows的IE浏览器,它可以让我们在NX与IE之间无缝切换。
You can configure the Internet Explorer browser window for easy access to company or project team information, such as standards or best practices. 你可以通过NX内置的IE浏览器访问公司或则项目团队的内部信息,比如标准等。 Note: 注意:
Reference the User Interface Preferences dialog for more on how to configure this window. 我们可以通过首选项对话框来设置NX内置的浏览器。 Note: 注意
Integrated web browsers are currently only available in Windows. 内置浏览器仅适用于Windows用户 Resource bar – palettes 资源条--资源板
Palettes provide access to standard and frequently used model data. You can add objects by either the drag, or the cut and paste methods from an open palette to your NX session.
The History palette
provides fast access to recently opened files. Use it to reload parts that you recently worked on, or to
repeatedly add a small set of palette items to a model 历史记录
The History Palette displays the names of the part files you opened in sessions ranging from “Today” to “Last Week” to “3 Weeks Ago” and “Older.” Parts will display in the History Palette as they were last saved.
More about palette preferences 更多的资源板参数 Palette preferences 资源板参数
You can customize your palettes by using the Palette dialog box. The Palette dialog box is accessed under Preferences→Palettes. 你可以通过面板对话框来定定义对话框界面。你可以通过首选项-资源板来设置参数。
You can use these options to create new palettes, to add a palette file to the Resource bar, to add a directory as a palette or to open a directory as a template palette. 你可以使用这些选项创建新的资源板,或者添加资源板文件到资源条中,打开目录做为一个资源板
You can also perform operations on the existing palettes (those displayed in the list). You can select a palette and reorder its display in the Resource bar or delete the palette or modify the palette properties. 你也可以对已存在的一些资源板做一些操作(显示在列表中的资源板)。你也可以对显示在列表中的资源板排序、删除或者修改资源板的属性。 Note: 注意:
The setup and application of palettes are beyond the scope of this course and are covered in more detail in the Drafting and Shape
Studio Fundamentals courses. The NX 6 Help Library also contains more detailed information about palettes.