发明人:MICHAUD, André申请号:EP89900843.0申请日:19881228公开号:EP0396592A1公开日:19901114
摘要: The invention relates to a device (4) for analyzing a data processing transactionor part of a transaction, wherein the device receives input signals including theinformation provided by a user requesting the execution of the transaction as well asinformation of context representative of the conditions of development of the
transaction, and outputs control signals to decision means (3) determining if there is ornot to grant a permission to the user enabling him to continue the transaction or tochange the course of this transaction or subsequent transactions. According to theinvention this device is characterized by extracting means (5), to retain, among theinformation inputted, as those useful for the analysis of the transaction, the suppressormeans (6) to remove the signals corresponding to a transaction considered as compliantwith a set of predetermined rules so as not to continue the analysis for transactions ofthis type, filtering means (7) for removing, according to statistical characteristics of thesignals delivered by suppressor means, the insignificant variations of the transaction tobe analyzed, classification means (8) for distributing the signals of the transaction toanalyze the output of the filtering means (7) in one or more classes of at least one set ofclasses, each set corresponding to a predetermined criterion of classification, these
classification means supplying at the output the control signals means deci if we.
申请人:MICHAUD, André
地址:27E, avenue du Plessis F-92290 Chatenay-Malabry FR
代理机构:Rodhain, Claude