The water vapor will condense into visible moisture from its invisible state when the dew point temperature is reached.
The air pressure begins falling accordingly as a typhoon comes near. 3.当它们在就绪队列中等待时,输入/输出装置则空闲着
While they are waiting in the ready queue, the I/O devices are idle.
4.当这些波向外扩散(fan out)时,它们也在按波长分开,这一过程叫频散 (dispersion)。
At the same time the waves are fanning out, they are also separating by wavelength, a process known as dispersion
Current starts flowing at the very moment when we close the circuit
6.大约在Bjerknes的气旋模型问世前后,气象学(meteorology)进入了一个迅速发展的时期。 Meteorology entered a period of rapid advance about the time the Bjerknes' cyclone model appeared. 7.当能量以辐射能形式存在时,可以在经过很长距离后,才被吸收或转化为热。
While in the form of radiation, the energy may travel a tremendous distance before being absorbed or changed back into heat.
8.只有当熔点温度达到时,铁才开始变成液体 。
Only when its melting-point temperature is reached does iron start to pass into a liquid Unit 2
1. 只有当粒子紧密到能够相互施加较大的力时,它们才能使彼此产生这样的振动。
It is only when particles are close enough to exert relatively large forces on one another that they are able to set each other into this type of vibration.
2.每当(凡是)波从均匀介质(uniform medium)中的波源移出时,它都呈现直线传播。 Whenever a wave moves out from a source in uniform medium, it travels in straight lines.
3.通常对流层(troposphere )温度直到对流层顶(tropopause)都是随高度增加而不断地减小的.
As a rule, the temperature in the troposphere decreases steadily with increasing altitude until the tropopause is reached.
4.直到1949年急流(jetstream)才作为一种气象实体现象为人们充分认识到. The jetstream was not fully recognized as a meteorological entity until 1949. 5.由于一段很长时间的干旱直到3月下旬这些种子才开始发芽
The seeds did not start germinating until late March because of a long spell of drought. 6.直到1974年8月考察(探险)活动才开始
Not until August 1974 did the expeditionary observations begin 7.在我们能应用这些观测资料之前,它们必须进行处理 Such observations must be processed before we can utilize them 8.过了几年在这一领域才有了突破.
It was a few years before a breakthrough was made in this field.
After the concept of temperature became understood, there were many years of scientific development before the real nature of heat was established.
Unit 3
Since the computer came into being science and technology have made great advances. 2.只是从80年代以来,人们才很重视这一现象
It is only since the 1980s that much attention has been given to the phenomenon. 3.资料刚在图上填完,分析就开始了。
The data had no sooner been charted than analysis was started 4.一达到这个高度,气温就不再随高度上升。
Upon reaching this level, temperature no longer increases with altitude. 5.一旦冷水进入长颈瓶(matrass),水气压就迅速下降。
Once the cold water enters the matrass, the vapor pressure falls quickly. 6.早在20年代,人们就注意这一问题了
As far back as 1920s attention was directed towards the problem.
7.在60年代以前,人们关于30公里左右以上的高空大气知识主要是根据地基观测推断得到的。 Prior to the 1960s knowledge of the atmosphere above about 30 km was based largely on inferences from ground-based observations.
Even today, specific forecasts are only made for the period of 3 to 5 days in advance. 9.这样一些洋流的形成、消失或改变流向可能发生在大约几小时或几天内。
Such currents may form, disappear, or change flow direction within a matter of hours or days. 10.这一地区天气从现在到8月底将是炎热干燥的。
The weather will be hot and dry from now on till the end of August for this region.
11. Digital transmission provides a powerful method for overcoming noisy environment. Noise can be introduced into transmission path in many different ways: perhaps via a nearby lightning strike, the sparking of a car ignition system, or the thermal low- level noise within the communication equipment itself. It is the relationship of the true signal to the noise signal, known as signal-to-noise ratio, which is of the most interest to the communication engineer
数字传输对于克服噪声环境的影响提供了一个强有力的手段。噪声可以以多种不同方式进入传输信道,比如说因为附近的闪电、汽车点火系统的打火或因通信设备本身低电平的热噪声所致。正是这种被称为信噪比的,即真实信号与噪声的关系引起的通信工程师的极大兴趣。 Unit4
Plants were measured for height of the tallest leaf at monthly intervals from May to September. 2.据报道,1986年3号台风在西北太平洋生成。
Reportedly, 1986 No.3 typhoon is being generated over the northwest Pacific. 3. 靠近地面,风速随高度迅速增大。
Close to the ground, wind speed increases quickly with height. 4.这一课题已有一些论文在国内外发表了。
A few contributions have appeared on this subject at home and abroad
It is known that local weather can be affected within a few days by meteorological conditions thousands of miles away (from here).
These temporary observation posts were all within 10 km of the city
7.最大值在离开此中心向南3公里处的400百帕( hPa)左右高度上。 The maximum is about 400 hPa in a 3 km distance from the center toward the south. 8. 此图表明最大降水(precipitation)出现在印尼之东。
The figure shows that the maximum precipitation occurred to the east of Indonesia. 9.监测站与位于河对岸的发电厂正对峙(隔河相对)。 The monitoring station is just across the river from the power plant.
Unit 5
1.因为没有一台机器可以无摩擦地运转,所以克服摩擦力只是白费功夫。 As no machine ever runs without some friction, overcoming the force wastes work. 2.夏季人们感到皮肤粘乎乎的是因为相对湿度很高。
In summer people feel sticky in that relative humidity is quite high. 3.输出功率决不可能等于输入功率因为总有损耗
The output power can never equal the input power, for there are always losses. 4.由于这些早期计算机价格高昂,所以(出现)闲置时间是人们所不期望的 Because of the high cost of these early computers, idle time was undesirable 5.物体由于运动而具有的能量叫动能。
The energy possessed by an object by virtue of 凭借its motion is called kinetic energy, or energy of motion. 6.在无云夜间地面温度由于其热量散失到空间而下降。
In the cloudless night ground temperature decreases on account of 由于the heat lost to the space. 7.总的来说,这些高产量主要是由于适宜的苗床结构和精细的手工播种。
Generally speaking, the high yields are attributed mainly to good seedbed structure and a precise manual
In view of the importance of the plateau to the weather and climate over broad areas, a scientific investigation was carried out a few years ago.
Unit 6
1.由于被吸收而强度减低叫做阻尼(damping),而由于这一原因其强度减小的波叫做阻尼波(damped wave)。
The decrease in intensity due to absorption is called damping and a wave whose intensity decreases for this reason is called a damped wave
2. 植株间间隔太小是作物歉收的原因。
Too small spacing among the plant stands is causative of成为。。的原因 the crop failure. 3.这是因为地表把热量输送给空气的缘故。 It is because the ground loses heat to the air.
It was not that the deficiency in fertilizer was responsible for the crop failure. 5.正是为了丰收(bumper crop)的缘故,耕作才作得十分精细。 The farming was done intensively for no other reason than a bumper crop. 6. 由于机器不能正常运行,操作人员只得停车检查。
By reason that the machine did not run properly, the operator had to stop it for checking.
For reason given above the scheme should be redesigned.
Seeing that there is often poor visibility, the site chosen as an airport is not appropriate 9.根据报道由于现代农业技术在那丘陵地区的实行,每亩产量已增加30%。
Reportedly the yield per acre has been increased by 30% insomuch as modern agricultural technologies are practiced in this hilly region
10.这片庄稼长得不好据一位农学家(agronomist)看一方面是由于品种,另一方面是由于追肥不匀(top application of fertilizer) 。
The crop did not grow well what with species and what with non-uniform top application of fertilizer, according to an agronomist.
what with sth (used to list various causes 用以列举各种原因): What with the weather and my bad leg, I haven't been out for weeks. 由於天气不好, 我的腿又不方便, 我已经好几个星期没出门了
Unit 7
1.结果其中大部分能量散失于空气中 As a result, much of the energy is lost to air. 2.风明显增大结果蒸发明显增强。
Wind increased sharply with the result that evaporation went up remarkably 3.365天左右的1年是地球围绕太阳转动一个周期的结果。
The roughly 365-day year is the result of the earth traveling around the sun in one period. 4.如果把这些物质放在一起并在常压下加热到25℃,则结果会产生一种新的化合物。
If put together and heated to 25℃ at constant pressure, these substances will result in a new compound 5.加热使物质中分子运动加快,从而加速蒸发率
Heating makes the molecules of a material move faster, increasing the rate of evaporation. 6. 如果该输入文件存在,那么我们必须开辟一个新的输出文件。 If the input file exists, then we must create a new output file. 7. 如果地轴不倾斜,地球上就没有季节变化。
If the earth’s axis did not tilt, there would be no seasonal change on it. 8.如果出现这种情况,框架就成为无用的了
If this situation should occur, the frame would become unusable.
9.如果富兰克林当时与今天我们关于闪电知识的认识一样,他可能不会进行那种危险的(风筝)试验了。 Had Franklin known what we know about lightning in those days, he probably would not have undertaken such a dangerous experiment.
10. 如果当时不采取必要预防措施,台风就会造成更加严重的损害。
If we had not taken necessary precautions, the typhoon would have inflicted heavier damages.
Unit 8
If it were not for the modern equipment, such experiments would not be performed 2.如果有了这些设备,试验就会顺利进行。
With the equipment the experiment would be readily conducted. 3. 水汽(比空气)较轻,否则它不会升到空中。
Water vapor is lighter, which would otherwise not rise into air.
This is clearly not the case, if it were true, prediction of the tides could have been done for centuries. 5.计算机可给出准确结果,如果给予它们可靠信息使之开始工作的话。
Computers can yield accurate results providing that they are fed with reliable information to start with. 6.例如,假定操作员接受了一个Fortran作业,一个Cobol作业,然后又是一个Fortran作业。 For instance, suppose the operator received one Fortran job, one Cobol job and another Fortran job. 7.除非有一合力作用于物体上,否则物体的方向是不会发生变化的。 There is no change in the motion of a body unless a resultant force is acting upon it 8.就我们所知国内外对这一问题尚未着手研究
As far as we know, the problem has not been touched upon at home and abroad. 9. 只要计数器是正数,控制器就返回到用户程序。
As long as the counter is positive, controller is returned to the user program 10.如果温度超出某一范围,则作物生长受阻
Be it that the temperature is beyond the range the crop will be hindered from growing.
Unit 9
On the assumption that speed is kept constant, distance increases with time. 2.只要资料不是大批送来,现有这几台计算机是够用的。
The computers available can meet the needs except that data are sent in bulk. 3.在合适光照和水分条件下,如果有最适宜温度,则植物以最快速度生长。
With favorable light and moisture conditions a plant grows at greatest rapidity if there is the optimum temperature for it.
Without reliable data, prediction has no foundation. 5.大块新形成的海冰在风和海浪的作用下裂成碎片。
Sheets of newly formed sea ice break into pieces under stress of wind and waves. 6.就位于这些纬度的这一地区来说,年总降水量300毫米似乎少了一些。 The annual total rainfall of 300 mm seems somewhat low for the region at these latitude.
7.人给出了风速,它的持续时间和吹程(fetch),就有可能预报由某一风暴产生的海浪的高度。 Given wind speed, duration, and fetch, it is possible to predict the size of the waves generated by a given storm
Other things being equal, the evaportranspiration rate decreases with increasing humidity. 9.如果是这样,那么我们对大自然的认识将会大为提高。
Such being the case, the understanding of nature would be greatly improved. 10.在本书T将只表示温度,除非另有说明。
T will represent temperature alone in this book unless otherwise stated
Unit 10
1.虽然能量不能被创造出来也不能被消灭,但它可以从一种形式转变成另一种形式。 Though energy can be neither created nor destroyed, it can be transformed from one form to another. 2.以下的练习虽然过于简单,但可能对理解这一问题仍然是有用的。
The following exercise, while overly simplistic, may nevertheless be helpful in understanding the problem.
Whereas there are numerous instances of this type of coincidence, there are also many examples of the opposite.
Not but what the world’s oceans are abundant in various resources, only a small part of them are in use. 5.结果,1957年夏威夷的海啸没有造成一人死亡,虽然局部水位比1946年还高。
As a result, the tsunami of 1957 killed no one in Hawaii, even though water levels were locally higher than that of 1946.
Admitting that the vast expanse of oceans seems overwhelming, they provide us with abundant resources. 7.无论处于固态、液态或气态,水的化学成份都保持不变。
The chemical composition of water remains constant whether it is in solid, liquid or gaseous state. 8.一切物体,不论其温度高低,均要放出电磁波形式的辐射 。
All bodies, no matter what their temperature, give off radiation in the form of electromagnetic waves. 9.无论何时去测量,那实验室的温度都在20--25℃之间。
The temperature is between 20--25℃ in the lab no matter when it is measured. 10.一个物体无论多么小都有重量。
However small, a body has weight.
1.无论资料的数量如何惊人,现代计算机都能容易地加以处理。 The up to date computer can process readily however large a volume of data 2.该风场的扰动虽然很弱,但是还是可以看得出来。 Weak as it is, the disturbance in the wind field is discernible. 3.想象虽不可缺少,但提供的信息却很难作为依据。
Imagination, indispensable though it is, offers a poor substitute for information. 4.虽然太阳体积如此之大,但从地球上看它并不比月球大。 Be ever bulky, the sun does not look larger than the moon from the earth.
5. 虽然如此,在实践中这些原理是可能解释的,从而使我们对观测的宇宙得出同样的认识。 Be that as it may, in practice these principles are likely to be interpreted so as to lead to the same ideas about the observed universe.
In spite of the disaster, typhoons are by no means entirely destructive. 7.尽管有丰富的资料,但浪高的观测常常很不理想。
Despite an abundance of data, observations of wave height often leave much to be desired.
8.不管这些文件是储存在同一位置还是不同位置,用户是否可以用同一方式在系统中存取所有文件? Does a user access all the files in a system in the same manner, regardless of whether they reside at the same or different sites?
9. 此外,不管导体的形状如何,导体或空心导体的内部各点都处于同一电势(potential)。
Furthermore, all points of a conductor or inside a hollow conductor are at the same potential, irrespective of the shape of the conductor.
Nevertheless we feel that the results may improve our knowledge of the atmosphere.
In any case the rainfall will stop sometime this week.
2.台风和飓风并不会形成特大的巨浪,因为这些风虽然很强,但它们并不能沿着同一方向长时间的吹。 Typhoon and hurricanes do not form exceptionally large waves, because their winds, although very strong, do not blow long enough from one direction.
Observations show that some sort of growth and development is occurring, though in rather complex fashion. 4.要提高一个物体的温度,必须从一个温度较高的热源给这一物体加热或者对它作功。
To raise the temperature of an object, it is necessary either to add heat to it from some source at higher temperature or to do work on it.
In order for the tide waves to move fast enough at the equator to keep up with the moon, the ocean would have to be about 22km deep.
In order that the crops in open field could survive safely the winter, frost prevention operation is of paramount importance.
With a view to investigating meteorological conditions a network of observing stations was established over the area.
For research purpose intensive observations were made for that period. 9.需要高得多的温度,以便我们能把铁从固态变成液态。
A much higher temperature is required so that we could change iron from a solid state into liquid. 10.温度表置放于远离障碍物的百叶箱(shelter)中,以便取得自由运动空气的标准值。
Thermometers are placed in shelters far away from obstacles so as to get free-moving air standard values.
The change in pressure can be recorded by means of a pen arm on a rotating drum.
2.热可以采用任何可以测定能量的单位,例如焦耳(joule)或千瓦小时(kilowatt-hour )。
Heat may be measured in terms of any unit that can be used to measure energy, such as the joule or the kilowatt-hour.
Only in terms of the scheme have these results been obtained. 4.在某些国家气温以华氏温标给出。
In some countries air temperature is given in degrees of Fahrenheit. 5.相对湿度采用百分数表示。
Relative humidity is expressed as percentage. 6.尝试用另一种方法来解决这道题。
Attempt is made to solve the problem (in) another way. 7.这些特征在95%水平时刚好在统计上是显著的。
The features are only marginally significant at 95% level on a statistical basis. 8.水通过蒸发进入空气。
Water enters air via evaporation.
On the technical side, telegraph lines are hard to maintain. 10. 在某种意义上说大气和海洋相似。
In a sense the atmosphere bears resemblance to an ocean.
Unit 12
Thereby higher latitude are prevented from becoming increasingly colder and low latitudes from becoming increasingly hotter.
In the subsequent experiments precision instruments were employed whereby good results were acquired.
3. 一颗卫星可至少每天一次扫视地球很大的一部分,因此可对其它方法无法观测到的地区进行观测。 A single satellite can view a large part of the earth’s surface at least once daily, and hence observations can be made of areas that are otherwise inaccessible.
4.在气候潮湿地区,水汽按体积占(空气体积)4%左右。 Water vapor accounts for about 4% by volume in moist areas. 5.那场暴雨持续约半小时而未有间歇。
The hard rain lasted roughly half an hour without break. 6.这些资料与云图结合一起使用。
The data are employed in combination with cloud maps. 7.上述六种场合的结果将按时间顺序给出。
The results of the six cases will be presented in chronological order. 8.资料是持续地长期收集的。
Data are collected on a continuous and long-term basis 9.这些设备可代替预报员把天气图分析出来。
These facilities can have weather maps analyzed in place of a forecaster. 10.此方案是仿照Smith(1976)的思路设计的。
The scheme was designed after the manner of Smith (1976). 11.我们将象此书所示,遵照规定步骤进行实验。
We shall follow the procedure for experiments as the book instructs.
For efficiency the shape of the roof should be designed in such a way that it provides as large an evaporation area as possible.
Unit 13
The moon revolves around the earth in such a manner that it always faces the latter with the same side. 2.每一边缘海即海湾都受到潮水的影响,其发生类似于大西洋受到来自南冰洋的波浪影响一样。 Each marginal sea, or bay, is affected by the tide in much the same way as the Atlantic is affected by the wave from the Antarctic.
3. 光的行为好象它是由粒子组成的。 Light behave as if it were made of particles. 4.采用几何方法,我们就能求出其合力
Using geometry, we shall be able to find out the resultant force.
With the temperature unchanged, the air is made to reach saturation by adding water vapor 6. 在高山顶上并不象有人认为的那样温暖,虽然离太阳更近了。
At the summit of high mountains it is not so warm as one might think though it is nearer to the sun. 7. 随着科学技术的发展,有些科学问题变得不象它从前所认为的那么复杂了。
With the advance of science and technology, some scientific problems become less complicated than they were thought
A body of low temperature radiates energy less rapidly than the one at higher temperature. 9.这些结果与用Yanai(1979)的方案得出的结果一样精确。
These results are as accurate as could be obtained by the scheme developed by Yanai (1979). 10. 温度越高,空气中可以包含的水汽也越多
The higher the temperature is, the more water could be held in the air. 11.在其它条件相同时,风速越大蒸发越快。
Other things being equal, the faster evaporation is, the greater the wind is.