《工程公司海外EPC总承包项目多元文化团队建设与管理》 《ConStrUCtiOn and management Of multi-culture team Of OVerSeaS EPC PrOjeCt Of ChineSe Engineering COmPany》
访谈记录表(InteBrieW ReCOrd)
No. 问題 QUeStiOn 性别SEX 因男 MALE □女 FEMALE □ 30 岁或以下 30 years OId and below □31-38 31-38 years OId 因39∙46 岁 El E2 年龄Age 39-46 years OId □47-54 岁 47-54years OId □55 岁或以上 55years OId and above E3 教育程度EdUCatiOn □大专 junior COIlege 区!木科 UndergradUate □硕士或以上 MaSter degree Or above E4 在项目团队中的角色 your role in the PrOjeCt team □工程师 engineer □一般管理人员 COmmOn management PerSOn □ 职能经理functional manager凶项目经理PrOjeCt manager □i⅛级管理 人员 SeniOr management PerSOnnel□业主 OWner □其他 OthGrS □5 年以下 five years and below □10 年以下 IeSS than ten years 从事工程项目的年限 E5 The Iife engaged in the PrOjeCt activities □ 11,20 年 from eleven to twenty years 因20 年以上 more than twenty Ayears 从爭海外项目丄作年限 凶5 年以下 five years and below □10 年以下 IeSS than ten years E6 The Iife engaged in OVerSeaS PrOjeCt □ 11420 年 from eleven to twenty years □20 年以上 more than twenty Λyears □国内设 ik 项目 DOmeStiC design PrOjeCt □国内 EPC项目 DOmeSti C EPC 从爭的项目类型 E7 SeVered PrOjeCt type PrOjeCt □国外设汁项目 OVCrSeaS design PrOJeCtS 区!国 外EPC项目 OVerSeaS EPC PrOjeCt □合资项目 JOmt VentUre Pr OjeCt 所属企业性质 E8 NatUre Of enterprises Of yours □私有企业PriVate enterprise 凶国有企业State-OWned enterpr ise □中外合资企业Sino-foreign joint VentUre □外企foreign enterprise 第二部分:问卷调查部分 QUeStiOnnaire InVeStigatiOn
说明:这-•部分主要描述您对以下一些概念的认同程度,请按您真实意思在相应表格打 上“ J ”
Note: ThiS SeCtiOn mainly describes the degree to WhiCh you agree With the following concepts. PIeaSe PUt \" J \"in below table accordingly・
认同程度 IdentifiCatiOn degree 调査项目 非常不同意 InVeStigatiOn Item FUIly disagree 不同意 disagree 中立 neutral 同意 agree 非常同意 FUIly agree i)你参与过EPC项目的一个及以上或全部 活动。(EzRCzEP,EPC etc.) YOU have PartiCiPated in One Or more PhaSeS Of the EPC PrOjeCtS Or all activities (E, P, C, EP, etc., EPCJ. √ 2)你非常了解EPC项目的设计,采购与施 工等的所有过程。 YOU know Very WeIl about EPC PrOjeCt WhiCh includes One Or more activities Iike desigr‰ PrOCUrement and COnStrUCtion, and SO on. √ 3)EPC项目团队组成对项目成功是非常重要 的: EPC PrOjeCt team COmPOSitiOn is Very important for PrOjeCt SUCCeSS √ 4)海外EPC项目必须聘用熟悉当地规范要 求的技术人员及管理人才组成多元化团队 完成项目; The technical PerSOnneI and management PerSOnneI WhO are familiar With the IOCaI SPeCifiCatiOn and requirements must be employed to form the PrOjeCt team for OVerSeaS EPC PrOjeCtS √ √ 5)多元文化项目团队中,文化的包容性是 指不同文化的团队成员为共同的项目目标 愿意按照项目的各种规章制度及项目程序 文件,组成项目团队完成赋予的职责: In MUlti-CUltUral PrOjeCt team, inclusiveness Of CUltUre is refers to the different CUltUraI team members for the COmmOn goal Of the PrOjeCt ShaII COmPIy With the VariOUS rules ,regulations and PrOjeCt PrOCedUreS to COmPIete the duties entrusted by PrOjeCt team・ √ 6)多元文化项目团队,文化的独立性是指 尊重团队成员个人文化,信仰,逍徳价值观, 生活习惯和行为准则,求同存异,互相学习; In multicultural PrOjeCt team, the independence Of CUltUre is to respect the culture, beliefs, moral ValUes, IiVing habits and behavior CriteriOn Of individual team members, and to Seek COmmOn ground While reserving differences, Iearn from each Others. BX 组建项目团队(TO EStabliSh/Organize PrOjeCt Team):
认同程度 IdentifiCatiOn degree 调査项目 非常不同意 InVeStigatiOn Item FUIly disagree 不同意 disagree 中立 neutral 同意 agree 非常同意 FUIly agree 1)根据项目需要,项目的一些职能岗位必 须聘√ 用当地的工程技术或管理人员组建混 合型项目团队: ACCOrding to the PrOjeCt needs, SOme Of the function POSitiOn Of the PrOjeCt must employ IOCaI engineering technology Or management PerSOnnel to establish a mixed type PrOjeCt team; 2)外籍工程管理人员的选用必须考虑英个 人√ 能力,团队协作精神及文化背景以及对总 包方文化的认同度: FOr foreign PrOjeCt PerSOnnel selected, the individual ability, team COOPeratiOn spirit, the CUltUraI background and the identification degree for the CUltUre Of the employer, must be COnSidered 3)有时外籍成员的文化背景对岗位的适应 性√ 很重要 SOmetimeS the CUltUral background Of the foreign members is Very important to the adaptability Of the PrOjeCt OrganiZatiOn PoSitiOn・ √ 4)项目团队由不同文化背景的人员组成, 项目团队的职能部门应由外籍成员与中方 本部成员一起合理组成混合管理部门: PrOjeCt team PerSOnnel from different CUItUraI backgrounds are COmPOSed Of OVerSeaS EPC PrOjeCt team; and It's necessary that the functional departments Of the PrOjeCt team are formed by the members Of the ChineSe and foreign members together. √ 5)你乐意成为多元文化项目团队中的一员, 愿意与不同文化背景的成员一起工作,互相 学习。 YOU are WiIling to be a member Of a multicultural PrOjeCt team, WiIIing to WOrk With members Of different CUltUraI backgrounds, to Iearn from each other. 6)海外EPC项目中,外籍成员需要了解并 认同EPC工程公司的组织文化; OVerSeaS EPC project, foreign members need to UnderStand and agree With the EPC engineering COmPanylS enterprise culture; √ √ 7)团队成员的文化背景不影响团队协作; 但应尊重团队成员的个人的文化与信仰: The CUltUraI background of the team members does not influence the team cooperation; but the CUltUre and belief Of the team members ShOUId be respected ・ √ 8)多元文化团队,应充分利用团队成员的 文化背景及能力安排合适的工作岗位,职能 经理或一般技术或管理人员: MUItiCUltUraI PrOjeCt team ShOUld make full USe Of the CUltUraI background and the ability Of the team members to arrange the right position,・ functional manager Or normal technology Or management PerSonne1; CX 建设项目团队(PrOjeCtTeam BUilding)
认同程度 IdentifiCatiOn degree 调査项目 非常不同意 InVeStigatiOn Item FUIly disagree 不同意 disagree 中立 neutral 同意 agree 非常同意 FUIly agree l)通过系列培训,可以使多元文化团 队有共√ 同的信念与目标; ThrOUgh a SerieS Of training, We Can make the multicultural team have a COmmOn belief and goal. √ 2)促进团队成员的交叉培训和头脑风暴 式的讨论,有利于知识经验的分享及文 化的交融; CrOSS training Of team members and brainstorming Style discussion are COndUCiVe to the Sharing Of knowledge and experience also to CUltUraI blend・ 2)涉外项目中,尊重团队成员的个人 √ 文化与信仰是人际关系技能的一个方 面; In OVerSeaS PrOjeCtSJ respecting to the individual CUltUre and beliefs Of the team members is One aspect Of interpersonal skills; 3)涉外项目团队建设,不应该忽视其 他文化√ 或刻意去殡弃其他文化:但可以 实现文化的包容; OVerSeaS PrOjeCt team building ShOUld not ignore Other CUItUreS Or deliberately to abandon Other cultures; but Can achieve CUltUraI inclusiveness・ √ 4)团队建设过程屮,应处理好团队文 化的包容性与个体文化的独立性的关 系; In the PrOgram Of team building, the relationship between the tolerance Of team CUltUre and the independence Of individual CUltUre ShOUld be WeIl dealt with; 5)增强团队成员的信任利认同感,项 目团队√ 文化包容性建设的目的Z -; PrOjeCt team building is to develop the basic PrinCipies, rules and regulations for team members* WOrk and Other activities, EVeryOne must COmPIy With the guidelines; 6)有效的团队建设活动,可以增进多元 文化√ 团队的凝聚力与存在感; EffeCtiVe team building activities Can enhancα the SenSe Of COheSiOn and the existence Of multicultural team; 7)多元项目团队,项目各职能部门总 承包商√ 人员与外籍人员应i起办公,不 应将任意一方独立起来; In multi cultural PrOjeCt team, EPC COntraCtOrlS Staff and foreign Staff ShOUld WOrk together(seat together) in the VariOUS functional departments Of PrOjeCt, and ShOUld not be independent Of any One party; 8)根据团队成员文化的不同,合理安 排工√ 作,使其享受到自己文化的尊严 (祈祷室的设置及工作时间,西方节日 的假期等); ACCOrding to the different CUltUre Of the team members, reasonable arrangement and COnSideratiOn Can make them enjoy the dignity Of their OWn CUltUre Setting Of the Prayer room and WOrking hours, holidays for WeStern festivals);
D> 管理项目团队(TOlVIanagePrOjeCtTeam)
认同程度 IdentifiCatiOn degree 调査项目 非常不同意 InVeStigatiOn Item FUIly disagree 不同意 disagree 中立 neutral 同意 agree 非常同意 FUIly agree 1)项目管理团队应利用文化差异来发展和 维√ 护项目团队,在相互信任的氛用下充分协 作: The PrOjeCt management team ShOUld USe CUltUraI differences to develop and maintain the PrOjeCt team, and fully COOPerate With each Other in an atmosphere Of mutual trust; 2)公平公正绩效评估活动,能促进团队的 管√ 理; Fair and impartial PerfOrmanCe evaluation activities Can PrOmOte the management Of the team; 3)多元文化团队管理的好坏往往取决于有 效√ 及时的冲突管理; The management Of multicultural teams depends On the effective and timely COnfliet management; √ 4)绩效评估是要考虑成员文化的影响因素: 应当对团队成员中占少数的其他文化的成 员进行适当激励; PerfOrmanCe evaluation is to COnSider the influence factors Of the members' culture; and ShOUld PrOVide SPeCiaI appropriate incentives to the team members WhiCh are a minority CUltUre in PrOjeCt team ・ √ 5)根据麦格雷格的XY理论,X-人性恶论, Y-人性善论,多元文化团队应遵循X理论进 行管理; ACCOrding to Mai Greg,s XY theory, X- theory Of evil human nature, Y・ theory Of good human nature, multicultural team ShOUld follow the X theory to manage PrOjeCt team;・ Maintaining Clear and reasonable PrOjeCt execution PrOCedUre and regulations. E> 项目经理的角色(RoIeofProjectManager-PM)
认同程度 IdentifiCatiOn degree 调査项目 非常不同意 InVeStigatiOn Item FUIly disagree 不同意 disagree 中立 同意 非常同意 FUIly agree neutral agree 1)团队气氛与组织的文化,与项目经理的能 力√ 密切相关: Team atmosphere and CUltUre are CIOSeIy related to the ability Of the PrOjeCt manager; 2)项目经理的领导力,影响力,快速决策 是影√ 响团队发展的关键; PrOjeCt manager's Ieadership, influence, and effective decision-making are key to the development Of the team; 3)项目团队效率低下是项目经理的无能: PrOjeCt team inefficiency is the inability Of PrOjeCt managers; √ 4)项目团队效率低下是组织制度的欠缺: The inefficiency Of the PrOjeCt team is the deficiency Of OrganiZatiOnaI system; √ √ 5)项目经理正确的文化观对多元文化团队 的成功至关重要; The right CUltUraI PerSPeCtiVe Of the PrOjeCt manager is CrUCiaI to the SUCCeSS Of the multicultural team; 第三部分:选择(单选/多选)
・当你与外籍员工发生分歧时\"你会: ⑴⑵・When you disagree With foreign staff, you will:
(1) face to face to Say CIearIy (2) mail COmmUniCatiOn (3) TO keep SilenCe (4) TO report to SUPeriOrS (5) OtherS 2)
外方员工作为你的主管/你会:(1) (2) (3) .If you WOrk as SUbOrdinate Of foreign staff, you will: L
(1) 认真服从,(2)积极协助其工作(3)学习他先进的管理方法(4)自行其是
(I)TO accept him WiIlingIy (2) actively assist his job (3)To Iearn advanced management methods from him (4)ACt as your think・ 3)
你作为外方员工的主管,你会:⑴(2) (4) you WOrk as the SUPerViSOr Of the foreign Staft you
WiII ______ £
(1)积极听取他们的意见⑵经常找他们聊天,了解他们工作和生活上的情况;尽力去帮 助他们;(3)
(1) actively IiSten to their views, (2) Often Chat With them, to UnderStand their WOrk and Iife SitUation; try to help them; (3) to Iet go Of their work, (4) TO USe them in restriction extent 4)
外方员工加入 EPC 项目团队,主要目的(1)
; In your OPiniOns: FOreign employees PartiCiPate the EPC
PrOjeCt team, the main PUrPOSe are ___________ J
(1)薪酬(2)发挥所长,实现自我价值 ⑶学习或适应对方的文化(4)寻求长期合作 的可能
(1) TO earn Salary (2) to achieve the ValUe Of Self (3) to Iearn Or adapt to the OtherS CUltUre (4) to Seek long-term COOPeratiOn 5)
In the EPC team, you find that the effective Way to get along With foreign employees is:
(I)多多交流与沟通;(2)通过团队建设(3)通过工作的磨合;(4)交朋友; (5) 了解学习对方的文化与习俗并让对方了解自己的文化与习惯;
(1) Try to COmmUniCate SO much; (2) through the team building (3) through the WOrk running ; (4) to make friends; (5) TO Iearn about OtherlS CUltUre and customs, and Iet the Other-Side to UnderStand your CUItUre and habits; 6)
(2)・ In your OPiniOns: FaCtOrS that attract foreign WOrkerS
are: ________ °
(I)企业文化(2)工资,福利(3)健全的保障体系(4)完善的外籍员工的管理体系 (5)建立合格外籍人员人才库,规划长期合作的可能; (1)
COrPOrate CUltUre (2) Salary and Welfare ⑶ SOUnd SeCUrity SyStem (4) PerfeCt management SyStem for foreign
(5) TO establish qualified foreign talent PerSOn pool, TO have POSSibility Of long-term COOPeration;
第四部分:访谈部分(Q∕A) 问题:QUeStiOnS
What are your VieWS On the multicultural team building Of OVerSeaS EPC PrOjeCtS
Answer:多元文化团队建设是基于多样化价值观基础的,考虑到不同员工、组织、团体等需要 而确立
起来的包含多种并以一种企业文化为主元文化的一种新型的、复杂的企业文化。这种企业 文化注重文化的多元化,完全包容非主体文化群体,管理体制中不存在偏见并使不同群体间的矛 盾最小化。
ACCOrding to your experience, how to make best USe Of the advantages and bypass the disadvantages and to respect each Other and Iearn from each Other in a multicultural team
Answer: (1)当团队成员都来自一种文化背景时,内部沟通的挑战多来自于不同成员对各 自任务目
标的理解和个性方面的差异。而当面对团队中不同文化的成员时,文化差异所引起的困 惑和不适感就会显现了。开始可能是对对方的工作方式,甚至是一些工作中的习惯做法等产生疑 问,如果没有得到及时关注和解决日后就有可能降低彼此的配合度,严重甚至会产生抵触行为。
(2) 当不同文化交遇时,如果一种文化价值是另一种文化所不具备的,那么这种有用的文化价 值
就必然会被另一种文化所汲取、融合、利用和发挥。具有不同特点和功能的文化,如果经过适 当地协调、修正、改铸、整合,就能组成新的文化体系,具有新的内容、性质和功能,从而产生 新的竞争优势,并能进一步促进企业的发展。
(3) 正确区分主元文化和次元文化,正确处理好两者的关系。发挥次元文化的能动作用。尊重、
(4) 多元化的工作环境保障。利用员工的不同背景和经验解决问题,为顾客提供有创意的产品 和
服务;该环境还应该包括一系列的工作制度,其中蕴含着多元化的价值观,以将多元化文化贯彻 到企业日常工作行为当中。
(5) 容与时俱进。不断地为企业文化增添新的内容,并不失时机地促进主次文化的转变。 Q3:您认为,在多元文化团队中,如何做一个好的项日经理
HOW do you think to be a good PrOjeCt manager in a multicultural team
Answer:首要的任务就是要认识到各自文化上的差异,然后有针对性地消除这种差异可能带来 的冲