Lesson-3 The Secrets of Your Memory
本节课是高中英语第三册Unit 9 Learn的第三课 The Secret of Your Memory,课型是阅读课。从四个方面介绍了人类记忆力的秘密,即感受深的事件会是记忆更加深刻;人类用于图片式记忆;艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线;人类大脑的记忆容量。以此来向学生表达人脑记忆的科学依据,以便更好利用使记忆达到最高峰。通过本节课的学习,让学生了解如何利用记忆力。同时本课还将学习到主谓一致的用法。
1. 语言技能目标
(1)学生能够借助关键词,在理解文章大意的基础上,找出段落主题句,完成读前问题; (2)用所学的词汇和语言的对课文进行复述。 2. 语言知识目标
(1)能够正确运用以下单词和短语:common, emotional, childhood, photographic, prove, digit, limited, curve, occur, significantly, definitely等; (2)能正确理解及运用主谓一致。 3. 文化意识目标
(1)了解人类记忆的奥秘; (2)正确利用记忆的奥秘。 4. 情感态度目标
1. 重点
(1)如何使用地道的英语表达对人类记忆奥秘的理解; (2)正确理解并运用主谓一致。
2. 难点
(1)能用得体的英语表达人类记忆的奥秘; (2)能正确识别和运用英语中的主谓一致现象。
教学步骤 Activate and share: 1. Which of the following things so you find easy to remember? Can you explain why? names and faces 任务型活动:锻炼学生材料收 numbers:telephone numbers, passwords, etc. Step-1 Warming 集、整理能力,同时也激发同 stories 学们热情和参与课堂的积极 facts and arrangements 性。 things that happened long ago things that happened recently 2. If you were going to meet a memory expert, what questions would you ask him/her? 紧扣上一环节的讨论,教师引Read and Explore. 导学生如何找到文章主题,并5分钟 5分钟 Up & Lead-in 教学活动 设计意图 时间 Step-2 Pre-reading Read the text quickly. Does the text answer any of 运用该方法,以此激发学生的your questions in Activity 2? 兴趣,更容易地导入文章主题。 通过读前头脑风暴和观察图片思考问题,有助于学生对文章主旨大意的掌握,进而帮助Step-3 Fast-reading Read the article quickly and prepare the answers to 学生更好理解文章而进入泛the questions for the next step. 读和精读环节。 通过课前阅读猜测有助于学生对文章接下来要谈论的问5分钟 题有大致了解,进而把握整篇文章。 1. Read the text again. Write T (true) or F (false). Correct the false statements. 通过泛读,能够让学生对文章2. What suggestions would you provide for each of 每段段意有个初步了解,锻炼the four questions discussed? Discuss with your 学生对文章表层含义理解,养partner. Step-4 3. Match the following suggestions with the four 技能。在此过程中设置一些题Deep-reading questions and put them back in the text. Compare 目,会让学生更有针对性地阅your suggestions with the expert’s suggestions. 读,题目比较容易,降低阅读10分钟 成良好的阅读习惯,提高阅读4. What truth about memory dose Jemima Gryaznov 难度,给学生成功感,增强学discuss in the text? What advice dose she give to 生学习兴趣。 improve one’s memory? Activity-1 1. Think and share. 活动一: 1) How has the expert tried to make her statements 有助于学生深层次把握文章to each questions convincing? What methods has 细节内容,帮助学生建立起上she used and what signal words can you find? 下文关联的能力。同时帮助学2) Are there any answers given by Jemima 生理解文章主旨和细节,以提Gryaznov that are not convincing to you? What are 高学生深度阅读理解能力。 Step-5 Post-reading your doubts? 2. Replace the underlined words and phrase with tho 活动二: words from the text. 引导学生正确使用主谓一致,Activity-2 Focus on Language: Subject-Verb 从而让学生可以更好地掌握Agreement 现在体中动词是否单三的情1. Circle the subject of the sentences in the Sentence 况。 Builder. Then use the correct form of the verbs to complete the sentences. 2. Choose the correct options. 15分钟 Express Yourself Read the tips for improving your memory. Which Homework tips seem most/least useful? Which, if any, would be useful for English learning?