

2021-07-28 来源:钮旅网


Advanced Potentiostat/Galvanostat/FRA


For more than two decades, the 273/273Ahas been the most popular instrument in the history of

computer-controlled potentiostats/galvanostats. We knew how critical it would be that the next generation ofthis prestigious instrument continue to set the standard against which all other systems will be measured.

We would like to introduce the new benchmark!

The PARSTAT2273 is the combination of the renowned reliability, high current, and high compliance voltageof the 273Awith the exceptional impedance capability, resolution, speed and latest software techniques of ournew PARSTATfamily. Plus we’ve incorporated customer feedback to provide not only more internal maximumcurrent but the ability to boost the 20 Aand the ability to interface all the ancillary equipment customers needtoday for their unique research.

The 2273 is designed to be the most comprehensive potentiostat/galvanostat/FRAin your laboratory. Sinceno one can predict how research needs will evolve over the years, we’ve designed the ultimateelectrochemical tool to satisfy your needs not only for today — but for tomorrow.Major Features

• 2 Acurrent max. (20 Aboosted)• 100 V compliance

• 1.2 fAcurrent resolution• >1013Ωinput impedance• <5 pF of capacitance

• 10 µHz to 1 MHz built in analyzer for impedance


• Research Electrochemistry• Corrosion• Sensors

• Batteries/Fuel Cells

• Electrodeposition/Plating• Biomedical Applications

General Specifications

The 2273 is an advanced potentiostat/galvanostat/FRAthat consists of hardware capable of ±10 V scan ranges, 2 Acurrent capability, and EIS measurements from 10 µHz to 1 MHz. The interface to the PC or laptop is Universal SerialBus (USB), so there is no need for an additional card for your system. Electrochemistry PowerSuite software is requiredfor the 2273.

Current and Voltage

Unlike any other potentiostat on the market today, the 2273 offers a unique combination of compliance voltage up to±100 V (power available at the counter electrode) and a maximum current of up to ±2 A.

EIS Capability

The 2273 hardware combined with PowerSINE software can perform EIS experiments from 1 MHz to 10 µHz. Thesemeasurements can control either potentiostatic (Single Sine, Fast MultiSine, or Mott-Schottky), or galvanostatic(Galvanostatic EIS) experiments.

Booster Interface

The 2273 has three current booster options to choose from:• 8A/2273 option for 8 A, 50 V• 10A/2273 option for 10 A, 20 V• 20A/2273 option for 20 A, 20 V

Using the 2273 with one of the current booster options provides the user witha seamless interface for our PowerSuite software. When a booster option isconnected to the 2273, the software will autoscale the data.

Connect an external waveform generator forultra fast CVs or unique pulsing applicationsCell CableConnectorComputercontrol override(safety)Analog output ofvoltage readingsAnalog outputof currentreadingsE & I OverloadIndicatorsMonitorCommunicator2


Advanced Potentiostat/Galvanostat/FRA

EIS Contour Plot for the 2273

Princeton Applied Research has performed a seriesof impedance experiments on known resistive andcapacitive cells and has evaluated the accuracy ofthese measurements. The typical results aresummarized on the contour plot.

The experiments were made in the potentiostatic EISmode, using a standard amplitude of 10 mV. The bluearea is the region for which the error in theimpedance is less than 1% or 2°.


Auxiliary Interface provides TTLinput/output aswell as control for 303ASMDE via 507 InterfaceCable connection to interface externalpower supply for booster operationDesigned for longterm, heavy loadoperationsSynchronous A/D input forcollecting a DC voltageUSBcommunicationsportProvides DC potentialto control rotating diskelectrodes3


Research Electrochemistry

The physical nature of electrochemistry has resulted in a broad range of research areas. Fromdetermining the kinetics of an electron-transfer process, to developing new and improved materialsvia unique electrodeposition or electrosynthesis techniques, the 2273 was designed with theflexibility and capability required by today's electrochemical researcher. Whether it is a

microelectrode, rotating disk electrode, mercury electrode, or quartz crystal resonator beingmeasured, the 2273 supports the wide array of electrodes used in a modern electrochemicalresearch lab.


The 2273 is ideal for corrosion research. For measurements of rebar in concrete or titanium inRinger's solution, the 2273 was designed to address a wide range of corrosion applications.PowerCORR Corrosion Software and PowerSINE EIS Software complement the 2273's

impressive specifications to create the ultimate tool for any corrosion lab. Are you working withlarge electrodes or resistive media? The 2273's 100 V compliance voltage takes care of that.Studying a new corrosion inhibitor or coating technology? Femtoamp current resolutions and>1013input impedance make even the toughest EIS measurements seem routine.


For potentiometric sensors (such as ion-selective electrodes and coated wire electrodes) andamperometric sensors (gas sensors, thin film microelectrodes, and chemically modified

electrodes), the 2273 provides current sensitivities that can surpass the requirements of themost demanding measurement parameters, with a pAcurrent range and fAresolution; highcompliance voltage allows for the growth of thin film electrodes and nanodeposition. Biosensor

development and analysis relies on techniques that are contained within the PowerCV cyclic voltammetry, PowerSTEPchronoamperometry/chronopotentiometry and PowerPULSE electroanalytical software packages.

Fuel Cells and Batteries

For many years, Princeton Applied Research potentiostats/galvanostats have been utilized tofurther the development of new energy sources. From the early stages of battery developmentto the charge/discharge experiments on the final product, the 2273 has the currentmeasurement range to address the challenges that lie ahead for the next generation of

batteries. Fuel Cells offer a cleaner energy source for the future, and the 2273 helps bring thattechnology to market. Use EIS to examine the impedance of the PEM at different humidity

levels, perform I/V curves on SOFCs, or run CVs on DMFC assemblies. The 2273 and the entirePowerSuite package has the potential to take your research to the next level.

Biomedical Applications

The 2273 exceeds the requirements of a potentiostat/galvanostat as described in ASTM F2129, “Standard Test Methodfor Conducting Cyclic Potentiodynamic Polarization Measurements to Determine the Corrosion Susceptibility of SmallImplant Devices.” For implant biocompatibility studies, the most common methods involve DCcorrosion techniques such as cyclic potentiodynamic polarization for the determination of thebreakdown or critical pitting potential (Eb), the corrosion or open circuit potential (Ecorr), therepassivation or protection potential (Ep), corrosion current (Icorr) and corrosion rates based onTafel analysis. All of these techniques are possible with the 2273 using the PowerCORR

corrosion measurement software package. The outstanding performance of the 2273 ensuresthat the results obtained are accurate and allows the user to be confident of their data.



Advanced Potentiostat/Galvanostat/FRA

Ordering Information





Advanced Potentiostat/Galvanostat/FRA8 A@ 50 V Booster Option10 A@ 20 V Booster Option20 A@ 20 V Booster Option

PowerSuite Software Modules





Electrochemical Impedance SpectroscopyCorrosion MeasurementCyclic Voltammetry

Chronoamperomtry/ChronopotentiometryElectroanalytical Techniques

Cable Accessories


Additional 2273 Cell Cable

2273 to Glove Box Interface Cable (call for information and quotation)

Cell Accessories


Corrosion Cell KitCorrosion Flat CellMicro-Cell KitAnalytical Cell Kit

Ancillary Equipment



Static Mercury Drop ElectrodeInterface for the Model 303AQuartz Crystal MicrobalanceRotating Disk Electrode

Rotating Ring-Disk Electrode

Extended Warranty


Silver Extended Warranty Plan for the 2273

Princeton Applied Research offers extended warranties and/or site service contracts on all its instruments. There arethree levels of coverage starting with the basic silver level that is a one-year extension of our free one-year initial

warranty. Silver level extended warranty includes labor, material, and return shipping. The Gold and Platinum levels offeran increased product protection plan, including priority repair and free loaner instruments if available.

ISO9001:2000 Certified

Princeton Applied Research is a member of Advanced Measurement Technology, Inc., an ISO9001:2000 certified company.



Discover the power of true 32-bit Windows programs in the Princeton Applied Research PowerSuite software platform.Take advantage of powerful wizards, graphical data presentation formats and easy-to-use import/export tools for bothgraphs and data.PowerPULSE™

• Recurrent Potential Pulsing• Recurrent Galvanic Pulsing• Square Wave Voltammetry

• Cyclic Square Wave Voltammetry• Differential Pulse Voltammetry

• Cyclic Differential Pulse Voltammetry• Normal Pulse Voltammetry

• Reverse Normal Pulse Voltammetry• RΩDetermination


• Linear Scan

• Ramp Cyclic Voltammerty

One VertexTwo Vertex

One Vertex/Multi CycleTwo Vertex/Multi Cycle

• Stair Case Cyclic Voltammetry

One VertexTwo Vertex

One Vertex/Multi CycleTwo Vertex/Multi Cycle


• One Step Chronoamperometry• Two Step Chronoamperometry• Chronopotentiometry


• Potentiostatic EIS• Multi-Sine EIS• Galvanostatic EIS

• Potentiostatic Impedance versus Time• Galvanostatic Impedance versus Time• Mott-Shottky


• Tafel Plot

• Anodic Polarization• Linear Polarization• Potentiostatic• Galvanostatic

• Ecorr versus Time• Galvanic Corrosion• Cyclic Polarization

• Cyclic Polarization (no reverse)• Zero Resistance Ammeter• Galvanodynamic

• Galvanodynamic (no reverse)


Recurrent Galvanic Pulsing (PowerPULSE)

Differential Pulse (PowerPULSE)

Peak Analysis Tools (PowerCV)

Impedance vs. Time (PowerSINE)

Two Step Chronoamperometry (PowerSTEP)

Anodic Polarization (PowerCORR)


Advanced Potentiostat/Galvanostat/FRA

Data Storage Format

PowerSuite’s unique data storage format ulitizing Microsoft®ACCESS database provides otherpowerful features available to PowerSuite. These include making changes to some

experimental parameters on the fly, performing fits on data as it is being collected, searchingdata files based on comments added by the user, and exporting data and plots to otherprograms such as Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint.


Powerful Graphics

PowerSuite’s dominant features are it’s graphical capabilities. Tremendous flexibility is provided with data presentation.Up to four plots can be viewed simultaneously, on the screen without opening a separate viewing program. Several

default plots are available, and the user has the ability to modify each graph orcreate and save their own custom graphs according to specified criteria. Awidevariety of parameters are available for plotting, as well as the ability to add asecond Y-axis or view the plot in 3D. The user can select the data symbols/linesdesired, as well as change the color of any plot. Additional graphical featuresallow the data of any axis to be mathematically changed (by choosing to eitheradd, subtract, divide, or multiply the axis values) using the Data Factors feature.This feature can be used to change data in amps to microamps for comparisonpurposes. It can also be used to convert a potential reading acquired from anancillary component (such as a temperature probe) through the A/D Input intoits proper value (such as degrees C).

Experiment Wizard

For new users, the \"New Experiment Wizard\" guides you through a step-by-step processto configure all aspects of the experiment. If you have a setup that is to be repeated overseveral experiments, it can be \"Saved as a Template...\having to re-enter information with each use.

Complete Plotting Control

Overlay data can be placed on the plots prior to acquiring the data, whichallows the user to compare the two data sets as the experiment progresses!Overlaid data graphical properties can also be modified in terms of color or plotstyle, and any overlaid data can be selected to become the \"active\" data file, atwhich point the current file becomes an overlay, and full data analysis can beperformed on what was an overlay! Anumber of graphical and analytical

features are available by simply right-clicking on any graph and selecting from afull complement of options.



Advanced Potentiostat/Galvanostat/FRA


Power Amplifier

Compliance Voltage: ±100 VMaximum Current: ±2 A

Rise Time: <250 ns (No Load)Slew Rate: >15 V/µs (No Load)


Potential/Current Control

Digital/Analog Converters (DACs)Bias DAC

Resolution: 16 bits

Range (Potentiostat): ±10 V

Range (Galvanostat): ±100% of full-scale currentModulation DAC

Resolution: 16 bitsImpedance Specifications

Frequency Range: 10 µHz–1 MHz

System Performance

Minimum Time Base: 20 µsMinimum Potential Step: 2.5 µV

Noise and Ripple: <50 µV/rms (typical)Minimum Current Range: 2 nA(hardware)

Minimum Current Range: 40 pA(after 50X gain)Minimum Current Resolution: 1.2 fA


58 cm W x 47.6 cm D x 22.9 cm H(20\" W x 18.75\" D x 9\" H)

iR Compensation

Positive Feedback Range: 2000 MΩto 2 Ω(depending on current range)

Current Interrupt: 16 bit DAC Potential Error Correction


31 kg (68 lbs)

Power Requirements

90/130 V AC or 200/260 V AC, 50-60 Hz600 Watts Maximum

Current Measurement

Ranges: 12 decades, 2 Ato 40 pA(with internal gainapplied)

Accuracy (dc)

20 µAto 2A: <0.4% Full Scale20 nAand 1 µARanges: <0.5% 2 nA< 0.75%

Computer Interface

Universal Serial Bus

PowerSuite Software (sold separately)

PowerSINE Electrochemical Impedance SpectroscopyPowerCORR Corrosion MeasurementPowerCV Cyclic Voltammetry

PowerSTEPChronoamperometry/ChronopotentiometryPowerPULSE Electroanalytical Software

For discounts available on bundled packages, pleasecontact your local sales representative.

Frequency Response (small signal)

2 mARange: 3 dB at >1 MHz, 1k source impedance

20 µARange: 3 dB at >100 kHz, 100k source impedance

Differential Electrometer

Input Bias Current: <5 pAat 25°CMax. Voltage Range: ±10 V

Max. Input Voltage Differential: ±10 VBandwidth: 3 dB @ >15 MHzCommon Mode Rejection:>80 dB at 100 Hz>60 dB at 100 kHz

Input Impedance: >1013Ωin parallel with <5 pF

Operating System

Microsoft Windows‚ 95/98/2000/NT/XP

Specifications subject to change





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