

2024-01-16 来源:钮旅网


For the analysis of the causes of study-weariness in Chinese

and English


The young are strong, Guo-Qiang, college students are the future of our country modernization successor, shoulder the important historic task of revitalizing China through science and education and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. In the respect knowledge, respect talent today, many college students knuckled down to study, to strive for progress with determination, and achieved excellent results. However, if we are careful observation is not difficult to find, in our university campus, there are some students study strength is insufficient, existence of study-weariness obvious. Definition: the so-called weariness weariness is that students feel tired psychological phenomenon in learning, students' school life can not satisfy their needs and have a dissatisfied, unhappy, tired of learning life emotional experience, its performance is a negative attitude towards learning, not active learning. With the psychological weariness of students is far away from the learning activities of students who learning deviation in cognition, emotion, behavior of negative. Causes of study-weariness is very complicated, therefore, analyze the essence of the problem, the reform of education and teaching is a pressing matter of the moment. Our school began to enroll undergraduate nursing students from 2000, until now I have 7 years of undergraduate nursing students teaching experience, in the teaching process, I feel the baccalaureate nursing students are weary, lies in learning lax attitude, or even completely slack down. In the classroom, the weary performance, student spirit cachexia, do things and curriculum irrelevant, even frequent truancy. In the next lesson, also, some students do not go to library, do not look at the professional books, not to finish the homework on time. The present study showed, causes of study-weariness mainly has four aspects:

1 社会因素 (1)教育体制因素:我国仍以应试教育为主,十几年超负荷的运转,学生们早学够了。所以,一旦跨进了大学的门槛,学生们再也没有向前冲刺的力气了[1]。(2)一些教育管理规定、教育制度束缚了落后生、困难生的手脚。有43.6%的大学生由于高等教育招生政策的改变,原本升学无望而侥幸进入大学的学生,入学后感到学习压力大,不适应大学生活和学习[4]。由于学费昂贵,一部分来自贫困家庭的学生,为了贴补家庭经济的不


足,不得不去当家教或者去打工,这必然影响到学业的完成,学校又不允许停学一年去挣学费,这也必然影响部分学生的学习积极性[2]。(3)社会上拜金主义思潮的影响。55.79%的大学生受社会不良风气的影响和干扰, 有52.44%的学生受“脑体倒挂、知识贬值”的影响,产生读书无用的想法,厌倦学习[4]。学校的培养,教师的教导对学生的影响作用越来越小,而社会环境变化对学生的负面影响与日俱增[5]。(4)大学生毕业后就业困难。86.89%的大学生认为现行的分配制度改革使就业难问题变得十分突出,成为影响大学生厌学心理的最大因素[4]。很多大学生对未来的就业形势非常担心,他们在学校的时候,特别是在毕业前一年就已经把大量的精力投入到找工作当中去:去参加各种各样的招聘会、去考各种各样的资格证书,甚至拉关系、请客送礼。在校大学生对此极为不满,对就业忧心忡忡,形成了有门路的感到学无压力,无门路的学习失去了目标和动力,从而对学习逐渐产生了厌倦心态[6]。(5)网络对大学生的影响。沉迷于网络有时候也成为大学生厌学的原因[8]。

1 social factors ( 1 ) education system factors: China is still dominated by the examination-oriented education, more than ten years of overload operation, early school students enough. So, once entered the threshold of the University, students are no longer sprint forward strength [1]. ( 2 ) some educational regulations, education system constraints, difficult students and backward students. 43.6% of the students as a result of higher education enrollment policy changes, the original school hopeless and got into university students, students feel great pressure of study, do not adapt to the university life and learning [4]. Because the tuition is expensive, a part of the students from poor families, in order to supplement the family economy, have to go when the tutor or go to work, it is bound to affect the completion of school, the school is not allowed to be suspended for a year to earn my tuition, which will inevitably affect the enthusiasm of learning [2] students. ( 3 ) on the social impact of the worship of the thoughts. 55.79% of the students affected by the bad social ethos and interference, 52.44% of the students are influenced by the \" cerebral body is hanged, intellectual devaluation\produce useless thoughts, tired of learning [4]. School culture, teachers' teaching effect on the students' role is more and more small, and the negative effects of social environment on students grow with each passing day [5]. ( 4 ) college students after graduation employment difficulties. 86.89% of the students think that the reform of current distribution system and make the difficult employment problem has become very prominent, to become the greatest impact factors for college students mental weariness [4]. Many students are very worried for the future employment situation, they are in school, especially in the year before graduation has put a lot of effort into looking for work: qualifications to participate in a variety of recruitment, to test a variety of, or even pull relationship, treat or gift. College students are extremely dissatisfied, on employment heavy-hearted, forming a way to feel no pressure, no learning goals lost and power, so as to study gradually have tired psychology [6]. ( 5 ) the impact of Internet on College students. Indulge in the network can sometimes become [8] causes of College Students' weariness.

2 学校因素 (1)课程结构设置不够合理。1/3的学生认为学校提供的学习环境一般或较差,没有良好的学习氛围也容易助长厌学情绪的弥漫[7]。有54.27%和45.12%的大学生对所选择的学校感到失望,认为学校的基础设施差、教学设备落后、图书资料少,与心目中的学校反差太大,内心失落感增强,厌倦学习;学校体制还存在一些弊端需要改善[4]。有43.29%的大学生觉得专业不理想、课程设置不合理、教学方式陈旧,是造成厌学的重要原因[4]。调查显示有近35%的学生认为教学管理还不严格,久而久之,败坏了学风[7]。(2)教材内容陈旧,学生看不到学科的发展,看不到最新的知识,认为还没有学,课本上的东西就已经落伍的了,从而难以激发其自身内在的学习主动性,产生厌学情绪。教学过程单调,



教学方法单一。(3)教学方法缺乏创新,教师讲授方式的单一、教材的陈旧、刻板、脱离现实生活也在一定程度上影响学生学习的积极性,出现厌学的现象[7]。有调查显示,目前的教学方法与学生期望的教学方法存在较大差距。目前的教学方法以“填鸭式”为主,而最能调动学生学习积极性的“启发式”教学只占教学的33.6%。这种教师讲、学生记、考试背的“三段论”教学方式,磨蚀了学生的激情和个性,使学生觉得呆板、枯燥、毫无趣味,学习的失落感便“油然”而生。(4)教师素质因素:有38.41%和36.59%的大学生认为部分授课教师道德素质不高、业务能力差、考评机制不健全,对学生的基础知识、专业知识、操作能力、创新能力、思想品德不能客观评价,严重挫伤学生对课堂学习的信心[4]。教师的“权威”不断受到“质疑”,学生找不到敬佩的为人榜样。在对教师的评价中,只有16%的学生认为老师学识很渊博,能学到很多东西, 73%的学生认为老师讲课还可以,但学问一般,近6%的学生认为老师都不怎么样。学生对老师“威信”的质疑,特别是人格魅力方面的不敬佩,使学生失去学习的动力和兴趣,也是导致厌学的原因之一[7]。(5)师生之间缺乏教学互动。大班教学时,教师对学生更多的是疏远、漠然、不认识、不了解,“一把尺子量到底”致使这些学生失去学习的乐趣、教师的关爱和班集体的温暖,产生了一系列的心理疾病及相应的反常表现:如自卑自贱、自暴自弃、一蹶不振;受委屈受迫害的多疑症;在众人面前矫揉造作故作姿态以显示自己的存在;憎恨学校、班级、教师,并因此产生一些破坏性的行为;有的甚至走向精神分裂。所以,学生厌学并因此产生一系列的不良行为,大概与我们有些教师对学生缺乏爱心不无关系[2]。(6)考试形式和方法单一。大部分考试课程均采用闭卷考试的方法,这样的考试形式,导致学生普遍存在临考前抱佛脚,死记硬背的现象,不能对所学知识深入理解、灵活应用。在考试内容上多数只是局限于教材内容,重视理论知识的考核,轻视能力的考查、素质的培养和检测。而这样的考试方法产生的漏洞加上学生的厌学情绪使考试作弊成为学生应付学习和考试的重要手段。(7)高校学生评价体系不够合理。在当前的大学教育评价体系中,考试成绩仍然是衡量一名学生优劣的最主要依据。它决定着奖学金发放、三好学生评比、学位的获得、组织的发展以及毕业后的择业等一系列与学生切身利益息息相关的问题。因此,一方面尽管大学生们在中小学就已经厌倦了各种考试,但为了应付,不得不花费大量时间进行机械练习,使一部分大学生产生了厌学心理、厌学行为。另外一方面,由于个别教师不完全以学生学习的好坏而是以亲疏、好恶给分数,使一些平时学习刻苦勤奋的学生成绩反而不如贪玩的学生。为了分数,大学生们平时可以少学或者不学习,而考试时则不择手段争取高分[8]。(8)学校管理存在缺陷。46.65%的大学生认为学校宽进宽出、疏于管理,使厌学学生有可乘之机[4]。学生进校后专业思想教育、就业观教育的工作没能及时跟上,对专业前景,发展方向认识不足,使得部分学生的专业思想不明确,思想上有失落感,学习上不感兴趣。个别高校的日常管理工作也存在着不少问题,学生逃学上网、打扑克、玩麻将,夜不归宿,无人过问。上课迟到、早退,课堂上睡大觉、玩东西,任课老师听之任之。在考场上,对于学生的作弊行为,有些监考老师常常是睁一只眼闭一只眼。有些学生平时学习很认真,但期末考试成绩却不尽如人意,而另一些学生,平时根本没有用心学习,通过作弊却考出了高分,这种不正常现象对于努力学习的学生来说,无疑是一个打击。由于考试容易蒙混过关,许多学生平时也就不愿专心学习,得过且过,“当一天和尚,撞一天钟”[6]。 3 家庭因素 (1)家庭教育的失衡:家庭教育作为学校教育的基础和补充,起着不可替代的作用,而家庭教育的失衡又是学生产生厌学情绪的摇篮[5]。(2)家庭经济困难:29.27%的学生由于家庭经济状况差,家庭教育缺乏合理性等因素[4]。 2 school factors (1 ) the curriculum structure is not reasonable. 1/3 of the students that the school provides a learning environment in general or poor, no good learning atmosphere is also easy to encourage weariness pervaded [7]. 54.27% and 45.12% of the college students feel disappointed to the school, that school infrastructure, teaching facilities, books, and in the eyes of the school too



much contrast, inner sense of loss enhancement, tired of learning; school system also has some disadvantages to improve [4]. 43.29% of the students think that the professional is not ideal, the curriculum is not reasonable, the teaching method is old, is [4] important cause of weariness. Survey shows that nearly 35% of the students thought that the teaching management is not strict, in the course of time, corrupted the style of study [7]. ( 2 ) the old teaching material, students not to see the development of the subject, not to see the latest knowledge, believe that there is no school, things on textbooks have been behind the times, thus making it difficult to stimulate their own learning initiative, resulting in emotional weariness. The teaching process dull, monotonous teaching methods. ( 3 ) the lack of innovation in teaching methods, teaching methods, teaching materials, the single old stereotypes, divorced from real life to a certain extent, affected the enthusiasm of the students, appear the phenomenon of weariness [7]. Investigation shows, there is a big gap between the present method of teaching and student expectations. The current teaching methods mainly to \" cramming eaching only accounted for 33.6% of teaching. The teacher speaks, students write, test back \" syllogism \" teaching mode, the students' passion and abrasive personality, so that students feel dull, boring, no fun, learning frustration \" spontaneously \". ( 4 ) the teacher quality factors: there are 38.41% and 36.59% of the students believe that part of teachers' moral quality is not high, business ability, evaluation mechanism is not perfect, the students' basic knowledge, professional knowledge, operation ability, innovation ability, ideology and morality is not an objective evaluation, serious contusion of students' classroom learning confidence [4]. Teachers \"authority \" has been \" questioned \only 16% of the students think the teacher knowledge is extensive, can learn a lot of things, 73% of the students think that the teacher can also, but the knowledge in general, nearly 6% of the students think that the teacher is not how. The student questioning of teachers \" authority \especially the personal charm does not respect, make the students lose learning motive and interest, but also lead to \" one of the reasons [7]. ( 5 ) the lack of interaction between teachers and students. Class teaching, teachers are more of students, indifference, do not know, do not understand, \" a ruler of what \" the students lose the fun of learning, caring teachers and class collective warmth, produced a series of mental diseases and abnormal expression of the corresponding: such as humbled himself, then, unable to get up after a fall; suffer persecution paranoia; in the presence of all pretentious posturing to show their existence; hate school, class, teacher, and as a result of destructive behavior; some even towards schizophrenia. Therefore, students weariness and therefore produce a series of bad behavior, probably with some of our teachers lack of love for the students is [2]. ( 6 ) the examination form and method of single. Most courses are a closed book examination method, the examination form, causes the student to exist before it, the phenomenon of rote, cannot learn the knowledge of the understanding, flexible application. The examination content most is only confined to the teaching content, pay attention to theoretical knowledge examination, training and detection ability, quality. The examination method such that the resulting loopholes and students' mood to cheat in the exam has become an important means for students to study and test. ( 7 ) the evaluation system of college students is not reasonable. At the University of current education evaluation system, test scores still is a measure of a student or the main basis. It determines the scholarships, \"three good\" student assessment, degree, organizational development and after graduation employment and a series of closely linked with the vital interests of the problem. Therefore, on one hand, although the students in primary and secondary



schools have been tired of the examinations, but in order to cope with, had to spend a lot of time for mechanical practice, that a part of students have mental weariness, weariness behavior. On the other hand, because of individual teachers to students' learning is incomplete but in solidarity, likes and dislikes to score, so that some of the usual study diligent student achievement but not naughty students. For grades, students can learn or not learn at ordinary times, but when the exam is use unscrupulous divisive tactics for high score [8]. ( 8 ) the school management defects. 46.65% of the students think management out of school into the wide, wide, make the weary students taking advantage of [4]. Students ideological education, employment education work could not keep up with the professional development direction, prospects, lack of understanding, so that part of the student's professional thinking is not clear, there is a sense of loss on the thought, learning not interested. The individual university's daily management work is facing many problems, the students play truant surfing the Internet, playing poker, playing mahjong, broken curfew, nobody. Class late, leave early, sleep, play something in class, the teacher allow someone to continue. In the exam, the students' cheating, some of the teachers are often turn a blind eye. Some students usually study very hard, but the final exam scores are not just as one wishes, while other students, usually don't study hard, cheat by earn high marks, this is not a normal phenomenon for the students who study hard, is undoubtedly a blow. Because the exam is easy to slip by, many students usually don't concentrate on learning, muddle along, \" when a monk, hit a day clock \" [6]. 3 family factors ( 1 ) imbalance of family education: family education as the foundation and supplement for school education, plays an irreplaceable role, while the imbalance of family education and students ' School-weariness cradle [5]. ( 2 ) the family economic difficulties: 29.27% students due to family economic status, family education is lack of rational factors such as [4].

4 个人因素 大学生产生厌学情绪,固然有着深刻的学校、社会的原因,而作为学习主体的学生个人来说,更有着许多不容忽视的个人因素在影响着他们。归纳起来有以下几个原因:(1)许多学生进入大学以后,便丧失了奋斗目标。(2)一些学生存在着重智育轻德育的心态。学习的目的不是为了国家的繁荣富强、国力的强大,而是为了自己的舒适的工作环境、较高的工作地位。考虑最多的是自己的一切,爱国心、集体主义淡薄。国家花费大量的资金培养出来的大学生,为的却是能出国定居国外。不愿在平凡的工作岗位上默默地做贡献,这给当代高校的德育教育提出了一个新的课题[2]。(3)专业与兴趣不符,学习目标不明确。厌学的原因很大一部分是由专业因素引起的,主要表现在大学生对所学专业缺乏兴趣,混学现象严重,没有明确的学习目标和动力[7]。对于上大学后该如何完成学业,自己将来应成为怎样的人,诸如此类的问题根本没有思考过,没有奋斗目标。调查显示,同学们课余时间上网的比上自习的要多出3.9个百分点,逛街和闲聊的同学也占很大比例。(4)心理不够成熟,心态容易失衡。很多大学生不能够适应从高中到大学生活、学习状态的改变,不会与其他同学交流,变得孤僻自闭;有些在恋爱、学习过程中受到挫折。(5)没有掌握正确的学习方法。大学的学习方法不同于中学,大学培养目标要求大学生具有一定的自学能力和独立分析、解决问题的能力;在要求学生学习好专业知识的同时,也提供了锻炼能力,扩充知识面所需的足够的时间和空间。而许多大学生进入大学后,不能适应这种变化,缺乏科学的学习方法,对学习产生畏难情绪,导致厌学[8]。(6)学生控制能力弱、抗挫能力差:过分强调自我意识和个人爱好,加之自我调控能力差,缺乏科学的学习方法,不能适应大学学习生活,必然会对学习产生畏拒情绪,导致学生厌学[5]。(7)学习专业兴趣不高:据调查,认为学习是一种乐趣的学生只占被调查者的13.8%。调查显示,被调查的学生中有48.6%非第一志愿录取,有44.1%的学生对自己所学的专业不很满意或不满意[3]。(8)学生自我管理



能力差,意志力薄弱。调查显示, 25%的学生一天能坚持学习一到两个小时, 9%的学生每天学习不到一个小时,甚至还有5%的学生回答为不清楚,没坚持学习过;还有一部分学生容易受到周围环境的影响,意志力较差,沉湎于网络等虚拟世界中不能自拔;还有一部分学生,由于抗挫能力不强,得不到老师和同学们的特别关注,因此在心理上产生不适感;也有一部分学生理想和现实的差距过大,心理上就处于消极防御的状态,把大部分时间都放在与学习无关的事上[7]。

4 individual factors of College Students ' School-weariness, is why there is a profound school, society, and as the students individual learning subject, many more ignored personal factors affect their. There are several reasons: ( 1 ) after many students enter the University, then lost the goal. ( 2 ) some students focus on intellectual and moral light mentality. The purpose of learning is not for the country's rich, strong and prosperous, strong national strength, but to their own comfortable working environment, high working status. Consider the most is his all, patriotism, collectivism is weak. Countries spend a lot of money for students in college, is to go abroad to settle abroad. Unwilling to do contribution in ordinary jobs, it puts forward a new topic for the moral education of the contemporary college [2]. ( 3 ) the professional interest and inconsistent, learning objectives are not clear. A large part of weariness was caused by major factors, mainly in the college students' studies on the lack of interest, mixed phenomenon serious, there is no clear learning objectives and dynamic [7]. For the university how to complete their studies, their future should be what kind of person, and so on question no thought, no goal. Investigation shows, the students spare time surfing the Internet 3.9 percentage points more than the top self-study, shopping and gossiping students also accounted for a large proportion. ( 4 ) psychology is not mature enough, mind easy balance. Many students can not adapt to the transition from high school to university life, learning state change, the exchange will not with other students, become autism; some frustration in love, the learning process. ( 5 ) does not have the correct learning methods. Learning method in university is different from the middle school, the target requires students to have a certain ability of self-study and independent analysis, problem solving skills training in University; students are required to learn professional knowledge, but also provides the ability to exercise, expand enough required knowledge of time and space. While many college students after entering the University, they can not adapt to this change, the lack of scientific learning method, have the fear of emotions on learning, leading to learning [8]. ( 6 ) the student control ability is weak, poor resistance to setbacks: too much emphasis on the sense of self and personal hobbies, and self control ability is poor, the lack of scientific learning method, meet the university life can not, will have to fear emotion on learning, leading to the students [5]. ( 7 ) learn professional interest is not high: according to the survey, think learning is fun students accounted for only 13.8% of the respondents. Investigation shows, the students surveyed in 48.6% non first volunteer admission, 44.1% of the students of their own professional learning is not very satisfied or not satisfied with [3]. ( 8 ) the student self-control ability is poor, weak willpower. Investigation shows, 25% of the students can learn from one to two hours a day, 9% of the students to study every day in less than an hour, or even 5% of the students answered is not clear, did not insist on learning; some students easily affected by the environment, poor willpower, indulge in the network virtual world in inextricably bogged down in; there are some students, because of anti-frustration ability is not strong, not to pay special attention to the teacher and the students, resulting in discomfort in the psychology; there is also a part of students' ideal and the reality gap is too large, the psychological defense is in negative state, spend most of their time on nothing to do with learning [7].

