

2022-12-18 来源:钮旅网
经典英语诗歌:Silent meaning

经典英语诗歌:Silent meaning Silent meaning William S. Cohen The word not spoken goes not quite unheard. It lingers in the eye, in the semi-arch of brow. A gesture of the hand

speaks pages more than words, The echo rests in the heart as driftwood does in sand, To be rubbed by time until it rots or shines. The word not spoken touches us as music does the mind. 寄意无语 威廉 S 科恩 藏在心底的`语言, 也会发出清晰的声响; 它在眼睛里飘逸, 它在眉宇间荡漾。 一个小小的手势, 比万语千言更加明朗; 那回声在心中萦绕, 像浮木随沙粒流淌; 经受时间的消磨, 直至腐朽或者闪光。

藏在心底的语言, 是拨动心弦的乐章。
