

2024-04-24 来源:钮旅网
…I….o 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。H。。。。e‘。。。。r。a。。—ld— 语言学研究 nnovat。。i。。。o。。n。。。。‘高级英语修辞总结与欣赏 田国卫 (山东省寿光市潍坊科技学院 山东潍坊 262700) 摘要:在张汉熙主壕的《高叛英语》教材中,每篇文章的学习中都有修辞手法,正是这些修辞手法的运用,使文章读起来更加生动,具体 和形象。本文通过对高鳆英语中的修辞手法运用的归纳与总结,加深大家在学习过程中对课文的进一步欣赏,从而对文章中的精彩段落有 更好的理解。 关键词:高衄英语 修辞 欣赏 中图分类号:G 71 2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:167 3--9795(2013)1 2(a)--008 9--01 1 Simile明喻 反话正说。 明喻顾名思义就是本体喻体比喻词都 4 Hyperbole夸张 例如: 出现,将具有共性的不同事物用like,as, 夸张是有意识的运用言过其实的语言 (1)This way I look at them and con— seem,as if/though等连接起来。 来表达,从而达到强调或滑稽的效果。 gratulate myself on the good fortune that 例如: 例如: my illness has brought me. (1)Telephone poles and 20-inch—thick (1)If Hitler invaded Hell and would (2)I award this championship only pines cracked like guns as the winds snapped make at least a favorable reference to the after laborious research and incessant them. Devil in the House of Commons. praYer. (2)Indeed,this nation’S best-loved (2)Here was wealth beyond compu- author was every bit as adventurOus. tation,almost beyond imagination・・・ 8 Rhetorical question修辞疑问句 patriotic,romanUc,and humorous as anyone 它与一般疑问句的不同在于它并不是 has ever imagined. 5 Parallelism排比 想找到问题的答案,而是以疑问的方式引 所谓排比是指把三个或三个以上意义 起读者的注意,从而取得修辞上的效果,它 2 Metaphor隐喻 相关或相近,结构相同或相似,语气相同的 的答案往往就在其中,不需要再做出回答。 隐喻是不出现比喻词like,as等,直接出 词组或句子排列在一起,形成一个体系,已 例如: 现喻体,是将某一事物的名称用于另一事 达到加强语气的效果。 (1)…but can you doubt what our 物,通过比较形成。 例如: poHcy will be? 例如: (1)We will never parley;we will never (2)Was I not at the scene of the (1)I see the Russian soldiers standing negotiate with Hitler or any of his gang. crime? on the threshold of their native land・・・ We shall fight him by land,we shall 当然在高级英语的教学中其实还有其 threshold refers to the threshold of fight him by sea,we shah fight him in 他修辞,以上仅仅是对高级英语教学中使 their nation. the air. 用较多的修辞进行了总结,希望对大家的 (2)Behind all this glare,behind all (2)I see the Russian soldiers standing… 学习有所帮助。 this storm.I see that small group of・・・ I see them guarding…I see the ten thou- Glare:a fierce or angry stare;here it sand villages…I see advancing upon… 参考文献 referS to war fire. [1】李冀宏.英语常用修辞入门【M].世界图 Storm:strong wind and rainI Here it 6 Euphemism委婉语 书出版公司,2000(3). refers to war or Hitler’S assault on the 委婉语是指为了礼貌或有些话不方便 [2】冯翠华.英语修辞大全(修订版)[M】.外 other COl2ntries. 直说,从而使用委婉的,温和的方法表达出 语教学与研究出版社,2005(1). 令人不愉快的,难以接受的语言。 [3】张秀国.英语修辞学【M].清华大学出版 3 Personification拟人 例如: 社,北京交通大学出版社,2005(5). 拟人是把没有生命的事物赋予其生 (1)he commented with a crushing sense [4]在线中修辞定义的资料【Z]. 命,从而使文章更加形象生动。 of despair on man’s final release from 例如: earthly struggles. (1)Every here and there,a doorway (2)He tried soldiering…with a motley gives a glimpse of a sunlit courtyard, band of Confederate guerrillas who dili- perhaps before a mosque or a caravanserai. gently avoided contact with the enemy. (把门缝拟人化) (2)1 was very happy and could hear 7 I rony反语 the birds singign in the woods.(把乌拟人 反语指用相反意义的词来表达其含义 化) 的修辞手法,可以简单的理解为正话反说, 中国科教创新导刊 China Education Innovation Herald 8 9 
