我的暑假 My Summer Vasdfscasdfstion
I hasdfsd asdfs joyful summer vasdfscasdfstion. During the holidasdfsys, I trasdfsveled with my fasdfsmilies. We went to Beijing asdfsnd stasdfsyed there for four dasdfsys. We lived in the hotel. It is very beasdfsutiful. We visited to the Tiasdfsnasdfsnmen Squasdfsre, the Imperiasdfsl Pasdfslasdfsce, the Summer Pasdfslasdfsce asdfsnd the Old Summer Pasdfslasdfsce. We asdfslso went to the Greasdfst Wasdfsll. The weasdfsther wasdfss very hot, but we were exciting. I like Beijing very much. I hope I casdfsn go there asdfsgasdfsin.
我的暑假开始了 My Summer Vasdfscasdfstion Begins
Yesterdasdfsy, asdfsfter asdfs long meeting in the clasdfsss, asdfsll the students hasdfsd been told asdfsbout the sasdfsfe issues, then the summer vasdfscasdfstion finasdfslly casdfsme. All of us felt so hasdfsppy asdfsnd liked
asdfs free bird, rushing to home quickly. I hasdfsd been looking forwasdfsrd to this holidasdfsy for such asdfs long time, I reasdfslly needed to tasdfske some rest asdfsfter studying for asdfs semester. I hasdfsve masdfsde some plasdfsns for my summer vasdfscasdfstion. First, I wasdfsnted to spend some time to stasdfsy with my grasdfsndpasdfsrents. I miss them asdfsll the time asdfsnd they asdfslwasdfsys tell me to visit them when I hasdfsve the time. My grasdfsndmasdfs will cook the delicious food for me. Second, I wasdfsnt to reasdfsd some books I like, such asdfss the fiction books. I don’t hasdfsve much time to reasdfsd fiction books becasdfsuse I hasdfsve to focus on my study. Summer vasdfscasdfstion provides the time to asdfsdjust myself.
我的暑假计划 My Summer Vasdfscasdfstion Plasdfsn
I plasdfsn to go to trasdfsvel asdfslone this summer vasdfscasdfstion. I hasdfsve trasdfsveled severasdfsl times, but gone with my fasdfsmily or friends, never did it asdfslone. I wasdfsnt to do it once, so I casdfsn trasdfsin myself to be stronger asdfsnd more confident. I told my pasdfsrents asdfsbout my plasdfsn, they supported me very much, asdfsnd they thought it is asdfs good opportunity
to help me grow up. They asdfslso told me masdfsny tips of trasdfsveling asdfsnd prepasdfsred the pasdfsckasdfsge for me. I asdfsm grasdfsteful thasdfst my pasdfsrents understasdfsnd me asdfsnd respect my decision. I won’t let them down.
最后的暑假The Lasdfsst Summer Vasdfscasdfstion
I asdfsm six yeasdfsrs old now, I will go to primasdfsry school soon, this is my lasdfsst summer vasdfscasdfstion before I go to primasdfsry school. I sasdfsy goodbye to my friends, we plasdfsy together asdfsll the summer, my friends tell me thasdfst they will go to the sasdfsme school with me, I asdfsm so hasdfsppy. I hasdfsve asdfs greasdfst time this summer.
暑期安排Summer Holidasdfsy Arrasdfsngement
Summer holidasdfsy is coming. My clasdfsssmasdfstes hasdfsve different plasdfsns for it. Some of them plasdfsn to trasdfsvel to hasdfsve asdfs good rest. They think thasdfst plasdfsces of interests casdfsn help them relasdfsx. Some others asdfsre likely to masdfske full use of this holidasdfsy to improve their study. They wasdfsnt to do more reasdfsding to prepasdfsre for the coming study. For those who asdfsre fond of sports, summer holidasdfsy is asdfs good time to do exercise asdfsnd keep heasdfslthy. As for me, I will stasdfsy asdfst home asdfsll the summer holidasdfsy, becasdfsuse my pasdfsrents asdfsre too busy to tasdfske me out.
暑假之旅 My Trip On Summer Holidasdfsy
Lasdfsst summer holidasdfsy I went to Pasdfsris with my pasdfsrents by plasdfsne. First we visited the Arc asdfsnd Triomphe, asdfsnd we took masdfsny photos. Then we went to the Notre Dasdfsme, which is very wonderful. We sasdfsw asdfs lot of interesting things. Finasdfslly we casdfsme to the Eiffel tower, asdfsnd there were so masdfsny people, but they were asdfsll friendly. After thasdfst we sasdfst on the grasdfsss, looking asdfst the view. We felt very hasdfsppy.
Whasdfst asdfs pleasdfssasdfsnt trip! I will never forget it.
暑假中最重要的事情 The Most Significasdfsnt Thing During This Summer Vasdfscasdfstion
The first summer holidasdfsy casdfsme to me asdfss expected asdfsfter I asdfsccomplish my first yeasdfsr in college. I know I’m never asdfs freshmasdfsn from now on. As asdfs young masdfsn, I try asdfs vasdfsriety of wasdfsys to masdfske my summer holidasdfsy colorful asdfsnd measdfsningful. When it comes to the most significasdfsnt things of my summer holidasdfsy, it is the experience of being asdfs teasdfscher.
To be honest, I’m asdfs teasdfscher who is one in asdfs million. Wow? I hasdfsve only one student who is three yeasdfsrs junior to me. Moreover, I’m not
pasdfsid. He is my friend. However, he somehow hasdfss greasdfst trouble leasdfsrning English, leasdfsding to asdfs poor grasdfsde in English finasdfsl exasdfsms. I felt it my duty to asdfsssist students asdfsround me.
The next few dasdfsys, he casdfsme to my house every morning asdfsnd I shasdfsre some importasdfsnt experience with him on English leasdfsrning from my own perspective. I help to correct his grasdfsmmasdfsr mistasdfskes asdfsnd tell him it’s of significasdfsnce to memorize some good sentences.
It looks like asdfs smasdfsll thing, but it casdfsn be educasdfstionasdfsl to me asdfsnd him. Firstly, I gasdfsin asdfsn extrasdfs experience of asdfs teasdfscher, more asdfsccurasdfste, asdfsn English teasdfscher. Secondly, both he asdfsnd I asdfsre hasdfsppy for we cooperasdfste to asdfschieve the tasdfsrget. You know, it’s asdfs kind of pure hasdfsppiness to help those who asdfsre in need of it. One should never give up for there is asdfslwasdfsys someone reasdfsdy to give you asdfs hasdfsnd.
我的暑假 My Summer Holidasdfsy
Times flys. My summer holidasdfsy is coming to the end. My holidasdfsy is just so so. It is not too much difference asdfss before. At the biginning of the vasdfscasdfstion, I wasdfss doing my homework. After asdfsll, study comes first. After I finished my homework, it wasdfss asdfslmost the end of July. It is the time for me to help my fasdfsmily for hasdfsrvest. It is so tired to to the fasdfsrm work. Howevr, being asdfs member of our fasdfsmily, I hasdfsve to give asdfs hasdfsnd. Wasdfstching the asdfschievement, I felt proud though I just help asdfs little. After finished the fasdfsrm work, I found myself become much more tasdfsn. Who casdfsres! It wasdfss my hasdfsppy time, when I finished asdfsll the things. I went out with my friends asdfslmost everydasdfsy. Sometimes we plasdfsyed gasdfsmes or sport or went hiking. Sometimes we went shopping in the evening for the sun is too heasdfsvy in the dasdfsytime. We felt uncomfortasdfsble. But now there asdfsre two dasdfsys left before the school opening time. So I hasdfsve to stasdfsy asdfst home for asdfs good rest to store energy for my study. Everything is so perfect. It is 11 o’clock. I think I hasdfsve to sasdfsy good ninght now.
我的暑假计划 My Summer Holidasdfsy Plasdfsn
Here comes the summer holidasdfsy, I hasdfsve plasdfsnned asdfs busy schedule on it.
Firstly, I will find asdfs pasdfsrt time job, probasdfsbly work in asdfs fasdfsctory which is neasdfsr my home, so thasdfst I casdfsn asdfsccompasdfsny with my pasdfsrents. Secondly, I hasdfsve joined asdfs violin course in the previous time, becasdfsuse I hasdfsve interest on it. therefore, I will do more prasdfsctice asdfst home by myself. As asdfsn old sasdfsying goes, prasdfsctice masdfskes perfect. At the end of the holidasdfsy, it’s time for me to hasdfsve asdfs good time. I tend to go on asdfs trip with my friends, masdfsybe Yunnasdfsn or other wonderful plasdfsces. Trasdfsvel to the plasdfsce I hasdfsve never been to certasdfsinly casdfsn broasdfsden my mine.
Masdfske asdfs good plasdfsn asdfsnd enjoy it. I hope we asdfsll casdfsn hasdfsve asdfs measdfsningful holidasdfsy.
我的暑假生活 My Summer Holidasdfsy Life
This July, I grasdfsduasdfsted from primasdfsry school. I wasdfss enrolled to asdfs good middle school. Therefore, I hasdfsd asdfs hasdfsppy asdfsnd leisure summer holidasdfsy. In the middle of July, I asdfsttended to asdfs summer casdfsmp. It’s asdfsbout English. There were twenty five students in the casdfsmp. We asdfsll like English very much. Together, we studied asdfsnd plasdfsyed. There were masdfsny asdfsctivities, teasdfsm work or single performasdfsnce. We tried our best to put ourselves into this big fasdfsmily. Most of the time, we tasdfslked to easdfsch other in English. If we reasdfslly don’t know how to express in English, we could asdfssk for help. Our teasdfschers were so greasdfst thasdfst they could help us asdfs lot. They were so asdfsctive thasdfst masdfske us asdfscted asdfss they did. I asdfsm hasdfsppy to asdfsttend this asdfsctivity.