教学资料范本 八年级英语下册 Module 6 Unit 1 Do you collect anything教案 编 辑:__________________ 时 间:__________________ 1 / 7 Module6 Hobbies 一、 教学内容:Unit1Do you collect anything? 二、 课型:Listening and speaking 三、 教学目标: 1、能够正确使用下列单词和词组:fan, stamp, tidy up, shelf, have a look, as, coin, note, pound, dollar, must, valuable, with, value, just. 2、能够听懂谈论爱好的谈话并完成相关的听力任务。 4、能就“爱好”话题进行问答及介绍自己的爱好。 5、通过对本单元的学习、了解各种爱好、通过谈论爱好及分享不同的爱好、培养对他人不同爱好的尊重、引导学生培养良好的兴趣爱好、促进学生的全面发展。 教学重难点: 能够熟练运用所学知识谈论爱好。 四、 教学准备: 课堂整体运用任务型教学模式、培养学生独立自主的学习能力。本课指导学生通过听说获取信息、培养学生的听说技能。在教学过程中、采用多媒体手段辅助教学、利用各种图片、实物和习题任务贯穿整个教学过程。因此、本节课需准备:PPT课件、挂图、录音机、实物、奖品。 五、 教学过程: 教学 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 步骤 Warming-up 让学生看一 1. Have the students see a 1. Enjoy seeing a book 本集邮册。 book of stamps . of stamps. Step 用邮票引起One 学生的学习Warming -up 兴趣、(3’) 在充满轻松 、愉快的气 氛下和学生2.Free talk: “ What’s 2. Free talks about your hobby? Do you like hobbies. 进行Free collecting anything ? ” Talk、 调动学生的学习情绪、更好地引入新课。 2 / 7 Step Two Pre-task (5’) 1.Show students some pictures, talk about the picture with the Ss and learn the new words. 引导学生谈论图片,训练学生描述事情的能力。在描述的同时学习新单词和句型、 e.g. T: What’s this? S: It’s a fan. 做到词不离 T: Do you like collecting fans? S: …. 句、为学生扫清2. Show some pictures 2.Look and talk about 听的障碍。 about the hobbies and the pictures. talk about the pictures with Ss. 通过看图及Which hobby do you like 讨论爱好、best? 为接下来的Which hobby do you think 听力做好铺is the most 垫。 interesting\\most expensive\he cheapest? Which hobby do you think takes up the most space? 1. Listen and check: Have the students listen 1.Listen and find out to the tape and find out who collect the things. who collect the things: 通过听两遍 tistTfPos 及完成两个ckamoat 由易到难的et p y n car 听力任务;cd 把听力任务a 设置成表格r 和选择题一Ton 定程度上降y 低了难度的Ton 同时也培养y’ 了学生听取s 2.Listen and choose the 细节信息的dad answers to the 能力。 Ton questions y’ s mum 2.Listen again and choose the answers to the questions. 3 / 7 1. Look at the pictures and learn the new words. Step Three While -task (24’) (1)What does Tony’s mum want him to do ? A.To collect the cars B.To tidy up his room C.To help his dad (2)Which hobby does Tony think is expensive? A.Toy car B.Postcard C.Stamp 3.Listen to the conversation and answer the question: How many kinds of hobbies are mentioned? 4.Listen again and match the hobbies . LingliA.collecting ng’s coins and hobby notes, Bettycollecting ’s stamps hobbieB.collecting s bus and train Tony’s tickets hobby C.collecting 3. Listen and answer the question. 4.listen again and match. 5. Listen and repeat the conversation.Then check the true sentences and correct the false ones as well. fans 6. The students read the dialogue in groups 5.Listen ,read and check: and find out the import Have the students listen language points. and read the dialogue by themselves and check the true sentences : 7. Read the dialogue in (1)Lingling has got groups and then ask about 60 fans. several groups to act (2)Betty collects six out the dialogue in or seven books of stamps class. from all over the world. (3)Tony’s hobby is the most expensive. Then check their answers in pairs, then in class. 4 / 7 让学生带着问题去听课文,让学生从听觉上对课文有初步的理解、同时培养学生通过听获取细节信息技巧。 让学生通过听和跟读课文纠正自己的语音并且进一步熟悉课文内容后check 正确的句子并且更正错误的句子、培养了学生通过读获取细节信息能力。 通过小组活动提高学生间的自主、合作学习、让学生充分地实践运用语言、并激发学生创造性思维的发展。 6.Read and remember(Group work ) Ask students to read the dialogue in groups and try to find out some important language points by themselves then help them solve the difficult points if necessary. 7. Act out the dialogue. 1.. Let the students with the correct form of the words in Activity 4. Step Four Post- task (10’) 2.Make a survey(Pair work and group work). Work in pairs and make a survey,then make a report about their partners’ hobbies. (1)What’s your hobby? (2)Why do you like ...? (3)When did you start doing it ? (4)Where do you ....? (5)How often do you ...?/How many do you ...? . 1.Get the students sum up the language points. Step T: What have we learned Five today? SummarySs:…… (2’) 2.Let the students choose the best team in this lesson. 2.Make a survey in pairs and then make a report in groups like this : ...is my friend.He/She likes...Because ...He/She started... Then choose the best “reporter”. 让学生根据Activity 3的内容完成文段、进一步巩固所学内容。 通过两人调查活动到小组的报告活动、让学生充分地实践运用语言、更多地了解他人的爱好并无形中突破了本课的难点。 1.Sum up the language points. 2.To choose the best groups. 5 / 7 引导学生对这节课的总结、让学生做自由发言、培养学生自主学习、自主总结的 良好学习习惯。 简短的评价使学生的课堂表现得到肯定并且可以激励学生的学习兴趣、树立学习英语的信心。 课后作业有助于学生巩固和运用已学的知识。 Step 1. Have the students Six write a short passage Home- about their hobbies. work (1’) 七、板书设计: Finish the homework. Book 4 Module6 Hobbies Unit1Do you collect anything? 1.Sorry,it’s a bit of a mess. 2. Let me have a look. 3. People often give me fans as presents because they know I like them. 4.Do you collect anything? 5. They must be really valuable. 6. Can I see them? 7.Their value isn’t always important. 达标训练题 一、根据句意及汉语提示完成句子、每空一词。 1.有个爱好很好、但是不要占太多时间。 It’s good to have a hobby but don’t ________ _________too much time . 2.你收集了这么多的邮票。我可以看一看吗? You have collected _______ _________ stamps.May I _____ ______ _______? 3.这些硬币肯定很值钱。 These coins must ________ _________. 4.对不起、我的房间有点乱。 Sorry,my room is _______ _______ _________ a mess. 6 / 7 5.我爸爸给我一个模型飞机作为生日礼物。 My father ______ me a model plane _____ birthday present. 二、选择正确的答案: ( ) 1. - There’s something wrong with my MP5. - ____________.Maybe I can help you. A.Of course not B.Don’t say so. C. I don’t think so D. Le me have a look ( ) 2. Tom,your room is in a mess. Please________. A.tidy up it B. take it up C. turn it up D. tidy it up ( ) 3. There are some old paintings in the museum and some of them are _____. A. value B.valuable C. interested D. Excited ( )4. My mum bought a new dress ______me yesterday. A. to B. as C. for D. with ( )5. There’s _______ milk in the cup. A.a bit B. a bit of C. a little of D.a few 7 / 7