dis-: disengagement, discontinuous, disburden in-: inarguable, inattentive, incapacity im-: impudent, impervious, impropriety il-: illiterate, illegitimate, illegible
ir- :irresolvable, irreconcilable, irrepealable
un-: unaccommodated, unadulterated, uninspiring non-: nonaggression, nonconformist, nonelectrolyte mis-:misfortune, misconduct, misconceive de-: demobilize, decapitate, decarboxylation anti-: antidiabetic, antidote, antiemetic
counter-: counterespionage, counteract, countermarch
pre-: prearranged, preconception, preprandial ante-: antemeridian, antemortem, antecede fore-: foreground, forecastle, foredoom pro-: prologue, promotion, prosecutor
post-: postmeridian, postfix, posthumous
hypo-: hypocrisy, hypothesis, hypochlorite infra-: infrasonic, infrahuman, infrastructure sub-: subaquatic, subcellular, subcutaneous
表示“反复、再次,向后”的前缀 re-: recapture, recede, recession
retro-: retroflex, retropulsion, retroversion
co-: co-education, cooperation, coordination
inter-: interentral, intercurrent, intercontinental
表示“出,超出”的前缀 ec-: eclipse, ecstasy, ecstatic
extra-: extramural, extrasensory, extragalactic
hyper-, preter-, super-, sur-, ultra-: hyper-sensitive, preterhuman, supercritical, surpass, ultramodern
其他的前缀 前缀 mal- micro- tele- 意义 坏、恶 微、细 远 例 malnutrition, maltreat microscope, microtome telegram, telepathy semi-circle, hemisphere archbishop, archduke benefactor, benevolence homosexual, homograph neo-colonialism, neolithic orthogonal, orthodox philosopher, philomath prototype, protoplasm demi-,semi-,hemi- 半、二分之一 arch- bene- homo- neo- ortho- philo- proto- pseudo- 首领 善、好 同 新 正确,直 挚爱 原始 假的,冒充的 pseudonym, pseudo-communism a-,ab-,abs- apo-,aph- se- omni- 从,自 来自 分离 avoid, absent, abstain apology, apostle secure, sedition 所有的,公共omnibus, omipotence 的 pan- dia- per- trans- 全、泛 Pan-american, panorama 通过,借以 Diagonal, diagnosis 通过,彻底 Perambulate, perfection 通过,横过 Transcript, transparent com-,con-,cor-,col- 共同,和,完Compile, correlation, collaborate 全 syn- meta- 共同 Synchronization, synthetic 在上,在外,Metaphor, metaphysics 有改变的 cis- en-,em- intra- intro- dys- eu- ambi-,amphi- uni-,mono- bi-,di-,twi- tri- multi- 在这一边 在 里 内在 cisatlantic, cislunar Endear, embrace Intracardiac, intramolecular 进入 之中 Introduce, introspect 坏 优,美好 两者 单一,单独 二 三 多 Dyspepsia, dysentery Eulogy, euphony Amphibian, ambidextrous monotone, monologue Biyearly,dichloride,twiformed Triangle, tripod Multi-colored, multi-national poly- tetra- penta- sex-,hexa- sept- hepta- octa-,octo-,oct- nona-,ennea- deci-,deca-- centi- milli- kilo-
多 四 五 六 Polygon, polyatomic Tetracycline, tetragon Pentagon, pentagram, pentameter Sexennial, hexagon 有七个的 September, septennial 七 八 九 十 百 千 千 Heptad, heptagon Octagon, octuple Nonagon, ennead, enneagon Decimal, decagram Centimeter, centipede Millennium, millimeter Kilowatt, kilometer
名词后缀 后缀 -age 意义 例 The action, result or state Reportage, parentage of -al The action of, the person Rival, criminal of -ee One who receives Testee, payee Fighter, pioneer Heroine, mayoress Bachelorhood, brotherhood Feasibility, servility Indication, commercialization Adventurism, opportunism Romanticist, nationalist Townlet, houselet Methodology, anthropology -er,--ar,-ur,-eer,-ier Doer, device for -hood -ility -ility Female Condition, state Quality of -ion, -ation Action of, process of -ism -ist -let Doctrine, belief Believer in ;expert of Little -logy,-ology Study of -age The action, result or state Reportage, parentage of -al The action of, the person Rival, criminal of -ee One who receives Testee, payee Fighter, pioneer Heroine, mayoress -er,--ar,-ur,-eer,-ier Doer, device for -hood Female -ility -ment -ness -ship -ty -ure
形容词后缀 后缀 -able -al -ic,-ical -ful -ile -ing -ish -istic -ive 意义 Condition, state Bachelorhood, brotherhood Result of; agency of; state of Disappointment, improvement Condition or quality of being Emptiness, eagerness State of Condition of being Partnership, citizenship Loyalty, security Act or fact of; result of being Failure, closure 例 Inclined to be; likely to be done Reliable, adaptable Inclined to be; connected with Colonial, political Relating to, resembling Full of Likely to be Having the quality of Having the quality of Full of Scenic, geometric Handful, cupful Hostile, fragile Disturbing, encouraging missish, devilish Artistic, realistic Inclined to; having the quality Offensive, constructive of -less -like Without Having the quality of Countless, jobless Warlike, businesslike Mysterious, advantageous Burdensome, troublesome -ous,-ious Having the quality of -some Full of -y
动词后缀 后缀 -fy -ize -en 副词后缀 -ly
Full of Clumsy, tricky 意义 make,; reinforce Make or cause to become Make 意义 In a manner 例 Verify, intensify Popularize, hospitalize Widen, heighten, threaten 例 Notoriously, instructively 词干
词干 Acu Alti Ambula Ann Anthro Arch Aster, astr Audi Auto Bio Brevi Capit Ced Cess Flect, flex Flu Form Frag Gen Geo Hearing Self Life Short Head go; move go; move Bend Flow Shape Break Produce Land; earth Audible, audiphone Autobiography, autosuggestion Biography, biocide Brevity, abbreviate Capitalization, capitation Recede, unprecedented Access, process Flexible, reflector Influenza, fluid Reform, conform Fragile, fracture Genetics, genesis Geometry, geography 意义 Sharp High Walk Year Man Ruler Star 例 Acute, acumen Altitude, exalt Ambulance, ambulate Anniversary, annals Anthropoid, anthroposociology Monarch, patriarch Astrology, asterisk grad Go; step Gradual, degrade Telegraph, diagram Grateful, gratitude Grave, gravimeter Aggressive, congress Herbal, herby Humidity, humidfier Hydroplane, hydrospace Inject, reject Juvenile, juvenilia Jurist, jury Laborious, collaborate Bilateral, equilateral Legislate, legislature Literature, semiliterate Allocate, localism Illuminate, luminary Magnify, magnitude Manage, manuscript Maritime, mariner Thermometer, altimeter Vomit, transmission Mortal, immrtal Graph, gram Write; writing Grate, grati Grav Gress Herb Humid hydr Ject Juven Just, jur Labor Later Leg literat Loc Lumi Magni Nan(u) Mar Meter Mit, miss Mort Thanks Heavy;serious Go; walk Grass Wet Water; liquid Throw Young Just Work side,; party Law letter Place Light; bright Gig; great Hand Sea Measure send Death Nomin Nounce Ortho Pater, patr Pathy ped Pel, pulse Pend,pens Phon Plic Port Pose prim Psych Punct Rupt Scop scope Scribe, script sequ Sens, sent Simil Name Proclaim Straight; correct Father Feeling foot push; drive Useup; hand Sound Fold Carry Put; place Initial; first Mind Point Break See; look at Instrument for observing Write; writing; look at Nominal, nominate Pronounce, denounce Orthodox, orthopedic Paternal, patricide Antipathy, empathy Pedestrian, expedition Expel, impulse, dispel Expenditure, suspend Headphone, symphony Duplicate, implicit Proter, export Dispose, expose Primitive, prime Psychology, psychoanalysis Acupuncture, punctual Corruption, interrupt, bandrupt Microscopic, macroscopic Microscope, telescope Describe, prescription follow Sense; feelings Like Consequence, sequel Sentimental, sensitivity, consent Similarity, simile Sol Soph Spec(t) Spir struct Stup Sum Tain The(o) Thermo Tract vent Verb Vert, vers Vid, vis Viv Voc, vok volv
Alone Wise See; look at Breathe build Be motionless Use up; take Hold God Heat Draw come Word Turn See Life Call; voice roll Solitary, soliloquy Sophisticated, philosopher Inspect, retrospect, prospect Respiration, perspire, expire Constructive, superstructure, Stupid, stupefy, stupor Consumption, assume, resume Maintain, attain, abstain Theology, theist, atheism Thermonuclear, thermos Tractor, attract, distract Advent, convention, contravention Non-verbal, hyperverbal Covent, version, subvert Invisible, visibility Vivid, revive, survive Evoke, advocate, vocalist Revolver, revolution, evolve