学生姓名: 袁怀刚 学 号: ******** 学 院: 交通运输与物流学院 专业年级: 2009级汽车服务工程 题 目: 汽车加油站的规划设计
指导教师: 韩志刚 副教授
评阅教师: 2013年5月
关键词: 加油站,燃油日需求量,选址,工艺设计,平面布置。
Planning and design of gas station car
Considering the present situation of economic development in China and not because of advanced construction equipment and capital investment by the waste, in the design of the gas station in the spirit of the design results can meet the requirements of the development of future gas station and now business needs and the gas station construction investment rational principles, so in the design of the building gas station by stages. Beginning with the conventional design, and
development trend after taking into account, for infrastructure automation gas station.Gas station is important to city life and it affects traffic circulation. Current regulations predict gas station needs without considering vehicle traffic characters and thus lack credibility. Prediction based on vehicle daily gas need is more rational. The planning and layout of gas stations with network concept will guarantee rational distribution of gas stations.
Key words : Gas station,Vehicle daily gas needs,site selection,process planning,plain layout.