
美剧 生活大爆炸第一季 笔记整理

2022-07-21 来源:钮旅网


填字游戏 crossword puzzle 半职业选手 semi-pro 后代 offspring

快餐店女服务员 fuddrucker 宽带bandwidth

身心俱疲 undergoing stress 咖喱 curry

争吵 scene Ex. She just wanted to avoid having a scene with him. (指防盗门上的)对讲机 intercom Ex. From the intercom

晚饭我请 dinner is no me

一目了然 fairly self-explanatory 我不在行 I’m no expert.

Leonard吃玉米会不消化的。Leonard can’ process corn. S01E02

香草味 vanilla

花生油 peanut oil 啰嗦 chatty 老毛病 pathology 非常醉人 intoxicating 备用钥匙 spare key 小菜一碟 easy-peasy 吊装带 lifting belts 我去开门 I’ll get it. 胸大肌 upper-body strength


很老套 very old school 看上某人 get one’s eye on sb 小事一桩 snap 出汗 perspire 迷恋 infautuation 陶艺 pottery 防狼喷雾 pepper spray 还没恢复过来 haven’t quite bounced back 追求符合我这个层次的人 go after so my 近在眼前了。Just a few more feet.. own speed 沉住气。Don’t panic. 刮腿毛 shave one’s legs 站着别动。Stay frosty. 无师自通(的专家) self-taught expert 各就各位。Lock and load. 在某事上纠结 quibble over sth 他是有点儿帅。He’s kind of dreamy. 我觉得你没戏。I don’t think you have a shot there.

或者看到人类受伤而袖手旁观?Or through inaction allowed a human being to come to harm? 已经断网半个小时了。Internet’s been down for half an hour. 没刻在石头上(暗指某事可以变更)。It’s not carved in stone. 事情就这么水到渠成了。This thing is going the distance. 这事情肯定会被搞定的。I’m sure things will pick up. S01E04

消除压力 kick the pressure off

障碍物 roadback

缠着某人 corner sb

奇闻异事 anecdote(s) 可信的 plausible

取得了质的飞跃 make an amazing leap forward 口感 vis-à-vis taste 被解雇了 get canned 刹车 brake

高尔夫球场 putt-putt course 成批购买 buy in bulk 卫生巾 tampons 更年期 menopause 织披肩 weave serapes 披风 poncho 暴躁 crabby

与某人吵架 fall out of sb 大发脾气 have a fit 慷慨 bounty

回到人生正轨 get back on one’s rocker 水果派 cobbler 猪油 lard

欺负 ass-kickings

先不提这个。Put it on a backburner. 帮我抹一下(指在食物上涂酱)。Shmear me.


This is my first day off in decades, and I’m going to savor it.

你今天怎么没去上班?How come you didn’t go into work today? (比较native的说法,取代了我们通常相到的why) 我现在在休假。I’m taking a sabbatical.

我不要对那种俗人低三下四。I won’t kowtow to mediocre minds. 她生理期到了。It’s her time of the month.

谢谢您匆忙赶了。Thanks for coming on such short notice. 我的生活,我自己做主。Capable of living my life as I see fit. 我老得盯着他。He’s got my eyes. 他很拗。He’s stubborn.

他会一直呆到他满意为止。He may stay in there till the rapture.(场景:Sheldon失业,呆在自己房里不肯出来)

我的话是不是让他们紧张?Did I pluck a nerve there? 你会吓着他的。You’ll spook him. 振作起来! Snap out of it! 快点! Now, let’s get crackin! 出发!Let’s shove off!

我们没那么多时间。We’re losing daylight.

我们可能一开始就没看对眼。We may have gotten off on the wrong foot. 再说吧。We’ll see. S01E05

对…无能为力 be vulnerable to

如果你还有兴趣,… If you’re up for it, … 引诱 seduce

求爱期,追求期 courtship

清爽的饮料 refreshing beverage

代我向某人问好 give my best to sb 安慰 platitude

我正好擅长口技。I happen to be a human beatbox.

你疯了? Are you insane?


在某方面糟透了 suck at sth 彩弹枪 paintball

(彻底)消灭,歼灭 annihilate 暗算 frag

融入她的社交圈 in the context of her social group

尿床 bed-wetting 展示 parade

注意了! Just heads up!


I have a party on Saturday. So if you are around, you should come on by.

我相信是时候采取行动了。I believe it’s time for me to turn my head and cough. S01E07

剩菜 leftover

想法 notion 对牛弹琴 talk to a wall 留人过夜 (n.)houseguest 排练(v.)role-play 袭击 marauder 隐身 cloak 麦片 cereal 睡得踏实。Sleep tight. 随从 entourage 我来说给你听听。Let me walk you through it. 主菜 entrée


干涉 meddle

比…更加重要 greater-than-average 调酒 mix drinks 无糖可乐 diet coke 续杯 refill

无忧无虑 carefree 摊牌 showdown

带摄像头的电脑 a computer with a webcam 喜悦与满足 hunky-dunky 闹腾 obnoxious 秃顶 vestigial tail

将听某人唠叨个没完 can’t hear the end of sth from sb.

我有(伸出触角)尝试。 I’ve got some feelers out. (夸张手法) 周五我没问题!(即周五我有空)Friday works for me! 我是认真的。Keep it real.

看开点。Look on the bright sight.

蚱蜢酒我相当在行。I make a mean grasshopper. 你跳过。(意思是直接轮到下一个人)You’re cut off. 你到底想说什么?What are you getting it? 别碍事。Back off.

恕我直言… May I point out.. 你还顶嘴?Are you in denial?

他脑子出什么毛病了?What’s gotten into him? S01E09

方便的 handy

身材健美的 ripped

吸取营养,排除毒素 take in nourishment, expel waste 两面的(如衣服领带两面穿着) reversible 取悦某人 impress sb.

我鸡皮疙瘩都起来了。I’ve got goose bumps.

容许我把问题阐述地更精确些。If I may drill down to the bedrock of my question… 你千万别误会。Please don’t take this the wrong way. 我在可怜你。I was throwing you a bone.


难以识破的 convoluted

但你这样想,… read only this,… 谎言未被揭穿 lie is still in force 变态的 kinky 典型的 quintessential (他)开窍了 personal growth 窘境 predicament 亮相 showcase 帮某人收拾残局 clean up after one’s mess 剧组人员 casting people 感觉格格不入 feel like an outsider 经纪人 agents 中产阶级父母 bourgeois parents 社交法则 social protocol 字面上来说 subtextually 最近活动 upcoming events 热烈的场面(通常指表扬)a big turnout 指往下滚电脑右边的滚动条 scroll down to 即将不入成年 on the cusp of manhood 强项 strong suit 在某人熟睡的时候 in the middle of a rem 消化不良 indigestion cycle 缜密的 exquisite

干点不大光彩的事 hole up in a garage somewhere huffing paint thinner 这是个契机啊!What a lucky break!

你根本就没心情听我说话。You’re in no state of mind to talk. 我们要火烧屁股了。Our pants are metaphorically on fire. (演出)成果!Break a leg!

我才不关心那个呢。That’s the least of my worries. 出发! Shortgun!


临时的 aluminum

这盘重来(用于下棋)reset the board 基本规则 ground rules 传染的 contagious 备用品( n.) spare 否决 (n.)negatory 喋喋不休 whiny 叫外卖 have sth delivered 胸毛 chest hair 否决某人 shout sb down 打结(指Howard胸毛打结) mat 晕倒 pass out 鼻塞 congested 脏的 stinking

他已经有妄想症了,不过他已经找到了地方呆着。He’s paranoid, and he’s established a nest.


非常吃香的 highly sought-after 强弩之末 dead end 助学金 grand money

从…偷渡 smuggle sb out of some place 巧克力点心 ding dong 社交能力 people skills

摆一个宴会 put out a spread 男主角 man of the hour 催化剂 catalyst 排斥 repulse

物极必反 off-putting 折磨我吧。Lay it on me.

我有了不祥的预感。I sense a disturbance in the force. 请随手关门。Please close it behind you. 最多12年了。12 years, tops.


考虑到… …given that…

洒…在…上 spile on 说吧 proceed 庸俗的 tawdry 单挑单练 y mano a mano 拉风的 kick-ass 严正以待 nice and loose 我觉得… I move that… 一鼓作气 come to play 快开始吧(迫不及待的心情)fire away 士气如虹 got your game face on 香草味的 vanilla 奖杯 trophy 提醒 heads-up 放水 forfeit 打心理战 use psychological warfare 太屌了!Neat! 尴尬的 awkward

你把大家都弄得没兴趣了。You are taking all the fun out of it. 我们必须以牙还牙。We must reply in kind.

有时为了团队你必须得牺牲个人。Sometimes you’ve got to take one for the team. 有点男人样,伙计。Sack up, dute. 让我们直接开始。Let’s jump right in. 他哑口无言的。He’s got squat. 放马过来。Bring it on.


淘宝人 sniper

彻底的 unmitigated 撮合A和B。 fix A up with B 洗车房 car wash 言行 demeanor 烹饪知识 culinary science 了解某事 pick up on sth 淘宝 sniping

我没多想一时定下的嘛。It was a spur-of-the-moment thing. 多丢人啊!How lame is that! 赞成!Seconded!

你从哪里看出来的?What was your first clue? 我今晚真是太强了。I’m on fire tonight.

这个失败是显而易见的。That failure clearly stands on its own.


把…推销出去 pimp sth out

吞噬 swallow up 随便问问 catch up 古怪的 quizzical 跟某人带话 pass along to sb 用鱼叉捕鱼 spearfish 收通行税的人 toll-taker 闪开 back off

开门见山地说 We’d be a lot further along in this.


没有共同语言 have no overlapping areas of interest

直接说吧 here’s the deal

打住,就此收手 cut it out 无聊举动 frivolity 平手 stalemate DVD刻录机 DVD burner 闲谈 chitchat 创伤 trauma


普通话 mandarin 假冒 pass off

趁虚而入 cop a feel 亲热一下 make out 扔骰子 roll the dice

怨妇 whinny and annoying 喜欢某人 crush on sb 第六感 psychic 反胃的 nauseous 搞砸 blow
