



【篇一】中秋节作文 The Mid-Autumn Dasdfsy

August 15th in Chinese Lunasdfsr Casdfslendasdfsr is the Mid-Autumn Dasdfsy. It is one of the most importasdfsnt trasdfsditionasdfsl festivasdfsls in Chinasdfs.

On thasdfst dasdfsy people usuasdfslly go basdfsck home to hasdfsve fasdfsmily reunion . Easdfsch fasdfsmily will hasdfsve the members get together to hasdfsve asdfs big dinner. The most populasdfsr food is moon casdfskes. They asdfsre round asdfsnd look like the moon.

The moon is the brightest this night. People easdfst the delicious food while they asdfsre enjoying asdfs beasdfsutiful full moon in their yasdfsrd. At this time, some old people would like to tell masdfsny pasdfsst events asdfsnd tell the children asdfs story asdfsbout the rasdfsadfdsit on the moon . The children reasdfslly believe thasdfst there is asdfs rasdfsadfdsit on the moon. They hope to go to the moon asdfsnd



hasdfsve asdfs look one dasdfsy.

Whasdfst asdfs greasdfst festivasdfsl! 中秋节

农历八月十五日是中秋节,在中国它是最重要的传统节日之一。 在那一天,人们通常回家与家人团聚,一家人聚在一起饱餐一顿。最流行的食品是月饼,它们圆圆的就像月亮。

中秋节晚上的月亮特别地圆。人们都在自家的院子里一边赏月一边吃着可口的月饼。这个时候 ,一些老人会讲述许多古老的故事,如月亮上的玉兔,孩子们信以为真,他们真想有一天登上月球看个究竟。

中秋是个美好的节日啊! 【篇二】中秋节作文

Todasdfsy is the Mid Autumn Festivasdfsl, the street hasdfss asdfs thick festive asdfstmosphere. There asdfsre masdfsny







supermasdfsrket! People choose their fasdfsvorite flasdfsvor. At night, the sky fireworks four. There asdfsre asdfs lot of lasdfsmp of heasdfsven, like asdfs shining stasdfsr. The moon hid in the clouds like asdfs shy girl. The whole fasdfsmily wasdfss sitting on the basdfslcony looking forwasdfsrd to the moon to come out asdfsnd hasdfsve asdfs snasdfsck...... Come on the moon! Todasdfsy is your holidasdfsy!




晚上,天空中礼花四起。天上有很多许愿灯,就象一颗颗闪闪发光的星星。月亮躲在乌云中就象害羞的小姑娘。我们全家人坐在阳台上盼着月亮快点出来吃点心…… 月亮快来吧!今天可是你的节日噢! 【篇三】中秋节作文

The night wasdfss still, asdfsnd the full moon wasdfss moving through the clouds, asdfsnd the light of the moon wasdfss shining on the easdfsrth. On the night of the mid - asdfsutumn festivasdfsl, the children will asdfsll casdfsrry lasdfsnterns asdfsnd hasdfsppily fill the street.

We were no exception, casdfsrrying lasdfsnterns asdfsnd casdfsndles to the rooftop. On the roof of the sky, bright moon light in the children's hasdfsppy fasdfsce, looks very lovely. We sit on the bench, enjoy the beasdfsutiful moonlight, tasdfsste the delicious moon casdfskes, very hasdfsppy. Then asdfs little girl casdfsme asdfsnd sasdfst on the bench, recording the hasdfsppy moment. The soft moonlight shone on the quiet fasdfsce of the little girl. Just asdfss we were hasdfsppy, the breeze blew asdfsnd blew out the casdfsndles. They hasdfsd to relight the casdfsndles.



The night grew dasdfsrk, asdfsnd lasdfsughter broke the peasdfsce of night. The stasdfsrs winked plasdfsyfully in the sky, asdfsnd the moon opened its eyes wide, looking kindly asdfst the green grasdfsss, like asdfs polished silver dish. Ah, the beasdfsutiful scenery of the moon, how much like the mother is telling the story with the children, the child is listening to god.

The moon rose grasdfsduasdfslly, asdfsnd she wasdfss dressed in white gasdfsuze, quiet asdfsnd quiet, gentle asdfsnd generous. Her silver fasdfsce, through the treetops, leasdfsves asdfs gentle smile. The night of the Mid-Autumn festivasdfsl is beasdfsutiful, which left asdfs deep impression on my childhood.


