主题词: 青海;平安县;古城;青铜时代;汉代;墓葬;墓葬形制;葬俗;随葬品;卡约文化;砖砌墓
摘要:In 1998,the Qinghai Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeologyexcavated six tombs at Gucheng Township in Ping'an County,Of them four belong tothe Kayao culture of the Bronze Age,These graves are all e4arth shafts and yieldedmainly pottery and bronzes,and also a small number of stone and bone
objects.Their excavation provides new data for studying the economic conditionsand burial custom of this area in the Kaoyao culture period.The other two tombsare of the early Eastern Han period.Of them M7 is in the best condition among theHan tombs known so far in Qinghai Province,On the tomb-owner still remain thethen hairstyle and clearly discernible dress ,Among the funeral objects are well-preseved small-sized tables,eared cups and lian food contatiners,all made ofwood,The excavation of these Han tombs broutht to light new material significantto the understanding of the then local people's living customs,burial ritual ,andhandicraft leve.