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19-3551; Rev 0; 1/05

MAX2057 Evaluation Kit

General Description


The MAX2057 evaluation kit (EV kit) simplifies evalua-tion of the MAX2057 general-purpose, high-perfor-♦Analog Gain Control

mance, variable-gain amplifier with analog gain control.♦Up to 42dB Gain-Control RangeThe EV kit is fully assembled and tested at the factory.Standard 50ΩSMA connectors are included at the♦1700MHz to 2500MHz Frequency Rangeinput and output of the EV kit to allow quick and easy♦Fully Assembled and Tested

evaluation on the test bench.

♦Input and Output Internally Matched to 50ΩOverThis data sheet provides a list of equipment required toevaluate the device, a straightforward test procedure toEntire Band Of Operationverify functionality, a circuit schematic for the kit, a bill♦50ΩSMA Inputs and Outputs for Easy Testing ofof materials (BOM) for the kit, and artwork for eachAll MAX2057 Features

layer of the PC board.

Component SuppliersOrdering Information

SUPPLIERPHONEWEBSITEPARTTEMP RANGEIC PACKAGEJohnson507-833-8822www.johnsoncomponents.comMAX2057EVKIT-40°C to +85°C36 Thin QFN-EP*Murata770-436-1300www.murata.com*EP = Exposed paddle.

Component ListDESIGNATIONQTYDESCRIPTIONDESIGNATIONQTYDESCRIPTIONR212kΩ ±1% resistor (0402)C1, C3, C5,22pF ±5%, 50V C0G ceramicC7, C104capacitors (0402)R3, R420Ω resistors (0402)Murata GRP1555C1H220JLarge test point for 0.062in PCC2, C4, C6,1000pF ±10%, 50V X7R ceramicTP11board (red)C8, C95capacitors (0402)Mouser 151-107 or equivalentMurata GRP155R71H102KLarge test point for 0.062in PCC11, C12, C160Not installed (0603)TP21board (black)0.1µF ±10%, 16V X7R ceramicMouser 151-103 or equivalentC13, C14, C153capacitors (0603)Analog VGA ICMurata GRM188R71C104K(36-pin, 6mm x 6mm thin QFN-EP)Maxim MAX2057ETX0.75pF ±0.1pF, 50V C0G ceramicNOTE: U1 HAS AN EXPOSEDC170capacitor (0402)Murata GRP1555C1HR75BU11PADDLE CONDUCTOR THATREQUIRES IT TO BE SOLDERPC-board edge-mount SMA RFATTACHED TO A GROUNDED PADJ1–J55connectors (flat-tab launch)ON THE PC BOARD TO ENSURE AJohnson 142-0741-856PROPER ELECTRICAL/THERMALDESIGN.R111.2kΩ ±1% resistor (0402)________________________________________________________________Maxim Integrated Products1

For pricing, delivery, and ordering information,please contact Maxim/Dallas Direct!at 1-888-629-4642, or visit Maxim’s website at www.maxim-ic.com.

Evaluates: MAX2057元器件交易网www.cecb2b.com

MAX2057 Evaluation KitEvaluates: MAX2057 Quick Start

The MAX2057 EV kit is fully assembled and factory tested.Follow the instructions in the Connections and Setupsection for proper device evaluation.

2)With its supply output disabled, set the voltage on the

other DC supply to 1V and connect to the gain-controlconnector VCNTL (J3) on the EV kit. If available, setthe current limit to 1mA.

3)With the generator output disabled, connect the RF

signal generator to J1. Set the generator to a2100MHz output frequency, and set the power levelto -12dBm.4)Connect the spectrum analyzer to J2. Set the spec-trum analyzer to a center frequency of 2100MHzand a total span of 1MHz. Set the reference level onthe spectrum analyzer to +10dBm.

5)Enable the VCCsupply. Next, enable the gain-control

supply. Finally, enable the RF generator’s output. A2100MHz signal with a magnitude of approximately3dBm should be displayed on the spectrum analyzer.Be sure to account for external cable losses.

6)Vary the gain-control supply voltage between +1.0V

and +4.5V. The output power should vary byapproximately 21dB.

7)Gain can also be determined with a network analyzer.

This has the advantage of displaying gain over aswept frequency band, in addition to displayinginput and output return loss. Refer to the networkanalyzer manufacturer’s user manual for setupdetails (optional).

Test Equipment


One DC power supply capable of supplying 5V and 0.3A

One DC power supply that can be adjusted from 1Vto 4.5V for gain control

Two digital multimeters (DMM) to monitor VCCandICC, if desired

HP 8648 (or equivalent) signal source

HP 8561E (or equivalent) spectrum analyzer

HP 8753D (or equivalent) network analyzer to mea-sure return loss and gain over frequency (optional)

Connections and Setup

This section provides a step-by-step guide to testing thebasic functionality of the EV kit. To prevent damaging thedevice, do not turn on DC power or RF signal genera-tors until all connections are made. Do not applyVCNTL without VCCpresent (see the VCNTLsection).1)2)

Testing the Supply Current

Connect 50Ωterminations to J1 and J2.

With its output disabled, set the voltage on one ofthe DC supplies to +5.0V (through a low internalresistance ammeter, if desired) and connect to the+5.0V (TP1) and GND (TP2) terminals on the EV kit.If the power supply has a current-limiting feature,set the current limit to 250mA.

With its output disabled, set the voltage on the sec-ond DC supply to 1V and connect to the gain-controlconnector VCNTL (J3) on the EV kit. This configuresthe device for its maximum gain setting. If the powersupply has a current-limiting feature, set the currentlimit to 1mA.

Enable the VCCsupply, then enable the gain-controlsupply; the VCCsupply current should read approxi-mately 180mA.

Detailed Description

Figure 1 shows the schematic for the MAX2057 EV kit.C1, C3, C5, and C7 are DC-blocking capacitors for theIN_A, IN, AMP_IN, and OUT pins. To reduce the possi-bility of noise pickup from the power supply, capacitorsC2, C4, C6, C8, C9, C10, C13, C14, and C15 are usedto decouple VCC. Resistors R1 and R2 are used to biasthe amplifier’s first and second stages, respectively.


Current-Setting Resistors

The MAX2057 amplifier section is a two-stage designwhose input stage current is set by the external resistorR1, while the output stage current is set by resistor R2.These resistors were optimized at the factory to pro-duce the highest OIP3 for a given current. The currentof the device can be reduced by increasing theseresistor values (see the Modifying the EV Kitsection),but linearity performance degrades.


Testing the Power Gain

1)With its supply output disabled, set the voltage on one

of the DC supplies to +5.0V (through a low internalresistance ammeter, if desired) and connect to the+5.0V (TP1) and GND (TP2) terminals on the EV kit. Ifavailable, set the current limit to 250mA.



MAX2057 Evaluation Kit


Configuration C) To use only the attenuator between ICThe VCNTL pin is used to control the gain of the amplifi-pins 35 and 29: Move capacitor C5 to connect the pin 29er. The nominal operating range for the VCNTL pin istrace of the IC to the trace of connector J5. Apply the RFfrom 1V to 4.5V. Limiting VCNTL to this range ensuresinput signal to SMA J1 and take the output signal fromreliability of the device.Due to on-chip ESD diodes, doSMA J5.

not apply VCNTL without VCC(+5V) present. If this con-dition is unavoidable, then change R4 on the EV kit to aConfiguration D) To use only the amplifier: Move capaci-resistor no smaller than 200Ω. This resistor will limit thetor C5 to connect the pin 26 trace of the IC to the trace ofcurrent into the VCNTL pin for cases where Vconnector J5. Apply the RF input signal to SMA J5 andgrounded or left open.

CCistake the output signal from SMA J2.

Modifying the EV Kit

Configuration E) To insert a function between one attenu-ator and an output amplifier, configure the board for bothIncreasing the value of the external current-settingconfiguration B and D. Insert the desired functionresistors, R1 (first amp stage) and R2 (second ampbetween SMA connectors J1 and J5. Apply the input sig-stage), can reduce the current draw of the amplifiernal to SMA J4 and take the output signal from SMA J2.

section of the device. Doubling the values of each ofthese external resistors cuts the DC current drainLayout Considerations

approximately in half but at the expense of approxi-The MAX2057 evaluation boards can be used as amately 4.6dB lower OIP3. Since the linearity of theguide for board layout. Pay close attention to thermalamplifier is set by the cascaded performance of the twodesign and placement of components on the PC board.amplifier stages, one must be careful to balance theThe exposed paddle (EP) on the MAX2057 packagecurrent distribution of the two stages to optimize OIP3conducts heat away from the die and provides a low-at the lowest current.

impedance electrical connection. The EP mustbeThe MAX2057 EV kit has been designed and assembledattached to the PC board ground plane with a low ther-to add the flexibility of measuring the device in differentmal and electrical impedance contact. Ideally, this isconfigurations. The kit has been assembled to cascadeprovided by soldering the backside package contactone attenuator section followed by the output amplifier.directly to a metal ground plane on the PC board.Some other configurations can be set as follows.

Alternatively, the EP can be connected to a groundplane using an array of plated vias directly below theConfiguration A) To use two attenuators followed by anEP. The MAX2057 EV kit uses nine evenly spaced,output amplifier: Move capacitor C3 on the EV kit to con-0.016in-diameter, plated through holes to connect thenect pin 2 trace to pin 35 trace of the IC. Apply the RFEP to the lower ground planes.

input signal to SMA J4 and take the output signal fromSMA J2.

Configuration B) To use only the attenuator between ICpins 2 and 8: Move capacitor C3 to connect the pin 2trace of the IC to the trace of connector J1. Apply the RFinput signal to SMA J4 and take the output signal fromSMA J1.


Evaluates: MAX2057元器件交易网www.cecb2b.com




MAX2057 Evaluation Kit

1.0\"1.0\"Figure 2. MAX2057 EV Kit PC Board Layout—Top Silkscreen

Figure 3. MAX2057 EV Kit PC Board Layout—Top Soldermask

1.0\"1.0\"Figure 4. MAX2057 EV Kit PC Board Layout—Top Layer Metal

Figure 5. MAX2057 EV Kit PC Board Layout—Inner Layer 2 (GND)


Evaluates: MAX2057元器件交易网www.cecb2b.com

MAX2057 Evaluation KitEvaluates: MAX20571.0\"Figure 6. MAX2057 EV Kit PC Board Layout—Inner Layer 3(Routing)

1.0\"Figure 7. MAX2057 EV Kit PC Board Layout—Bottom LayerMetal

1.0\"Figure 8. MAX2057 EV Kit PC Board Layout—Bottom Soldermask

1.0\"Figure 9. MAX2057 EV Kit PC Board Layout—Bottom Silkscreen

Maxim cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim product. No circuit patent licenses areimplied. Maxim reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time.

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