嚣 撼弧誊 粪 … … 粥嬲# 糍嚣 _.._...I.-.._. But after seeing similar stories several times in other popular youth films,such as last year’S So Young,and 2011’S You’re the Apple of My Eye.it feels a bit cliched. In case you’re wondering,no,the film doesn’t have a fairy tale ending.It’S not inventive, but director Guo Fan’S way of storytelling is quite impressive.Throughout the film,he jumps between memories and reality,yet leaves the story complete and allows it to flow smoothly. Toward the end,Guo delivers the clear message that first love can easily fall apart when faced with reality.The fact that Guo presents this in a neat and tidy way may seem cruel,but it adds more authenticity and freshness to an already overused story. I can’t say My Old Classmate is profound and incisive,but it doesn’t have to be.If audiences can see a little bit of themselves in the film,it has fuliflled its goa1.And those who are experiencing their sweet first love need not worry too much,because no matter how it ends,the precious memories of it will always stay. 2013美剧秋季档最火爆新剧前五位 1.ABC《神盾局特工》 神盾局是漫威漫画世界中的一个虚构的秘密执法机构。在电影《复仇者联盟》中,神 盾局促成了钢铁侠、美国队长、绿巨人、雷神、鹰眼、黑寡妇的合作,从而成功阻止了外星 人从纽约入侵地球。《复仇者联盟》的导演乔斯・韦登将执导《神盾局特工》的第一集。 2.NBC《罪恶黑名单》 全球通缉的重犯雷蒙德・雷丁顿不知为何突然向FBI自首,更打算供出与他合作过 的犯罪分子。不过他也提出了一个出人意料的要求,那便是要求一个刚刚在FBI上任的 菜鸟探员伊丽莎白・肯和他搭档,但两人此前似乎并无任何关联。该剧剧本由《完美陌生 人》的编剧乔恩・佰肯坎普操刀,《双面女间谍》的约翰・艾森德斯制作。 3.NBC《德古拉》 该剧以布莱姆・斯托克的经典小说作品为原型,讲述了神秘的德古拉装扮成美国企 业家艾伦・格雷森来到伦敦,他表面上声称自己此行是为了用现代科技造福伦敦人民, 但他真实的目的则是为了报复那些数个世纪前毁掉他生活的人。然而他却深深爱上了 一个长得极像他的亡妻,名叫米娜的女子。 4.ABC《童话镇之仙境奇缘》 ABC剧集《童话镇》也推出了衍生剧,《童话镇之仙境奇缘》从心地善良却命运多舛 的爱丽丝的视角讲述了一个精彩绝伦的冒险故事。 5.Fox《沉睡谷》 该剧男主角伊卡博德・克雷恩穿越来到几乎被战争摧毁的沉睡谷镇,并与小镇女警 长艾比・亚奇一同解决镇上的神秘事件。 UniversityEntrance(k ̄ ̄mination 慧