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中国期刊全文数据库 2010.1.1-2015.6.9 中国优秀博硕士学位论文全文数据库 2010.1.1-2015.6.9 中国重要会议论文集全文数据库 2010.1.1-2015.6.9 (二) 电渗析 双极膜 双极膜电渗析 离子交换膜 丙烯酸 (三)
条件: 发表时间 between (2010-01-01,2015-6-9 and 摘要=双极膜 and 摘要=电渗析 and 全文=废水 ) (精确匹配) 二、
检索结果 关键词:
1. 付丽丽. 双极膜电渗析生产琥珀酸的研究. 硕士, 中国海洋大学, 2014. 2. 任洪艳; 王倩; 吴霞; 杨鹏波; 丛威, 钙盐和氨基酸对味精等电母液模拟料双极膜电渗析过程膜污染的影响. 过程工程学报2011, (04), 627-632. 3. 余杰. 双极膜电渗析技术制备季铵碱过程的研究. 硕士, 浙江工业大学, 2013. 4. 刘洪涛; 袁俊生; 刘杰, 双极膜法软化海水制备酸碱的研究. 盐业与化工2012, (06), 15-18. 5. 卫艳新. 双极膜电渗析法处理典型化工废水研究. 博士, 中国科学技术大学, 2012. 6. 周鹏飞. 地表水脱盐副产浓盐水的资源化研究. 硕士, 中国海洋大学, 2013. 7. 娄玉峰; 张伟华 In 均相离子荷电膜分离技术在湿法冶金行业中的应用, 第四届全国膜分离技术在冶金工业中应用研讨会, 中国四川都江堰, 2014; 中国四川都江堰, 2014; p 4. 8. 宋丽莎. 多相体系中稀土和铵离子的迁移及其应用. 硕士, 南昌大学, 2014. 9. 宋永会; 魏健; 马印臣; 曾萍; 朱鹏, 中和-络合萃取-双极膜电渗析处理金刚烷胺制药废水. 环境科学学报2015, (01), 200-206. 10. 张凯. 双极膜电渗析生产酒石酸的研究. 博士, 中国海洋大学, 2012. 11. 徐静. 离子交换去除丙烯酸丁酯废水中多价离子的研究. 硕士, 河北工程大学, 2012. 12. 李鑫. 双极膜电渗析法从丙烯酸丁酯废水中回收有机酸的研究. 硕士, 河北工程大学, 2011. 13. 李鑫; 宋玉栋; 周岳溪; 李福勤; 康莹莹; 许吉现, 双极膜电渗析法回收丙烯酸丁酯废水中的有机酸. 化工环保2011, (03), 197-201. 14. 杨洋. 利用双极膜电渗析以浓海水制备酸碱的研究. 硕士, 中国海洋大学, 2014. 15. 樊杰. 金刚烷胺制药废水Fenton-超声氧化处理及溴化氢双极膜电渗析回收. 硕士, 北京林业大学, 2013. 16. 汪耀明. 双极膜电渗析法生产有机酸过程的几个关键科学问题研究. 博士, 中国科学技术大学, 2011. 17. 汪耀明; 吴亮; 徐铜文, 新型通用离子交换膜的研究与实践. 中国工程科学2014, (12), 76-86. 18. 汪耀明; 吴亮; 李传润 In 黄金冶炼废水双极膜法处理示范工程建设, 第四届全国膜分离技术在冶金工业中应用研讨会, 中国四川都江堰, 2014; 中国四川都江堰, 2014; p 3. 19. 王晓林. 电渗析技术在有机酸生产和剩余污泥氮磷资源化中的应用研究. 博士, 中国科学技术大学, 2014. 20. 王欣欣. 双极膜电渗析法资源化草甘膦生产废水的研究. 硕士, 中国海洋大学, 2013. 21. 祁晓静. 邻甲苯胺重氮化法制备邻甲酚的工艺优化研究. 硕士, 中北大学, 2010. 22. 胡田. 丙烯酸丁酯废水电渗析—双极膜电渗析回收酸碱工艺中试研究. 硕士, 兰州交通大学, 2014. 23. 董恒; 王建友; 卢会霞, 双极膜电渗析技术的研究进展. 化工进展2010, (02), 217-222. 24. 谢鸿芳; 肖艳春; 郑林禄; 郑淑英; 陈震, 双极膜技术在环境工程中的应用与展望. 广州化学2012, (01), 56-62. 25. 郑淑英, 双极膜电渗析的理论研究进展与应用. 化学工程与装备2011, (10), 161-164+175. 26. 金可勇; 胡鉴耿; 金水玉; 高从堦, 中水回用RO浓水的零排放工艺比较及优化研究. 水处理技术2015, (01), 103-106. 27. 陈叶. 丙烯酸丁酯废水浊度去除组合工艺研究. 硕士, 河北工程大学, 2014. 28. 陈庆; 张伟明, 基于膜分离的电极箔行业减排降耗过程研究. 水处理技术2014, (03), 44-48. 29. 陈静. 丙烯酸在离子交换膜中的传质特性及其对双极膜电渗析的影响研究. 硕士, 兰州交通大学, 2013. 30. 马洪运; 吴旭冉; 王保国, 双极膜分离技术及应用进展. 化工进展2013, (10), 2274-2278+2301. 英文文献 一、
文献检索范围及检索策略 检索范围:
Web of Science Core Collection 检索策略:
主题: (bipolar membrane electrodialysis) 精炼依据:
出版年: ( 2014 OR 2012 OR 2013 OR 2011 OR 2010 OR 2015 ) AND Web of Science 类别: ( ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES OR ENGINEERING ENVIRONMENTAL ) 二、
1. Eisaman, M. D.; Alvarado, L.; Larner, D.; Wang, P.; Garg, B.; Littau, K. A., CO2 separation using bipolar membrane electrodialysis. Energy & Environmental Science 2011,4, (4), 1319-1328. 2. Ghyselbrecht, K.; Silva, A.; Van der Bruggen, B.; Boussu, K.; Meesschaert, B.; Pinoy, L., Desalination feasibility study of an industrial NaCl stream by bipolar membrane electrodialysis. Journal of Environmental Management 2014,140, 69-75. 3. Shen, J. N.; Huang, J.; Liu, L. F.; Ye, W. Y.; Lin, J. Y.; Van der Bruggen, B., The use of BMED for glyphosate recovery from glyphosate neutralization liquor in view of zero discharge. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2013,260, 660-667. 4. Shen, J. N.; Yu, J.; Huang, J.; Van der Bruggen, B., Preparation of highly pure tetrapropyl ammonium hydroxide using continuous bipolar membrane electrodialysis. Chemical Engineering Journal 2013,220, 311-319. 5. Venugopal, K.; Dharmalingam, S., Utilization of Bipolar Membrane Electrodialysis for Salt Water Treatment. Water Environment Research 2013,85, (7), 663-670. 三、
1. Eisaman, M. D.; Alvarado, L.; Larner, D.; Wang, P.; Garg, B.; Littau, K. A., CO2 separation using bipolar membrane electrodialysis. Energy & Environmental Science 2011, 4, (4), 1319-1328. Abstract: Caustic solvents such as sodium or potassium hydroxides, converted via CO2 capture to aqueous carbonates or bicarbonates, are a likely candidate for atmospheric CO2 separation. We have performed a comprehensive experimental investigation of CO2 gas regeneration from aqueous potassium carbonate and bicarbonate solutions using bipolar membrane electrodialysis (BPMED). This system allows the regeneration of pure CO2 gas, suitable for subsequent sequestration or reaction to synthetic hydrocarbons and their products, from aqueous carbonate/bicarbonate solutions. Our results indicate that the energy consumption required to regenerate CO2 gas from aqueous bicarbonate (carbonate) solutions using this method can be as low as 100 kJ (200 kJ) per mol of CO2 in the small-current-density limit. 摘要: 像氢氧化钾和氢氧化钠这样的腐蚀性的化学溶剂,能够吸收二氧化碳,转变成为水溶液中的碳酸根离子和碳酸氢根离子,这是一种很好的分离大气中二氧化碳的办法。我们做了一个利用碳酸钾溶液和碳酸氢钾溶液的双极膜电渗析法重建二氧化碳气体的综合性的实验研究。
2. Ghyselbrecht, K.; Silva, A.; Van der Bruggen, B.; Boussu, K.; Meesschaert, B.; Pinoy, L., Desalination feasibility study of an industrial NaCl stream by bipolar membrane electrodialysis. Journal of Environmental Management 2014, 140, 69-75. Abstract: The industrial implementation of alternative technologies in the processing of saline effluent streams is a topic of growing importance. In this technical feasibility study, the desalination of an industrial saline stream containing about 75 g L-1 NaCl contaminated with some organic matter using bipolar membrane electrodialysis (EDBM) was investigated on lab-scale. Bipolar membranes of two different manufacturers (PCA - PolymerChemieAltmeier GmbH and FuMA-Tech GmbH) were tested and compared in terms of electrical resistance, current efficiency and purity of the produced acid and base stream. In both cases, almost complete desalination (>99%) was achieved and simultaneously HCl and NaOH were produced with a concentration between 1.5 and 2 M with a relatively good purity. The Fumasep bipolar membranes scored slightly better for electrical resistance and current efficiency. On the other hand, slightly higher current densities were achieved with PCA bipolar membranes. Simultaneously, some information was obtained on the transport behavior of the organic matter present in the saline stream. It was observed that a transport competition occurred between the organic matter and the accompanying chlorides. From this lab-scale study it was concluded that EDBM is a promising and attractive technology in the area of saline effluent reclamation and reuse. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 摘要:
3. Shen, J. N.; Huang, J.; Liu, L. F.; Ye, W. Y.; Lin, J. Y.; Van der Bruggen, B., The use of BMED for glyphosate recovery from glyphosate neutralization liquor in view of zero discharge. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2013, 260, 660-667. Abstract: Conventional methods of tetrapropyl ammonium hydroxide (TPAOH) production via electrolysis, reaction of tetrapropyl ammonium halide with silver oxide, and ion-exchange suffer from high production costs, low quality, and environmental pollution. In this work, continuous bipolar membrane electrodialysis (BMED) is employed for the preparation of TPAOH from its halide as a sustainable alternative process. Novel ion-exchange membranes were developed for lab and pilot scale experiments, which indicate an acceptable current efficiency and energy consumption. The results indicate that a cell configuration with four compartments yielded the best results when the salt concentration was 0.3 mol L-1 and the current density was 200 A m(-2). The highest conversion in electrodialysis was 91.6%, with a high purity of trace alkali metal ions and low Br- content (176 ppm) at a TPAOH concentration of 25%. The energy consumption is 1.897 kW h kg(-1). Continuous pilot experiments demonstrate the feasibility of manufacturing TPAOH by direct splitting its halide for industrial application. Crown Copyright (C) 2013 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 摘要:
4. Shen, J. N.; Yu, J.; Huang, J.; Van der Bruggen, B., Preparation of highly pure tetrapropyl ammonium hydroxide using continuous bipolar membrane electrodialysis. Chemical Engineering Journal 2013, 220, 311-319. Abstract: Alkaline glyphosate neutralization liquors containing a high salinity pose a severe environmental pollution problem by the pesticide industry. However, there is a high potential for glyphosate recovery due to the high concentration of glyphosate in the neutralization liquors. In the study, a three-compartment bipolar membrane electrodialysis (BMED) process was applied on pilot scale for the recovery of glyphosate and the production of base/acid with high concentration in view of zero discharge of wastewater. The experimental results demonstrate that BMED can remove 99.0% of NaCl from the feed solution and transform this fraction into HCl and NaOH with high concentration and purity. This is recycled for the hydrolysis reaction of the intermediate product generated by the means of the Mannich reaction of paraformaldehyde, glycine and dimethylphosphite catalyzed by triethylamine in the presence of HCl and reclamation of the triethylamine catalyst during the production process of glyphosate. The recovery of glyphosate in the feed solution was over 96%, which is acceptable for industrial production. The current efficiency for producing NaOH with a concentration of 2.0 mol L-1 is above 67% and the corresponding energy consumption is 2.97 kWh kg(-1) at a current density of 60 mA cm(-2). The current efficiency increases and energy consumption decreases as the current density decreases, to 87.13% and 2.37 kWh kg(-1), respectively, at a current density of 30 mA cm(-2). Thus, BMED has a high potential for desalination of glyphosate neutralization liquor and glyphosate recovery, aiming at zero discharge and resource recycling in industrial application. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 摘要:
5. Venugopal, K.; Dharmalingam, S., Utilization of Bipolar Membrane Electrodialysis for Salt Water Treatment. Water Environment Research 2013, 85, (7), 663-670. Abstract: Bipolar ion-exchange membranes, using polystyrene ethylene utylenes polystyrene (PSEBS) with polyvinyl alcohol as the intermediate, were fabricated and evaluated for their potential to remove secondary salts from lab-prepared salt solutions. Experiments were carried out in batch re-circulation mode. The mechanical properties and microscopic images of the membranes were analyzed before, during, and after the electrodialysis process. The performance of the membranes in the stack was evaluated in terms of energy consumption and current efficiency, and found to be 1.07 Wh/mol and 0.67, respectively. Commercially-produced membranes were used as a comparison to the PSEBS-based membranes. In the case of the commercial membrane, polystyrene divinylbenzene, the values for the above parameters were observed to be 2.59 Wh/mol and 0.63, respectively. In addition, other parameters, such as transport number of ions and acid - alkali production, were evaluated for both PSEBS-based and commercially-produced membranes. Results indicated that PSEBS-based membranes exhibited better performance than the commercial membranes. 摘要: