
高级英语阅读 吴克明 lesson 20

2022-07-05 来源:钮旅网
Lesson 20

Initiative: the ability to make decisions and take actions without waiting for sb to tell you what to do

Drudgery: hard boring work

Impair: to damage sth or make it not as good as it should be

Continuity: the state of continuing for a period of time, without problems, interruptions, or changes

Outwit: to gain an advantage over sb using tricks or clever plans

Demolish: to completely destroy a building

Pretence: a way of behaving which is intended to make people believe sth that is not true

Tangible: clear enough or definite enough to be easily seen or noticed

Console: to make sb feel better when that are feeling sad or disappointed

Reconcile sb to: to make sb able to accept a difficult or unpleasant situation

Pernicious: very harmful or evil, often in a way that you do not notice easily

Prostitute: to use (sth valuable, such as talent) in a way that is not appropriate or respectable and especially to earn money
