最终运行效果 打开软件出现如下登录界面 输入系统预设用户名及密码( 1 1 )单击“登录”或单击“新用户”添加新用户进入如下主界面:
建立工程 1、 创建标准EXE 2、 按“打开” 3、 添加MDI窗体——打开 4、 编辑菜单 在空白处右击——点击“菜单编辑器” 在“标题”里输入“系统”,在“名称”里输入“Sys”(注意此处不能为汉字) 点击“下一个”再点击“ ” “确定”退到MDI界面点击“系统”——“退出”如下,然后编写代码。 代码如下: Private Sub Exit_Click() End End Sub 数据库的建立 VB6.0中可以创建Access数据库。如下建立一个“用户表”的数据库,用来存放用户信息及一些出入库管理信息。如下图单击“外接程序” 再单击“可视化数据管理器”出现如图
点击“文件”——“新建”——“Microsoft Access”——“Version 2.0 MDB”输入数据库名,“保存”出现如下图
1、Adodc1的添加过程为:单击“工程”——“部件”出现下图所示,选择“控件”下的“Microsoft ADO Data Control 6.0 (OLEDB)” 单击“确定”在工具栏中会出现“”图标,单击它并拖动到相应位置即可。其它元件不在一一
2、 本窗体代码如下:
Private Sub Command1_Click() ' If Command1.Caption = \"确定\" And Command2.Caption = \"取消\" Then ' If Text1.Text = \"\" Then ' MsgBox \"请输入用户名!\登录信息提示:\" Exit Sub
Else '
Dim usename As String ' Dim strS As String usename = Trim(Text1.Text)
strS = \"select * from 用户登录信息表 where 用户名='\" & usename & \"'\" Adodc1.CommandType = adCmdText Adodc1.RecordSource = strS Adodc1.Refresh
MsgBox \"您输入的用户已存在!\登录提示信息:\" Text1.Text = \"\" Text2.Text = \"\" Text3.Text = \"\" Text1.SetFocus Exit Sub End If End If
If Text2.Text = \"\" Then ' MsgBox \"密码不能为空!\登录提示信息:\" Text2.SetFocus Exit Sub End If
If Text3.Text = \"\" Then
MsgBox \"请再次输入密码!\登录提示信息:\" Text3.SetFocus Exit Sub End If
If Text2.Text <> Text3.Text Then
MsgBox \"两次输入的密码不一致,请确认!\登录提示信息:\" Text2.Text = \"\" Text3.Text = \"\" Text2.SetFocus
“登录”、“确定”按钮 如果为“确定”则添加新用户 提示用户输入用户名 检测用户名是否已经存在 提示用户密码不能为空 精品文档
Exit Sub Else
MsgBox (\"添加新用户成功,现在您可以登陆系统了!\") Label3.Visible = False Text3.Visible = False Command1.Caption = \"登录\" Command2.Caption = \"退出\" End If
Else '“登录”按钮,用户登录 Dim strSno As String Dim strSelect As String
strSno = Trim(Text1.Text) '检测用户名是否存在 strSelect = \"select 密码 from 用户登录信息表 where 用户名 = '\" & strSno & \"'\" Adodc1.CommandType = adCmdText Adodc1.RecordSource = strSelect Adodc1.Refresh
MsgBox \"用户名不存在,请重新输入!\登录提示信息:\" Text1.Text = \"\" Text2.Text = \"\" Text1.SetFocus Exit Sub End If Form1.Hide 'Unload Me Form2.Show
'MsgBox \"登陆成功!\登录提示信息:\" Else
MsgBox \"密码不正确,请重新输入!\登录提示信息:\" Text2.Text = \"\" Text2.SetFocus End If End If End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click() '“退出”或“取消”按钮 If Command2.Caption = \"取消\" Then Label3.Visible = False Text3.Visible = False Command1.Caption = \"登录\" Command2.Caption = \"退出\" Text1.Text = \"\" Text2.Text = \"\" Text1.SetFocus Else
End 'Unload Me End If End Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click() '“新用户”按钮 Label3.Visible = True Text3.Visible = True Text1.Text = \"\" Text2.Text = \"\" Text3.Text = \"\"
Command1.Caption = \"确定\" Command2.Caption = \"取消\" Text1.SetFocus End Sub
Private Sub Command3_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) Label6.Visible = True End Sub
Private Sub Command3_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) Label6.Visible = False End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load() Label3.Visible = False Text3.Visible = False End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer() '时间time1控件的time事件代码,用来 '显示向左移动的欢迎字幕
If Label4.Left + Label4.Width > 0 Then '当标签右边位置大于0时,标签向左移 Label4.Move Label4.Left - 80
Else '否则标签从头开始 Label4.Left = Form1.ScaleWidth End If
If Label5.Left + Label5.Width > 0 Then Label5.Move Label5.Left - 80 Else
Label5.Left = Form1.ScaleWidth End If End Sub
如下: 代码:
Private Sub AddNew_Click()
Frame1.Visible = True Frame2.Visible = False End Sub
Private Sub CHKPMCHX_Click() Frame2.Caption = \"出库信息\" Dim pm As String
Dim n As String
pm = InputBox(\"产品名\请输入\
n = \"select * from 出库表 where 品名 = '\" & pm & \"'\" Adodc2.CommandType = adCmdText Adodc2.RecordSource = n Adodc2.Refresh Call InitGrid1 End Sub
Private Sub CHKXHCHX_Click() Frame2.Caption = \"出库信息\" Dim XH As String Dim n As String
XH = InputBox(\"产品型号\请输入\
n = \"select * from 出库表 where 型号 = '\" & XH & \"'\" Adodc2.CommandType = adCmdText Adodc2.RecordSource = n Adodc2.Refresh End Sub
Private Sub CKCZ_Click() 'Form2.Hide Form6.Show End Sub
Private Sub CKJSHR_Click() Frame2.Caption = \"出库信息\" Dim JSHR As String Dim n As String
JSHR = InputBox(\"经手人\请输入\
n = \"select * from 出库表 where 经手人 = '\" & JSHR & \"'\" Adodc2.CommandType = adCmdText Adodc2.RecordSource = n Adodc2.Refresh Call InitGrid1 End Sub
Private Sub CKSHJ_Click() Frame2.Caption = \"出库信息\" Dim CHKRQ As String Dim n As String
CHKRQ = InputBox(\"出库日期,格式为:月/日/年 如:12/1/2011\请输入\ n = \"select * from 出库表 where 出库日期 = '\" & CHKRQ & \"'\" Adodc2.CommandType = adCmdText Adodc2.RecordSource = n Adodc2.Refresh Call InitGrid1 End Sub
Private Sub CKZCX_Click() Frame2.Caption = \"出库信息\"
Dim ZB As String
ZB = \"select * from 出库表 \" Adodc2.CommandType = adCmdText Adodc2.RecordSource = ZB Adodc2.Refresh Call InitGrid1 End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
If Text1.Text = \"\" Then '提示用户输入用户名 MsgBox \"请输入用户名!\登录信息提示:\" Exit Sub
Else '
Dim usename As String ' Dim strS As String usename = Trim(Text1.Text)
strS = \"select * from 用户登录信息表 where 用户名='\" & usename & \"'\" Adodc1.CommandType = adCmdText Adodc1.RecordSource = strS Adodc1.Refresh
MsgBox \"您输入的用户已存在!\登录提示信息:\" Text1.Text = \"\" Text2.Text = \"\" Text3.Text = \"\" Text1.SetFocus Exit Sub End If End If
If Text2.Text = \"\" Then ' MsgBox \"密码不能为空!\登录提示信息:\" Text2.SetFocus Exit Sub End If
If Text3.Text = \"\" Then
MsgBox \"请再次输入密码!\登录提示信息:\" Text3.SetFocus Exit Sub End If
If Text2.Text <> Text3.Text Then
MsgBox \"两次输入的密码不一致,请确认!\登录提示信息:\" Text2.Text = \"\" Text3.Text = \"\" Text2.SetFocus Exit Sub Else e
Dim X As Integer
检测用户名是否已经存在 提示用户密码不能为空 精品文档
X = MsgBox(\"成功添加新用户,是否要重新登录!\提示信息!\") If X = vbYes Then Unload Me Form3.Show End If
'MsgBox (\"成功添加新用户!\") 'Label3.Visible = False 'Text3.Visible = False 'Command1.Caption = \"登录\" 'Command2.Caption = \"退出\" End If
Frame1.Visible = False Frame2.Visible = True Text1.Text = \"\" Text2.Text = \"'\" Text3.Text = \"\" 'Form3.Show End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click() Frame1.Visible = False Frame2.Visible = True End Sub
Private Sub CXDL_Click() Form3.Show 'Unload Me End Sub
Private Sub Exit_Click() End
Unload Form1 Unload Form2 Unload Form3 Unload Form4 Unload Form5 Unload Form6 Unload Form7 Unload Form8 End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load() Unload Form1
Frame1.Visible = False Call InitGrid0
Me.Height = MDIForm1.Height - 1060 Me.Width = MDIForm1.Width - 560 Me.Top = MDIForm1.Top Me.Left = MDIForm1.Left End Sub
Private Sub GHCZ_Click() 'Form2.Hide Form8.Show End Sub
Private Sub GHPMCX_Click() Frame2.Caption = \"归还信息\" Dim pm As String Dim n As String
pm = InputBox(\"产品名\请输入\
n = \"select * from 归还表 where 品名 = '\" & pm & \"'\" Adodc2.CommandType = adCmdText Adodc2.RecordSource = n Adodc2.Refresh Call InitGrid2 End Sub
Private Sub GHRCX_Click() Frame2.Caption = \"归还信息\" Dim JCR As String Dim n As String
JCR = InputBox(\"归还人\请输入\
n = \"select * from 归还表 where 归还人 = '\" & JCR & \"'\" Adodc2.CommandType = adCmdText Adodc2.RecordSource = n Adodc2.Refresh Call InitGrid2 End Sub
Private Sub GHSJCX_Click() Frame2.Caption = \"归还信息\" Dim JCRQ As String Dim n As String
JCRQ = InputBox(\"归还日期,格式为:月/日/年 如:12/1/2011\请输入\ n = \"select * from 归还表 where 归还日期 = '\" & JCRQ & \"'\" Adodc2.CommandType = adCmdText Adodc2.RecordSource = n Adodc2.Refresh Call InitGrid2 End Sub
Private Sub GHXHCX_Click() Frame2.Caption = \"归还信息\" Dim XH As String Dim n As String
XH = InputBox(\"产品型号\请输入\
n = \"select * from 归还表 where 型号 = '\" & XH & \"'\" Adodc2.CommandType = adCmdText Adodc2.RecordSource = n Adodc2.Refresh
Call InitGrid2 End Sub
Private Sub GHZCX_Click() Frame2.Caption = \"归还信息\" Dim ZB As String
ZB = \"select * from 归还表 \" Adodc2.CommandType = adCmdText Adodc2.RecordSource = ZB Adodc2.Refresh Call InitGrid2 End Sub
Private Sub JCCZ_Click() 'Form2.Hide Form7.Show End Sub
Private Sub JCHPMCHX_Click() Frame2.Caption = \"借出信息\" Dim pm As String Dim n As String
pm = InputBox(\"产品名\请输入\
n = \"select * from 借出表 where 品名 = '\" & pm & \"'\" Adodc2.CommandType = adCmdText Adodc2.RecordSource = n Adodc2.Refresh Call InitGrid2 End Sub
Private Sub JCHXHCHX_Click() Frame2.Caption = \"借出信息\" Dim XH As String Dim n As String
XH = InputBox(\"产品型号\请输入\
n = \"select * from 借出表 where 型号 = '\" & XH & \"'\" Adodc2.CommandType = adCmdText Adodc2.RecordSource = n Adodc2.Refresh Call InitGrid2 End Sub
Private Sub JCRCX_Click() Frame2.Caption = \"借出信息\" Dim JCR As String Dim n As String
JCR = InputBox(\"借出人\请输入\
n = \"select * from 借出表 where 借出人 = '\" & JCR & \"'\" Adodc2.CommandType = adCmdText Adodc2.RecordSource = n Adodc2.Refresh
Call InitGrid2 End Sub
Private Sub JCSHJCX_Click() Frame2.Caption = \"借出信息\" Dim JCRQ As String Dim n As String
JCRQ = InputBox(\"借出日期,格式为:月/日/年 如:12/1/2011\请输入\ n = \"select * from 借出表 where 借出日期 = '\" & JCRQ & \"'\" Adodc2.CommandType = adCmdText Adodc2.RecordSource = n Adodc2.Refresh Call InitGrid2 End Sub
Private Sub JCZCX_Click() Frame2.Caption = \"借出信息\" Dim ZB As String
ZB = \"select * from 借出表 \" Adodc2.CommandType = adCmdText Adodc2.RecordSource = ZB Adodc2.Refresh Call InitGrid2 End Sub
Private Sub JSHRCHX_Click() Frame2.Caption = \"归还信息\" Dim JSHR As String Dim n As String
JSHR = InputBox(\"经手人\请输入\
n = \"select * from 归还表 where 经手人 = '\" & JSHR & \"'\" Adodc2.CommandType = adCmdText Adodc2.RecordSource = n Adodc2.Refresh Call InitGrid2 End Sub
Private Sub JSHRCX_Click() Frame2.Caption = \"借出信息\" Dim JSHR As String Dim n As String
JSHR = InputBox(\"经手人\请输入\
n = \"select * from 借出表 where 经手人 = '\" & JSHR & \"'\" Adodc2.CommandType = adCmdText Adodc2.RecordSource = n Adodc2.Refresh Call InitGrid2 End Sub
Private Sub PMCX_Click() Frame2.Caption = \"库存信息\"
Dim pm As String Dim n As String
pm = InputBox(\"产品名\请输入\
n = \"select * from 库存表 where 品名 = '\" & pm & \"'\" Adodc2.CommandType = adCmdText Adodc2.RecordSource = n Adodc2.Refresh Call InitGrid0 End Sub
Private Sub RKCZ_Click() 'Form2.Hide Form5.Show End Sub
Private Sub RKJSHR_Click() Frame2.Caption = \"入库信息\" Dim JSHR As String Dim n As String
JSHR = InputBox(\"经手人\请输入\
n = \"select * from 入库表 where 经手人 = '\" & JSHR & \"'\" Adodc2.CommandType = adCmdText Adodc2.RecordSource = n Adodc2.Refresh Call InitGrid1 End Sub
Private Sub RKPMCHX_Click() Frame2.Caption = \"入库信息\" Dim pm As String Dim n As String
pm = InputBox(\"产品名\请输入\ If Len(pm) > 0 Then
n = \"select * from 入库表 where 品名 = '\" & pm & \"'\" Adodc2.CommandType = adCmdText Adodc2.RecordSource = n Adodc2.Refresh End If Call InitGrid1 End Sub
Private Sub RKSHJ_Click() Frame2.Caption = \"入库信息\" Dim RKRQ As String Dim n As String
RKRQ = InputBox(\"入库日期,格式为:月/日/年 如:12/1/2011\请输入\ n = \"select * from 入库表 where 入库日期 = '\" & RKRQ & \"'\" Adodc2.CommandType = adCmdText Adodc2.RecordSource = n Adodc2.Refresh
Call InitGrid1 End Sub
Private Sub RKXHCHX_Click() Frame2.Caption = \"入库信息\" Dim XH As String Dim n As String
XH = InputBox(\"产品型号\请输入\ If Len(XH) > 0 Then
n = \"select * from 入库表 where 型号 = '\" & XH & \"'\" Adodc2.CommandType = adCmdText Adodc2.RecordSource = n Adodc2.Refresh End If Call InitGrid1 End Sub
Private Sub RKZCX_Click() Frame2.Caption = \"入库信息\" Dim ZB As String
ZB = \"select * from 入库表 \" Adodc2.CommandType = adCmdText Adodc2.RecordSource = ZB Adodc2.Refresh Call InitGrid1 End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
If Label4.Left + Label4.Width > 0 Then ' Label4.Move Label4.Left - 80
Else ' Label4.Left = Form2.ScaleWidth End If
If Label5.Left + Label5.Width > 0 Then Label5.Move Label5.Left - 80 Else
Label5.Left = Form2.ScaleWidth End If
If Label6.Left + Label6.Width > 0 Then Label6.Move Label6.Left - 80 Else
Label6.Left = Form2.ScaleWidth End If
If Label7.Left + Label7.Width > 0 Then Label7.Move Label7.Left - 80 Else
Label7.Left = Form2.ScaleWidth End If End Sub
当标签右边位置大于0时,标签向左移 否则标签从头开始 精品文档
Private Sub XGMM_Click() 'Form2.Hide Form4.Show End Sub
Private Sub XHCX_Click() Frame2.Caption = \"库存信息\" Dim XH As String Dim n As String
XH = InputBox(\"产品型号\请输入\ If Len(XH) > 0 Then 'And Val(XH) <> 0
n = \"select * from 库存表 where 型号 = '\" & XH & \"'\" Adodc2.CommandType = adCmdText Adodc2.RecordSource = n Adodc2.Refresh End If Call InitGrid0 End Sub
Private Sub ZB_Click() Frame2.Caption = \"库存信息\" Dim ZB As String 'Dim N As String
'PM = InputBox(\"产品名\请输入\
ZB = \"select * from 库存表 \" 'where 品名 = '\" & PM & \"'\" Adodc2.CommandType = adCmdText Adodc2.RecordSource = ZB Adodc2.Refresh Call InitGrid0 End Sub
Private Sub InitGrid0() With DataGrid1
.Columns(0).Width = 1600 .Columns(1).Width = 2200 .Columns(2).Width = 2200 .Columns(3).Width = 1000 .Columns(4).Width = 1000 .Columns(5).Width = 4000 End With End Sub
Private Sub InitGrid1() With DataGrid1
.Columns(0).Width = 800 .Columns(1).Width = 1600 .Columns(2).Width = 1600 .Columns(3).Width = 800 .Columns(4).Width = 800 .Columns(5).Width = 1000
.Columns(6).Width = 800 .Columns(7).Width = 4000 End With End Sub
Private Sub InitGrid2() With DataGrid1
'.Columns(0).Caption = \"学号\" ' .Columns(1).Caption = \"课程名\" '.Columns(2).Caption = \"学分\" ' .Columns(3).Caption = \"成绩\" '设置DtgCond的列宽 .Columns(0).Width = 800 .Columns(1).Width = 1600 .Columns(2).Width = 1600 .Columns(3).Width = 800 .Columns(4).Width = 800 .Columns(5).Width = 800 .Columns(6).Width = 1000 .Columns(7).Width = 800 .Columns(8).Width = 4000 End With End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim strSno As String Dim strSelect As String
strSno = Trim(Text1.Text) '检测用户名是否存在 strSelect = \"select 密码 from 用户登录信息表 where 用户名 = '\" & strSno & \"'\" Adodc1.CommandType = adCmdText Adodc1.RecordSource = strSelect Adodc1.Refresh
MsgBox \"用户名不存在,请重新输入!\登录提示信息:\" Text1.Text = \"\" Text2.Text = \"\" Text1.SetFocus Exit Sub End If Unload Me Form2.Show
'MsgBox \"登陆成功!\登录提示信息:\" Else
MsgBox \"密码不正确,请重新输入!\登录提示信息:\"
Text2.Text = \"\" Text2.SetFocus End If End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click() Unload Me Form2.Show End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
If Trim(Text1.Text) <> Form2.TextUserName Then MsgBox \"用户名不正确,请确认!\信息提示!\" Text1.Text = \"\" Text1.SetFocus Exit Sub Else
Dim name As String Dim names As String name = Trim(Text1.Text)
names = \"select * from 用户登录信息表 where 用户名='\" & name & \"'\" Adodc1.CommandType = adCmdText Adodc1.RecordSource = names Adodc1.Refresh
If Text2.Text = \"\" Then
MsgBox \"请输入旧密码!\信息提示!\" Text2.SetFocus Exit Sub End If
MsgBox \"旧密码不正确,请确认!\信息提示!\" Text2.Text = \"\" Text2.SetFocus Exit Sub End If
If Text3.Text = \"\" Then
MsgBox \"请输入新密码!\信息提示!\" Text3.SetFocus Exit Sub End If
If Text4.Text = \"\" Then
MsgBox \"请再次输入新密码!\信息提示!\" Text4.SetFocus Exit Sub
End If
If Trim(Text3.Text) <> Trim(Text4.Text) Then MsgBox \"两次输入的新密码不一致!\信息提示!\" Text3.Text = \"\" Text4.Text = \"\" Text3.SetFocus Exit Sub Else
MsgBox (\"密码修改成功!\") Unload Me 'Form2.Show End If End If End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click() Unload Me 'Form2.Show End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
If Text1.Text = \"\" And Text2.Text = \"\" Then
MsgBox \"“品名”和“型号”不能同时为空,必须输入其中一项!\提示信息!\" Exit Sub Text1.SetFocus Else
If Text3.Text = \"\" And Text4.Text = \"\" Then
MsgBox \"请输入产品“数量”或“单位”之一!\提示信息!\" Text3.SetFocus Exit Sub End If
If Text5.Text = \"\" Then
MsgBox \"请经手人签名!\提示信息!\" Text5.SetFocus Exit Sub End If Adodc1.Refresh End If
Dim pm As String Dim pms As String Dim n As String Dim m As String pm = Trim(Text1.Text)
n = Val(Text3.Text)
pms = \"select * from 库存表 where 品名='\" & pm & \"'\" With Form2 End With Else End If End If
Dim X As Integer
X = MsgBox(\"产品入库登记成功,是否继续添加产品!\提示信息!\") If X = vbNo Then Unload Me 'Form2.Show Else
Text1.Text = \"\" Text2.Text = \"\" Text3.Text = \"\" Text4.Text = \"\" Text5.Text = \"\" Text6.Text = \"\" Text7.Text = \"\" Text1.SetFocus End If
Dim ZB As String
ZB = \"select * from 入库表 \" 'where 品名 = '\" & PM & \"'\" End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click() Text1.Text = \"\" Text2.Text = \"\" Text3.Text = \"\" Text4.Text = \"\" Text5.Text = \"\" Text6.Text = \"\" Text7.Text = \"\" Text1.SetFocus End Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click() Unload Me 'Form2.Show End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
If Combo1.Text = \"\" And Combo2.Text = \"\" Then ' text1.Text = \"\" And Text2.Text = \"\" Then
MsgBox \"“品名”和“型号”不能同时为空,必须输入其中一项!\提示信息!\" Exit Sub Else
If Text1.Text = \"\" And Combo3.Text = \"\" Then ' Text4.Text = \"\" Then MsgBox \"请输入产品“数量”或“单位”之一!\提示信息!\" Text2.SetFocus Exit Sub End If
If Text2.Text = \"\" Then
MsgBox \"请经手人签名!\提示信息!\" Text2.SetFocus Exit Sub End If
Adodc1.Refresh End If
Dim pm As String Dim pms As String Dim n As String Dim m As String pm = Trim(Combo1.Text) n = Val(Text1.Text)
pms = \"select * from 库存表 where 品名='\" & pm & \"'\" End If
Dim X As Integer
X = MsgBox(\"产品出库登记成功,是否继续添加产品!\提示信息!\") If X = vbNo Then Unload Me 'Form2.Show End If
Combo1.Text = \"\" Combo2.Text = \"\" Combo3.Text = \"\" Text1.Text = \"\" Text2.Text = \"\" Text3.Text = \"\" Text4.Text = \"\" Dim ZB As String
ZB = \"select * from 出库表 \" 'where 品名 = '\" & PM & \"'\" End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click() Combo1.Text = \"\" Combo2.Text = \"\" Combo3.Text = \"\" Text1.Text = \"\" Text2.Text = \"\" Text3.Text = \"\"
Text4.Text = \"\" End Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click() Unload Me 'Form2.Show End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load() Adodc2.Refresh Loop End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
If Combo1.Text = \"\" And Combo2.Text = \"\" Then ' text1.Text = \"\" And Text2.Text = \"\" Then MsgBox \"“品名”和“型号”不能同时为空,必须输入其中一项!\提示信息!\" Exit Sub Else
If Text1.Text = \"\" And Combo3.Text = \"\" Then ' Text4.Text = \"\" Then MsgBox \"请输入产品“数量”或“单位”之一!\提示信息!\" Text1.SetFocus Exit Sub End If
If Text2.Text = \"\" Then
MsgBox \"请经手人签名!\提示信息!\" Text2.SetFocus Exit Sub End If
Adodc1.Refresh End If
Dim pm As String Dim pms As String Dim n As String Dim m As String pm = Trim(Combo1.Text) n = Val(Text1.Text)
pms = \"select * from 库存表 where 品名='\" & pm & \"'\" End If
Dim X As Integer
X = MsgBox(\"产品借出登记成功,是否继续添加产品!\提示信息!\") If X = vbNo Then Unload Me Form2.Show End If
Combo1.Text = \"\" Combo2.Text = \"\" Combo3.Text = \"\" Text1.Text = \"\" Text2.Text = \"\" Text3.Text = \"\" Text4.Text = \"\" Dim ZB As String
ZB = \"select * from 借出表 \" 'where 品名 = '\" & PM & \"'\" End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click() Combo1.Text = \"\" Combo2.Text = \"\" Combo3.Text = \"\" Text1.Text = \"\" Text2.Text = \"\" Text3.Text = \"\" Text4.Text = \"\" End Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click() Unload Me Form2.Show End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load() Adodc2.Refresh Loop End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
If Combo1.Text = \"\" And Combo2.Text = \"\" Then ' text1.Text = \"\" And Text2.Text = \"\" Then MsgBox \"“品名”和“型号”不能同时为空,必须输入其中一项!\提示信息!\" Exit Sub Else
If Text1.Text = \"\" And Combo3.Text = \"\" Then ' Text4.Text = \"\" Then MsgBox \"请输入产品“数量”或“单位”之一!\提示信息!\" Text1.SetFocus Exit Sub End If
If Text2.Text = \"\" Then
MsgBox \"请经手人签名!\提示信息!\" Text2.SetFocus Exit Sub
End If
If Text3.Text = \"\" Then
MsgBox \"请输入归还人姓名!\提示信息!\" Text3.SetFocus Exit Sub End If
Adodc1.Refresh End If
Dim pm As String Dim pms As String Dim n As String Dim m As String pm = Trim(Combo1.Text) n = Val(Text1.Text)
pms = \"select * from 库存表 where 品名='\" & pm & \"'\" End If
Dim X As Integer
X = MsgBox(\"产品归还登记成功,是否继续添加产品!\提示信息!\") If X = vbNo Then Unload Me Form2.Show End If
Combo1.Text = \"\" Combo2.Text = \"\" Combo3.Text = \"\" Text1.Text = \"\" Text2.Text = \"\" Text3.Text = \"\" Text4.Text = \"\" Dim ZB As String
ZB = \"select * from 归还表 \" 'where 品名 = '\" & PM & \"'\" End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click() Combo1.Text = \"\" Combo2.Text = \"\" Combo3.Text = \"\" Text1.Text = \"\" Text2.Text = \"\" Text3.Text = \"\" Text4.Text = \"\" End Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click() Unload Me Form2.Show End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
' Dim i As String ' i = 0
' Adodc2.Refresh ' i = i + 1 ' Loop Call pm End Sub
Private Sub pm() Dim i As Variant Dim j As Variant Dim k As Variant Dim a As Variant Dim b As Variant Dim c As Variant Dim s As Variant Dim D As Variant i = 0 j = 0
Adodc2.Refresh i = i + 1 Loop
D = Split(a, \ If j < i Then s = D(2) Combo1.AddItem s 'k = 0
'If k < j And D(k) <> D(j) Then 'If D(k) <> D(j) Then ' Combo1.AddItem D(j) ' k = k + 1 ' Else ' k = k + 1 'End If 'End If j = j + 1 End If
Text5.Text = s 'a + \ Text6.Text = j 'Combo1.AddItem D(1) End Sub