第5期 沈 玲等.高导电镀银玻璃微珠/硅橡胶复合材料的结构与性能 Structure and performance of high conductibility of silvered glass bead/silicone rubber composites Shen Ling ,Zou Hua 一,Tian Ming 一,Zhang Liqun ' (1.Key Laboratory of Beijing City on Preparation and Processing of Novel Polymer Materials,Beijing University of Chemical Technology,Beijing 100029,China;2.Key Laboratory for Nanomaterials f oMinistry of Education,Beijing University of Chemical Technology,Beijing 1 00029,China) Abstract:The effect of superficial modiication,f particle size and amount of filler on conductibihy, mechanical properties and morphological structure of of SGB/VMQ composites were good when fillers of SGB were 41 LLm and 300 phr.The electrical mech— anism of electrica1 conductive rubber was due to the dispersion of the fillers that could form the conduc— silvered glass bead(SGB)/methyl vinyl silicone rubber(VMQ)composites was studied,and the fac— tors of electrical conductive network of SGB/VMQ composites were discussed.The results showed that the mechanical properties of composites were im— proved by adding coupling agents to the composites, tive paths.Above the threshold of filler loading to orm conductive paths,the quantitfy of fillers added was as little as possible to improve the mechanical properties. the conductibility of composites was also maintained Keywords:methyl vinyl silicone rubber;silvered glass bead;siloxane coupling agent:modification; conductibility;morphological structure when vinyhriethoxy silane(A一1 5 1)was used espe— cially.The conductibility and mechanical properties ・国内简讯・ 二甲基甲酰胺(DMF)法丁二烯抽提技术成 司合作,总承包了上海赛科公司的90 kt/a N一甲 基吡咯烷酮(NMP)法丁二烯装置,于2005年3月 成功开车。SEI的DMF法技术在20世纪90年代 首先应用于茂名石化公司第1套50 kt/a丁二烯 装置,此次投产的是茂名石化公司第2套装置。 该技术的难度主要是首先要克服规模放大效应; 其次要在原有设计的基础上,对流程进行调整和 功国产化 由中国石化工程建设公司(SEI)提供 技术的我国目前最大规模的DMF法丁二烯装 置——茂名石化公司100 kt/a丁二烯抽提装置于 2006年8月初投产成功,已生产出合格产品。 DMF法丁二烯抽提技术国产化、大型化获得成 功,使我国大规模生产合成橡胶成为可能,同时也 说明我国工程技术在极性物系研究、流程模拟优 优化,进一步节能降耗。 SEI对自主开发技术的重中之重——流程模 拟进行深人研究,一方面校验和提高工艺物料模 拟的准确性,另一方面利用模拟结果对流程进行 化以及设计准确性等方面迈上新台阶。 新建100 kt/a DMF法丁二烯抽提装置是茂 名石化公司1 000 kt/a乙烯改扩建工程的主生产 装置之一。SEI作为专有技术的拥有者提供了工 艺包和基础设计。 优化调整。除此还要将“模拟”引入调节阀、安全 阀和热平衡等系统计算,全面提高计算精度,以确 保工艺包的准确性。 目前,世界范围内广泛采用的丁二烯生产技 术有3种,SEI掌握了其中丙烯腈(ACN)法和 DMF法2种国产化自有技术,并与美国鲁姆斯公 (上 海钱伯章供稿)