

2022-08-06 来源:钮旅网

English Grammar Gives Me a Headache

Oh boy, English grammar is really hard! It makes my head hurt just thinking about all the rules we have to learn. Why can't English be easy like speaking my native language at home? At least then I don't have to worry about mixing up my verbs or putting apostrophes in the wrong place.

I really struggle with verb tenses the most. Just when I think I've got the hang of simple present like \"I walk\" and simple past like \"I walked\present progressive - \"I am walking.\" What's the difference?! They all mean basically the same thing to me.

And don't even get me started on those frustrating irregular verbs that just decide not to follow any rules at all. If \"talk\" becomes \"talked\" in the past tense, why does \"go\" become \"went\"? Who makes up these weird exceptions?! English grammar is very unfair.

Subject-verb agreement is another tricky one that ties my brain in knots. I can never remember if I should say \"He walk to school\" or \"He walks to school.\" They both sound right to my ears! And plural subjects make it even harder, like deciding if I

should say \"They was playing\" or \"They were playing.\" No wonder I bomb those sections on tests.

Sometimes I think English nouns are also out to get me with their confusing rules about singular and plural forms. Like, why do we say \"one mouse\" but \"two mice\"? Who decided that breaking the pattern was a good idea? Mice doesn't even sound like mouse! At least nouns like \"dog\" and \"dogs\" follow the normal rules of just adding an \"s\". Consistency is too much to ask for I guess.

And don't even get me started on pronoun cases and that whole \"I\" versus \"me\" thing. I swear my English teacher must get dizzy going back and forth between the subject and object pronoun rules! When she asks \"Who wants to go with Sally and I?\" part of me wants to rebel and be like \"Me and Sally!\" just to watch her face.

Capitalization and punctuation cause me lots of headaches too. Like, when do I need to use a comma versus a period? Where do apostrophes even go for possessive words? What's a colon versus a semicolon again? My hand cramps up just from gripping my pencil too hard while overthinking every single mark of punctuation.

Then there's spelling, which is honestly a lost cause for me. Why does \"through\" have a \"gh\" making that weird \"fff\" sound? Rough, cough, though, thought - those \"gh\" words are out to get me! Not to mention wondering if I should double a letter like \"stopped\" or just single like \"hoping\". English spelling is straight up twisted if you ask me.

At the end of the day, I'll probably never be a Grammar Grandmaster no matter how hard I try. There are just too many perplexing little rules and endless exceptions to wrap my head around. I know grammar is important for reading, writing, speaking and being taken seriously. But cutting a nine-year-old some slack would be nice!

My brain might implode if I have to learn about gerunds, infinitives and split infinitives this year. Isn't it bad enough that they made up words like \"syntax\" just to make me feel dumb? I didn't sign up for this torture! All I want is to learn how to communicate clearly without pulling out my hair.

So please, teachers of the world, go easy on us kids when it comes to grammar. We're already struggling with multiplication tables, trying to survive dodgeball at recess, and dealing with those frustrating velcro shoes that never want to stay tied.

Grammar is hard enough without all the intense pressure and complicated terminology.

I guess I'll just have to accept that giving me a headache is simply what English grammar does best. I'll keep practicing and studying, even if it means zoning out while cringing at all the grammar police out there. Nobody's perfect, not even the English language! At least I can take comfort in the fact that grown-ups

still make grammar gaffes too sometimes. If it's good enough for them, it's good enough for me. Maybe I'll just become an artist or musician instead where the grammar rules don't apply as much. Yeah,math and English were definitely not my forte anyway!
