

2023-08-08 来源:钮旅网

  J:Wang Ping:尊敬先生们、女士们:大家晚上好!

  Dear Ladies and gentlemen: Hello, everyone evening! Ray: 亭:六月的夜晚是炽热的,你踏着月色而来,轻轻的晚风会带给你丝丝清凉。 Ray: Ting: June nights are hot, but they come marching in the moonlight's shade with a gentle breeze that will make you cool.



  J: I'm hosting tonight.

  Ping: I'm hosting tonight.



  Ray: I'm hosting tonight. Ting: I'm also hosting tonight.


  J, Ping: Welcome to Xinhua International Kindergarten. I wish you have a warm, romantic, happy, and good night with us. Ray:亭:各位来宾、各位朋友:欢迎你们!

  Ray: Ren Ting: Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends: Welcome!


  J: Ping: We are celebrating Father's Day on this hot, solicitous day of June. Following our Mother's Day party in May, we decided to organize this Father's Day party. We welcome you to our Father’s Day party, captioned ―Silent love - Where the father is‖. I wish you were have an enjoyable and memorable evening, full of fun.


  Ray: Ren Ting: As with "Mother's Day", "Father's Day" also originated in the United States, precisely Washington. The story goes that a certain Sonora Smart Dodd (1882–1978) greatly esteemed her father and following the recognition of Mother’s Day by her church, she advocated that fathers be recognized as well.


  J, Wang Ping: Eventually, the idea of Father's Day became popular all over America, so much so that, in 1966, a presidential proclamation declared the third Sunday of June as Father's Day. Indeed, in 1972, the US government ordered that Father's Day become a permanent annual commemoration, every 3rd Sunday of June. Today, more than 20 countries around the world also commemorate Father’s Day.


  Ray: Ren Ting: Our fathers and mothers are almost always on our side. Our parents gave us life and raised us up into adults. However, in literature books, there’s a lot of praise for mothers, but very little for fathers, perhaps because a father's love is silent, subtle, and therefore easily overlooked. As for us here at the Xinhua International Kindergarten, we highly regard fathers, and will always do so, hence our celebration of Father's Day.


  J: Ping: If Motherhood is a slowly flowing stream, trickling in every possible way, fatherhood is like the sea, deep and distant. A father is a towering tree, tall with thick branches.

  A father is like the sun overcast, providing a shade for his children. A father is like a broad piece of land, sowing the seeds of hope. A father is like a textbook widely read toprovide connotation and truth in life.


  Ray: Ren Ting: Friends, in this warm moment, let us offer roses to our fathers. Let's walk into the deep ocean of a father's love.


  J: Ping: Friends, in this beautiful evening, (background music playing) I wish all fathers the world over to stay passionate, vigorous and healthy forever!

  结束语 Conclusion


  J: Wang Ping: Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends, our Father's Day party, "Silent love - where the father is," is drawing to a close. We believe you certainly have been immersed in a father's deep affection. I can't remember the poet who said, "Affection is a gold ribbon which your heart embraces." Let love reign. A thousand years of history will show that fathers can care and look after their children, such as we do here at the Xinghua International Kindergarten.


  Ray: Ren Ting: Dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, our children, let us all come together and celebrate our fathers. Oh yeah, fathers have the same selfless love which mothers do. Fathers don't expect anything in return. A father is an obscure, invisible emotional being, and only with our hearts can we appreciate them. As the saying goes: I love silence - where a father is.


  J: Wang Ping: Mothers gave us flesh and blood, for us to grow, and fathers gave us bones, so that we stand. Fathers have given us revelations, instructions, and a temporary income for life.

  A father is a child's stalwart mountain, whose protective presence and love is felt like that of the omnipotent God.


  Ray, Ren Ting: Let's appreciate parents for spending their lifetimes giving us their best! Let's make our fathers proud! As fathers and mothers, let our children be filled with joy! Let fathers become even stronger stalwarts! Children need their fathers' strong arms of protection! A father is always monumental when it comes to guiding children! In the depths of a child's mind, a father is an irreplaceable tall image! We applaud great fathers.


  J: Wang Ping: Thanks to all for attending our party. Thanks to our friends for their dedication. Thanks to all teachers for your hard work behind the scenes.


  Ray, Ren Ting: the party is over. Thanks to all fathers and teachers for your wonderful performances tonight. Thanks to our friends for visiting us. We hope you'll join us to celebrate Father's Day next year!


  J: Flat: Dear Parents, we wish you happiness! Goodbye, friends. R:亭:祝天下父母健康长寿!朋友们,再见!

  Ray: Ren Ting: We wish all parents good health and longevity! Goodbye, friends.


  J: Ray: Thank you
