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滨 州 学 院
目A Study of E—C Translation of Cosmetic Brands
from the Perspective of Skopos Theory
系 (院) 外语系 年级 2011级 专 业 英语 班级 1班 学生姓名 崔婕 学号 1114030101 指导教师 程虎 职称 讲师
滨州学院教务处 二〇一四年十二月
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一、课题的目的意义: The significance of the study: Skopos theory, put forward by German functionalists Reiss, Vermeer and Nord, is based on the prerequisite that translation as a cross—culture communicative ..
英语专业开题报告 activity is purposeful。 The core of this theory is Skopos theory—- any translation is decided by the purpose of translation. In short, the purpose of translation decides the means of translation (Reiss & Vermeer, 1984, P.10). With China’s entry to WTO and the rapid development of Chinese economy, plenty of foreign commodities flood into Chinese markets, among which there are foreign cosmetics. As a special kind of advertisement that bridge consumers and companies, cosmetic brands play a crucial role. Correspondingly, the translation of cosmetic brands has become a significant and urgent task。 However, due to the insufficient attention to cosmetic brands translation at home and abroad, studies in the cosmetic brands translation fall behind other pragmatic translation, such as tourist translation, advertisement translation and etc. To some extent, the quality of a brand translation will help to attract more consumers。 This research adopts the Skopos theory discusses the translation of cosmetic brands and tries to find out some suitable translation strategies or approaches. The purpose of the study This paper mainly studies cosmetic brands translation from the perspective of Skopos theory. Based on Skopos theory, the paper analyzes Chinese translation of brands for cosmetics and illustrates that instructions for cosmetics should be translated with Skopos theory's guidance。 Besides, the validity of Skopos theory’s functions will be examined in the translation of cosmetics brands. 二、文献综述(分析国内外研究现状、提出问题,找到研究课题的切入点,附主要参考文献,不少于1000字): Translation Skopos theory, which developed by the German scholar Hans Vermeer, is a translation theory for the external research of translation. This Theory focused on the choice of a variety of purposes in the translating process, so that it will be able to make up for the shortage of the traditional translation studies, and add a new research perspective to the multidisciplinary exploration in translation。 The Skopos theory points out translators do not focus .. 英语专业开题报告 on the equivalence of both source and target language texts, at the same time, both information and function of source texts are not to be considered. Therefore, we need to produce the expected function in translated texts for the understanding of readers under their language and cultural environment。 From the perspective of functionalists, translation is a kind of communication activity which could be helpful communicating between cross—culture exchanging. They claim that many participants would be involved in the translating process, including the author of original text, translator, receptors, and readers etc。 According to the main idea of original text,specific purpose and accurate strategies, the translator must try to get the translation standardized. Translator, as the first reader, his capabilities can decide the quality of translation。 According to the main idea of original text, Skopos theory stresses on using translator's subjective initiative to adopt different methods and techniques for translating. It makes the translation to convey the original content and to meet the stand of the target norms and culture。 In addition, the translator can adjust, cut or even rewrite the original according to their need。 Skopos theory provided the translator a feasible way to successfully use the translation strategy。 Skopos theory was proposed in General Translation Theory Framework by the German scholar Hans. Vermeer in the late 1970s。 Later, Vermeer and his teachers Reiss wrote an essay Ordinary Translation Foundation, and explained Skopos theory systematically. Skopos theory bases on communicative behavior, text linguistics, text theory and the research achievement of reception theory。 The term Skopos theory was from Greek, it means purpose and objective, Vermeer used this word to signify translation or the purpose of translation behavior。 (Vermeer, 1978)。 Functionalist translation theory has gone through four stages: the first stage is Katharina Reiss functional translation theory. She believes that the equivalence of the target text and the source text sometimes is impossible to achieve, and have different functions in the process of translation。 Therefore, the translator should give priority to the translation function rather than the principle of equivalence. The second stage is the Hans. Vermeer’s Skopos theory. ..
英语专业开题报告 Based on behavior theory Vermeer created Skopos theory。 The third stage is the Justa Holz -Manttari's action of translation theory。 Manttari based on Vermeer’s theory to develop hers with the transmission of information to a variety of cross-cultural conversion, translation as a complex activity to achieve a specific purpose. The fourth stage is the Christiane Nord text analysis mode。 Christiane Nord sorted out the functionalist translation theory, and put forward that translator should follow the principle of “function plus loyalty”, which perfect the theory. Skopos theory has been translated into multinational languages and spread to several countries in the world in more than 30 years since Skopos theory came into being. Since 1980s, Skopos theory disseminated in China, and played an important role on Chinese translation studies. According to incomplete statistics, from 1987 to 2006, more than 100 articles that referred to Skopos theory was published in all kinds of academic periodicals and papers of China, among them, approximately 37 core journals was published. The scope of the research covers the subject in translation definition, translation criteria, translation criticism, translation teaching, translation strategies, literary translation, and non-literary translation (including tourism translation, brand translation, advertisement translation, film title translation, translation of Chinese medical documents, news translation, and legal translation). In 1987, Gui Qianyuan published the paper Remember the Federal Republic of Germany Three Translators in Chinese Translators Journal。 It briefly described the Vermeer’s new insights about translation。 In 1995, Zhang Nanfeng’s Out of the Dead end and into Translation Studies and Chen Xiaowei’s a brief comment on function theory, made brief introduction and comment on Skopos theory. After the two, the introduction related Skopos theory gradually increased。 Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press also introduced Nord and Reiss’s theoretical writings Translating As a Purposeful Activity: Functional Approaches Explained and Translation Criticism: The Potentials & Limitations。 It has played a leading role in academia for understanding the connotation and denotation of Skopos theory。 Skopos theory has been studied by many home and abroad scholars ..
英语专业开题报告 and widely applied in translation。 It is also useful in explaining practical translation。 Different translation purposes will produce different versions。 That means we need to choose the best one to give the target consumers。 However, due to the insufficient attention to cosmetic brands translation at home and abroad, studies in the cosmetic brands translation fall behind other pragmatic translations。 This thesis adopts the Skopos theory to discuss the translation of cosmetic brands and tries to find out some suitable strategies or approaches。 And it is hoped that the improved translations of cosmetic brands can be helpful to the consumer, the manufacturer, the agent and also the product itself. Cosmetic brand is a very practical type of propaganda with high commercial value, and the ultimate purpose of all cosmetic brands is the same-- to promote sales。 Skopos theory is a relatively new model in translation studies, and it can release translation from the shackle of the source text, providing a new perspective to translation, especially such pragmatic translation as cosmetic brands. References: [1]Mark, N. 2001. Approaches to Translation[M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press。 [2]Nida, A。 E。 1993。 Language, Culture and Translating[M]。 Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press。 [3]Nida, A. E。 & C. R. Taber. 2004。 The Theory and Practice of Translation[M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press。 [4]Nord, C。 2001. Translation as a Purposeful Activity[M]。 Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. [5]范勇。 2009。 功能主义视角下的中国高校英文网页中的翻译问题研究..
英语专业开题报告 [M]。 北京:科学出版社. [6]高俊,韩丹丹。 2011。 从目的论视角看翻译过程中译者的责任[J]。 长沙铁道学院院报(社会科学版)。 12(2): 154-155。 [7]黄晓. 2009。 浅析化妆品商标名的翻译策略[J]. 西南民族大学学报。 (11): 51-53. [8]李长栓. 2004.非文学翻译理论与实践[M]。 北京:中国对外翻译出版公司。 [9]石英. 2001。 析德国功能派翻译理论[J]. 四川师范大学学报。 [10]王铮. 2011. 从作者的意图和读者的需求论述翻译目的论[J]. 甘肃联合大学学报(社会科学版)。 27(2): 96—98。 [11]谢天振。 2008。 当代外国翻译理论导读[M]. 天津:南开大学出版社。 [12]杨柳。 2009. 20世纪西方翻译理论在中国的接受史[M]. 上海:上海外语教育出版社。 [13]赵鹏. 2011。 目的论视角下翻译本质的再思考[J]。 华北水利水电学院院报(社会科学版)。 27(3): 96—97 [14]张美芳。 2005. 翻译研究的功能途径[M]. 上海:上海外语教育出版社. [15]张凌. 2009。 化妆品商标翻译探讨[J]. 商场现代化。 (1): 174-175. [16]诸葛巧媛。 2008。 化妆品商标的翻译原则及方法[J]。 安徽文学。 (8): 35-36 三、课题研究的内容、方法和预期目标: In this research, we are firstly required to study the definition of Skopos theory and know it well, then examine its application in ..
英语专业开题报告 cosmetic brands through case study. Compared with other traditional translation theories, German Functionalism, especially Skopos theory provides useful guidance in cosmetic brands translation。 This thesis focuses on the application of skopos theory principles and methods in the translation of cosmetic brands and how to make a suitable choice among different strategies in translation process。 And it is hoped that the improved translations of cosmetic brands can be helpful to the consumer, the manufacturer, the agent and also the product itself. The author will have better understanding on the Skopos theory, and improve translation ability. The paper has aimed at providing better translation for the cosmetic brands, so that it will help attract more consumers。 However this paper is far from perfect in its research and still many aspects are left to be studied by the following scholars。 四、所需仪器设备、材料情况: 1。 Computer 3. Internet 2. Software:Microsoft Word 4. Newspapers, magazines and ..
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