㈠ 节目的表演性(满分100分)
Performance aspect (full mark is 100 score)
评分项目subject 语言表达 language express 评分标准 standard 发音准确,语调标准,正确用词,表达流畅占40% pronounce correctly and standardly,Use the words correctly, express smoothly account for 40% 分数 score 表演 感情充沛,富有表现力占40% performing the flush sentiment and expressive force account for 40% 着装着装得体,符合表演内容占20% appearance wear in good taste,match the contains account for 20% 总分 Total score 满分100分 full mark is 100 score
㈡ 节目的创意性(满分100分)
Creativity aspect (full mark is 100 score)
评分项目subject 创意creativity 评分标准 standard 分数 score 节目构思巧妙,内容新颖,独特占50% The program is creative, the content is novel and unique account for 50% 节目组织性较好,成员配合默契,表演方式大胆多样占50% Organize the program well, members cooperate perfectly,Bold and diverse performances way account for 50%
节目组织 Organize Thank you for your evaluation!
西安交通大学外语学院 西安交通大学学生会