

2024-03-05 来源:钮旅网





1. 只有经过了培训,有资质的人员才能进行气焊和切割作业;

2. 所有气焊和切割作业之前必须获得经签字确认的热作业施工许可,并将许可张贴在

现场; 3. 所有氧气、乙炔气瓶应该竖直固定地存放在阴凉且通风良好的场所,并配备消防设

施; 4. 存放时氧气和乙炔的存放仓库应至少相距3米远;

5. 气焊和切割作业现场需要明确标识,并与周围场地分隔开来。在任何时间都要保证现

场良好的文明施工面貌; 6. 所有气焊和切割作业现场需要有清洁明确的进出通道和应急逃生通道; 7. 所有气焊和切割作业现场需要充足和稳定的照明; 8. 所有气焊和切割作业现场必须有灭火器;

9. 在封闭、半封闭的空间内进行气焊和切割作业,必须开启通风设备; 10. 气焊和切割必须使用防护面罩、防火隔热手套、防护服、防护鞋; 11. 氧气、乙炔设备的气瓶和割枪上都必须装有回火器、止回阀; 12. 氧气、乙炔的调节阀和气表的状态必须良好,一旦损坏应立即更换;

13. 氧气、乙炔的输气软管必须定期检查其气密性,一旦出现漏气或老化,应立即更换; 14. 严禁在可燃物存放区从事气焊或切割作业;

15. 封闭或半封闭空间不得储存氧气、乙炔及其他助燃物和可燃物气瓶.氧气瓶、乙炔瓶

在使用和储存时一律竖直放置,并要求有固定措施,防止其倒下; 16. 开始作业之前要对设备情况和现场状况进行检查,确保没有安全隐患后开始作业;

项目经理:汪佑平 雅益轩项目公司

Hot Work Safety Rules

To All Workers:

Hot works include welding, cutting and burning work on site. To ensure safety of hot works, you must strictly comply with following hot work safety rules at any time。 This requirement will not free of your obligations to follow focal statutory stipulations our safety and health as and when required when they apply。


2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

16. 17.

Only competent workers who have attended be-monthly refresh training can work on welding, cutting and burning works。

Before any hot work is carried out, the Hot Work Permit To Work must be agreed and signed by MGKT, and displayed on site.

Hot work site shall have specific signage, and separated from public area with physical barriers。 Good housekeeping should be maintained at any time. Hot work site shall have clear access and emergency escape access. Sufficient and stable illumination should be provided for any hot work. There must be fire extinguisher at hot work sites.

Ventilation equipment must be provided for hot work in confined space.

Welding mask, helmet, special gloves, protective clothes and safety shoes must be used in welding work.

Protective mask, special gloves, protective clothes and safety shoes must be used in oxy—acetylene cutting.

All oxy—acetylene gas cylinders and burning torches must be with flash back arrestor or non—return valve。

Metal cutting must use special equipment。 Measures shall be taken to prevent sparks。

All equipment and tools used in hot work must have tags of inspection informations。 Any inspection should be renewed monthly at least.

Electrical hot work must ensure electrical safety; hang all wires of equipment so that there is not electric leakage risk。

Oxygen and acetylene Cylinders are not allowed to be stored in tunnel or station main box. They shall be placed upright in use and storage, and have fix measures to prevent falling.

Inspection to equipment and site condition shall be carried out and ensure no safety danger prior to beginning hot work。

All hot workers must attend the regular safety training organized by NYTE。

Mr。 Sun Hang Project Manager

Nanyang Tunnel Engineering Sdn Bhd
