

2022-02-11 来源:钮旅网
⑧ 中国进出口银绗 THE EXP0 U’一{MPORT BANK OF CHINA 中国进出口银行成立于1994年.是直属国务院领导的、 简介 《《《I( 金 系的重要力量和金融体系的重要组成部 是我国机电产 政府全资拥有的国家政策性银行 其国际信用评级与国家主 品、成套设备和高新技术产品进出口和对外承包工程及各类 外国政府j 款的主要转贷行 权评级一致。中国进出口银行总部设在北京。目前,在国内 境外投资的政策性融资主渠道,设有10余家营业性分支机构和代表处;在境外设有东南非 和中国政府对外优惠贷款的承贷行,为促进我国开放型经济 代表处、巴黎代表处和圣彼得堡代表处;与300多家银行建 的发展发挥着越来越重要的作用。 立了代理行关系。 中国进出口银行是我国外经贸支持体 主要职责 主要业务范围 中国进出El银行的主要职责是贯彻执行国 家产业政策、外经贸政策、金融政策和外交政 策,为扩大我国机电产品、成套设备和高新技 术产品进出口.推动有比较优势的企业开展对 外承包工程和境外投资,促进对外关系发展和 国际经贸合作,提供政策性金融支持。 办理出口信贷和进 办理对外承包工程和境外投资贷款 办理中国政府对外优惠贷款 提供对外担保 转贷外国政府和金融机构提供的贷款 办理本行贷款项下的国际国内结算业务和企业 存款业务 在境内外资本市场、货币市场筹集资金: 办理国际银行问的贷款,组织或参加国际、国 内银团贷款: 从事人民币同业拆借和债券回购; 从事白营外汇资金交易和经批准的代客外汇资 金交易; 办理与本行业务相关的资信调查、咨询、评估 和见证业务: 经批准或受委托的其他业务。 [1】国进出口银行真诚希望与海内外金融. 经贸界朋友建立广泛联系,扩大业务合作。 国际技术贸易 》》》 简介 ⑧ T中国进出口锯绗 HE EXP0RT—IMP0RT BANK OF CHINA Established in 1 994 and solely owned by the centra1 China Eximbank has developed into a key channel of policy ifnancing for expo ̄s and impo ̄s of mechanic and electronic government,The Export-Import Bank ofChina(China Eximbank) is a government policy bank under the direct leadership of the products,complete set of equipment,and high-and new—tech State Council.Its nitemational credit ratings are compatible to the national sovereign ratings.At present,the Bank has over ten business branches and domestic representative ofifces,as well as three overseas representative ofifces in Johannesburg,Paris and St.Petersburg.It has established and maintained correspondent relationship with more than 300 overseas banks worldwide. As an important force in the backup system offoreign rtade and economy and a significant component ofthe ifnancial system, Mission The main mandate of the Bank 1S to implement the state policies ni industry,foreign trade,diplomacy, economy and finance to provide policy financial support SO as to promote the export and imports of Chinese mechanical nad electronic products and high— and new—tech products,to suppo ̄Chinese compa— nies with comparative advantages to conduct such cooperation with foreign partners as offshore con— struction contracts and overseas investment projects, to develop and strengthen relations with foreign countries,and to enhance Sino—foreign economic and technological cooperation and exchanges. We sincerely hope to establish wide contacts and expand business cooperation with our partners and friends in financial,economic,and trade sec— tors both at home and abroad. products,and for offshore construction contracts as well as overseas investment projects.Meanwhile,the Bank is also the major onlending bank of foreing government loans and the sole lending bank for Chinese Government Concessional Loan en. trusted by the Chinese Government.The Bank is playing a more and more important role in promoting the development of the open and export—oriented economy of the country. Foreing exchange dealing and approved risk protec— tion Foreign Exchange(FX)business ofr client; Creditworthiness investigation,consultation,ap— praisal and witness services which are relevant to the Bank business; Other business approved or entrusted. 
