美国教育考试服务中心(ETS)明确规定了SAT数学试题的出题范围。表5-1-2是它的英文原文,表5-1-3是它的译文。尽管表中提到了一些吓人的字眼,如数论,概率,统计,集合,想象题等,实际上是一些初级的的知识,国内高中学到的内容是足够的了,无需特别补学这些知识。至于其他内容,对中国学生来说更是小菜一碟,不在话下。由此可见就内容而言,中国学生所掌握的知识足以应对SAT数学考试,故在此不再赘言。 表5-1-2 SAT数学考试的出题范围(英文)
Arithmetic word problems (including percent, ratio, and proportion)
Properties of integers (even, odd, prime numbers, divisibility, etc.) Rational numbers
Sets (union, intersection, elements) Counting techniques
Sequences and series (including exponential growth)
Elementary number theory Properties of exponents Algebraic word problems
Solutions of linear equations and inequalities Systems of equations and inequalities Quadratic equations
Rational and radical equations Equations of lines Absolute value
Direct and inverse variation Concepts of algebraic functions Area and perimeter of a polygon Area and circumference of a circle Volume of a box, cube, and cylinder
Pythagorean Theorem and special properties of isosceles, equilateral, and right triangles Properties of parallel and perpendicular lines Coordinate geometry Geometric visualization Slope Similarity
Data interpretation (tables and graphs) Descriptive statistics (mean, median, and mode) Probability
Number and Operation
Algebra and Functions
Geometry and Measurement
Data Analysis, Statistics, and Probability
表5-1-3 SAT数学考试的出题范围(中文)
整数性质(偶数,奇数,质数,整除性等等) 有理数
集合(合集,交集,元素) 计数技术
数列和级数(包括几何增长) 数论初步 指数的性质 代数应用题
求解线性方程和线性不等式 方程组和不等式组 一元二次方程 有理和无理方程 直线方程 绝对值
变量的正反关系 代数函数的概念
多边形的面积和周长 园的面积和周长
勾股定理和等腰,等边,直角三角形的性质 平行线,垂直线的性质 解析几何初步 几何想象题 斜率 相似 转换
统计知识(平均值,中位值,众数) 概率
1. 正确理解题意。这就要求做到以下两点:一个是熟知基本数学用语的英文单词;另一个是熟悉英语数学试题的表述方法。 2. 牢记防止粗心大意的三个要点:
要点1:一定要审好题,即搞清楚明给的条件,暗示的条件以及所求的内容。 要点2:一定要一步一步地演算,不要跳过每一步骤。你可能认为这样会耽误时间,作者想说的是这样一步一个脚印地走下去不仅不会耽误时间,反而因为不用回头检查会节省时间;况且往往检查的思路和作题思路相同,常常有错也不易查出。
要点3:确认直接求得的未知数是否是试题的最后所问。SAT试题中常有类似X+1等于几的问题,考生常常解出了X就完事了,忘了题目问的是X+1而不是X。 四、SAT数学试题
作者想通过下面一组试题让读者对SAT数学有一个直接的感受。这些题目均来自SAT考试试题,故请注意它们的出题方式,难易程度,特别是语言的表述方法。希望读者读一读,想一想,做一做。如果你的英语基础比较好,看一看能否在较短的时间内完成它们。考试时的解题速度应该在平均1道题70秒钟以内。 1.试题
1. If 10+x is 5 more than 10, what is the value of 2x ? (A)-5 (B) 5 (C) 10 (D) 25 (E) 50
2. If(x -2)2 =49, then x could be (A) -9 (B) -7 (C) 2 (D) 5 (E) 9
3. If this page was folded along the dotted line in the figure above, the left half of the letter W would exactly coincide with the right half of W. Which of the following letters, as shown, CANNOT be folded along a vertical line so that its left half would coincide with its right half?
(A) A (B) I (C) O (D) U (E) E
4. In a certain store, the regular price of a refrigerator is $600. How much money is saved by buying this refrigerator at 20 percent off the regular price rather than buying it on sale at 10 percent off the regular price with an additional discount of 10 percent off the sale price? (A) $6 (B) $12 (C) $24 (D) $54 (E) $60
5. Which of the following is the graph of a function f such that f(x) = 0 for exactly two values of x between -5 and 5 ?
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
6. Based on the portions of the graphs of the functions f and g shown above, what are all values of x between -6 and 6 for which g x f x ? (A) -6 < x <-3 only (B) -3 < x < 0 only (C) 0 < x < 3 only (D) 3 < x < 6 only (E) -6 < x < -3 and 0 < x < 3 .
7. Point O is the center of both circles in the figure above. If the circumference of the large circle is 36 and the radius of the small circle is half of the radius of the large circle, what is the length of the darkened arc? (A) 10 (B) 8 (C) 6 (D) 4 (E) 2
8. If x = 20 and y = 30 in the figure above, what is the value of z ? (A) 60 (B) 70 (C) 80 (D) 90 (E) 100
9. If 6 < |x-3| < 7 and x < 0, what is one possible value of |x| ?
10. What is the product of the smallest prime number that is greater than 50 and the greatest prime number that is less than 50 ? 2.答案
1.(C), 2. (E), 3. (E), 4.(A), 5.(D), 6. (B), 7. (D), 8. (B), 9.x < 4, 10.1300