

2023-04-20 来源:钮旅网



本协议于 年 月 日 由:


丹沙中福货运代理有限公司,其注册地址为 (本协议中简称“DHL”) 共同签订。

This agreement is made and entered into by and between ___________ _______, with its office at ______________ (hereinafter referred to as “Customer”) and DHL Logistics

(China) Co., Ltd/Danzas Z.F. Freight Agency Co., Ltd, having its registered office at (hereinafter referred to as “DHL”) at [ ]。 .


1. 客户需要DHL以其专业知识按下文条件和条款提供仓储及相关物流服务;

WHEREAS, Customer requires the facilities and expertise of DHL for warehousing and relevant logistics services in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth below; and

2. DHL同意在 仓库提供上述仓储及相关物流服务。

WHEREAS, DHL has agreed to perform such warehousing and relevant logistics services for Customer at DHL’s facility at , People’s Republic of China;


NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties hereby agree as follows:

1. 服务围


在本协议规定期限,DHL将应按客户要求提供仓储及相关服务,主要的服务围请见附件1。 During the term of this Agreement, DHL shall provide warehousing and related services for Customer as requested by Customer. The main scope of services to be provided under this Agreement is set forth in Appendix 1.


2. 价格:



Both parties shall settle the warehousing charge and other handling charges on a fixed rate and/or price set forth in Appendix 2, unless other rate and /or price has been agreed by both parties. Unless otherwise specified, the quotations are exclusive of taxes imposed on Customer by any government or other authority (except income tax). Customer shall be liable for any taxes, or outlays of any kind levied by the authorities at any place for or in connection with the goods.

3. 支付


3.1DHL就本协议所提供的服务应在每月 日前向客户开具上月的发票,客户应在收到发票后的十五日(异议期)进行核实。客户不能因索赔、反索赔或冲抵而扣除或延期支付所有到期款项。DHL迟延开具发票的,客户有权拒迟延付款。客户保证在DHL发票开出后三十日付清发票上的应付款项金额,否则DHL有权收取违约金,违约金按日万分之一计算,最长不超过 天。违约金计算期间为自款项到期之日起至客户的款项付至DHL的帐户上之日为止。

3.1 DHL shall submit invoices before to Customer on a monthly basis for services rendered under this Agreement. Customer shall address its object or dissent against the invoice within fifteenth (15) days (the period of objection) upon receipt of the invoice. In case DHL delays in submitting invoices, Customer is entitled to delay payment accordingly. Customer shall pay to DHL all sums without deduction or

deferment on account of any claim, counterclaim or set-off. Customer undertakes it will pay off all amounts due and payable as stipulated in the commercial invoice within thirty (30) days after the date of invoice. Otherwise DHL is entitled to charge Customer the overdue payment as penalty at 0.01% per day until all the sums arrive at DHL’s account, calculated no more than days.

3.2 除非双方另有书面约定外, 客户应以人民币方式付清发票上的应付款项, 如需美元、欧元或其他货币支付人民币费用的,应根据甲乙双方约定的人民币汇率支付,如无事先约定的,则按照发票开具之日中国人民银行公布的有关人民币汇率中间价进行结算。

3.2 Unless otherwise as stipulated in written form, Customer shall pay off all amounts due and payable as specified on DHL’s invoice in RMB (Renminbi). In the event the above payment has to be remitted in US Dollar, Euro or other currencies, Party A shall pay off the above amounts in terms of the exchange rate determined and agreed by both parties, otherwise the exchange rate should be the middle rate announced by People’s Bank of China on the date of commercial invoice issuance. 2



3.3 Provided that the fluctuation or variety of cost, market transportation price, gas and fuel cost, exchanges rate, currency adjustment factor (CAF) and other key elements lead to the adjustment of transportation service expenses and other

expenses, Customer agrees that DHL is entitled to unilaterally adjust the corresponding expenses by giving 30-days prior written notification to Customer or Customer’s designated customer. DHL shall not make any other adjustment on price within one year since such adjustment.

4. 保险:


4.1 协议双方应自己承担为其员工购买足够的工伤保险,

4.1 Each party shall carry Worker Compensation Insurance on its own employees.

4.2 协议双方应对各自的财产及责任足额投保。

4.2 Each party shall arrange sufficient insurance for its properties and liabilities..

5. 责任




5.1 Customer guarantees and undertakes to ensure that the cargo for warehousing and transportation shall comply with all applicable laws, regulations, policies and/or requirements of People’s Republic of China in respect of transportation, taxation of the cargo, cargo import and export, intellectual property right and other relevant aspects. Customer shall indemnify and keep DHL harmless from and against any and all losses arising from the investigation, punishment, custody, seizure and other measures by competent government due to Customer’s or any third party designated by customer breach or violation of the aforesaid stipulations.



5.2 Customer guarantees and undertakes that all information or documents provided or will be provided with relation to the service are true, complete and accurate in all respects and are not misleading for any reason.


5.3 Customer’s designated customer guarantees and undertakes to ensure that the cargo is in good condition, and that its packing complies with all applicable safety laws, regulations or requirements and will not cause any damage or injury or the

likelihood of damage or injury to the property of DHL or any other goods. Customer’s designated customer shall notify DHL in writing if any fragile, precious, dangerous or other specific cargo is to be transported.

5.4除非DHL事先知悉并表示接受,DHL没有义务仓储或承运任何危险品。如DHL发现客户交运的货物有危险品,DHL有权拒绝,由此产生的费用由客户承担,如造成DHL损失的,客户还应赔偿相应的损失,最高限额不超过人民币 元。

5.4 No Dangerous Goods are to be supplied to DHL for the services without the

previous knowledge and express consent of DHL and any such goods may upon being discovered be rejected by DHL and returned to Customer who shall be liable for any cost arising from rejection. Customer shall indemnify DHL against all loss damage or expense arising out of dangerous goods being tendered for transportation or storage or being handled or carried by DHL but Customer’s liability shall be subject to the cap at RMB whether or not Customer was aware of the nature of the goods.


5.6 Customer shall be solely liable for preparation of inspection according to the requirement of importing and exporting country.


5.7 Customer shall be solely liable for preparation of fumigation or Customs

Declaration/Clearance according to the requirement of importing and exporting country unless written authorization to DHL requested by Customer. Provided that DHL is authorized to complete fumigation or Customs Declaration/Clearance, Customer shall be liable for its timely and complete document preparation and information veracity.




5.8DHL应保证并承认其仓储、运输货物是遵守中华人民国所有与运输、税收、货物进出口、知识产权等相关的法律、法规、政策和要求。如DHL及其指定的第三方违反上述规定而遭到相关政府部门的调查、查处、扣留、扣押等措施而导致客户或收货人损失的,DHL应负责赔偿。 5.8 DHL guarantees and undertakes to ensure that the cargo for warehousing and transportation shall comply with all applicable laws, regulations, policies and/or

requirements of People’s Republic of China in respect of transportation, taxation of the cargo, cargo import and export, intellectual property right and other relevant aspects. DHL shall indemnify and keep Customer harmless from and against any and all losses arising from the investigation, punishment, custody, seizure and other

measures by competent government due toDHL’s or any third party designated by DHL breach or violation of the aforesaid stipulations.

5.9 DHL应提供适合、必要的安全措施确保客户货物在DHL和/或分包商保管控制下免于遭受水淋、偷盗等,如未尽到相应义务并给客户或收货人造成损失的,应对客户或收货人承担相应赔偿责任,但DHL能证明是由于货物的部损坏、潜在损坏(包括但不限于发霉、水污、污渍和固有缺陷等)造成的除外。

5.9 DHL shall provide proper safety measures and necessary security measures to ensure that the Products under DHL’s and its subcontractor’s custody and control are free from water, or otherwise, and shall also prevent any theft or pilferage,if DHL fails to do so, it shall be liable for any losses or damages arising from breach of such obligation unless it proves such losses or damages are attributable to internal and/or potential damage and loss of cargo (including but not limited to the mildew, water smudge, blots cockle and the inherent defect) l.

5.10DHL对运输、仓储过程中货物的毁损、灭失以及迟延交付或未授权交付或没有依照客户的指示行事承担责任,但DHL能证明是因不可抗力、货物本身的自然性质或合理损耗以及客户、收货人的过错造成的,不承担赔偿责任。DHL和客户同意DHL根据本协议向客户提供的相关服务适用DHL标准交易条款 (附件3)(简称称DHL条款)(两者不一致的,则以本协议的规定为准) 5.10 DHL shall be liable for any loss, damage, delay, non-delivery, mis-delivery and

unauthorized delivery unless DHL proves that it is caused by force majeure, by inherent natural characters of the goods, by reasonable loss, or by the fault on the part of

Customer or consignee. Customer agree that the provision by DHL to Customer of the services rendered under this agreement shall be subject as applicable (save where inconsistent with any express provision of this Agreement to the contrary) to DHL Standard Trading Conditions (Appendix 3) ( hereinafter referred to as \" DHL Conditions\").

5.11 如客户需要提供国际运输服务的,DHL在国际运输服务中对客户因货物遗失、损坏的责任承担应遵循DHL海运提单或空运单中的责任条款。(见附件4)。


5.11 If International transportation is needed, DHL’s liability to Customer for lost or

damaged Products while performing international transportation services shall comply with the limitations of liability set out in its Bill of Lading or Air Waybill (a copy of which is annexed at Appendix 4. )

5.12 在中国的陆运输,DHL的赔偿责任不超过毛重每公斤人民币20.00元,并且每个索赔或一系列索赔项下最高赔偿额不超过人民币10,000元。

5.12 For inland transportation in Chinese territory, DHL’s liability shall subject to the cap at RMB10,000 per occurrence, be limited as RMB20 per KG of gross weight of the goods lost or damaged.

5.13 对于DHL提供仓储服务的货物,DHL的赔偿每个索赔或系列索赔项下最高赔偿额不超过人民币10,000元;此外,对于仓储过程中发生的货物丢失或损坏,客户同意DHL享有1%年度总库存价值的库存公差,DHL仅就超出库存公差部分承担责任,但全年总赔偿责任不超过同期仓储费用的5%。

5.13 For goods stored in the warehouse, DHL’s liability shall be capped at RMB10,000 per occurrence or series of connected occurrences and up to the annual aggregate of 5% of the revenue of the warehousing services in the year. Customer further agree DHL with a stock loss and/or damage tolerance of 1% of annual throughput stock value in a year and DHL shall not become liable until such stock loss and/or damage tolerance is exceeded, but then subject to the overall limit of liability of 5% of the site revenue of the services for Customer in a year.


5.14 The liability of DHL for customs brokerage per transaction shall subject to the cap of each shipment’s customs brokerage fee. For other related services, DHL’s liability shall be limited to RMB 10,000 per occurrence and up to the annual aggregated of 5% of the related service fee paid to DHL. 5.16 如果发生货物遗失或破损,客户应遵循DHL索赔流程(附件5)规定的程序进行索赔。 5.16 In the event of loss or damage to the cargo, Customer shall follow DHL’s Claim Handling Processs as listed in Appendix 5.

6. 不可抗力


如一方当事人未能履行或延迟履行本协议义务,其原因是非其过失且超出其合理控制下的事件造成的,包括但不限于自然灾害、战争、类似战争状态、敌对、制裁、革命、暴乱、抢劫、瘟疫、 6


流行病、火灾、洪水等, 该方当事人不必对此承担责任。一旦发生上述事件,遭受方应立即在48小时通知另一方并在上述事件发生后15日向对方提供相应证据,并在上述事件结束时立即采取合理措施继续履行本协议。继续履行的时间应加以延长,所延长的时间为因上述事件造成运输延迟的时间。

Neither party shall be liable to the other party for damages or otherwise for any failure to perform or delay in performing any of its duties or obligations under this Agreement when and if such failure or delay is not due to any fault of the party and is due to a cause beyond such party's reasonable control including, but not limited to: acts of God, war, war-like conditions, hostilities, sanctions, revolution, riots, looting, plague or other epidemics, fires and floods. Should any such event occur, the affected party shall notify the other within forty-eight (48) hours, provide sufficient proof within 15 days since such event happens and shall use all reasonable endeavors to resume prompt performance as soon as such event shall have ceased, and the time for any such

party's performance shall be extended for a period equal to the time lost by reason of the delay.

7. 终止


7.1 双方当事人在合同期间,均有权终止本合同,但须至少提前三个月书面通知对方。如发生以下情形的,一方当事人可以书面通知方式立即终止本协议。

During the term of this agreement, either party shall have the right to terminate this agreement at any time without cause by at least three (3) months’ notification in writing. Without prejudice to the foregoing, either party shall have the right to

immediately terminate this agreement by written notification in the following cases:

(a) 如另一方当事人违反本合同规定,在收到未违约方书面通知其违约行为之日起三十日仍无法补救其违约行为或已经无法补救其违约行为的;

(a) if either party commits a breach of the terms of this agreement which is not

capable of remedy or which shall not have been remedied within thirty (30) days after the non-defaulting party gives to the defaulting Customer written notice specifying the nature of the breach;

(b) 另一方当事人破产或解散;

(b) the insolvency or bankruptcy or dissolution of the other party;


(c) the appointment of any receiver, administrator, trustee or custodian over the

whole or any part of the other party’s assets;

(d) 另一方当事人将权益转让给其债权人的; 7


(d) an assignment by the other party for the benefit of its creditors;


(e) the other party entering into any arrangement with its creditors; or


(f) if the other party is unable to pay its debts or ceases or threatens to cease to

carry on its business; or

(g) DHL迟延交货超过3次的;或

DHL delays in delivery of goods more than 3 times; or (h) DHL造成客户或收货人损失达人民币 元以上的;或

Customer or the consignee suffers more than RMB losses due to DHL’s breach of this Agreement.


(i)for any other reasons provided for in this Agreement or in relevant laws and regulations.

7.2 协议期满或终止之时,客户应立即将其所有货物搬移出DHL仓库并结清所有本协议下的仓储、配送和相关物流服务的费用。

Upon expiry or termination of this Agreement, Customer shall forthwith remove the Products from the DHL warehouse and settle all warehousing, distribution and related logistics service charges under this Agreement.


7.3 Termination or expiration of this Agreement shall not operate to discharge the respective rights and obligations of the Parties which accrued due between the Parties prior to the date of termination or expiration and which shall continue in full force and effect notwithstanding the termination or expiration of this Agreement.

8. 争端解决:



All disputes arising out of or in connection with this agreement will be discussed and settled by amicable negotiation between both parties. In case no settlement is reached, both parties agree to submit the dispute to People’s Court in which Customer has its domicile.


9. 适用法律:



This agreement is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China.

10. 期限


2.1本协议期限为( )年,自 年 月 日起至 年 月 日。本协议在期满后将在前述期限的基础上再延续壹年,除非出现以下情形:(1)协议一方在本协议期满前提前至少三个月以书面形式通知另一方不进行续约(2)本协议按条款7提前解除。

2.1 The term of this Agreement shall be ( ) years commencing from , [Year] to [Year] This Agreement shall be further renewed for one (1) years upon the expiry of the aforesaid term unless either party provides a written notice to the other party stating its intention not to renew this Agreement at least three (3) months in advance before the expiry of the initial term or this Agreement is terminated in advance in accordance with Article 7.

11. 合同的完整性及其修改:

ENTIRE AGREEMENT AND MODIFICATIONS 本合同及其附件构成一个完整的合同,并取代任何双方先前口头或书面达成的协议、谅解和合同。本合同的修改须经双方授权代表人书面确认后才能生效。

This agreement and its Appendices constitute the entire agreement and

understanding between the parties as to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements, understandings or agreements between the parties, whether written or oral. This agreement cannot be amended or modified except by a written instrument signed by duly authorized officers of both parties.

12. 可分割性


本协议部分条款因违反法律、被法院、司法部门或其他政府性组织判决定违法、无效、可撤消、非法或无执行力的,该条款将不视作本协议的一部分,并且不影响本协议其他条款的效力。 If any provision of this Agreement is prohibited by law or held by a court, judicial or other competent authority to be unlawful, void, voidable, illegal or otherwise

unenforceable, such provision shall to that extent be deemed not to form part of this Agreement and the enforceability of the remainder of this Agreement shall not in any way be affected.



13. 继任者


本协议对协议方的继任者或转让者仍然有拘束力,且转让者或继受者仍享有本协议的权益。 This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Parties and their respective successors and assigns.

14. 独立性



Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed so as to constitute or create any partnership or agency or joint venture relationship between DHL and Customer, nor shall DHL be deemed to be an affiliate or subsidiary of Customer for any purpose whatsoever. Neither party shall have any authority to create or assume in the other party’s name or on the other party’s behalf any obligation, express or implied, or to act, or purport to act, as the other party’s agent or representative for any purpose whatsoever.

15. 客户检查



15.1 Customer or its duly authorized representative shall have full access to the warehouse at all times during normal business hours and shall have the right to

examine, inspect, and count all or any of its goods subject to Customer giving DHL at least two (2) days’ advance written notice. If Customer desires access outside normal business hours, Customer shall notify DHL in writing of such intention at least three (3) days in advance.

15.2 客户或其授权代表在给予DHL合理时间准备和提前通知DHL的情况下,有权进入DHL的场所查阅与本协议相关的所有文件、记录、收件签收单、书面指示、凭证和备忘录。DHL在本协议终止后三年应妥善保管上述材料。

15.2 Customer or its duly authorized representative, shall have access at reasonable times and upon reasonable notice, to DHL premises, books, records, correspondence, receipts, instructions, vouchers and memoranda of every description pertaining to


work under this Agreement. DHL shall preserve for a period of three (3) years after the expiration or termination of this Agreement all of these above- mentioned documents.

16. 保密义务



(a) 除履行本协议外,不使用保密信息; (b) 不将保密信息透露给第三方;

(c) 将对方的保密信息视作自己的保密信息一样重视对待; 上述禁止保密信息公开和使用的规定不适用: 一方当事人证明其已预先获悉该保密信息; 该信息从不负有保密义务的第三方合法获取; 该信息已经公开;

另一方当事人收到法律或法院、司法机关或政府部门的书面通知,要求公开此信息。 本条款在协议终止后三年仍然有效,对协议双方当事人均有拘束力。

Each party acknowledges that in connection with the formation and performance of this Agreement, it may be exposed to certain non-public confidential information, the disclosure of which to third parties would be damaging. Such confidential

information includes, but is not limited to Customer’s, DHL’s and DHL Customers’ name, cargo information, rates, charges, business plans, financial information and data, sales data, technical data, and documents marked “Confidential” and/or “Proprietary”. The Parties agree (a) not to use this confidential information, except in the performance of this Agreement, (b) not to disclose this confidential information to any other party, and (c) to treat this confidential information with the same degree of care with which it treats its own confidential information of like importance.

The foregoing prohibition on disclosure and use will not apply to (a) information which a party can prove was previously known to it, (b) information lawfully received from a third party without an obligation of confidentiality, (c) information which becomes

known to the public, and (d) information which is required to be disclosed by law or an order of a court, judicial or other competent authority provided that the other party will be given written notice of such required disclosure.

The provisions of this Article 16 shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement for a period of three (3) years.

17. 其他


17.1 本协议自双方授权代表签字且公司盖章之日起生效。 11


This Agreement will take effective upon the date when this Agreement is signed by the respective authorized representative and company chop of the contracting party.

17.2 本协议以中文和英文书写,两种文字具有同等效力。如两种文字相冲突矛盾的,以中文文本为准。

This Agreement is written in both Chinese and English and each language version shall have the same effect. In case of any discrepancy or conflict between both versions, the Chinese version will prevail.


This Agreement has two originals with each party holding one original.

17.4 双方之间的通知或其他通讯应以中文或英文书写,以专人递交、快递送达、、传真发送至如下地址:

客户地址 电子 传真 ; DHL地址 电子 传真 。 通知以如下日期视为有效送达:


(b)快递递送的,交付快递后的第3个工作日视为有效送达; (c)传真发送的,收到成功发送确认之日视为有效送达;

17.4 Notices and other communications between the Parties shall be written in English or Chinese and shall be delivered by hand or courier service or sent by email or facsimile transmission to the Address hereafter:

Customer address Email Fax ; DHL address Email Fax 。 (a)Notices delivered by hand or sent by email shall be deemed to have been effectively seved on the date of delivery;

(b)Notices sent by courier service shall be deemed to have been effectively given on the third working day after they were sent out; and

(c) Notices sent by facsimile transmission shall be deemed to have been effectively seved on the date of confirmation of the successful transmission thereof.

17.5 在本合同期间,一方变更其通讯地址的,应立即以书面方式通知对方,否则,自行承担文书送达不能等法律后果。

17.5 During the term of this Contract, either Party changing the Address shall promptly notify the other Party; otherwise Notices sent to the address in terms of 17.4 shall be deemed to have been effectively served.

双方之正式授权代表人于 年 月 日签署本协议,以昭信守。

IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties have caused their duly authorized representatives to execute this Agreement on this day of , [year]. 12



授权代表: 授权代表: By: By:

公章: 公章:

Company Chop Company Chop

日期: 日期: Date: Date:

_________________________________ _________________________________


附件1 Appendix 1

服 务 围


Appendix 1


1. The Services shall include:

• Off-loading of Products from BD SHANGHAI vehicles or commercial carriers at

the Warehouse;

• The storage of the Products in a secure, clean, and otherwise suitable


• The re-packing and loading of the Products for shipments from the warehouse

to all BD SHANGHAI customers worldwide • Customs brokerage, and transportation.

2. DHL GLOBAL FOWARDING will supply the facilities that will receive, warehouse,

pack and ship the Products.

3. DHL GLOBAL FOWARDING shall be responsible for furnishing all labor, equipment

and supplies necessary for the Services, except packing materials.

4. DHL GLOBAL FOWARDING will provide sufficient staffing and management for the

Warehouse operation to maintain a high standard of service. The Services will be provided by DHL GLOBAL FOWARDING using a reasonable standard of skill and care.

5. Warehouse management services shall include the installation and use of the DHL

GLOBAL FOWARDING Warehouse Management System as well as BD SHANGHAI SAP systems. DHL GLOBAL FOWARDING will provide the LOGIS WMS system for managing the inventory in the warehouse.

6. In the event BD SHANGHAI has a need for access to DHL GLOBAL FOWARDING

LOGIS Track & Trace System, Internet access password will be provided to BD SHANGHAI free of charge.

7. DHL GLOBAL FOWARDING will provide electric material handling equipment and

the racking to be used in the Warehouse.



8. DHL GLOBAL FOWARDING will exercise a full inventory count of the warehouse on

the date of the first shipment, on __31st of Mar__and 30th of Sep of each subsequent year. DHL GLOBAL FOWARDING will perform weekly/monthly cycle counts with or without the presence of the representatives of BD SHANGHAI and submit cycle count result report to BD SHANGHAI for reference.

9. DHL GLOBAL FOWARDING will adjust the BD SHANGHAI item/master file in the

LOGIS WMS system for the addition and deletion of CAT Number (equivalent to SKU in Danzas’ term) as per instruction by BD SHANGHAI

10. In providing the Services, DHL GLOBAL FOWARDING shall operate on a single shift

at 08:30 to 17:30 hours from Monday to Friday. Overtime operation can be arranged with advance notice.

11. DHL GLOBAL FOWARDING will provide door-to-door air and ocean freight

transportation services when requested.

12. DHL GLOBAL FOWARDING shall provide monthly management reports on the

inventory movement and other information needed by BD SHANGHAI. The Following reports will be provided and will contain such details as the Parties agree:

a) Item Availability Report. b) Transaction Report. c) Cycle Count Report.

d) In/Out shipment details report

Special reports can be produced in accordance with the requirement of BD SHANGHAI but subject to the report development fee to be agreed by the Parties.

13. DHL GLOBAL FOWARDING supporting records will be maintained for three (3) years.

14. DHL GLOBAL FOWARDING shall maintain records of all Products and materials

received from BD SHANGHAI and placed in the warehouse. DHL GLOBAL FOWARDING shall confirm to BD SHANGHAI all product inventory receipts and Product shipment dates by the end of the next business day following each such receipt or shipment.

In the event of any unresolved discrepancy between DHL GLOBAL FOWARDING and BD SHANGHAI inventory records, BD SHANGHAI records shall be controlling as the official records for the purpose of accountability.



DHL GLOBAL FOWARDING service level for inventory control shall be at least 99.5% accurate.

15. When Products are received at the Warehouse, DHL GLOBAL FOWARDING shall

make an accurate count of all Products received and shall confirm that the items and quantities received correspond to items and quantities shipped by BD SHANGHAI. DHL GLOBAL FOWARDING shall follow the procedures provided by BD SHANGHAI for reporting and handling Product overages or shortages, or damaged Products.

All demurrage or detention costs incurred by DHL GLOBAL FOWARDING shall be for its account and BD SHANGHAI shall have no responsibility for such costs, provided proper instructions and documentation have been supplied by BD SHANGHAI.

16. Products shall be stored in an orderly manner by product receipt date so that the

proper stock rotation and physical inventory counts are facilitated as necessary to meet BD SHANGHAI requirements.

Storage areas shall be maintained in a neat, clean and orderly manner and storage, receiving and shipping areas shall be kept free from corrosive substances and debris.

Corrosive or dangerous chemicals and items that are not compatible with BD SHANGHAI Products or other items or substances having undesirable characteristics which may have the potential to damage or devalue the Products, shall not be stored or handled in the same part of the warehouse as the Products.

All Products damaged in transit or in the Warehouse must be segregated from undamaged Products and kept in a separate area. DHL GLOBAL FOWARDING shall identify damaged Products and report to BD SHANGHAI within one (1) day after discovery.

17. Products shall not be assigned, released or shipped except upon specific written or

electronically transmitted instructions from BD SHANGHAI or as authorized by its designated representatives.

DHL GLOBAL FOWARDING shall maintain in its files a copy of the signed bill of lading for each shipment (current year plus two (2) years). Documents shall not be forwarded to BD SHANGHAI unless requested.

BD SHANGHAI shall transmit orders to DHL GLOBAL FOWARDING for BD SHANGHAI unless otherwise advised by BD SHANGHAI. DHL GLOBAL FOWARDING shall ship 16


Products to BD SHANGHAI customers as directed in shipping instructions and customer name and address information supplied by BD SHANGHAI.

DHL GLOBAL FOWARDING shall rotate Product stock with respect to Expiring Date basis so that Products with expiring date closer to the current date are shipped first, unless BD SHANGHAI instructs otherwise.

18. Inventory shall be maintained by Product code and receipt date, batch no. and

Expiring Date which shall be used to track all inbound and outbound shipments of Products.

BD SHANGHAI representatives may join with representatives of DHL GLOBAL FOWARDING at mutually agreeable times in taking the required physical inventories.

Reconciliation of the physical inventory to BD SHANGHAI book inventory shall be made by DHL GLOBAL FOWARDING within ten (10) working days following receipt by DHL GLOBAL FOWARDING from BD SHANGHAI of the request from BD SHANGHAI. Reconciliation Report of physical inventory resulting differences, whether over or short, shall be priced at the BD SHANGHAI inventory value in effect at the time of reconciliation. Reports thereafter are prepared by BD SHANGHAI to reflect the net of all such overages and shortages by Product (“Net Shortage Report”).

Upon DHL GLOBAL Forwarding’s acceptance of the Net Shortage Report, BD SHANGHAI shall take a credit against its next monthly warehousing fee payment equal to the amount of payment owed by DHL GLOBAL FOWARDING for such net shortages. Amount paid for the inventory discrepancy will be reimbursed if found subsequently due to miscount.

If substantial inventory discrepancies appear in any physical inventory count (as determined in the sole discretion of BD SHANGHAI) BD SHANGHAI shall have the right to request DHL GLOBAL FOWARDING to take another physical inventory count at DHL GLOBAL FOWARDING own expense within three (3) days after the date of the request.




附件2 Appendix 2


Appendix 2



1. Air Freight ( DFG as Forwarder )

a) D/O Exchange Fee ( Other Forwarders ) b) Break Bulk Fee c) Terminal Handling Fee Min Charge d) Airport Terminal Warehouse Storage ( first 5 days free ) e) Trucking Bonded Fee (from PVG to WGQ ) i) 2-Ton Truck ii) 5-Ton Truck f) Other Charges (Commodity Inspection, Quarantine inspection, Customs inspection, Demurrage, etc…) (Expressed in Currency RMB) 100.00 Per AWB 200.00 Per AWB 0.70 Per Kg 100.00 Per AWB 0.10 Per kg per day 550.00 Per trip 700.00 Per trip At cost 2. Ocean Freight (FCL Shipment) a) D/O Exchange b) THC to Carrier (At cost) (Expressed in Currency RMB) 350.00 Per Bill of Lading 19 DHL GLOBAL FORWARDING

i) 20’ Container 370.00 Per 20’ Container ii) 40’ Container 560.00 Per 40’ Container c) Port Service Charge i) 20’ Container 900.00 Per 20’ Container ii) 40’ Container 1150.00 Per 40’ Container d) Container Haulage Charge ( WGQ / SCT- FTZ ) i) 20’ Container 900.00 Per 20’ Container ii) 40’ Container 1200.00 Per 40’ Container e) Container Haulage Charge ( Yangshang - FTZ ) i) 20’ Container 1500.00 Per 20’ Container ii) 40’ Container 2100.00 Per 40’ Container f) Other Charges (Commodity Inspection, At Cost Quarantine inspection, Customs inspection, Demurrage, etc…)

3. Ocean Freight (LCL Shipment)

(Expressed in Currency RMB) a) D/O Exchange b) Container Freight Station Distribution Charge • Minimum charge ( 3 cbm/ton) c) THC (Carrier) d) Trucking to WGQ (Bonded Truck) i) 2-Ton Truck ii) 5-Ton Truck e) Other Charges (Commodity Inspection, Quarantine inspection, Customs 350.00 Per Bill of Lading 230.00 Per cbm/ton 690.00 Per Bill of Lading At Cost 500.00 700.00 At Cost Per trip Per trip 20 DHL GLOBAL FORWARDING

inspection, Demurrage, etc…)


(Expressed in Currency RMB) 1. Registration Fee (into Free Trade Zone) 300.00 • Maximum 9 entries per Customs Form 50.00 2. Customs Inspection Handling Fee 150.00 3. Quarantine Handing Fee 150.00 4. De-Registration Fee (out of Free Trade 300.00 Zone) 50.00 • Maximum 5 entries per Customs Form 5. Other charge (Relate customs inspection, At cost quarantine charge etc ...) Per Bill of Lading Per extra form Per Bill of Lading Per Bill of Lading Per Bill of Lading Per extra form Per shipment


(Expressed in Currency RMB) 1. Management & WMS Fees (including WMS / Loading in /out / 4000.00 Picking ) 2. Storage Fee (below 25 degrees)  Air-condition Fixed Area (560sqm) 2.00  Air-condition Variable Area 15.00 3. Handling in Charge a) Machine 5.00 b) Loss carton 2.00 4. Bonded Transfer to Non-bonded Per calendar month Per SQM/ day Per CMB / per Calendar Week Per CBM Per carton 10.00 Per Location 21 DHL GLOBAL FORWARDING

4. Labeling Charge 0.20 Per Label 5. Handling Out Charge a) Machine 5.00 Per CBM b) Loss Carton 2.00 Per carton 8. Overtime (any activity incurred beyond normal working hours) a. Weekdays (Monday to Friday) 30.00 Per hour per headcount b. Weekends (Saturday & Sunday) 50.00 Per hour per headcount c. Public Holidays (government 70.00 Per hour per headcount stipulated) (Minimum 4 hours for Item b, and c.) 9. Repacking Charge 40.00 Per Machine a. Machine ( including packing material / banding /stick carton and labor fee ) 25.00 Per Carton b. Normal Cargos (53 x 56x 47 cm) ( including packing material /banding /stick carton and labor fee ) 24.00 Per Box 10. Packing Material Charge ( Refer Detail 23.00 Per Box List) 18.00 Per Box • 4 # -Box (66CM*36CM*28CM) 15.00 Per Box • 6 # -Box (37CM*47CM*32CM) 19.00 Per Box • 7# -Box 21.00 Per Box • 10# -Box • 17#- Box • 20# -Box ( 36CM*38CM*30CM) DISTRIBUTION SERVICES



a) s/n LONG-HAUL DELIVERY City 北京 苍南 常熟 丹阳 东营 江阴 City Province Liaoning Henan Hebei Neimenggu Beijing Zhejiang Jilin Hunan Jiangsu Jiangsu Sichuan Chongqing Liaoning Liaoning Jiangsu Distance ( km ) 2012 1130 1400 2500 1490 780 2315 1284 220 220 3041 3520 2270 2100 330 Per cbm Per Kg 5T Truck 8T Truck LTL Trucking FTL Trucking Transit (days) 3-5 3-4 2-3 3-5 2-3 3-4 5-6 2-3 1 1 6-7 6-7 4-5 4-5 2-3 6-7 3-4 2-3 2-3 2-3 3-4 3-5 4-6 5-6 1 5-6 1-2 3-4 1-2 6-7 1 1 Anshan 2 Anyang 3 BaoDing 4 Baotou 5 Beijing 6 Cangnan 8 Changsha 9 Changshu 11 Chengdu 13 Dalian 14 DanDong 15 DanYang 16 Daqin 17 DongGuan 18 Dongying 19 Fuzhou 20 Ganzhou 22 Guilin 23 Guiyang 24 Haikou 25 Hangzhou 26 Harbin 27 Hefei 28 Hohhot 29 Huangshan 30 Jiamusi 31 Jiangyin ¥345.00 ¥1.55 ¥8,050.00 ¥8,850.00 ¥255.00 ¥1.04 ¥6,150.00 ¥7,450.00 ¥255.00 ¥1.04 ¥5,000.00 ¥5,200.00 ¥335.00 ¥1.55 ¥8,300.00 ¥9,250.00 ¥220.00 ¥0.80 ¥5,100.00 ¥5,800.00 ¥210.00 ¥0.86 ¥4,500.00 ¥5,000.00 ¥325.00 ¥1.55 ¥9,300.00 ¥10,150.00 ¥255.00 ¥1.21 ¥5,600.00 ¥6,050.00 ¥165.00 ¥0.63 ¥950.00 ¥1,200.00 ¥165.00 ¥0.63 ¥1,500.00 ¥1,700.00 ¥300.00 ¥1.70 ¥11,250.00 ¥12,400.00 ¥345.00 ¥1.84 ¥11,250.00 ¥12.400.00 ¥335.00 ¥1.55 ¥7,600.00 ¥8,300.00 ¥370.00 ¥1.67 ¥8,300.00 ¥9,450.00 ¥.00 ¥0.75 ¥1,900.00 ¥2,050.00 ¥345.00 ¥1.96 ¥11,000.00 ¥11,800.00 ¥290.00 ¥1.21 ¥7,100.00 ¥7,600.00 ¥245.00 ¥0.98 ¥4,300.00 ¥4,500.00 ¥240.00 ¥1.00 ¥6,400.00 ¥7,350.00 ¥265.00 ¥1.21 ¥6,000.00 ¥6,650.00 ¥215.00 ¥0.87 ¥6,150.00 ¥7,100.00 ¥345.00 ¥1.55 ¥10,150.00 ¥11,350.00 ¥345.00 ¥1.84 ¥11,250.00 ¥12,400.00 ¥360.00 ¥1.67 ¥12,400.00 ¥13,600.00 ¥130.00 ¥0.50 ¥1,450.00 ¥1,700.00 ¥335.00 ¥1.84 ¥9,450.00 ¥10,400.00 ¥.00 ¥0.81 ¥2,600.00 ¥3,350.00 ¥360.00 ¥1.55 ¥7,700.00 ¥8,650.00 ¥210.00 ¥1.04 ¥3,550.00 ¥4,150.00 ¥460.00 ¥2.30 ¥15,350.00 ¥16,550.00 ¥155.00 ¥0.63 ¥1,200.00 ¥1,450.00 7 Changchun 10 Changzhou 12 ChongQing Heilongjiang 2900 Guangdong 1780 Liaoning Fujian Jiangxi Guangxi Guizhou Hainan Zhejiang Anhui Anhui Jiangsu 1100 1071 1158 1709 2170 2300 218 420 1934 417 21 Guangzhou Guangdong 1653 Heilongjiang 2759 呼和浩特 Neimenggu Heilongjiang 3200 23 DHL GLOBAL FORWARDING

32 Jiaxin 33 Jilin 34 Jinan 35 Jinzhou 36 Kunming 37 Kunshan 38 Laiyang 39 Lanzhou 40 Linyi 41 MianYang 43 Nanan 44 Nanchang 45 Nanjing 46 Nanning 47 Nantong 48 Ningbo 49 PanYu 50 Peixian 51 QingDao 52 Shangqiu 53 Shangrao 54 Shantou 55 Shanxian 56 Shaoxing 57 Shenyang 58 Shenzhen 60 Shiyan 61 ShunDe 62 Suihua 63 SuZhou 64 TaiCang 65 Taiyuan 66 Tangshan 67 Tianjin 68 Ulumuqi 69 Weifang 70 Wenzhou 71 Wuhan 昆山 莱阳 南安 番禺 沛县 单县 太仓 天津 潍坊 Jiangsu Jilin Shandong Liaoning Yunnan Jiangsu Shandong Gansu Shandong Sichuan Fujian Jiangsu Jiangsu Guangxi Jiangsu Zhejiang Jiangsu Shandong Henan Jiangxi Shandong Zhejiang Liaoning Hebei Hubei Hebei Jiangsu Jiangsu Shanxi Hebei Tianjin Shandong Zhejiang Hubei 110 2425 980 1800 3000 60 1200 2360 670 2940 1320 888 350 2130 116 420 700 1300 787 660 700 280 2084 1338 1456 2950 130 1562 1463 1380 4850 1135 700 1080 ¥135.00 ¥0.58 ¥950.00 ¥1,200.00 1-2 5-6 2-3 4-5 6-7 1 2-3 6-7 2-3 6-7 5-7 3-5 2-3 1 4-6 1 1 3-4 2-3 2-3 2-3 1-2 3-4 2-3 1 3-4 3-4 2-3 3-5 3-4 6-7 1 1 2-3 2-4 2-3 7-8 2-3 2 2-3 ¥345.00 ¥1.67 ¥11,250.00 ¥14,750.00 ¥210.00 ¥0.86 ¥3,800.00 ¥4,250.00 ¥325.00 ¥1.32 ¥7,800.00 ¥8,300.00 ¥380.00 ¥2.30 ¥11,250.00 ¥12,200.00 ¥135.00 ¥0.52 ¥750.00 ¥950.00 ¥230.00 ¥0.98 ¥4,250.00 ¥4,500.00 ¥345.00 ¥1.55 ¥10,650.00 ¥11,350.00 ¥200.00 ¥0.86 ¥3,200.00 ¥3,550.00 ¥395.00 ¥1.84 ¥11,250.00 ¥13,000.00 ¥460.00 ¥2.30 ¥11,800.00 ¥13,600.00 ¥240.00 ¥1.32 ¥7,350.00 ¥8,050.00 ¥220.00 ¥0.92 ¥4,050.00 ¥4,650.00 ¥165.00 ¥0.63 ¥1,550.00 ¥1,800.00 ¥345.00 ¥1.67 ¥11,250.00 ¥12,400.00 ¥175.00 ¥0.63 ¥1,900.00 ¥2,150.00 ¥170.00 ¥0.75 ¥2,150.00 ¥2,400.00 ¥325.00 ¥1.32 ¥6,850.00 ¥7,350.00 ¥290.00 ¥1.32 ¥3,800.00 ¥4,150.00 ¥205.00 ¥0.86 ¥3,800.00 ¥4,250.00 ¥230.00 ¥0.86 ¥5,200.00 ¥5,700.00 ¥195.00 ¥0.86 ¥4,050.00 ¥4,500.00 ¥290.00 ¥1.21 ¥8,400.00 ¥9,350.00 ¥230.00 ¥1.32 ¥4,050.00 ¥4,500.00 ¥165.00 ¥0.75 ¥2,050.00 ¥2,250.00 ¥335.00 ¥1.55 ¥7,600.00 ¥8,300.00 ¥270.00 ¥1.21 ¥6,750.00 ¥7,350.00 ¥255.00 ¥0.98 ¥4,750.00 ¥5,450.00 ¥300.00 ¥1.32 ¥8,300.00 ¥9,250.00 ¥300.00 ¥1.32 ¥7,100.00 ¥7,600.00 ¥350.00 ¥2.65 ¥14,200.00 ¥15,350.00 ¥140.00 ¥0.58 ¥135.00 ¥0.52 ¥700.00 ¥700.00 ¥950.00 ¥950.00 42 Mudanjiang Heilongjiang 2870 Guangdong 1670 Guangdong 1614 Guangdong 2000 59 Shijiazhuang Guangdong 1800 ¥285.00 ¥1.21 ¥6,500.00 ¥6,850.00 ¥285.00 ¥1.21 ¥6,300.00 ¥6,850.00 ¥215.00 ¥0.80 ¥4,900.00 ¥5,350.00 ¥460.00 ¥3.05 ¥15,350.00 ¥17,700.00 ¥220.00 ¥0.92 ¥3,700.00 ¥4,050.00 ¥205.00 ¥0.92 ¥3,550.00 ¥3,900.00 ¥230.00 ¥0.86 ¥4,750.00 ¥5,000.00 乌鲁木齐 Xinjiang 24 DHL GLOBAL FORWARDING

72 Wuxi 73 Xiamen 74 Xian 75 Xining 76 Xinxiang 77 Xuzhou 78 Yangzhou 79 Yantai 80 Yichang 81 Yinchuan 82 Yuyao 余 Jiangsu Fujian Shaanxi Qinghai Henan Jiangsu Jiangsu Shandong Hubei Ningxia Zhejiang Jiangsu Jiangsu Henan 1381 1620 2340 1018 645 273 1449 1258 2050 366 137 224 1095 ¥165.00 ¥0.58 ¥1,050.00 ¥1,200.00 ¥290.00 ¥1.21 ¥6,850.00 ¥7,800.00 ¥280.00 ¥1.09 ¥6,750.00 ¥8,300.00 ¥345.00 ¥1.84 ¥11,800.00 ¥12,750.00 ¥260.00 ¥1.04 ¥4,500.00 ¥5,000.00 ¥210.00 ¥0.92 ¥3,100.00 ¥3,550.00 ¥175.00 ¥0.69 ¥2,150.00 ¥3,000.00 ¥210.00 ¥0.92 ¥4,500.00 ¥5,000.00 ¥285.00 ¥1.21 ¥6,850.00 ¥7,600.00 ¥415.00 ¥1.67 ¥11,250.00 ¥11,800.00 ¥150.00 ¥0.58 ¥2,250.00 ¥2,600.00 ¥175.00 ¥0.69 ¥1,450.00 ¥1,700.00 ¥440.00 ¥1.67 ¥11,600.00 ¥12,750.00 ¥175.00 ¥0.75 ¥1,550.00 ¥1,800.00 ¥220.00 ¥0.92 ¥4,150.00 ¥5,000.00 ¥325.00 ¥1.32 ¥7,100.00 ¥7,800.00 ¥345.00 ¥1.32 ¥7,100.00 ¥7,800.00 ¥300.00 ¥1.21 ¥5,350.00 ¥5,900.00 ¥220.00 ¥0.92 ¥3,700.00 ¥4,050.00 ¥350.00 ¥0.92 ¥2100.00 ¥2300.00 1 3-4 2-3 4-6 2-3 1-2 1-2 2-3 2-4 4-5 1-2 1 4-5 1-2 2-3 3-4 3-4 2-3 2-3 1-2 83 Zhangjiagang 家港 84 ZhangJiang 85 Zhenjiang 86 Zhenzhou 87 ZhongShan 88 Zhuhai 89 Zhuzhou 90 Zibo 91 Huo Zhou REMARK:- 株洲 湖洲 Guangdong 1890 Guangdong 1790 Guangdong 1921 Hunan Shandong zhejiang 1179 898 350 1) Above rates do not include Inland Transit Insurance coverage. 2) For LTL trucking service, a minimum charge is applied per order. 3) LTL chargeable rate is base on whichever W/M is greater. 1 cbm is equal to 330kg. 4) Rates are subject to change without prior notice. 5) If uninsured, our liability is subject to a limit of RMB20.00 per kg according to the China Freight Forwarder Association.

b) INTER CITY DELIVERY (currency in RMB) Service Shanghai City Limit 2-Ton Truck 5-Ton Truck 10-Ton Truck 350.00 565.00 780.00 1-25kgs 25-100kgs 101-300kgs 100.00 200.00 250.00 FTZ Area Limit FTL LTL Service 25


FTL 2-Ton Truck 5-Ton Truck 10-Ton Truck 200.00 300.00 500.00 Remarks: • • • •

Above rates do not include Inland Transit Insurance coverage.

If the truck delivery to additional point within same district the additional cost RMB 100.00 will be charge to BD .

For LTL trucking service, a minimum charge is applied per order. LTL chargeable rate is base on whichever W/M is greater. • •

Loading/Unloading (if required) for FTL service: RMB55.00 per labor per day.

If uninsured, our liability is subject to a limit of RMB20.00 per kg according to the China Freight Forwarder Association.

• Rates are subject to change without prior notice


LOCAL EXPRESS SERVICE 10% of EMS Charge 1. Handling Charge Remrks: •

EMS Fee will charge back to BD at Cost.

3. DOMESTIC AIRFREIGHT EX-SHANGHAI FLAT RATES (DOOR* TO DOOR) (Currency in RMB) +100 Min -45 kg +45 kg Cods/n Destination City 北京 e Province 1 Baotou 2 Beijing Charge Per 5.00 2.60 6.80 4.90 2.60 6.80 kg +300 kg +500 kg +1,000 Transikg t Time 72 36 48 General Cargo

Kg Per Kg Per Kg Per Kg Per Kg Per Kg (Hrs) 5.00 3.10 2.80 BAV Neimenggu 160.00 9.60 7.90 5.20 5.10 PEK Beijing CGJilin 100.00 5.50 160.00 11.70 8.70 7.10 7.00 3 Changchun 26 DHL GLOBAL FORWARDING

Q 4 Changsha 5 Chengdu 7 Dalian 8 Fuzhou 10 Guilin 11 Guiyang 12 Haikou 13 Harbin 14 Hefei 16 Jinan 17 Jinjiang 18 Kunming 19 Lanzhou 20 Lhasa 22 Nanning 23 Ningbo 24 Qingdao 25 Qiqihaer 26 Sanya 27 Shantou 28 Shenyang 29 Shenzhen 31 Taiyuan 32 Tianjin 33 Urumqi 34 Wenzhou 35 Wuhan 36 Xiamen 37 Xian 38 Xining 39 Xuzhou 40 Yantai 41 Yichang 42 Yinchuan 天津 6 Chongqing CSX Hunan CTU Sichuan CKG Chongqing DLC Liaoning FOC Fujian KWL Guangxi KWE Guizhou HAK Hainan HRB Heilingjiang HFE Anhui TNA Shandong JJN Fujian KMG Yunnan LHW Gansu LXA Xizang KHN Jiangxi NNG Guangxi NGB Zhejiang TAO Shandong SYX Hainan SHE Liaoning SJW Hebei TYN Shanxi TSN Tianjin WNZ Zhejiang WUH Hubei XMN Fujian SIA Sha'anxi XNN Qinghai XUZ Jiangsu YNT Shandong YIH Hubei INC Ningxia 160.00 6.70 6.3 160.00 8.80 7.8 160.00 7.50 6.4 160.00 6.20 5.5 4.23 3.20 3.20 5.60 5.50 4.40 4.20 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.10 3.00 5.20 5.20 4.10 3.30 3.00 3.90 4.40 5.80 3.20 2.70 4.70 3.90 3.50 4.80 6.20 3.30 4.70 2.40 2.80 7.10 3.30 4.10 5.50 3.20 4.70 3.90 3.20 2.50 3.00 3.96 3.40 3.50 7.20 2.90 3.00 5.80 6.20 3.00 5.20 5.10 4.10 3.30 3.00 3.70 4.10 5.70 3.00 2.70 4.50 3.60 3.50 4.70 6.00 16.70 3.20 4.50 2.40 2.70 6.70 3.20 4.00 5.30 3.00 4.50 3.70 3.20 2.40 3.00 3.96 3.30 3.40 7.10 2.80 3.00 5.80 6.20 36 48 48 48 48 36 48 48 48 48 36 72 48 72 48 72 72 48 48 36 48 96 72 48 48 36 48 48 36 72 48 48 36 48 72 72 48 72 48 100.00 8.80 7.70 5.60 5.40 9 Guangzhou CAN Guangdong 100.00 6.80 160.00 8.50 7.40 4.10 4.00 160.00 9.80 7.90 4.50 4.50 160.00 10.40 9.30 6.30 6.20 160.00 10.10 8.50 3.50 3.40 160.00 4.90 4.10 2.90 2.80 160.00 6.40 5.90 4.10 3.90 160.00 5.90 5.60 3.60 3.60 160.00 9.70 8.70 5.00 4.80 160.00 10.40 8.50 6.50 6.40 160.00 5.50 5.00 3.60 3.50 160.00 9.70 8.60 4.90 4.90 160.00 3.30 2.90 2.50 2.50 160.00 5.60 5.00 3.00 2.90 160.00 9.00 7.90 3.50 3.50 160.00 8.50 7.60 5.70 5.70 160.00 7.90 6.60 5.00 4.70 160.00 7.40 6.50 4.10 3.90 160.00 8.10 6.80 3.30 3.30 160.00 4.70 4.20 2.90 2.60 160.00 6.20 5.60 3.20 3.20 100.00 11.00 7.95 160.00 7.30 4.95 4.50 160.00 6.40 5.70 3.60 3.60 6.20 3.90 3.60 160.00 11.90 9.80 7.50 7.30 160.00 6.70 5.30 3.20 3.00 160.00 6.70 5.70 3.20 3.20 160.00 7.90 6.50 5.90 5.80 160.00 10.20 8.70 6.40 6.40 15 HuHeHaoTe 呼和浩特 HET Neimenggu 160.00 10.40 7.60 4.80 4.80 160.00 20.40 19.10 17.70 17.40 17.20 21 Nanchang NDG Heilongjiang 160.00 11.70 9.90 7.50 7.30 SWA Guangdong 160.00 7.60 6.50 4.30 4.20 SZX Guangdong 160.00 7.10 6.50 3.40 3.30 30 Shijiazhuang 乌鲁木齐 URC Xinjiang 27 DHL GLOBAL FORWARDING

43 Zhanjiang ZHA Guangdong 160.00 11.20 9.40 CG44 Zhengzhou 45 Zhuhai Remark:- O Henan 4.90 4.90 7.60 7.20 3.30 7.10 3.20 7.10 3.20 36 48 72 160.00 6.40 5.60 3.50 ZUH Guangdong 160.00 10.10 8.60 6.00 5.00 1) All rates quoted exclude Cargo Insurance coverage. 2) Pick-up charge apply at the following pick-up points:- a) b) c) 3) *Door to *Door = from ground floor/loading/unloading area of a building to the ground

floor/loading/unloading area of destination building

4) If delivery to an upper floor of a building, then a service fee of RMB2.00 per carton (=< 30kg or 0.15m3) will be charged with a minimum fee of RMB30.00.

If pallet, then a service fee of RMB8.00 per pallet will be charged with a minimum charge of RMB50.00

5) If loading or unloading is required from truck onto the ground floor, then a service fee of RMB0.50

From Pudong Waigaoqiao FTZ.or Jinqiao EPZ - an additional charge of RMB250 will From Kanqiao - an additional charge of RMB200 will be imposed From Sonjiang - an additional charge of RMB150 will be imposed be imposed per carton (below 30kg or 0.15m3) will be charged with a minimum fee of RMB30.00.

If pallet, then a service fee of RMB1.00 per pallet will be charged with a minimum fee of RMB10.00

6) If piece count is required, a service fee of RMB0.20 per piece will be charged with minimum charge of RMB30.00 per order.

7) All rates quoted valid until 30th June 2005...

8) Airline will only compensate RMB20/- per kg for all losses and damages incurred according

to the regulation of CAAC.

9) Chargeable weight conversion on airline is 1 cbm = 167kg.

10) Maximum weight per package and dimension is restricted to certain destinations and

aircraft types except Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Xian & Kunming. Cities like Shenyang, Dalian and Urumqi will be subject to aircraft types. Payload and dimension for the following aircraft apply:- • • •

B767, B777, A300, A340 & MD11, payload @ 3 ton, dimension of L5m x W2m x H1.5m B757 & A320, payload @ 100kg – 120kg, dimension of L2m x W1.1m x H1.1m B737, MD82, payload @ 75kg, dimension of L2m x W0.8m x H0.8m

11) Maximum weight per package shall not exceed 120kg & the dimension not exceeding

length of 2m, width of 1m and height of 0.75m. This apply within China except Shanghai, Guangzhou , Xian, Shenyang & Kunming.

12) Lead time of 5 hours must be notify in advance for booking. This does not include picking

and packing.

13) Door to door delivery is limited to the radius of 15km from town center within the airport city

limit. Delivery exceeding the range will be negotiated separately.


14) If uninsured, our liability is subject to a limit of RMB20.00 per kg according to the China

Freight Forwarder association


¤ Above Minimum Billing Per month @ RMB50000.00.

¤ If there are any other out-of-pocket expenses or incidental cost, it will be charged back to BD subject to prior written approval from BD.

BD Packing material (2)


附件3 Appendix 3

DHL 标 准 交 易 条 款



附件4 Appendix 4

DHL 海运提单条款或空运单条款



附件5 Appendix 5

索 赔 程 序 Claim Handling Process

