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使用ImageJ分析Western Blot

(2013-04-16 21:40:31) 转载▼ 标签: image j

western dna

The following information is an updated version of a method for using ImageJ to analyze

western blots from a now-deprecated older page. Don’t use the alternate methods discussed on the old page, as they are subject to way too much user bias. A pdf copy of this page is available.

ImageJ (http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/index.html) can be used to compare the density (aka intensity) of bands on an agar gel or western blot. This tutorial assumes that you have carried your gel or blot through the visualization step, so that you have a digital image of your gel in .tif, .jpg, .png or other image formats (.tif would be the preferred format to retain the maximum amount of information in the original image). If you are scanning x-ray film on a flatbed scanner, make sure you use a scanner with the ability to scan transparencies (i.e. film). See the references at the end of this tutorial for a discussion of the various ways that you can screw this step up.

The method outlined here uses the Gel Analysis method outlined in the ImageJ

documentation: Gel Analysis. You may prefer to use it instead of the methods I outline below. There should be very little difference between the results obtained from the various methods. This version of the tutorial was created using ImageJ 1.42q on a Windows 7 64-bit install. 1. Open the image file using File>Open in ImageJ.

2. The gel analysis routine requires the image to be a gray-scale image. The simplest method to convert to grayscale is to go to Image>Type>8-bit. Your image should look like Figure 1.

3. Choose the Rectangular Selections tool from the ImageJ toolbar. Draw a rectangle around the first lane. ImageJ assumes that your lanes run vertically (so individual bands are

horizontal), so your rectangle should be tall and narrow to enclose a single lane. If you draw a rectangle that is short and wide, ImageJ will switch to assuming the lanes run horizontally

(individual bands are vertical), leading to much confusion.

4. After drawing the rectangle over your first lane, press the 1 key or go to

Analyze>Gels>Select First Lane to set the rectangle in place. The 1st lane will now be highlighted and have a 1 in the middle of it.

5. Use your mouse to click and hold in the middle of the rectangle on the 1st lane and drag it over to the next lane. You can also use the arrow keys to move the rectangle, though this is slower. Center the rectangle over the lane left-to-right, but don’t worry about lining it up

perfectly on the same vertical axis. Image-J will automatically align the rectangle on the same vertical axis as the 1st rectangle in the next step.

6. Press 2 or go to Analyze>Gels>Select Next Lane to set the rectangle in place over the 2nd lane. A 2 will appear in the lane when the rectangle is placed.

7. Repeat Steps 5 + 6 for each subsequent lane on the gel, pressing 2 each time to set the rectangle in place (Figure 3).

8. After you have set the rectangle in place on the last lane (by pressing 2), press 3, or go to Analyze>Gels>Plot Lanes to draw a profile plot of each lane.

9. The profile plot represents the relative density of the contents of the rectangle over each lane. The rectangles are arranged top to bottom on the profile plot. In the example western blot image, the peaks in the profile plot (Figure 4) correspond to the dark bands in the original image (Figure 3). Because there were four lanes selected, there are four sections in the profile plot. Higher peaks represent darker bands. Wider peaks represent bands that cover a wider size range on the original gel.

10. Images of real gels or western blots will always have some background signal, so the peaks don’t reach down to the baseline of the profile plot. Figure 5 shows a peak from a real blot where there was some background noise, so the peak appears to float above the baseline of the profile plot. It will be necessary to close off the peak so that we can measure its size.

11. Choose the Straight Line selection tool from the ImageJ toolbar (Figure 6). For each peak you want to analyze in the profile plot, draw a line across the base of the peak to enclose the peak (Figure 5). This step requires some subjective judgment on your part to decide where the peak ends and the background noise begins.

12. Note that if you have many lanes highlighted, the later lanes will be hidden at the bottom of the profile plot window. To see these lanes, press and hold the space bar, and use the mouse to click and drag the profile plot upwards.

13. When each peak has been closed off at the base with the Straight Line selection tool, select the Wand tool from the ImageJ toolbar (Figure 8).

14. Using the spacebar and mouse, drag the profile plot back down until you are back at the first lane. With the Wand tool, click inside the peak (Figure 9). Repeat this for each peak as you go down the profile plot. For each peak that you highlight, measurements should pop up in the Results window that appears.

15. When all of the peaks have been highlighted, go to Analyze>Gels>Label Peaks. This labels each peak with its size, expressed as a percentage of the total size of all of the highlighted peaks.

16. The values from the Results window (Figure 10) can be moved to a spreadsheet program by selecting Edit>Copy All in the Results window. Paste the values into a spreadsheet.

Note: If you accidentally click in the wrong place with the Wand, the program still records that clicked area as a peak, and it will factor into the total area used to calculate the percentage values. Obviously this will skew your results if you click in areas that aren’t peaks. If you do happen to click in the wrong place, simple go to Analyze>Gel>Label Peaks to plot the current results, which displays the incorrect values, but more importantly resets the counter for the

Results window. Go back to the profile plot and begin clicking inside the peaks again, starting with the 1st peak of interest. The Results window should clear and begin showing your new values. When you’re sure you’ve click in all of the correct peaks without accidentally clicking in any wrong areas, you can go back to Analyze>Gels>Label Peaks and get the correct results.

Data analysis

With your data pasted into a spreadsheet, you can now calculate the relative density of the peaks. As a reminder, the values calculated by ImageJ are essentially arbitrary numbers, they only have meaning within the context of the set of peaks that you selected on the single gel image you’ve been working on. They do not have units of μg of protein or any other real-world units that you can think of. The normal procedure is to express the density of the selected bands relative to some standard band that you also selected during this process.

1. Place your data in a spreadsheet. One of the peaks should be your standard. In this example we’ll use the 1st peak as the standard.

2. In a new column next to the Percent column, divide the Percent value for each sample by the Percent value for the standard (the 1st peak in this case, 26.666).

3. The resulting column of values is a measure of the relative density of each peak, compared to the standard, which will obviously have a relative density of 1.

4. In this example, the 2nd lane has a higher Relative Density (1.86), which corresponds well with the size and darkness of that band in the original image (Figure 1). Recall that these data are for the upper row of bands on the original western blot image.

5. If you want to compare the density of samples on multiple gels or blots, you will need to use the same standard sample on every gel to provide a common reference when you calculate Relative Density values. See the sections below for more detailed discussion of these requirements.

6. In order to test for significant differences between treatments in an experiment, all of your gels or blots will need to be scanned and quantified using this method, and the values will be expressed in terms of Relative Density, or you can treat Relative Density as a fold-change value (i.e. a Relative Density difference of 2 between a control and treatment would

indicate a 2-fold change in expression). If you will be using analysis of variance techniques to test your data, you may need to ensure that your Relative Density values are normally distributed and that there is homogeneity of variance among the different treatments. 7. It should be noted here that some researchers make the extra effort to include a set of serial dilutions of a known standard on each blot. Using the serial dilution curve and the quantification techniques outlined above, it should be possible to express your sample bands in terms of picograms or nanograms of protein. A more involved example using loading-controls.

We’ll use Figure 12 as a representative western blot. On this blot, we will pretend that we loaded four replicate samples of protein (four pipette loads out of the same vial of

homogenate), so we expect the densities in each lane to be equivalent. The upper row of bars will represent our protein of interest. The lower set of bars will represent our loading-control protein, which is meant to ensure that an equal amount of total protein was loaded in each lane. This loading-control protein is a protein that is presumably expressed at a constant level regardless of the treatment applied to the original organisms, such as actin (though many people will question the assertion that actin will be expressed equivalently across treatments).

Looking at Figure 12, we had hoped to load equivalent amounts of total protein in each lane, but after running the western blot, the size and intensity of the lower bars in each lane

varies quite a lot. The two left lanes appear equivalent, but the 3rd lane has half the density (gray value) compared to lanes 1+2, while lane 4 has half the density and half the size

compared to lanes 1+2. Because our loading controls are so different, the density values of the upper set of bands may not be directly comparable.

We’ll use ImageJ’s gel analysis routine to quantify the density and size of the blots, and use the results from our loading-controls (lower bands) to scale the values for our protein of interest (upper bands).

1. Open the western blot image in ImageJ.

2. Make sure that the image is in 8-bit mode: go to Image>Type>8-bit.

3. Use the rectangle tool to draw a box around the entire 1st lane (both upper and lower bars included.

4. Press “1″ to set the rectangle. A “1″ should appear in the middle of the rectangle.

5. Click and hold in the middle of the rectangle and drag it over the 2nd lane. 6. Press “2″ to set the rectangle for lane 2. A “2″ should appear in the middle of the rectangle.

7. Repeat steps 5 + 6 for each subsequent lane, pressing “2″ to set the rectangle over each subsequent lane (see Figure 13).

8. When you have placed the last lane (and pressed “2″ to set it in place), you can press “3″ to produce a plot of the selected lanes (see Figure 14).

9. The profile plot essentially represents the average density value across a set of horizontal slices of each lane. Darker blots will have higher peaks, and blots that cover a larger size range (kD) will have wider peaks. In our example western blot, the bands are perfect

rectangles, but you will notice some slope in the profile plot peaks, as ImageJ is applying a bit of averaging of density values as it moves from top to bottom of each lane. As a result, the sharp transition from perfect white to perfect black on the bands of lane 1 is translated into a slight slope on the profile plot due to the averaging.

10. On our idealized western blot used here, there is no background noise, so the peak

reaches all the way down to the baseline of the profile plot. In real western blots, there will be some background noise (the background will not be perfectly white), so the peaks won’t reach the baseline of the profile plot (see figure 5 above). As a result, each plot will need to have a line drawn across the base of the peak to close it off.

11. Choose the Straight Line selection tool from the ImageJ toolbar. For each peak you want to analyze in the profile plot, draw a line across the base of the peak to enclose the peak (Figure 7). This step requires some subjective judgment on your part to decide where the peak ends and the background noise begins.

12. When each peak of interest is closed off with the straight line tool, switch to the Wand

tool. We will use the wand tool to highlight each peak of interest so that Image-J can calculate its relative area+density.

13. We will start by highlighting the loading-control bands (lower row) on our example western blot. Beginning at the top of the profile plot, use the wand to click inside the 1st peak (Figure 15). The peak should be highlighted after you click on it. Continue clicking on the loading-control peaks for the other lanes. If a lane is not visible at the bottom of the profile plot, hold down the space bar and click-and-drag the profile plot upwards to reveal the remaining lanes.

14. When the loading control peak for each lane has been highlighted with the wand, go to Analyze>Gel>Label Peaks. Each highlighted peak will be labeled with its relative size

expressed as a percentage of the total area of all the highlighted peaks. You can go to the Results window and choose Edit>Copy All to copy the results for placement in a spreadsheet.

15. Repeat steps 13 + 14 for the real sample peaks now. We are selecting these peaks separately from the loading-control peaks so that those areas are not factored into the calculation of the density of our proteins-of-interest. As before, use the Wand tool to click inside the area of the peak in the 1st lane, then continue clicking inside the peaks of the

remaining lanes. When finished, go to Analyze>Gel>Label Peaks to show the results. Copy the results to a spreadsheet alongside the data for the loading-control bands (Figure 17).

Data Analysis with loading-control bands

1. With all of the relative density values now in the spreadsheet, we can calculate the relative amounts of protein on the western blot. Remember that the “Area” and “Percent” values returned by ImageJ are expressed as relative values, based only on the peaks that you

highlighted on the gel. Start the analysis by calculating Relative Density values for each of the loading-standard bands. In this case, we’ll pretend that Lane 1 is our control that we want to compare the other 3 lanes to. Divide the Percent value for each lane by the Percent value in the control (Lane 1 here) to get a set of density values that is relative to the amount of protein in Lane 1′s loading-control band (Figure 18).

2. Next we’ll calculate the Relative Density values for our sample protein bands (upper row on the example western blot). We carry out a similar calculation as step 1, dividing the Percent value in each row by the Percent value of our control’s protein band (Lane 1 here).

Note: Recall that because some of our loading-control bands were wildly different on the original western blot, we can’t simply use the Relative Density values from our Samples calculated in Step 2 as the final results. Now it is necessary to scale the Relative Density

values for the Samples by the Relative Density of the corresponding loading-control bands for each lane. We do this based on the assumption that the proportional differences in the Relative Densities of the loading-control bands represent the proportional differences in amounts of total protein we loaded on the gel. In our example western blot, we have evidence of massively different amounts of total protein in each sample (poor pipetting practice, probably).

3. The final step is to scale our Sample Relative Densities using the Relative Densities of the loading-controls. On the spreadsheet, divide the Sample Relative Density of each lane by the loading-control Relative Density for that same lane.

9. The profile plot essentially represents the average density value across a set of horizontal slices of each lane. Darker blots will have higher peaks, and blots that cover a larger size range (kD) will have wider peaks. In our example western blot, the bands are perfect

rectangles, but you will notice some slope in the profile plot peaks, as ImageJ is applying a bit of averaging of density values as it moves from top to bottom of each lane. As a result, the sharp transition from perfect white to perfect black on the bands of lane 1 is translated into a slight slope on the profile plot due to the averaging.

10. On our idealized western blot used here, there is no background noise, so the peak reaches all the way down to the baseline of the profile plot. In real western blots, there will be some background noise (the background will not be perfectly white), so the peaks won’t reach the baseline of the profile plot (see figure 5 above). As a result, each plot will need to have a line drawn across the base of the peak to close it off.

11. Choose the Straight Line selection tool from the ImageJ toolbar. For each peak you want to analyze in the profile plot, draw a line across the base of the peak to enclose the peak (Figure 7). This step requires some subjective judgment on your part to decide where the peak ends and the background noise begins.

12. When each peak of interest is closed off with the straight line tool, switch to the Wand tool. We will use the wand tool to highlight each peak of interest so that Image-J can calculate its relative area+density.

13. We will start by highlighting the loading-control bands (lower row) on our example

western blot. Beginning at the top of the profile plot, use the wand to click inside the 1st peak (Figure 15). The peak should be highlighted after you click on it. Continue clicking on the loading-control peaks for the other lanes. If a lane is not visible at the bottom of the profile plot, hold down the space bar and click-and-drag the profile plot upwards to reveal the

remaining lanes.

14. When the loading control peak for each lane has been highlighted with the wand, go to Analyze>Gel>Label Peaks. Each highlighted peak will be labeled with its relative size

expressed as a percentage of the total area of all the highlighted peaks. You can go to the Results window and choose Edit>Copy All to copy the results for placement in a spreadsheet.

15. Repeat steps 13 + 14 for the real sample peaks now. We are selecting these peaks separately from the loading-control peaks so that those areas are not factored into the calculation of the density of our proteins-of-interest. As before, use the Wand tool to click inside the area of the peak in the 1st lane, then continue clicking inside the peaks of the remaining lanes. When finished, go to Analyze>Gel>Label Peaks to show the results. Copy the results to a spreadsheet alongside the data for the loading-control bands (Figure 17).
