四川大学解剖学2005年期末补考考试试题 考试须知 四川大学学生参加由学校组织或由学校承办的各级各类考试,必须严格执行《四川大学考试工作管理办法》和《四川大学考场规则》。有考试违纪作弊行为的,一律按照《四川大学学生考试违纪作弊处罚条例》进行处理。 四川大学各级各类考试的监考人员,必须严格执行《四川大学考试工作管理办法》、《四川大学考场规则》和《四川大学监考人员职责》。有违反学校有关规定的,严格按照《四川大学教学事故认定及处理办法》进行处理。 Final Examination in Human Anatomy Name________________ (in Chinese ) Score_________ I.Choice Questions ( 20 marks out of 70 ,one for each ) Type A Item: _____________________________________________________________________________ Directions: Each of the statements below is followed by five suggested answers. Select the one that is best in each case and circle the corresponding letter at the answer sheet. _____________________________________________________________________________ 1. The “trigone” is formed by the A. ureteric orifices and external urethral orifice. B. internal and external urethral orifices. C. ureteric orifices and internal urethral orifice. D. minor and major calyx. E. ureters and urethra. 2. The macula lutea (yellow spot) is located A. medial 3mm to the optic disc B. lateral 3mm to the optic disc C. in the blind part of retina D. at the optic disc E. at the nasal side of retina 3.The pharyngeal orifice of auditory tube opens to A. the lateral wall of the nasopharyngeal portion. B. nasal cavity C. laryngo-pharyngeal cavity D .oro-pharyngerl cavity E .piriform fossa 4 . The vermiform appendix, pick out the incorrect one. A. It has a short triangular mesentery, mesoappendix. B. The base of appendix lies deep to a point that is medial one –third of the way along the oblique line joining the right anterior superior iliac spine to the umbilicus. C. The appendicular artery is a branch of ileocolic artery. D. The appendicular artery locates in the free border of the mesoappendix. E. The base of appendix lies deep to a point that is lateral one –third of the way along the oblique line joining the right anterior superior iliac spine to the umbilicus. 注:1试题字迹务必清晰,书写工整。 本题 5 页, 本页为第 1 页
2题间不留空,一般应题卷分开 教务试题编号: 3 务必用A4纸打印
学号: 姓名:
5. Which nerve does not supply the tongue? A.Hypoglossal nerve B. Accessory nerve C. Glossopharyngeal nerve D.Facial nerve E. Trigeminal nerve. 6. The pancreas, pick out the incorrect one. A. It produces the pancreatic juice. B. It gets arteries from the splenic artery and superior mesenteric artery. C. It is divided into head, neck, body and tail. D. It neighbors on the omental bursa and stomach anteriorly. E. The pancreatic duct and bile duct unite to form a short and dilated hepatopancreatic ampulla, which open into the minor duodenal papilla. 7. The portal vein, pick out the correct one A. contains many valves. B. is constituted by the splenic and superior mesenteric veins. C. lies in front of the neck of the pancreas. D. lies behind the inferior vena cava E. drains blood from all the gastrointestinal tract and unpaired glands. 8. The rectum, pick out correct one, A. is posterior to the uterus in female. B. is a perfectly straight tube, as the name indicates C. has tenia coli continued on to it D. has a complete mesentery E. is only supplied by the termination of the superior mesenteric artery .9. Veins carry deoxygenated blood, exception for A. Subclavian vein B. Coronary sinus C. Pulmonary vein D. Hepatic veins E. inferior mesenteric vein 10. Which of the following statements concerned with •the •ligaments in the abdominal cavity is incorrect A. The hepatoduodenal ligament contains the left gastric artery B. The ligamentum teres of •the •liver •contains •the •obliterated umbilical vein C. The splenorenal ligament contains the tail of the pancreas D. The gastrosplenic ligament contains the short gastric artery E. The bare area lies between the superior and inferior layers of the coronary ligament 11. All of the following organs or structures •are •retroperitoneal organs or structures EXCEPT A. cisterna chyli B. ureter C. lumbar sympathetic trunk D. kidney E. first portion of the duodenum 12. Concerned with the thoracic part of the esophagus, which one of the following statements is incorrect? A. It passes through the esophageal hiatus in the diaphragm at about the level of T8 vertebra. B. In the posterior mediastinum, it’s located posterior to the pericardium and left atrium. C. In the superior mediastinum, it’s located in front of the T1-4 vertebrae. D. The arch of the aorta is on the left side of it. E. Before it entering the abdominal cavity, it lies anterior to the descending aorta. 本题 5页, 本页为第 2 页 教务试题编号:
教号: 姓名:
13 Which of the following statements concerning the superficial inguinal ring is most accurate A. It is formed in part by the conjoint tendon B. It is formed in part by the rectus sheath C. It is a perforation in the internal oblique muscle D. It is a perforation in the transversalis fascia E. It is formed by the aponeurosis of the external oblique abdominal muscle 14 Concerned with the femoral triangle, which one of the following statements is correct? A. The femoral nerve is enclosed by the femoral sheath. B. The femoral canal is very important, because it contains femoral artery. C. The femoral ring is the lower end of the middle compartment of the femoral sheath. D. The femoral sheath is continuous with the fascia lata. E. Actually, the triangle is a space, containing several important structures. Type K item ────────────────────────────────────── Direction: These items are questions or in the form incomplete statements and they call for recognition of one or more correct responses which are groups in various way. The instruction for these items is as follows A. If only answers or completions (1), (2) and (3) are correct B. If only answers or completions (1) and (3) are correct C. If only answers or completions (2) and (4) are correct D. If only answers or completions (4) is correct E. If only answers or completions (1), (2),(3) and (4) are all correct 15.The artery enter in the skull are (1) middle meningeal artery (2) internal carotid artery (3) vertebral artery occipital artery (4) ophthalmic artery 16 The tympanic cavity is one part of (1) external ear (2) temporal bone (3) internal ear (4) middle ear 17.he cranial nerves involved in hearing sensory are (1) Ⅶ (2) Ⅴ (3) Ⅷ (4) Ⅸ 18 Which cranial nerve are concerned with motor supply of eye (1) Ⅵ (2) Ⅲ (3) Ⅳ (4) Ⅱ 19.isceral tubular that have three strictures include (1) esophagus (2) urethra (3) Ureter (4) Duodenum 本题 5页, 本页为第 3 页
学号: 姓名:
20 The longest lymphatic duct, thoracic duct begins at the (1) thoracic trunk (2) right lymphatic trunk (3) left lymphatic trunk (4) cisterna chylli II. Fill in the following blanks:( 20 marks out of 70 ) 1.The skin of the anterior abdominal wall is innervated at the umbilical region by _____________ 2.The superior thyroid artery arises from ___________. 3. The pylorus lies at level of __________. 4. The aortic hiatus is at level of ________. 5. The uncinate process of the pancreas lies posterior to the _________________. 6. The inferior mesenteric vein drains to _________________. 7 .The recurrent laryngeal nerve supplies the ____________________. 8. The structures passing through the jugular foramen are _________________________ _______________. 9. The nerve supplying the gluteal medius muscle is _____________________ 10. Structures that located in carotid sheath are __________________________ 11.The relationship of the root of the right lung___________ anteriorly _________posteriorly ___________superiorly, and _____________ inferiorly. 12.The structures which located in the intercostals space are _____________,___________,___________,and _______________. 13. The esophageal hiatus is at the level of ________, it transmits __________,__________,__________,_____________. 14. The conducting system of heart consists of ____________________________________. III. Simply answer the following questions (30 marks out of 70) 1. Describe the pancreas ( location, divisions, vascular supplied, and relationship of the head of pancreas ) 本题 5 页, 本页为第 4 页
教务试题编号: 学号: 姓名:
2. thyroid gland (1) Label the structures Diagram of a cross-section of the neck at the level of the sixth cervical vertebral (2) Describe the location, shape, divisions, and vascular supplied of the thyroid gland 3. Describe the inguinal canal and structure which pass through (4 walls and two rings) 本题5 页, 本页为第5 页
I. Choice Questions(20 marks, one for each)
1. C 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. B 6. E 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. A 11. E 12. A 13. E 14. E 15. A 16. D 17. A 18. A 19. B 20. D II. Fill in the following blanks(20 marks, one for each) 1. T10 (10th thoracic n.) 2. external carotid a. 3. L1 (1st lumbar vertebra) 4. T12 (12th thoracic bertebra) 5. superior mesenteric a. 6. splenic v.
7. laryngeal mucous membrane below the glottis and all of the laryngeal
muscles except cricothyroid.
8. internal jugular v., glossopharygeal n., vagus n. and accessory n. 9. superior gluteal n.
10. common/internal carotid a., internal jugular v. and vagus n. 11. phrenic n., esophagus, arch of azygus v., pulmonary lig.
12. intercostal artery, intercostal vein, intercostal nerves and intercostal
13. T10, esophagus, superior branch of vagus n., inferior branch of vagus
n., ascending branch of left gastric artery
14. Sinuatrial node, atrioventricular node, and atrioventricular bundle as
well as its branches
III. Simply answer the following questions (30 marks out of 70)
1. describe the pancreas(6 marks)
(1) location(1 marks): retroperitonum; L1; Duodenum (2) subdicisions(2 marks): head; neck; body; tail
(3) vascular supplied(2 marks): branch of splenetic a; superior and
inferior pancreatic a.
(4) relationship of the head of pancreas(1 marks): duodenum;
common bile duct; I.V.C.
2. describe thyroid gland(9 marks) (1) label the structures(4 marks):
1. trapezus m.
2. ventral rami of cervical n. 3. sternocleidomastoid m. 4. cervical sympathetic trunk 5. thyroid gland 6. trachea 7. esophagus 8. carotid a.
9. internal jugular v. 10. vagus n. 11. phrenic n. 12. scalenus anterior
(2) location, shape, and divisions(1 marks): anterior cervical triangle;
“H”-shaped; 2 lobes and a isthmus
(3) vascular supplied of the thyroid gland pay attention to the nerves:
superior thyroid a. from external carotid a.; with the lateral branch superior laryngeal nerve(1 marks)
inferior thyroid a. from thyrocervical trunk; with the recurrent laryngeal nerve(1 marks)
superior, middle thyroid v. to internal jugular v(1 mark) inferior thyroid v. to the left brachiocephalic v(1 mark) 3. describe the inguinal canal and structure which pass
through( 5 marks)
4 walls(2 marks): superior—arching fibers and transverses abdominis; inferior—inguinal ligament and lacunars ligament; anterior—aponeurosis of external oblique m;
posterior—transverses abdominal fascia and conjoint tendon 2 orifices(2 marks): superficial inguinal ring; deep inguinal ring Spermatic cord in male and round ligament of uterus in female as well as ilioinguinal n.(1 mark)