毕业论文须用A4纸打印,上为2.5cm,下为2.8cm,左、右均为2.4cm,页码插入页面底端右侧。除另有特殊规定外,英文一律用Times New Roman,中文一律用仿宋_GB2312。
毕业论文由以下几部分组成:论文封面、题目扉页、论文题目、摘要及关键词、正文、参考文献、 附录(可选)。
三、毕业论文格式与撰写要求 (一)论文封面
采用学校统一的封面。 (二)题目扉页 参照附件1。 (三)论文题目
段前段后各1.5行,三号字加粗居中,字体:Times New Roman。题目应该简短、明确、有概括性,字数适当。题目中所有实词首字母大写。副标题:四号字,居中,前面加破折号。 (四)中英文摘要及关键词
英文摘要及关键词在前,中文摘要及关键词在后,单倍行距,顶格,五号字。 英文摘要及关键词:字体采用Times New Roman,标示语 “Abstract”、“Key words”及冒号加粗。
关键词是表述论文主要内容和信息的词语或术语,关键词数量一般为3—5个。关键词之间须用逗号隔开,最后一个关键词后不用标点符号。摘要和关键词中出现英文书名用斜体,出现中文书名加书名号。 (五)正文 1、排版
行距:固定值20磅 段落:首行缩进2字符 2、篇幅
4000—4500英文单词。 3、格式要求 (1)引言部分
1.(段前段后1行,加粗) 1.1(加粗,不空行) 1.1.1(加粗,不空行) 2.(段前段后1行,加粗) 2.1(加粗,不空行) 2.1.1(加粗,不空行) ……
依此类推。 (3)结语
(六)引文出处的标注 1、文内标注
标注中所有标点与符号均在英文状态下输入,标点符号后空一格。 例如:
Even as a child, George Mallory was willing to take great risks as a climber, and “when there were no trees, Mallory climbed buildings” (Jenkins, 2000: 44). Mark Jenkins (2001: 44) suggests that Mallory was so involved in climbing because it “was the physical counterbalance to a vigorous intellectual life”. (2)其他情况
A.引用文学作品原文,引文后用小写字母“p.”加页码。 例如:
In Jane Austen‟s novel, Pride and Prejudice, Mr. Bennet admires Elizabeth because “she has something more of quickness than her sisters” (p. 10), a quality that brings her in line with the definition of his own personality, which is composed of “quick parts, sarcastic humour, reserve, and caprice” (p. 11). B. 转引他人的引文,参照下例: ...(Davis, qtd. in Hentoff, 1998: 34).
C. 引用两个作者合著的作品或文章,须标出两个作者的姓,出版时间与页码。 例如:
The most notorious lobby is the “Sugar Mafia” ( Howe and Trott, 1997: 134). D. 同一作者同一年出版的不同文献,参照下例: … (Widdowson, 1998a: 45) … (Widdowson, 1998b: 36) … (Sun, 2007a: 66) … (Sun, 2007b: 38)
E. 连续引用同一文献,自第二次引用开始用ibid,加冒号,加页码。 例如:
第一次引用:(Widdowson, 1998: 45) 第二次引用:(ibid: 48)
F. 引用1至2行诗句: 用“/”表示一行的结束。 例如:
In “Logan Braes”, John Mayne (1968: 363) writes: “Revered by friends, and
far frae faes, / We‟d live in bliss on Logan Braes”.
行左右各缩进5个字符。 例如:
In Sonnet 18, Shakespeare writes:
Shall I compare thee to a summer‟s day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate.
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summer‟s lease hath all too short a date. …
G. 引用5行以上(含5行)引文时,引文另起一段,不用引号,段前段后1行,
每行左右各缩进5个字符,五号字,引文结束后应标注出处。 H. 引文里若有省略的内容用 “[…]” 标示。
“The local politicians believe welfare […] should all be paid for through
income taxes” (Stewart, 1999: 1).
I. 引用中文文献,作者姓一律用汉语拼音标注。 例如:
… (Tao, 2007: 38). 2、文后参考文献的编排 参考文献另起一页,只列出文内引用过的文献。标示语“References”居中,
段前段后1行,用Times New Roman, 小四号字加粗。每一条目顶格, 如某一条目超过一行,从第二行起 “悬挂缩进”2字符。参考文献中所有标点与符号均在英文状态下输入,标点符号后空一格。
氏字母顺序排列。文献前不用序号。 1)英文参考文献 (1)专著与编著
排列顺序为:作者姓、名、专著名、出版地、出版社、出版年。 例如:
Brinkley, Alan. The Unfinished Nation. New York: Knopf, 1993. 专著名中如果还包含其他著作或作品名,后者用斜体。 例如:
Dunn, Richard J ed. Charlotte Brontë: Jane Eyre. New York: Norton, 1971. A.两个至三个作者
中间无逗号;每个作者之间用逗号隔开,最后一个作者的姓名前用“and”,后用句号。 例如:
Rowe, Richard, and Larry Jeffus. The Essential Welder: Gas Metal Arc
Welding Classroom Manual. Albany: Delmar, 2000. B. 三个以上作者
第一作者姓名(姓在前,名在后,中间加逗号)后接“et al.”,其他作者姓
名省略。 例如:
Randall, John et al. Fishes of the Great Barrier Reef and Coral Sea. Honolulu:
University of Hawaii Press, 1997.
C. 同一作者同一年出版的不同文献,参照下例:
Widdowson, Henry G. EIL: Squaring the Circles. A Reply. London: Lomgman, 1998a.
Widdowson, Henry G. Communication and Community. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1998b.
Thompson, Pett. “Modal Verbs in Academic Writing”. In Ben Kettlemann &
Marko, Henry ed. Teaching and Learning by Doing Corpus Analysis. New York: Rodopi, 2002: 305-323.
(3)百科全书等参考文献 参照下例:
Fagan, Jeffrey. “Gangs and Drugs”. Encyclopedia of Drugs, Alcohol and
Addictive Behavior. New York: Macmillan, 2001. (4)学术期刊论文 参照下例:
Murphy, Karen. “Meaningful Connections: Using Technology in Primary
Classrooms”. Young Children. 2003, (6): 12-18.
(5)网络文献 参照下例:
----“Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About URL” .
参照下例: 皮亚杰.结构主义[M] .北京:商务印书馆,1984. (2)期刊文章 参照下例: 杨忠,张韶杰.认知语音学中的类典型论[J] .外语教学与研究,1999, (2):1-3. (3)学位论文 参照下例: 梁佳.大学英语四、六级测试试题现状的理论分析与问题研究[D] .湖南大 学,2002. (4)论文集 参照下例: 许小纯.含义和话语结构[A] .李红儒.外国语言与文学研究[C] .哈尔 滨:黑龙江人民出版社,1999:5-7. (5)附录 调查问卷、公式推演、编写程序、原始数据和附表等有参考价值的内容应 放在附录中。 附录篇幅不宜超过正文。 (6)正文部分参照附件2;中文文献类型标识参照附件3。 4 附件1: On the Introduction of Loanwords from English to Chinese 文章题目段前5行,段后6行;字体Times New Roman;2号字,加粗。题目超过一行,行间单倍行距。 By MA Lili 作者姓名用汉语拼音标示,参照示例。 段后5行;字体Times New Roman;4号字加粗。 Under the Supervision of Mr. TAO Zhu 导师姓名与上一行之间用单倍行距;导师姓名行段后6行;导师姓名前加Mr.、Professor、Dr.、Ms.等;姓名行上一行4号字,不加粗;姓名行4号字加粗;字体均为Times New Roman。 School of Foreign Languages Yangzhou University June, 2007 字体Times New Roman;4号字。 5 附件2: The Symbols of “Hell” in Jane Eyre and Their Impacts On Jane Eyre’s Characteristics —Jane and Mr. Rochester in the Woods Abstract: Jane Eyre, commonly regarded as a rebellious, independent and brave woman, is appreciated by most readers worldwide. She pursued for equality and freedom in her own way, also respected and loved herself. Its author created the hell atmosphere by stressing nightmare, illusion and presage, and described Jane Eyre through abominable environment in a profound way. This paper aims to analyze the symbols of “hell” in Jane Eyre from different periods and their impacts on Jane Eyre‟s characteristics. Key words: Jane Eyre, hell, environment, impact, characteristics 摘要:简〃爱以其反抗、独立和勇敢的性格深受读者欢迎。她追求平等和自由,自尊自爱。作者运用渲染气氛、噩梦、幻觉、预感来营造地狱的氛围,通过恶劣的环境将女主人公的性格深刻地渲染出来。本论文通过从不同时期分析《简〃爱》中的地狱形象来研究其对简〃爱性格的影响。 关键词:《简〃爱》,地狱,环境,性格 Introduction Jane Eyre, almost the most charming heroine during the Victoria age created by Charlotte Bronte, was engraved with independence, equality and endurance, which had made a plain and weak woman so different, charming and radiant. She hated, directly; she loved, deeply; she offered, unselfishly. All kinds of complicated and deep passion, wonderful virtues flew in her weak body, composing a beautiful and memorable song. This novel won worldwide fame and even her contemporary famous writer Thackery had ever said that “he was deeply moved by Jane Eyre[…]and this novel was the best among all he had ever read”(Thackery, qtd. in O‟Neil, 2004: 93). … This paper aims to analyze the symbols of „hell” in Jane Eyre from three periods: Gateshead, Lowood and Thornfield, and make a deep discussion about their respective impacts on Jane Eyre‟s characteristics. 1. Gateshead 1.1 The nightmarish home Losing her parents when she was still a baby, Jane was adopted by her aunt Mrs. 6 Reed, who was a stout, crude and rigorous woman. Jane was treated even worse than a maid, without enjoying a comfortable and warm family life. Her cousins treated her worse than a pet and continuous beating and laugh was daily task. “He bullied man punished me; not two or three times in the week, nor once or twice in the day, but continually; every nerve I had feared him, and ever morsel of flesh in my bones shrank when he came near” (p. 4). ………… She was despised as a dependant, an orphan left with noting and a show-up for their disingenuous mercy. In others‟ opinion, Jane had a kind aunt and cousins, and she should be very thankful to have such a fine place to live at. Who could know the unknown scaldingteass behind the seemingly magnificence(Gatskell, 1960: 53). 1.2 The red room The most horrible place was the red room, where Jane‟s uncle died. For fighting with John, she was locked alone in the red room, tasting all kinds of loneliness and horror. “The room was chill, because it seldom had a fire; it was silent, because remote from the nursery and kitchen; solemn, because it was known to be so seldom entered […] and a miniature of her deceased husband; and in those last words lied the secret of the red-room-----the spell which kept it so lonely in spite of its grandeur” (p. 9). Most kids didn‟t like darkness, so did Jane. She got easier to think and imagine everything, such as a spirit, fairy and even ghost. These creatures seemed to catch her and frighten her, making her depressed and collapsed. ………… 1.3 The impact of the adverse conditions on Jane Eyre’s characteristics ………… So they sent her away and she left, all without hesitation. Eventually she broke the obstacle and made her first step--towards the outside world she never touched before. All the frustrations and difficulties seemed not so important now, as she learned to fight with her own weapon, and she understood that one‟s dignity was something that never can be defeated, though she also couldn‟t get rid of her chronic inferiority. 2. Lowood 2.1 Abominable living conditions If Gateshead was a luxury “hell”, Lowood was a naked prison, full of hunger and 7 chillness. All the students there had no sufficient warm clothes and had to swallow the hardest digested food in the world, about which even hunger itself would feel disgusting: Our clothing was insufficient to protect us from the severe cold: we had no boots, the snow got into our shoes and melted there: our ungloved hands became numbed and covered with chilblains, as were our feet: I remember well the distracting irritation I endured from this cause every evening, when my feet inflamed; and the torture of thrusting the swelled, raw, and stiff toes into my shoes in the morning. Then the scanty supply of food was distressing: with the keen appetites of growing children, we had scarcely sufficient to keep alive a delicate invalid (p. 58). What‟s worse, little girls‟ food had to sacrifice their food to great ones, only to eat part of their poor food. Ridiculously, the master of Lowood Mr. Brocklehurst, even fiercely criticized Miss Temple for offering bread and cheese to students, with more funny and silly reasons: “when you put bread and cheese, instead of burnt porridge, into these children‟s mouths, you may indeed feed their vile bodies, but you little think how you starve their immortal souls!” (p. 62). ………… 2.2 Spiritual torture If the life in Lowood was just lack of warmth and food, it was only a common story without anything more passionate and encouraging. Just as Mr. Brockelhurst, a true hypocrite, the charity school boosted itself in the doctrine of “saving souls by punishing bodies” (Li, 1994). In their opinions, students should eat burnt porridge and wear fewer clothes to show their resolution of fortitude. The greatest victim under this doctrine was Helen Burns, Jane‟s best friend in Lowood. ………… 2.3 The impact of the adverse conditions on Jane Eyre’ characteristics ………… 3. Thornfield 3.1 Mysterious affairs one after another ………… 8 3.2 The crazy woman ………… The crazy woman often emerged when Jane Eyre was troubled by mental disturbance, so she was defined as another Jane, “Jane Eyre represents the bright side of her mentality, and the crazy woman represents the shadowy side”(Fan, qtd. in Wang, 2004). Whatever, the crazy woman had caused inevitable psychological threaten to Jane, though she was also a victim under such a society. 3.3 The impact of the adverse conditions in Thornfield on Jane Eyre’ characteristics Jane underwent the most complicated and difficult psychological struggle in Thornfield, and she also experienced the most mature characteristic development (Dunn, 1971: 211). ………… Jane‟s leave was the best presentation for her resistant characteristics, which was also a turning point of her life…. Now she was economically-equal with Mr. Rochester and she had the reason to come back to her lover: she was a free and equal woman to enjoy her late marriage and love, and she could build a true home with him, “a home with love, equality and freedom instead of temporal concept of money and family background” (Zeng, 2002). Conclusion “Characteristics to artistic image are blood to human body” (Hu and Qiu, 2006). This is Jane Eyre, a young woman wholly unprotected by social position, family, or independent wealth, kept learning and struggling, insisted on self-esteem and equality, strived to become stronger in order to be respected by others. Gateshead, Lowood, and Thornfield were the places she experienced torture and suffering, also the places she truly grew up and became mature. She broke the chains of society and morality, and had a satisfactory ending with her lover on the basis of freedom and equality. Charlotte Bronte described the hell symbols skillfully and succeeded in characterizing Jane Eyre, radiating her charming personalities from generations to generations. 9 References Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2000. Dunn, Richard J ed. Charlotte Brontë: Jane Eyre. New York: Norton, 1971. Gaskell, Elizabeth. The Life of Charlotte Brontë. London: J. M. Dent, 1960. 菲莉丝·班特利. 勃朗特姐妹[M].上海:百家出版社,2004. E.盖斯凯尔.夏洛蒂·勃朗特传[M] .北京:团结出版社,2000. 胡晟姣,邱薇.论简·爱的反叛性格和女性意识形成的心路历程[J]. 湖南环境生物 职业技术学院学报,2006, (02):197-199. 简·奥尼尔.勃朗特姐妹的世界[M] .海南:海南出版社,2004. 李全福.论简·爱反抗性格的塑造[J] .西北师大学报(社会科学版),1994,(01):1-2. 刘俊池.自尊独立的人格面具的背后[J] .吉林省教育学院学报,2006,(01):2-3. 王文惠.论简·爱性格的两面性──从作者夏洛蒂·勃朗特看简·爱[J] .齐齐哈尔大 学学报(哲学社会科学版),2004,(01):1-4. 夏洛蒂·勃朗特.简·爱[M] .上海:上海外语教育出版社,2000. 曾雪梅.对简·爱矛盾性格的理解[J] .长沙大学学报,2002,(03):1-2. 10 附件3: 中文文献类型标识一览 文献 类型 文献 标识 专著 论文集 M C 析出文献 A 报纸文章 N 期刊文章 J 学位论文 D 其他 Z 11 因篇幅问题不能全部显示,请点此查看更多更全内容