

2020-07-11 来源:钮旅网





1.2 振荡器的主要指标:

① 振荡器的稳定度:这里面包括:频率准确度、频率稳定度、长期稳定度、短期稳定度和初始漂移。频率准确度是指振荡器实际工作频率与标称频率之间的偏差。有绝对频率准确度和相对频率准确度两种方法表示。 绝对频率准确度:





ff0f(Hz) f0f0② 频率稳定度:频率稳定度是指在规定的时间间隔内,频率准确度变化的最大


③ 调频噪音和相位噪音:在振荡器电路中,由于存在各种不确定因素的影响,使振荡频率和振荡幅度随机起伏。振荡频率的随机起伏称为瞬间频率稳定度,频率的瞬间变化将产生调频噪音、相位噪音和相位抖动。振荡幅度的随机欺负将引起调幅噪音。一次,振荡器在没有外加调制时,输出的频率不仅含振荡频率f0,在f0附近还包含有许多旁频,连续分布在f0两边。如下图所示,纵坐标是功率,f0处是载波,两边是噪音功率,包括调频噪音功率和调幅噪音功率。


图2 相位噪声的定义


1. 3振荡器的物理模型






电路组态在微波频率范围内的低频端,常应用集中元件构成振荡器,基本的振荡器电路组态有三种:考毕兹型、哈特莱型及克拉泼型振荡器。如图5所示。 考毕兹型(a)应用一电容器作为调谐电路中的分压器,以提供适当的回授能量。哈特莱型(b)应用一抽头式电感调谐电路,而克拉泼型振荡器(c)则相似于考毕兹型,不同的式另外用了一只电容与电感相串连,以改善频率稳定性。在较高的微波频段内,晶体管的极间电容、包括封装寄生电容可提供部分或者全部的回授作用。另外加入反馈网络的目的,则在于增加负阻电阻值,以获得最佳功率输出。 振荡器的直流偏置:微波双极晶体管、场效应晶体管偏置电路的设计如同振


1. 4微固态振荡源的设计方法


2 设计目标



本节的振荡器采用HP公司生产的AT41411硅双极管。 主要的指标有:

低噪音特性:1GHz时噪音系数是1.4dB;2GHz时噪音系数是1.8dB; 高增益:1GHz是增益为18dB;2GHz时增益为13dB; 截至频率是:7GHz,有足够宽的频带; 直流偏置:Vce=8V;Ic=10 mA 封装形式:STO143




符号 Re2 Re1 发射极扩展电阻 发射极空间电荷电阻 元件名 典型值 8.6 ohm 0.7 ohm Rs Ce Cc Cce Rb αo 集电极扩展电阻 发射极-基极结电容 集电极-发射极电容 集电极-发射极电容 基极扩展电阻 零频率是共基极电流放大倍数 表1 硅双极管管芯等效电路元件典型值

7.0 ohm 1.0 pF 0.005 pF 0.05 pF 14.7 ohm 0.99 符号 元件名 典型值 C1:0.06-0.1 pF C2:0.01-0.012 pF C3:0.001-0.003 pF C4:0.01-0.013 pF 0.005 pF L1:0.2-0.3nHL4:0.4-0.6nH 0.2-0.5nH 0.3-0.6nH ;C1、C2 各封装点之间的电容 C3、C4 C5 输出、输入端之间的电容 L1、L4 参考面与封装边缘之间的引线电感 L2、L3 封装边缘与金属丝接点之间的引线电感 L5 芯片至发射极端子的金丝电感 表2 封装参数典型值 4 确定实际电路





图10 谐振回路等效电路

5 具体设计过程


◇ 启动ADS

◇ 选择Main windows

◇ 菜单-File-New Project,然后按照提示选择项目保存的路径和输入文件名 ◇ 点击“ok”这样就创建了一个新项目。 ◇ 点击



◇ 在电路原理图窗口中点击

,打开Component library

◇ 按“ctrl+F1”打开搜索对话窗口

◇ 搜索器件“ph_hp_AT41411”这就是我们在该项目中用到的Agilent公司的晶体管 ◇ 把搜索出来的器件拉到电路原理图中,按“Esc”键可以取消当前的动作。 ◇ 选中晶体管,按


◇ 在中选择probe components 类,然后在这个类

里面选择并安放在适当的位置,同理可以在“Sources-Time Domain”里面选择

,在lumped components里面选择,并按照图11放好。

◇ 在optim/stat/Yield/DOE类里面选择,这里需要两个,还有一个

◇ 在Simulation-DC里面选择一个


◇ 上面的器件和仿真器都按照下图11放好,并单击

◇ 按这时会出现一个这样的对话框,输入你需要



◇ 双极


◇ 同样,另外一个接晶体管S极的I_Probe改为“IEE”

◇ 双击其中一个并修改里面的内容,如图12所示


◇ 双击另外一个,并修改里面的内容如图13所示


◇ 双击并把里面的Optimization Type修改为“Gradient”类型

◇ 把接在“C极”上的电阻改为,把电源改为“12V”

◇ 把接在“S极”上的电阻改为◇ 按“F7”快捷键进行仿真

◇ 在Data Display窗口,就是新出来的窗口中,按






◇ 新建一个电路原理图窗口

◇ 如上面的做法一个,建立如图15所示的电路图,其中“Term”、“S-PARAMETE”、

“PARAMETER SWEEP”都可以在“Simulation-S_Param”里面找到。变容管的型号是“MV1404”可以在器件库里面找到,方法可以参考上面查找晶体管的方法。

图15 可变电容VC曲线测量

◇ 按


◇ 修改电源的属性,把Vdc改为“Vbias”

◇ 双击,并修改属性,要求单点扫描频率点


◇ 双击,并修改属性,要求扫描变量

“Vbias” ,选择Simulatuion1“SP1”

◇ 按“F7”进行电路仿真。

◇ 在“Date Display”按


◇ 按,并单击“advance”选项,把“C_Varactor”输入对话框里面,点


图16 VC曲线

◇ 按,同样单击单击“advance”选项,把“C_Varactor”输入对话框里面,点击“确定”就可以显示如图17所示的表格。





利用Transient Simulation仿真器可以做振荡器的瞬时仿真,看到实时波形。

◇ 新建一个电路原理图文件

◇ 在这张电路原理图中,按照上面的方法,建立如图18所示的电路图



◇ 在“Simulation-Transient”类里面找到瞬时仿真器,并双击修改里面的参数,如

下图19所示。其中“star time”表示开始仿真的时间;“stop time”表示结束仿真的时间,“MaxTimeStep”表示最大的抽样时间,这里按照抽样定理对最大的抽样时间是有要求的,具体的算法和介绍可以参考ADS的帮助文档,在文档里面查找“Transient“就可以了。

图19 瞬时仿真器配置

◇ 按“F7”开始仿真

◇ 在出来的“Data Display”窗口里面,按,选择“Vout”按确定,这样就可以看到




◇ 按,编辑公式:


◇ 按,在“advanced”里面加入“Spectrum”点击“OK”就可以看到m1和m2之


图20 m1,m2之间的频谱


◇ 新建一个电路原理图或者就在“Transient仿真电路图”里面,把电路原理图改为如下图


图21 谐波平衡仿真的电路图


◇ 在类“Simulation-HB”里面把仿真器拉出来,并双击配置这个谐波平衡仿真器





第三步:设置噪音计算,把最后一行的“Nonlinear noise”和“Oscillator”都选上,然后在“Noise frequency”里面选择的扫描方式是“log”相位噪音的计算从1Hz到10MHz,并把“FM noise”调频噪音也计算出来,具体如下图24所示。


第四步:“noise2设置”主要就是把“Vout”加进去,并选择“sort by value”具体见下图






◇ 按“F7”进行仿真。

◇ 在“Data Display”窗口里面按照上面的方法,把需要的数据都显示出来见


图28 时域波形







◇ 把控制变容管电压的电源属性修改一下,“Vdc”设置为


◇ 修改谐波平衡仿真器,这时不计算噪音,只是扫描变量“Vtune”,所以可以把最后一行

的“Nonlinear noise”不给予选上。

◇ 建议把原来做过谐波平衡,分析相位噪音的谐波平衡仿真器去掉,在重新拉一个回来,






第三步:加入“Osc1”这和前面的一样的,不再重复。 ◇ 按“F7”进行仿真

◇ 显示仿真结果如下图所示:






7 附录

Manuals >Intro and Simulation Components >Chapter 5: Simulation Control Items

Print version of this Book (PDF file)

Simulation Parameters: HB

The tabs in the Harmonic Balance dialog box allow you to set the following parameters: • • • • •

Freq sets parameters related to the frequencies of fundamentals. Sweep sets parameters related to sweeps, and references sweep plans.

Params sets status and device operating point levels, as well as parameters related to FFT oversampling and convergence.

Small-Sig sets parameters related to small-signal/large-signal simulation.

Noise (1) sets parameters related to noise simulation, including sweeps. Input and output ports can be defined here. FM noise can be selected for oscillator simulations.

Noise (2) selects nodes at which to calculate noise data, and sorts the noise contributors. Port noise options are provided here also.

NoiseCons is used to specify which NoiseCon nonlinear noise controllers should be simulated, allowing more flexible noise simulations to be performed than Noise(1) and Noise(2) allow. Osc sets parameters related to oscillator simulation.

Solver allows you to choose between a Direct or Krylov solver or to enable an automatic selection.

Output allows you to selectively save your simulation data to a dataset.

Display shows or hides parameters in the Schematic window.

• •

• • • •

The available parameters and options are described in the following sections.

Nodes for Calculation of Noise Parameters

Use this area to select nodes at which you want linear noise data to be reported. Noise voltages and currents are reported in rms units.


Fundamental Frequencies

Maximum order is the maximum order of the intermodulation terms in the simulation. For example, assume there are two fundamentals and Order (see below) is 3. If Maximum order is 0 or 1, no mixing products are simulated. The frequency list consists of the fundamental and the first, second, and third harmonics of each source. If Maximum order is 2, the sum and difference

frequencies are added to the list. If Maximum order is 3, the second harmonic of one source can mix with the fundamental of the others, and so on. The combined order is the sum of the individual frequency orders that are added or subtracted to make up the frequency list. Frequency is the frequency of the fundamental(s).

Order is the maximum order (harmonic number) of the fundamental(s) that will be considered.

Select edits the fundamental frequencies and their orders (by double-clicking).

Add adds a frequency and its associated fundamental and order. Cut deletes a frequency and its associated fundamental and order. Paste takes a frequency item that has been cut and places it in a different order in the Select window.


Refer to Sweep.



Perform Budget simulation reports current and voltage data into and out of devices following a simulation. Current into a device is identified as ...device_name.t1.i, and out of that device as ...device_name.t2.i. Voltage at the input to a device is identified as ...device_name.t1.v, and at the output of that device as ...device_name.t2.v.


Refer to Levels.


Oversample sets the FFT oversampling ratio. Higher levels increase the accuracy of the solution by reducing the FFT aliasing error and improving convergence. Memory and speed are affected less when the direct harmonic balance method is used than when the Krylov option is used.

More brings up a small dialog box. To increase simulation accuracy, enter in the field an integer representing a ratio by which the simulator will oversample each fundamental.


Auto mode automatically adjusts key convergence parameters and

resimulates to achieve convergence. As it trades efficiency for ease of use, it is suited to beginning ADS users who are unfamiliar with the ADS parameters to control the convergence.

Manual mode enables an advanced damped Newton solver. This solver guarantees a robust and steady march toward the solution with each

harmonic balance iteration. The convergence rate is enhanced by its selection of a near-optimal damping constant, choice of several individual norms in the convergence checks, and control over the residual reduction threshold at each iteration.

Max. iterations is the maximum number of iterations to be performed. The simulation will iterate until it converges, an error occurs, or this limit is reached.

Restart instructs the simulator not to use the last solution as the initial guess for the next solution.

Use Initial Guess (Harmonic Balance)

Check this box to save your initial guess to a dataset that can be referred to for a subsequent harmonic balance simulation, including circuit envelope.For example, if you have saved the HB solution, you can later do a nonlinear

noise simulation and use this saved solution as the initial guess, removing the time required to recompute the nonlinear HB solution. Or you could quickly get to the initial HB solution, and then sweep a parameter to see the changes. In this later case, you will probably either want to disable the Write Final Solution (see following topic), or use a different file for the final solution, to avoid over-writing the initial guess solution. If no file name is supplied, a default name is generated internally, using the design name and appending the suffix .hbs. A suffix is neither required nor added to any user supplied file name.

The Annotate value specified in the DC Solutions tab in the Options block is also used to control the amount of annotation generated when there are

topology changes detected during the reading of the initial guess file. Refer to the section DC Solutions. Since HB simulations also utilize the DC solution, to get optimum speed-up, both the DC solution and the HB solution should be saved and re-used as initial guesses.

The initial guess file does not need to contain all the HB frequencies. For example, one could do a one-tone simulation with just a very nonlinear LO, save that solution away and then use it as an initial guess in a two tone

simulation. The exact frequencies do not have to match between the present analysis and the initial guess solution. However, the fundamental indexes should match. For example, a solution saved from a two tone analysis with Freq[1] = 1GHz and Freq[2] = 1kHz would not be a good match for a simulation with Freq[1] = 1kHz and Freq[2] = 1 GHz.

If the simulator cannot converge with the supplied initial guess, it then

attempts to a global node-setting by connecting every node through a small resistor to an equivalent source. It then attempts to sweep this resistor value to a very large value and eventually tries to remove it.

Final Solution (Harmonic Balance)

Check this box to save your final HB solution to the output file. If a filename is not supplied, a file name is internally generate using the design name, followed by an .hbs suffix. If a file name is supplied, the suffix is neither

appended nor required. If this box is checked, then the last HB solution is put out to the specified file. If this is the same file as that used for the Initial

Guess, this file is updated with the latest solution.

Transient simulations can also be programmed to generate a harmonic balance solution that can then be used as an initial guess for an HB simulation. Refer to the section, Compute HB Solution.


This feature employs a large-signal/small-signal method to achieve much faster simulations when some signal sources (a) are much smaller than others, and (b) can be assumed not to exercise circuit nonlinearities. For example, in a mixer the LO tone could be considered the large-signal source and the RF the small-signal source.

To edit these parameters and request a small-signal analysis, click Small-signal at the bottom of the dialog box.

Small-signal frequency

Refer to Sweep.

Use all small-signal frequencies solves for all small-signal mixer

frequencies in both sidebands. This default option requires more memory and simulation time, but is required for the most accurate simulations.

Merge small- and large-signal frequencies By default, the simulator

reports only the small-signal upper and lower sideband frequencies in a mixer or oscillator simulation. Selecting this option causes the fundamental

frequencies to be restored to the dataset, and merges them sequentially.

Noise (1)

To edit these parameters and request a noise analysis, click Nonlinear noise at the bottom of the dialog box.

Noise frequency

Use this area to select the frequency(s) at which nonlinear noise is computed.

Sweep Type

Refer to Sweep Type.

Input Frequency

Because the simulator uses a single-sideband definition of noise figure, the correct input sideband frequency must be specified here. This parameter identifies which input frequency will mix to the noise frequency of interest. In the case of mixers, Input frequency is typically determined by an equation that involves the local oscillator (LO) frequency and the noise frequency. Either the sum of or difference between these two values is used, depending

on whether upconversion or downconversion is taking place.

The above parameters do not need to be specified if only the output noise voltage is desired (that is, if no noise figure is computed).

Noise input port is the number of the source port at which noise is injected. This is commonly the RF port. Although any valid port number can be used, the output port number is frequently defined as Num=1.

Noise output port is the number of the Term component at which noise is retrieved. This is commonly the IF port. Although any valid port number can be used, the input port number is frequently defined as Num=2.

Include FM noise (osc. only) causes an FM noise analysis to be performed in addition to a mixing noise analysis for oscillator phase noise. This simulates a second model for phase noise, which may be more accurate at small offset frequencies.

Noise (2)

To edit these parameters and request a noise analysis, click Nonlinear noise at the bottom of the dialog box.

Nodes for noise parameter calculation

Use this area to select named nodes at which the simulator will compute noise.

Note The fewer the number of nodes requested, the quicker the simulation and the less memory required.

Edit selects the named node(s) for the simulator to consider. Select holds the names of the nodes the simulator will consider.

Add adds a named node. Cut deletes a named node.

Paste takes a named node that has been cut and places it in a different order in the Select window.

Noise Contributors

Use this area to sort contributions to noise, as well as a threshold below which noise will not be reported. Mode provides the following options:

Off causes no individual noise contributors (nodes) to be selected. The result is simply a value for total noise at the node.

Sort by value sorts individual noise contributors, from largest to smallest, that exceed a user-defined threshold (see below). The subcomponents of the nonlinear devices that generate noise (such as Rb, Rc, Re, Ib, and Ic in a BJT) are listed separately, as well as the total noise from the device.

Sort by name causes individual noise contributors to be identified and sorts them alphabetically. The subcomponents of the nonlinear devices

that generate noise (such as Rb, Rc, Re, Ib, and Ic in a BJT) are listed separately, as well as the total noise from the device

Sort by value with no device details sorts individual noise contributors, from largest to smallest, that exceed a user-defined threshold (see below). Unlike Sort by value, only the total noise from nonlinear devices is listed without any subcomponent details.

Sort by name with no device details causes individual noise contributors to be identified and sorts them alphabetically. Unlike Sort by name, only the total noise from nonlinear devices is listed without subcomponent details.

Dynamic range to display is a threshold below the total noise, in dB, that determines what noise contributors are reported. All noise contributors more than this threshold will be reported. For example, assuming that the total noise voltage is 10 nV, a setting of 40 dB (a good typical value) ensures that all noise contributors up to 40 dB below 10 nV (that is, above 0.1 nV) are reported. The default of 0 dB causes all noise contributors to be reported. Accept the default if Sort by name is selected.

Include port noise causes port noise to be included in noise currents and voltages. Ports must be placed and defined.

Calculate noisy two-port parameters causes an S-parameter simulation to be performed. Ports must be placed and defined. The Noise input port parameter should be set equal to the port number specified by the Num parameter on the input source, and the Noise output parameter to the number of the output Term (termination) component to Num=2. The

following two-port parameters (dataset variables) are then returned and can be plotted:

NFmin is the minimum noise figure of a two-port circuit. It is equal to the noise figure when the optimum source admittance is connected to the circuit. (Its default unit is dB).

Sopt is the optimum source match for a two-port circuit. It is the reflection coefficient (looking into the source) that gives the minimum noise figure.

Rn is the effective noise resistance in ohms (unnormalized) of a two-port circuit. Effective noise resistance can be used to plot noise-figure circles or related quantities. This parameter determines how rapidly the minimum noise figure deteriorates when the source impedance is not at its optimum value.

Icor is the noise current correlation matrix, in units of Amperes squared. It describes the short circuit noise currents squared at each port, and the correlation between noise currents at different ports.

These expressions for noise simulation can be manipulated in equations. Use all small-signal frequencies causes the simulator to solve for all

small-signal mixer sidebands. This default option requires more memory but delivers more accurate results. In addition, it may require large kernel

swap-size parameters. Only if there is insufficient memory should this option be set to no. Setting this option to no, causes only half of the small-signal mixer sidebands to be used and also uses one-fourth of the memory, but at the cost of generating potentially inaccurate results. Exercise caution when setting this option to no.

Note If you find you are running out of RAM, either set this parameter to no after reading the paragraph above, or switch to the Krylov option.

Bandwidth is the bandwidth for spectral noise simulation. 1 Hz is the recommended bandwidth for measurements of spectral noise power.


This is used to select which NoiseCon nonlinear noise controllers should be simulated with the current harmonic balance analysis. These noise

simulations will be performed in addition to any noise simulation that may be set up with the Noise(1) and Noise(2) tabs.

Note It is not necessary to enable Nonlinear Noise at the bottom of the dialog box in order to select and simulate noise using NoiseCons. The Nonlinear Noise button is only used with the Noise(1) and Noise(2) tabs.

The NoiseCons button must be clicked to enable noise simulation with NoiseCons. This button can be used to disable noise simulation of all NoiseCons without deleting them from the Select NoiseCons list. Edit is used to specify the name of the NoiseCon item to add to the simulation list.

Select NoiseCons holds the names of the NoiseCon items to be simulated.

Add adds a NoiseCon name. Cut deletes a NoiseCon name.

Paste takes a NoiseCon name that has been cut and places it in a different order in the Select window.


To enter the name of an oscillator port and request an oscillator analysis, click Oscillator at the bottom of the dialog box. An OscPort component is required.)

Oscport name is the name of the OscPort analysis component. The circuit simulator is also capable of automatically finding the OscPort or OscPort2 component if the name is set to \"yes\". Setting the name to \"yes\" is required if the OscPort2 component is used and should work unless there are two or more OscPorts in the circuit, which is neither useful nor recommended.


The Solver tab allows you to select from two separate harmonic balance techniques, or to allow the simulator to assign one automatically. Direct Solver is best suited for smaller problems and is faster.

Krylov Solver, intended for larger problems, includes advanced

preconditioning technology with an iterative linear solver. This method greatly reduces memory requirements in large harmonic balance problems, such as those encountered in RFICs or RF System simulations.

Auto Select allows the simulator to choose which solver would be most effective for the active design.

Optional Auto Select Info

Estimated available RAM in MB. Enter the value, if desired, to specify the memory available to the simulator. This depends not only on the overall RAM, but also on the way the specific machine is used, in particular on the memory used by other processes. The default value is set conservatively to 128.

Krylov Parameters

Matrix packing directs the solver to use the technique known as spectral packing, which reduces the memory needed for the Jacobian, typically by

60-80%. The penalty is a longer computation time if no swapping is required. By default, this feature is turned off. You should turn on for extremely large problems in which the available RAM would not be able to accommodate the Jacobian.

Maximum number of iterations is the maximum number of GMRES iterations allowed. It is used to interrupt an otherwise infinite, loop in the case of poor or no convergence. The default is intentionally set to a large

value of 150 to accommodate even slowly convergent iterations. You can still increase this number in cases where poor convergence may be improved and you are willing to allow more time for it.

GMRES restart length sets the number of GMRES iterations before the

solver restarts. At this point the algorithm does not need data from previous steps, and the corresponding memory is released. Thus smaller values lead to lower memory requirements, but might significantly affect convergence. The default is 10, and it is strongly recommended that you avoid decreasing this value unless the problem is extremely large and convergence is carefully monitored. Larger values offer potentially more robust performance, but require more memory.

Krylov noise tolerance sets the tolerance for the Krylov solver when that solver is used either for small-signal harmonic balance analysis or for

nonlinear noise analysis. It needs to be tight, and the default value is 1e-10. Larger values may lead to less accurate results, while further tightening may require longer simulation times.


The Krylov solver requires a preconditioner for robust and efficient convergence. The following options are offered: • •

Auto allows the simulator to choose which preconditioner would be most effective for the active design.

DCP is the default preconditioner, which is effective in most cases, but fails for some very strong nonlinear circuits. It uses a DC approximation on the entire circuit. Due to its block-diagonal nature, it can be factored once and applied inexpensively at each linear solve

step. •

BSP is recommended for instances when a Krylov HB simulation fails to converge using the DCP option. The BSP preconditioner typically ensures robust convergence on even the most highly nonlinear circuits. On those circuits that converge with DCP, the overhead that the BSP preconditioner introduces is minimal. On circuits that fail with the DCP, using the BSP option will produce convergence at the cost of additional memory usage.

SCP (Schur-Complement) is intended for use with those circuits that fail to converge with the DCP preconditioner. The approximation partially excludes the most nonlinear parts. The sequence of steps is much more complex than with DCP, including an internal Krylov loop. It can also be more expensive, particularly in memory usage.

Waveform Memory Reduction

Use dynamic waveform recalculation enables reuse of dynamic waveform memory instead of upfront strorage on all waveforms. Small circuits might simulate a little slower, but not significantly.

Use compact frequency map enables a spectral compression, typically requiring less memory for individual waveforms.


Refer to Output.


Use the following options to show or hide all available parameters for a simulation:

Display parameter on schematic is a field that allows you to select those parameters to be made visible ion the schematic. Set All shows all parameters. Clear All hides all parameters.

By keeping visible only the parameters you are interested in, you can reduce screen clutter. Whether a parameter is displayed or not does not affect its functionality. That is determined by settings elsewhere in the component. However, some parameters must be displayed to be implemented.

Harmonic Balance Parameters

Following are brief descriptions of the Harmonic Balance parameters, all listed in the Display tab. Table 5-1 shows parameters that are specified in various tabs in the Harmonic Balance dialog box. Table 5-2 shows parameters that can be displayed in the Schematic window, then edited on-screen.

Table 5-1. List of Harmonic Balance Parameters in Dialog Box Tabs

Harmonic Balance Parameter Description


Maximum combined order to be considered Freq

Frequency of fundamental


Maximum order of fundamental to be considered StatusLevel

Degree of annotation


Oversampling ratio for FFT (oversample in the Params tab) Oversample

Oversampling ratio for FFT (repeated) MaxIters

Max number of iterations


Flag to indicate SS mixer mode (Small-signal button at the bottom of Display dialog box) SS_Plan

Instance/path name for small signal sweep values (the Use sweep plan box in the Small-Sig tab) SS_Start

Start frequency SS_Stop

Stop frequency SS_Step

Step frequency SS_Center

Center frequency SS_Span Span SS_Lin Linear sweep


Number of points per decade SS_Freq

Small signal mixer frequency UseAllSS_Freqs UseAllSS_Freqs MergeSS_Freqs MergeSS_Freqs InputFreq InputFreq


Flag to indicate nonlinear noise mode NoiseFreqPlan

Instance/path name for noise sweep values NLNoiseStart Start frequency

NLNoiseStop Stop frequency

NLNoiseStep Step frequency NLNoiseCenter Center frequency NLNoiseSpan Span NLNoiseLin Linear sweep


Number of points per decade FreqForNoise

Single point noise frequency NoiseInputPort

Input port for noise figure calculation NoiseOutputPort

Output port for noise figure calculation


Specify noise frequency as offset from oscillation frequency FM_Noise

Consider AM to FM conversion in oscillator phase noise analysis NoiseNode

Nodename to compute noise voltage (repeatable)


Sort Noise Contribution by: Value/1, Name/2 (default: 0/NoOutput) NoiseThresh

Noise Contribution Threshold


Include port noise in noise voltage and currents NoisyTwoPort

Compute noisy two-port parameters: sopt, rn & nfmin BandwidthForNoise

Bandwidth for spectral noise analysis OutputBudgetIV

Output top-level pin currents and voltages UseKrylov

Output top-level pin currents and voltages GMRES_Restart

GMRES iterations before auto-restart KrylovUsePacking

Use Krylov spectral packing KrylovMaxIters

Maximum number of GMRES iterations AvailableRAMsize

RAM available to the simulator KrylovSS_Tol

Krylov tol. for small-sig spectral / noise analysis


Use dynamic waveform storage UseCompactFreqMap Compress spectrum OscMode

Flag to indicate oscillator mode OscPortName

Oscillator port used to break feedback loop SweepVar

Name of variable or parameter to be swept SweepPlan

SweepPlan instance path name for sweep values Start Start value Stop Stop value Step

Step value\" Center Center value Span Span Lin

Linear sweep


Number of points per decade Pt

Single point UseNodeNestLevel Use Node Nest Level NodeNestLevel Node Nest Level NodeName Node Name UseEquationNestLevel Use EquationNest Level EquationNestLevel Equation Nest Level Equation Name Equation Name


Levels of DC Operating Point Data to output Noisecon

Instance name for noise controller NoiseConMode

Flag to indicate NoiseCon mode


File name for reading HB Initial Guess UseInFile

Read file prior to an HB solve OutFile

File name for writing HB Final Solution UseOutFile

Write last HB solution to file KrylovPrec

Flag to indicate Preconditioner ConvMode

Convergence Mode OutputPlan

Selective saving to dataset

Table 5-2. List of Additional Harmonic Balance Parameters

Harmonic Balance Parameter Description


Pack FFT in multi-tone analysis GuardThresh Guard threshold SamanskiiConstant SamanskiiConstant


Do not use last solution as initial guess


Maximum arc-length step for source-level continuation MaxStepRatio

Ratio of maximum to given number of steps MaxShrinkage

Maximum step shrinkage ArcMaxStep

Maximum arc-length step


Minimum value for parameter during arclength continuation ArcMaxValue

Maximum value for parameter during arclength continuation SS_Thresh

Small signal spectral threshold\" KrylovPackingThresh

Krylov bandwidth threshold KrylovTightTol GMRES tolerance


Loose tolerance for Krylov loop

KrylovLooseIters KrylovLooseTol

KrylovLooseIters KrylovLooseIters


Min number of iterations to invoke loose tolerance IgnoreOscErrors

Continue sweep even after oscillation convergence error Other

Output string to netlist

For additional information on setting up Harmonic Balance analysis, refer to the following chapters in the Circuit Simulation documentation: • • • •

Chapter 7, Harmonic Balance Simulation, for an overview

Chapter 8, Harmonic Balance for Nonlinear Noise Simulation, describes how to use the simulator for calculating noise.

Chapter 9, Harmonic Balance for Oscillator Simulation, describes how to use the simulator with oscillator designs.

Chapter 11, Harmonic Balance for Mixers, describes how to use the simulator with mixer designs.
