

2023-03-08 来源:钮旅网



序号 成果名称 院系 人员 获奖级别 获奖类别 授奖级别 减蛋综合征病毒分子1 生物学特性与基因免疫的研究 2 超声波电机运动控制技术研究 动科学院 程相朝 河南省科技厅 科技进步奖 二等 电信学院 史敬灼 河南省科技厅 科技进步奖 二等 低碳钢大型铸件用冒3 口覆盖剂的研制与应用 4 新型液压机械式无级变速器研究开发 材料学院 谢敬佩 河南省科技厅 科技进步奖 二等 车动学院 政社学院 材料学院 周志立 姬汝茂 河南省科技厅 科技进步奖 二等 河南省规划办 社科成果奖 二等 5 西汉人口史论 焦化加热炉管防腐蚀6 稀土铝合金的开发和应用研究 文九巴(我校为第二完成单位,第二河南省科技厅 科技进步奖 二等 人) 二、课题入校经费奖励

1.单项课题入校经费在10万元(含)以上的国家级项目课题组(每项奖励5000元) 序入校经费(万课题名称 负责人 项目类别 号 元) 载流摩擦副导电/摩擦接触行为的耦国家自然科学1 张永振 24.6 合关联途径与复合损伤机制研究 基金委 国家自然科学2 蚁类对固沙植被生态系统的影响 陈应武 24.0 基金委 流固耦合下含夹层阻尼的多层波纹国家自然科学3 马伟 22.8 管等效阻尼和刚度设计方法 基金委 三、自生纳米AL2O3陶瓷增强稀土掺国家自然科学4 魏世忠 22.8 杂复合材料的制备及高温磨损性能 基金委 可选择波长变孔隙率MTPV能量转换国家自然科学5 徐斌 21.6 系统研究与灰关联分析 基金委 基于三维CAD的滚动轴承设计分析6 马伟 20.0 国家科技部 系统 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

约束非线性全局优化的辅助函数方法研究 基于切换系统理论的混合动力汽车能量管理策略 低品位热源驱动的自行复叠喷射制冷循环研究 小鲵科动物形态特征的生态适应及进化 少自由度无奇异完全各向同性并联机器人构型综合方法研究 质子交换膜燃料电池发电系统的最优控制研究 抗对虾白斑综合症病毒(WSSV)感染转基因盐藻株的制备 山羊体细胞核移植胎盘发育异常相关microRNA的筛选及功能研究 副血链球菌粘附素Fap1糖基化过程中糖基转移酶基因功能研究 尚有林 付主木 王林 熊建利 张彦斌 仲志丹 冯书营 刘凤军 周梅先 15.6 12.6 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 11.4 11.4 11.4 国家自然科学基金委 国家自然科学基金委 国家自然科学基金委 国家自然科学基金委 国家自然科学基金委 国家自然科学基金委 国家自然科学基金委 国家自然科学基金委 国家自然科学基金委 2. 单项课题合同经费及入校经费在30万元(含)以上的纵向科研项目课题组(每项奖励5000

元) 合同经费(万序号 课题名称 负责人 项目来源 元) 汽车后桥准双曲面齿轮数字化1 邓效忠 50.0 河南省科技厅 闭环制造生产线 高性能Al基阳极材料的研究与2 文九巴 50.0 河南省科技厅 开发 轴承产业信息服务平台数据库3 邓四二 120.0 洛阳市发改委 开发 高性能耐热稀土镁合金研究与4 李全安 50.0 河南省科技厅 开发 功能化离子液体的设计、合成及5 王键吉 50.0 河南省科技厅 对生物大分子的选择性分离 有色重、贵金属大型冶金流态化6 黄兴远 45.0 青海省科技厅 焙烧炉热能技术研究 大型齿轮圈成型过程控制及工7 谢敬佩 32.0 洛阳市科技局 艺优化 面向信息服务的智能代理关键8 普杰信 30.0 洛阳市科技局 技术研究及应用示范 河南栾川钼钨回收及深加工关9 魏世忠 32.0 河南省科技厅 键技术研究 原位自生纳米颗粒增强高温抗10 魏世忠 30.0 河南省科技厅 磨钼合金的研制与开发

3.年累计纵向入校经费在30万元(含)以上的科研项目课题组(每项奖励5000元) 入校经费(万序号 课题名称 负责人 项目来源 元) 高强韧高硬掺杂钼合金的研制1 魏世忠 35.0 洛阳市科技局 与开发及高校创新团队等

4.年累计横向入校经费在50万元(含)以上的科研课题组(每项奖励5000元) 序号 负责人 入校经费(万元) 备 注 1. 毛鹏军 130.8 年累计入校经费 2. 张安年 109.38 年累计入校经费 3. 邓效忠 86.3 年累计入校经费 4. 普杰信 80.0 年累计入校经费 5. 周伯楚 53.0 年累计入校经费 6. 任德志 50.7 年累计入校经费 7. 李作良 50.0 年累计入校经费 8. 吴健 50.0 年累计入校经费 9. 尹中伟 50.0 年累计入校经费


1.发明专利每项10000元现金奖励 序号 1 学院 专利名称 高强度高韧性含镍SNAGCUR无铅料极其制备方法 发明人 张柯柯,闫焉服、程光辉,刘亚民,樊艳丽,王要利1,余阳春,杨洁 发明专利号 2006100174507 授权时间 材料学院 2009-3-4 2 材料学院 圆锥破碎机轧臼壁化学谢敬佩,王文焱,王爱成分控制及热处理工艺 琴,李继文,李洛利 2006-8-26 2009-6-3 3 材料学院 立式磨空心耐磨球化学谢敬佩,王爱琴,王文成分控制及热处理工艺 焱,李继文,李洛利 200610106965.4 2009-5-20 4 材料学院 一种镁合金管件的成形方法与装置 杨永顺, 陈拂晓, 郭俊卿, 杨茜,杨慧丽 200510107330.1 2009-3-4 5 材料学院 一种新型高温无铅软铅料 闫焉服、张向民、张柯柯、文九巴、涂益民、刘重喜 200510048457.0 2009-3-11 6 材料学院 数字自动采集拉伸蠕变测试装置和方法 闫焉服、张文统、张柯柯、于华、闫红星、赵长卫 200510108349.8 2009-3-11 7 车动学院 一种铰链式自卸汽车底盘 郭志军、闵海涛、范东林、李忠利、申彦杰、张朝杰 200710189821.4 2009-12-23 8 车动学院 联合收割机随机损失率实时监测方法 介战,陈家新,周学建,20051001809刘红俊,林青松,符丽5.0 君,吴才聪,毛鹏军 2009-7-1 9 电信学院 对称PWM控制信号发生器 史敬灼 200710054583.6 2009-7-15 10 化工学院 高长径比羟基磷灰石晶须及其制备方法 张军,宋邦才,郭进武,20071005481卢伟伟,柴元武,胡瑞9.6 华 2009-9-23 11 化工学院 药物中间体苹果多酚提取工艺 尹卫平,王忠东,段文20061001747录,吕本莲,张延萍,9.5 王新胜,杨敏,吴云骥 2009-5-13 12 化工学院 药物中间体丹参酮ⅡA提取工艺 尹卫平,王忠东,马军营,吴云骥,汪小伟,段文录,张延萍,吕本莲 200620017478.0 2009-1-14 13 机电学院 轴承降振化学研磨剂及使用方法 吴明远,杨挺,杨巍,吴天凯,柳玲文 200710054830.2 2009-12-9 14 机电学院 流体系统代码形式脉冲数字流的控制方法及装置 张志成 200610017590.4 2009-1-28 15 规划与建工学院 一种高效低温吸收式制冷机 王林、马爱华、周西文、20071030002谈莹莹、任秀宏1 5.3 2009-8-26 规划与建工学16 院 一种无耦合二移动一转动三自由度空间并联机构 张彦斌、吴鑫、徐红玉、20071005485何晓玲 4.8 2009-8-26 2、实用新型每项800元现金奖励 序号 院系 专利名称 发明人或设计类型 专利申请号 人姓名 杨永顺,郭俊卿,杨茜,陈拂实用新型 200820135903.0 晓,文九巴,贺俊光,刘祎冉 杨永顺,李贺军,齐乐华,杨茜,郭实用新型 200820135902.6 俊卿,陈拂晓,文九巴,李更新 杨永顺,杨实用新型 200820135901.1 茜,郭俊卿,授权时间 1 材料学院 汽车轮毂扩口工序的扩口模具 2009-8-19 2 材料学院 汽车轮毂挤压成形的复合挤压模具 2009-8-19 3 材料学院 汽车轮毂挤压成形的正挤压模具 2009-8-19 4 材料学院 一种实验室用小型两辊轧机 5 材料学院 一种绝缘结构 6 车动学院 光密封度检测装置 7 电信学院 步进电机平滑驱动三相正弦波电流信号产生电路 8 电信学院 风力发电机组的电压控制器 文九巴,陈拂晓,贺俊光,杨正海 任凤章,贾淑果,刘平,张旦实用新型 闻,马战红,赵士阳,田保红 张永振,高万振,李鹏,实用新型 上官宝,李键 杜慧勇,刘建新,李民1,徐斌,实用新型 吴健,宗永平,王站成,刘泉 张前进,徐实用新型 素莉 张春阳,刘勇2,王军,侯书奇,实用新型 程澈,杨宗霄,宋磊 200820149161.7 2009-8-5 200720090787.0 2009-1-29 200920088099.X 2009-11-18 200820149649.X 2009-10-9 200820149521.3 2009-6-17 9 化工学院 10 机电学院 11 机电学院 12 机电学院 13 机电学院 14 规划与建工学院 董铁有,周冬菊,任发政,陈树兴,微波喷雾真空干燥机 崔建云,葛克山,姜勇,何佳,赵启美 王笑电动车充电防盗报警一,张器 书涛 韩建海,郭冰菁,一种辅助站立座椅 赵书尚,张辉,宋振强 薛玉君、李济顺、电铸复合加工设备 马伟、葛述卿、刘红彬 侯书垂直轴风力发动机的奇,王三戟消涡风轮 军,杨宗霄 王林,马爱华,谈莹莹 ,一种低温热源驱动的周西低温制冷机 文,王雨,任秀宏1,许星 实用新型 200720310413.5 2009-3-11 实用新型 200820148898.7 2009-8-12 实用新型 200820147643.9 2009-5-6 实用新型 200820147883.9 2009-4-22 实用新型 200820069960.3 2009-3-25 实用新型 200920088006.3 2009-11-4 15 农学院 便携式土壤厚状土柱取样器 化粪池污泥生态塘基鱼塘土地处理系统 徐晓锋 实用新型 200820069056.2 2009-4-8 16 农学院 徐晓锋 实用新型 200820069057.7 2009-1-28 17 农学院 便携式土壤厚状土柱取样器 18 体育学院 水灰划线车 徐晓锋,苗艳芳,张联实用新型 200820069056.2 2009-4-8 合,寇太记,王发园 孔庆安、张实用新型 20092088446.9 2009-11-25 中豹 左洪亮 实用新型 200820149969.5 2009-9-9 19

艺术学院 遮光减噪促眠眼罩 四、论文四大检索收录奖励

1、论文以本校为第一单位被EI、SCI、SSCI、ISTP检索系统书面收录(光盘):每篇1000元奖金,4000元科研经费奖励。 发表序号 作者 论文名称 源文出处 类别 备注 日期 FEW-BODY S-WAVE STATE AND SYSTEMS 1 陈教凯 D-WAVE STATE OF THE 2008 SCI 2008,Vol 42,Iss VECTOR-MESON 1-4,pp 115-124 THE BETHE-SALPETER-EQUAT MODERN ION APPROACH TO PHYSICS LETTERS 2 陈教凯 BOUND-STATE - A 2007,Vol 2007 SCI SCALAR-FERMION CASE 22,Iss 39,pp AND SCALAR-SCALAR 2979-2992 CASE hot forging process design optimization 3 陈学文 based on approximate ICPNS'07 2008 EI model and FEM simulation 4 design optimization for hot forging process of 陈学文 connecting-rod based on approximate model and numerical simulation Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University 2008 EI 5 6 IEEE/ASME International Research on tooth Conference on 崔凤奎 surface integrality Advanced 2008 of cold rolling spine Intelligent Mechatronics, AIM Numerical simulation Zhongguo Jixie of involute spline Gongcheng/Chin崔凤奎 shaft's cold-rolling 2008 a Mechanical forming based on Engineering ANSYS/LS-DYNA EI EI 7 PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2007 1ST 1st International Research on INTERNATIONAL Symposium on distributed SYMPOSIUM ON Information collaborative design INFORMATION 董庆伟 2007 Technologies and ISTP system model based on TECHNOLOGIES Applications in agent and its AND Education (ISITAE application APPLICATIONS IN 2007) EDUCATION (ISITAE 2007) Kongzhi Lilun Yu Yinyong/Contro2008 l Theory and Applications Nanjing Li Gong Robust Daxue H Xuebao/Journal 付主木 control for a class of of Nanjing 2008 switched uncertain University of singular systems Science and Technology H-infinity control for a class of 付主木 switched linear singular systems 8 EI 9 EI 10 11 12 Robust H dynamic output feedback 付主木 stabilization for a class of uncertain switched singular systems A NOVEL-APPROACH TO MICROBIAL BREEDING - 古绍彬 LOW-ENERGY ION-IMPLANTATION LOW-TEMPERATURE FIRING AND MICROWAVE DIELECTRIC-PROPERTIES OF 顾永军 16CAO-9LI(2)O-12SM(2)O(3)-63TIO(2) CERAMICS WITH V2O5 ADDITION Zidonghua Xuebao/Acta Automatica Sinica 2008 EI 2008 SCI(EI) 2008 SCI 13 Research on subpixel detecting on-line system based on 韩建海 machine vision for inner diameter of bearings 2007 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND BIOMIMETICS, VOLS 1-5 IEEE International Conference on 2007 Robotics and ISTP Biomimetics (ROBIO 2007) 14 Study on prepared of SrBi2Nb2O9 textured ceramics Gongneng Cailiao/Journa2008 l of Functional Materials EI 15 Hydrothermal synthesis of 黄金亮 Bi1.5ZnNb1.5O7 nanopowders PRICM 6: SIXTH PACIFIC RIM 6th Pacific Rim INTERNATIONAL NOV International CONFERENCE ON 05-0Conference on ISTP ADVANCED 9, Advanced Materials MATERIALS AND 2007 and Processing PROCESSING, PTS 1-3 16 PRICM 6: SIXTH PACIFIC RIM Study of the 6th Pacific Rim INTERNATIONAL preparation International CONFERENCE ON , 黄金亮 technology and Conference on ADVANCED 2007 properties of Advanced Materials MATERIALS AND BaBi4Ti4O15 ceramics and Processing PROCESSING, PTS 1-3 Nongye Jixie Grey prediction fuzzy Xuebao/TransacPID control of the tions of the 姬江涛 2008 feeding quantity in Chinese Society combine of Agricultural Machinery Zhongguo Youse Explanation based on Jinshu electron theory for Xuebao/Chinese 贾淑果 solid solution 2008 Journal of strengthening in Nonferrous copper alloy Metals Ab-initio study on adsorption and Key Engineering 琚伟伟 diffusion of Au atoms 2008 Materials on clean Si(001) and H-Si(001) surface evaluation of roundness error based 雷贤卿 仪器仪表学报 2008 onmesh search algorithm 17 EI 18 EI 19 EI 20 EI 21 IECON 2007: 33RD ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF 33rd Annual NOV Integrated system of THE IEEE Conference of the 05-0李济顺 digital coiling for INDUSTRIAL IEEE-Industrial-E 8, spring ELECTRONICS lectronics-Societ2007 SOCIETY, VOLS y 1-3, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 大曲率球状基准铣床李济顺 4-RPR并联机构运动学分析 机器人技术及应用第一届国际会议 ISTP 22 23 ITESS: 2008 PROCEEDINGS OF MAY Study on Imaging INFORMATION 15-1李军显 Algorithm of TECHNOLOGY AND 7, Missile-Borne MMW SAR ENVIRONMENTAL 2008 SYSTEM SCIENCES, PT 1 International Conference on Informational Technology and Environmental System Science ISTP 24 2008 PROCEEDINGS OF A novel approach to INFORMATION aircraft target TECHNOLOGY AND 李军显 2008 recognition based on ENVIRONMENTAL range profile SYSTEM SCIENCES: ITESS 2008, VOL 1 THERMODYNAMIC ANALYSIS OF STRESS 李立本 EFFECT ON BI4TI3O12 FILMS - ART. NO. 034112 International Conference on Informational Technology and Environmental System Science ISTP 25 2008 SCI(EI) 26 27 28 Cailiao Rechuli Effects of Y and Nd Xuebao/Transaccombined addition on 李全安 tions of 2008 mechanical properties Materials and of Mg-6Al alloy Heat Treatment Effects of yttrium and Xiyou Jinshu neodymium on Cailiao Yu microstructure and 李全安 Gongcheng/Rare 2008 mechanical properties Metal Materials of AZ81 magnesium and Engineering alloy Transactions of Microstructure and Nonferrous mechanical properties Metals Society 李全安 of AZ81 magnesium 2008 of China alloy with Y and Nd (English elements Edition) EI EI EI 29 李同伟 30 李向正 31 李小红 32 李小红 33 李炎 34 李炎 35 李友军 Electrical conductivity in alkali iron phosphate glasses EXACT-SOLUTIONS OF GERDJIKOV-IVANOV EQUATION Population transfer via adiabatic passage in the rydberg potassium atom A DFT study of bond dissociation energies of several alkyl nitrate and nitrite compounds Interface microstructure of TiC cermets/steel explosive cladding plate Investigation on microstructure at the bonding interface of TiC cermet/steel composite plate prepared by explosive welding Effects of tillage managements on the soil physical properties and the water utilization efficiency of winter wheat Key Engineering 2008 Materials EI 2008 SCI chinese Physics 2007 EI 2008 SCI Key Engineering 2008 Materials EI Cailiao Rechuli Xuebao/Transactions of 2008 Materials and Heat Treatment PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2007 OCT INTERNATIONAL 20-2CONFERENCE ON 2, AGRICULTURE 2007 ENGINEERING EI International Conference on Agriculture Engineering ISTP 36 梁斌 PROCEEDINGS OF THE 9TH 9th International Interface slips in OCT INTERNATIONAL Conference on steel reinforced 14-1CONFERENCE ON Steel, Space and ISTP concrete beams under 5, STEEL, SPACE & Composite elementary loads 2007 COMPOSITE Structures STRUCTURES 37 38 Hydrodynamic lubrication analysis of textured surfaces with the domain 刘红彬 decomposition method-effect of texture distribution patterns MONTE-CARLO-SIMULATION ON MEASUREMENTS OF BRANCHING FRACTIONS 刘汇慧 FOR SOME EXCLUSIVE SEMILEPTONIC DECAYS OF NEUTRAL D-MESONS ON BES-III Mocaxue Xuebao/Tribology 2007 EI 2008 SCI Cailiao Rechuli Study on flow stress Xuebao/Transacof Mg-3Al-1Zn-0.8Nd 39 刘平 tions of 2008 alloy at hot Materials and compression Heat Treatment Gongneng Delamination wear 刘勇(材Cailiao/Journa40 behavior of contact 2008 料) l of Functional wire used copper alloy Materials Preparation of Cailiao Rechuli Cr2OXuebao/Transac刘勇(材3 dispersion 41 tions of 2008 料) strengthened copper Materials and composite by internal Heat Treatment oxidation EI EI EI PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2008 12TH INTERNATIONAL 12th International APR Research on secure CONFERENCE ON Conference on 刘勇(电16-142 transmission of SOAP COMPUTER Computer Supported ISTP 信) 8, messages SUPPORTED Cooperative Work 2008 COOPERATIVE in Design WORK IN DESIGN, VOLS I AND II Elementary determination of the superficial amount of -oh on poly(vinyl 麻开旺 alcohol) film by titration and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy Preparation of heparin-immobilized PVA and its adsorption 麻开旺 for low-density lipoprotein from hyperlipemia plasma Elementary determination of the superficial amount of -oh on poly(vinyl 麻开旺 alcohol) film by titration and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy 43 Journal of Applied Polymer 2008 Science EI 44 Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 2008 EI 45 Journal of Applied Polymer 2008 Science SCI(EI) 46 47 2008 study on detonation international 梅群 sensitive of low symposium on 2008 detonating fuses safety science and technology Nongye Jixie Xuebao/TransacDesign and experiment tions of the 倪长安 of a new maize field 2008 Chinese Society rootstalk chopper of Agricultural Machinery ISTP EI 48 牛荣军 49 牛荣军 50 彭淑鸽 51 彭晓南 52 戚东涛 Influences of the Rarefied Effect on Ultra-thin Film Gas Lubrication in Hard Disk Driver Numerical Analysis of the Influence on Ultra-Thin Film Gas Lubrication Considering Surface Roughness in Hard Disk Drives Catalytic Activity and Stability of Magadiite-Immobilized Myoglobin in Organic Solvents roundness error evaluation algorithm using coordinate measuring machine Failure analysis of fiber-reinforced composites under multiaxial cyclic stress 2008 CHINESE CONTROL AND DECISION CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-11 2008 EI 2008 7TH WORLD CONGRESS ON INTELLIGENT 2008 CONTROL AND AUTOMATION, VOLS 1-23 EI Chinese Journal 2008 of Catalysis EI 仪器仪表学报 2008 EI Polymer Composites 2008 EI 53 Vision/Force Based Robot Manipulator 邱联奎 Servo Control for Uncertain Plane Surface Tracking 2008 7TH WORLD CONGRESS ON 7th World Congress INTELLIGENT on Intelligent 2008 ISTP CONTROL AND Control and AUTOMATION, Automation VOLS 1-23 54 55 Journal Wuhan Dry friction University of characteristics of 邱明 Technology, 2007 Ti-6Al-4V alloy under Materials high sliding velocity Science Edition Prevention for Guangxue destruction by 任凤章 Xuebao/Acta 2008 reflected tensile Optica Sinica wave of laser shocking EI EI in Al2O3 ceramics Zhongguo Youse Jinshu Application of Xuebao/Chinese 任凤章 electron theories in 2008 EI Journal of materials science Nonferrous Metals Effect of Cailiao Rechuli Fe2OXuebao/Transac任凤章 3 on properties tions of 2008 EI of SiC-base ceramic Materials and foam filter Heat Treatment computer aided modularization design nongye Jixie 任小中 2008 EI of CNC gear form Xuebao grinding machine Finding discrete European global minima with a Journal of 尚有林 2008 EI filled function for Operational integer programming Research PROCEEDINGS OF FIRST INTERNATIONAL Modified Filled CONFERENCE OF Function Method for 1st International MODELLING AND Resolving Conference on 尚有林 SIMULATION, VOL 2008 ISTP Communication Control Modelling and III - MODELLING and Management Simulation AND SIMULATION Problem IN ELECTRONICS, COMPUTING, AND BIO-MEDICINE ADVANCED INTELLIGENT COMPUTING Modified Filled THEORIES AND SEP 4th International Function Method for APPLICATIONS, 15-1Conference on 尚有林 Resolving Nonlinear PROCEEDINGS - ISTP 8, Intelligent Integer Programming WITH ASPECTS OF 2008 Computing Problem CONTEMPORARY INTELLIGENT COMPUTING TECHNIQUES 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 2008 ISECS Resolving INTERNATIONAL Communication Control COLLOQUIUM ON AUG and Management COMPUTING, 04-0尚有林 Problems with COMMUNICATION, 5, Modified Filled CONTROL, AND 2008 Function Method MANAGEMENT, VOL 2, PROCEEDINGS Slip sense sensor based on micro-vibration detection ELEVATED-TEMPERATURE SLIDING WEAR BEHAVIOR OF WCP-REINFORCED FERROUS MATRIX COMPOSITES WEAR BEHAVIOR OF WCP/FE-C COMPOSITES UNDER HIGH-SPEED DRY SLIDING Aging study of rapidly solidified and solid-solution Cu-Cr-Sn-Zn alloy Zhendong yu Chongji/Journa2007 l of Vibration and Shock International Colloquium on Computing, Communication, Control, and Management ISTP 63 尚振东 EI 64 宋延沛 2008 SCI(EI) 65 宋延沛 Journal of Materials Processing Technology 2008 SCI(EI) 66 苏娟华 2008 EI 67 Semi-enclosed cold forging process 苏娟华 analysis and progressive die design of CPU fin 5th International PHYSICAL AND Conference on NUMERICAL OCT Physical and SIMULATION OF 23-2Numerical ISTP MATERIALS 7, Simulation of PROCESSING, PTS 2007 Material 1 AND 2 Processing (ICPNS 07) 68 CRITICAL BEHAVIORS IN A STOCHASTIC LOCAL 孙红章 LIMITED ONE-DIMENSIONAL RICE-PILE MODEL Updated reduction 孙士保 algorithm in dependence spaces 69 COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS 2008, 2008 Vol 50, Iss 2, pp 425-428 Journal of Computational 2008 Information Systems JUL 02-04, 2008 SCI EI 70 2008 CHINESE On Generalized CONTROL AND 孙士保 Variable Precision DECISION Rough Fuzzy Set Model CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-11 Dynamic properties analysis of multi-frequencies coupled rotor system in aircraft engine effects of supplementary with alfalfa hay collected in different mature stages on the performance of rabbits Application of the fenced(frac(G, G))-expansion to travelling wave solutions of the Broer-Kaup and the approximate long water wave equations SOLITARY WAVE SOLUTIONS OF A GENERALIZED DERIVATIVE NONLINEAR SCHRODINGER-EQUATION 20th Chinese Control and Decision Conference ISTP 71 唐六丁 Zhendong yu Chongji/Journa2008 l of Vibration and Shock 7th international symposium onlivestock environment EI 73 王建平 ISTP 74 王明亮 Applied Mathematics and 2008 Computation EI 75 王明亮 2008 SCI 76 77 78 THE (G'/G)-EXPANSION METHOD AND TRAVELING-WAVE SOLUTIONS OF 王明亮 NONLINEAR EVOLUTION-EQUATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS Composite generalized Laguerre-Legendre pseudospectral method 王天军 for Fokker-Planck equation in an infinite channel Local structures and decomposed phases of 王文炎 laser-melted ZrSiO4 2008 SCI Applied Numerical Mathematics 2008 EI Key Engineering 2008 Materials EI 79 5th International PHYSICAL AND Conference on Casting process NUMERICAL OCT Physical and simulation of the ball SIMULATION OF 23-2Numerical 王文炎 milling machine end ISTP MATERIALS 7, Simulation of cover with a hug PROCESSING, PTS 2007 Material diameter 1 AND 2 Processing (ICPNS 07) 80 81 Phase structure and microstructure of the 魏世忠 interface between WC steel bond hard alloy and carbon steel A study on the growth kinetics of CeO2-modi文九巴 fied aluminide coating and its computer fitting Key Engineering 2008 Materials EI Materials Science and Engineering A 2009 EI 82 Electrochemical properties research 文九巴 of Al-Zn-Bi series alloy in NaCl solution A bran-new feature extraction method and its application to 吴贵芳 surface defect recognition of hot rolled strips Gongneng Cailiao/Journa2008 l of Functional Materials EI 83 2007 IEEE INTERNATIONAL AUG IEEE International CONFERENCE ON 18-2Conference on ISTP AUTOMATION AND 1, Automation and LOGISTICS, VOLS 2007 Logistics 1-6 84 85 86 87 88 ISTM/2007: 7TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON Expanded local border TEST AND 吴贵芳 search algorithm and MEASUREMENT, its application VOLS 1-7, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS Nongye Jixie Experiment on Xuebao/Transacimproving bearing tions of the 吴明远 surface quality with Chinese Society nanometer chemical of Agricultural grind technology Machinery Improving surface Journal of quality of friction Computational 吴明远 pair by using chemical and Theoretical grinding agent with Nanoscience nanopowders Unconventional geometric quantum Optics 夏立新 phase gates with two Communications SQUIDs in a cavity Proceedings of SPIE - The International Analysis for Society for systematic stability 夏新涛 Optical using fuzzy-set Engineering,20theory 08,V7128: 712805,ISSN:0277-786XAUG 7th International 05-0Symposium on Test ISTP 8, Measurement 2007 2008 EI 2008 EI 2008 EI 2008 EI ,ISBN-13:9780819473622 89 90 91 92 93 Automatic Control over Roundness Error of Bearing Ring Grinding Surface 夏新涛 Based on Quasi-Dynamical Harmonic Generating Theory Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Dynamic evaluation on Optical friction torque of Engineering,20夏新涛 bearing for space 08,V7129: using 712926,ISSN:0277-786X,ISBN-13:9780819473639 2007 IEEE Grey bootstrap method INTERNATIONAL of evaluation of CONFERENCE ON 夏新涛 uncertainty in AUTOMATION AND dynamic measurement LOGISTICS, VOLS 1-6 Grey relation of two Binggong data sequences and its 夏新涛 Xuebao/Acta application in Armamentarii engineering Proceedings of SPIE - The Maximum entropy International 夏新涛 bootstrap method for Society for parameter estimation Optical Engineering,2008,V7128: 2008 EI 2008 EI 2008 EI 2008 EI 2008 EI 712805,ISSN:0277-786X,ISBN-13:9780819473622 94 95 96 Novel Technique of Fusion for Truth Value 夏新涛 2008 Based on Poor Information Proceedings of SPIE - The Qualitative fusion International technique based on Society for information poor Optical system and its Engineering,20夏新涛 2008 application to factor 08,V7128: analysis for 712804,vibration of rolling ISSN:0277-786Xbearings ,ISBN-13:9780819473622 Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Variation of rolling Engineering,20夏新涛 element bearing 2008 08,V7128: friction torque 712820,ISSN:0277-786X,ISBN-13:9780819473622 Parameter evaluation and prediction in 夏新涛 information poor system using fuzzy-set theory EI EI EI 97 2007 IEEE INTERNATIONAL AUG IEEE International CONFERENCE ON 18-2Conference on ISTP AUTOMATION AND 1, Automation and LOGISTICS, VOLS 2007 Logistics 1-6 98 System parameter estimation and 夏新涛 performance prediction using fuzzy-set theory ICEMI 2007: PROCEEDINGS OF 2007 8TH 8th International AUG INTERNATIONAL Conference on 16-1CONFERENCE ON Electronic ISTP 8, ELECTRONIC Measurement and 2007 MEASUREMENT & Instruments INSTRUMENTS, VOL I 99 MICROSTRUCTURAL INVESTIGATION OF CAST Materials 谢敬佩 MEDIUM-MANGANESE Science and AUSTENITIC STEEL WITH Engineering A COMPOSITE SURFACE 2008 SCI(EI) 100 MATERIALS SCIENCE AND Microstructural 14th International ENGINEERING JUN investigation of cast Conference on the A-STRUCTURAL 04-0谢敬佩 medium-manganese Strength of ISTP MATERIALS 9, austenitic steel with Materials (ICSMA PROPERTIES 2006 composite surface 14) MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING 101 5th International PHYSICAL AND Conference on The computer NUMERICAL OCT Physical and solidification SIMULATION OF 23-2Numerical 谢敬佩 simulation of ISTP MATERIALS 7, Simulation of oceangoing freighter PROCESSING, PTS 2007 Material rudder horn 1 AND 2 Processing (ICPNS 07) 102 熊毅 Spheroidization behavior of cementite during warm compression deformation Cailiao Rechuli Xuebao/Transactions of 2008 Materials and Heat Treatment EI 103 熊毅 Characteristics and properties of ultrafine microduplex structurein high carbon steel after warm deformation Cailiao Rechuli Xuebao/Transactions of 2008 Materials and Heat Treatment EI 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 Jixie Gongcheng Effect of carbides on Xuebao/Chinese crack behavior within 徐流杰 Journal of 2008 rolls under cold Mechanical rolling condition Engineering Research on sintering Wuji Cailiao stability of cubic Xuebao/Journal 徐巧玉 silicon nitride 2008 of Inorganic synthesized by Materials shock-wave Kuei Suan Jen Shock-wave synthesis Hsueh Pao/ 徐巧玉 of cubic silicon Journal of the 2008 nitride Chinese Ceramic Society Stereo vision reconstruction method Yi Qi Yi Biao 徐巧玉 based on common 2008 Xue Bao perpendicular constraint Study of stereo vision Guangxue coordinate 徐巧玉 Xuebao/Acta 2008 measurement system Optica Sinica based on optical probe Electrical sliding wear behavior of Mocaxue Al2O徐晓峰 Xuebao/Tribolo2008 3/Cu composite gy prepared by internal oxidation 基于模糊理论的信息匮IEEE自动化与物薛玉君 乏系统参数估计和预测流国际会议 2008 研究 EI EI EI EI EI EI ISTP 111 112 113 Research on the application of logistics simulation technology in the 杨晓英 facility layout of discrete manufacturing enterprise Preparation and characterization of 杨永顺 zirconia-based multi-phase nanocomposite Study on quasi-superplasticity deformation 杨永顺 behaviour and mechanism of as-cast leaded brass 2007 IEEE INTERNATIONAL AUG IEEE International CONFERENCE ON 18-2Conference on ISTP AUTOMATION AND 1, Automation and LOGISTICS, VOLS 2007 Logistics 1-6 Key Engineering 2008 Materials EI Cailiao Rechuli Xuebao/Transactions of 2007 Materials and Heat Treatment EI 114 Xitong Gongcheng Lilun Visualization yu approach for the 杨宗霄 Shijian/System 2008 Steiner minimal tree Engineering problem Theory and Practice EI 115 PROCEEDINGS OF 2008 IEEE IEEE International Construction of INTERNATIONAL APR Conference on ontology-based safety CONFERENCE ON 06-0杨宗霄 Networking, ISTP assessment system for NETWORKING, 8, Sensing and power plants SENSING AND 2008 Control CONTROL, VOLS 1 AND 2 #2007 IEEE Safety assessment for INTERNATIONAL #APR power plants using CONFERENCE ON 15-1杨宗霄 analytical hierarchy NETWORKING, 7, process and system SENSING, AND 2007functionality CONTROL, VOLS 1 # AND 2# #IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control# 116 117 殷勇 A FEATURE-EXTRACTION METHOD BASED ON WAVELET PACKET ANALYSIS FOR DISCRIMINATION OF CHINESE VINEGARS USING A GAS SENSORS ARRAY SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL 2008 2008, Vol 134, Iss 2, pp 1005-1009 SCI(EI) 118 于华 5th International PHYSICAL AND Conference on NiCr alloy coating NUMERICAL OCT Physical and deposited on the SIMULATION OF 23-2Numerical surface of 35CrMo ISTP MATERIALS 7, Simulation of steel by the PROCESSING, PTS 2007 Material electrospark process 1 AND 2 Processing (ICPNS 07) 119 张丰收 120 张金良(数学) 121 张军(化工) 122 张柯柯 Research of beam hardening of industrial computed tomography VARIOUS EXACT-SOLUTIONS FOR 2 SPECIAL TYPE RKL MODELS A novel technique to synthesize hydroxyapatite whiskers Analysis of characteristic zones of isothermal superplastic welded joint of heterogeneous steels Jixie Qiandu/Journal 2007 of Mechanical Strength 2008 EI SCI(EI) Materials Letters Hanjie Xuebao/Transactions of the China Welding Institution 2008 2008 SCI(EI) 2008 EI 123 Effect of Ni on performances of Sn2.5Ag0.7Cu0.1RE 张柯柯 solder alloy and its creep properties of the solder joints for SMT ICEPT: 2007 8TH INTERNATIONAL 8th International AUG CONFERENCE ON Conference on 14-1ELECTRONICS Electronics ISTP 7, PACKAGING Packaging 2007 TECHNOLOGY, Technology PROCEEDINGS 124 Research on creep properties of Sn2.5Ag0.7CuXRE 张柯柯 lead-free soldered joints for surface mount technology PROGRESSES IN NOV FRACTURE AND 22-2STRENGTH OF 5, MATERIALS AND 2006 STRUCTURES, 1-4 Asian Pacific Conference for Fracture and Strength (APCFS'06) EI ISTP 125 126 127 128 IEEE A new method of International circle's center and Conference on 张明柱 radius detection in Automation and image processing Logistics, ICAL 2008 IEEE Modeling and control International simulation for farm Conference on 张明柱 tractors with Automation and hydro-mechanical CVT Logistics, ICAL 2008 application of multi-agent model in 张平 ISITAE 2007 vulnerability detection system on the curriculum arrangement and amp; 张世举 teaching procedures 2007 WiCOM in management information system SEP 1-3,2008 EI SEP 1-3,2008 2007 EI 2008 EI 129 130 2006 XI'AN INTERNATIONAL A new method of CONFERENCE OF SEP sensitivity analysis ARCHITECTURE 23-2张伟 of structural AND TECHNOLOGY, 5, reliability PROCEEDINGS - 2006 ARCHITECTURE IN HARMONY Influence of Hangkong aluminium content on Cailiao oxidation behavior of 张永振 Xuebao/Journal 2008 particle reinforcing of Aeronautical titanium matrix Materials composites Xi'an International Conference on ISTP Architecture and Technology EI 131 5th International PHYSICAL AND Conference on Numerical simulation NUMERICAL OCT Physical and analysis on cold SIMULATION OF 23-2Numerical 张永振 closed-die forging of ISTP MATERIALS 7, Simulation of differential PROCESSING, PTS 2007 Material satellite gear in car 1 AND 2 Processing (ICPNS 07) 132 133 134 PREPARATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF 张玉清 GRAFT COPOLYMER EVA-G-PU Fabrication and electrochemical properties of all 赵胜利 solid state 0.3Ag-V2O5|LiPON| Li thin film battery Preparation and electrochemical 赵胜利 properties of nanocrystalline NiO powder prepared by 2008 SCI Gongneng Cailiao/Journa2008 l of Functional Materials Cailiao Rechuli Xuebao/Transactions of 2008 Materials and Heat Treatment EI EI sol-gel process Mechanical deformation and properties of 周红雷、135 Al2O田保红 3 dispersion strengthened Cu-25%Cr composite Research of Electronic Control of Tractor Instrument 136 周志立 Based on ISO11783 Cailiao Rechuli Xuebao/Transactions of 2008 Materials and Heat Treatment EI 137 2008 ROCEEDINGS OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEM SCIENCES, PT 2 2007 ARM based full digital INTERNATIONAL IGBT inverter power CONFERENCE ON supply for fine 朱锦洪 CONTROL, waveform control of AUTOMATION AND short-circuit CO2 are SYSTEMS, VOLS welding 1-6 MAY 15-17, 2008 OCT 17-20, 2007 International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems ISTP 138 Investigation on control strategies 朱锦洪 for Pulse gas metal arc welding process ICIEA 2008: 3RD IEEE CONFERENCE JUN ON INDUSTRIAL 03-0ELECTRONICS AND 5, APPLICATIONS, 2008 PROCEEDINGS, VOLS 1-3 3rd IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA 2008) ISTP 139 2007 IEEE INTERNATIONAL Study on IGBT inverter CONFERENCE ON AUG IEEE International power supply for CO2 MECHATRONICS 05-0Conference on 朱锦洪 arc welding and ISTP AND AUTOMATION, 8, Mechatronics and embedded ARM based VOLS I-V, 2007 Automation waveform control CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 140 Stable carbon isotopic composition Chinese Journal 朱书法 of soil organic matter 2008 of Geochemistry in the karst areas of Southwest China EI 2、论文以本校为第一单位被EI SCI ISTP检索系统网络版收录:每篇800元奖金,1200元科研经费奖励。 序作者 论文名称 源文出处 发表时间 类别 号 Density functional CHINESE JOURNAL calculations of C-NO2 bond 1 李小红 OF STRUCTURAL 2007 SCIE dissociation energies for CHEMISTRY nitroalkanes molecules Quantitative_structure-activiCHINESE JOURNAL 2 李小红 ty-relationship of TIBO HIV-1 OF STRUCTURAL 2007 SCIE inhibitors CHEMISTRY THEORETICAL STUDIES ON BOND JOURNAL OF DISSOCIATION ENERGIES FOR SOME THEORETICAL & 3 李小红 THIOL COMPOUNDS BY DENSITRY 2008 SCIE COMPUTATIONAL FUNCTIONAL THEORY AND CBS-Q CHEMISTRY METHOD Theoretical studies on heats of formation for some thiol 李小红 compounds by density functional theory and CBS-Q method JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL & COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY 4 2007 SCIE 5 Theoretical study of the N-NO2 CHINESE JOURNAL bond dissociation energies for 李小红 OF STRUCTURAL energetic materials with CHEMISTRY density functional theory ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPH2-(4-Methoxyphenyl)-1H-indene ICA SECTION E-STRUCTURE REPORTS ONLINE ACTA 7-(Hydroxymethyl)-2-(1-hydroxCRYSTALLOGRAPHy-1-methylethyl)-4-methoxy-2,ICA SECTION 3-dihydro-5H-furo[3,2-g]chromE-STRUCTURE en-5-one methanol hemisolvate REPORTS ONLINE 2008 SCIE 6 刘普 2008 SCIE 7 刘普 2008 SCIE 8 刘平 9 刘振 10 马军营 11 马军营 12 马军营 13 任颜波 14 尚有林 15 宋克兴 ACTA 3,3 '-dimethoxy-4,4 CRYSTALLOGRAPH'-(propane-1,3-diyldioxy)dibeICA SECTION nzoic acid E-STRUCTURE REPORTS ONLINE CHEMICAL Granular temperature in ENGINEERING & bubbling fluidized beds TECHNOLOGY ACTA {4,4 '-Dibromo-2,2 CRYSTALLOGRAPH'-[propane-1,3-diyl-bis(nitriICA SECTION lomethylidyne)]diphenolato}ziE-STRUCTURE nc(II) REPORTS ONLINE ACTA {4-bromo-2-[2-(isopropylaminoCRYSTALLOGRAPH)ethyliminomethyl]phenolato}tICA SECTION hiocyanatocopper(II) E-STRUCTURE REPORTS ONLINE ACTA {4-bromo-2-[2-(methylamino)etCRYSTALLOGRAPHhyliminomethyl]phenolato}thioICA SECTION cyanato-copper(II) E-STRUCTURE REPORTS ONLINE PUBLICATIONES A new characterization of MATHEMATICAE-Dq-convexifiable Banach spaces EBRECEN Finding global minimizer with APPLIED one-parameter filled function MATHEMATICS AND on unconstrained global COMPUTATION optimization Morphology and frictional characteristics under CHINESE JOURNAL electrical currents of Al2O3/Cu OF AERONAUTICS composites prepared by internal oxidation WORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY 2007 SCIE 2008 SCIE 2008 SCIE 2008 SCIE 2008 SCIE 2008 SCIE 2007 SCIE 2008 SCIE Antitumor effect and mechanism of Gecko on human esophageal 16 王建刚 carcinoma cell lines in vitro and xenografted sarcoma 180 in Kunming mice 17 谢敬佩 2008 SCIE Plastic deformation wear in CHINA FOUNDRY modified medium manganese steel 2007 SCIE Modelling cutting power and tool wear in turning of 18 徐流杰 aluminium matrix composites using artificial neural networks Modelling of tribological behaviours of composite 19 徐流杰 PEEK-CF30 using BP neural networks Study on quenching technology 20 薛玉君 for axle tube via grey clustering International Journal of Materials and Product Technology Materials Science- Poland JOURNAL OF GREY SYSTEM 2008 SCIE 2008 SCIE 2007 SCIE JOURNAL OF A novel oligosaccharide ester ASIAN NATURAL 21 尹卫平 from Syringa pubescens PRODUCTS RESEARCH 22 张玉清 Novel graft copolymer EVA-g-PU: PLASTICS RUBBER preparation and properties AND COMPOSITES JOURNAL OF GREY SYSTEM 2008 SCIE 2008 SCIE Application of grey relational 23 朱坚民 analysis in water quality evaluation Prediction on stress during bone fracture healing based on 24 朱坚民 equal-dimension and new-information model of GM(1,1) 2007 SCIE JOURNAL OF GREY SYSTEM 2008 SCIE


以学校为第一单位发表的论文(每篇单项奖励800元) 序号 名称 第一作者 刊物名称 Structural Transformation of High Vanadium High Speed Key Steel during Tempering and 1 陈慧敏 Engineering Its Influence on Abrasive Materials Wear Performance of the material BaCu(B2O5)助烧剂对 2 2.5ZnO-2.5Nb2O5-5TiO2微波黄金亮 硅酸盐学报 介质陶瓷介电性能的影响 发表时间 院系 2009-8-1 材料学院 2009-11-1 材料学院 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Age hardening characteristics of Cu-Ag-Zr 贾淑果1 alloy Effects of Sm addition on microstructure and 李全安 mechanical properties of Mg–6Al–0.6Zn alloy Sb对Mg-6Al-1.2Y-0.9Nd合金李全安 组织和性能的影响 Y、Gd复合稀土对AZ81镁合金李全安 耐蚀性的影响 含钇的Mg-6Al镁合金组织和高李全安 温力学性能 钐对Mg-6Al-1.2Y-0.9Nd镁合李全安 金组织和耐蚀性能的影响 Deformation Behavior of Severe Plastically Deformed 李炎 Cu-15Cr-0.1Zr In-Situ Composite 相场法模拟研究球形和盘形第龙永强 二相粒子对晶粒长大的影响 The effects of lanthanum on microstructure and electrochemical properties 马景灵 of Al–Zn–In based sacrificial anode alloys 热挤压快速凝固Mg80Cu5Y5合宁向梅 金棒材的组织与性能 Cu、Fe在超大变形下的性能研究及形变Cu-Fe原位复合材料任凤章 的强度计算 Effect of inoculating addition on machinability of 任凤章 gray cast Iron Effects of Fe2O3 concentration on microstructures and 任凤章 properties of SiC-based ceramic foams Study on microstructure and thermodynamics of nacre in 任凤章 mussel shell Metals and Materials 2009-4-15 材料学院 International Scripta Materialia(英2009-6-10 材料学院 国《材料学刊》) 材料热处理学报 腐蚀科学与防护技术 材料热处理学报 中国稀土学报 Advanced Materials Research 中国有色金属学报 corrosion science 材料热处理学报 材料热处理学报 Journal of Rare Earths 2009-8-20 材料学院 2009-4-20 材料学院 2009-6-20 材料学院 2009-2-20 材料学院 2009-11-1 材料学院 2009-1-20 材料学院 2009-6-5 材料学院 2009-10-25 材料学院 2009-2-1 材料学院 2009-4-1 材料学院 Materials Science and 2009-10-1 材料学院 Engineering A Materials Chemistry and Physics 2009-2-1 材料学院 Aging Strengthening in 17 Rapidly Solidified Cu-Cr-Sn- Zn Alloy Effect of Cold Rolling Deformation on Aging Precipitation of Cu-Cr-Sn-Zn Alloy Microstructural morphology and phase structure of rapidly solidified hypereutectic Al-Si alloys Sn2.5Ag0.7Cu(0.1RE)/Cu焊点界面区微观组织与Cu6Sn5的生长动力学 EN及SEM在铝锌铟合金活化机理研究中的应用 Influence of Mg and Ti on the microstructure and electrochemical performance of aluminum alloy sacrificial anodes 固溶处理对Al-Zn-In-Mg-Ti-Mn合金电化学性能的影响 Microstructure and tensile property of Zn-Al alloy reinforced with titanium produced by electrolysis Study on the wear resistance of ZnAl27 composite reinforced by SiC particles The effect of composition segregation on the friction and wear properties of ZA48 alloy in dry sliding condition Cu含量对Bi5Sb钎料钎焊工艺性能和力学性能影响 应力对Ag颗粒增强SnCu基复合钎料蠕变性能的影响 Numerical simulation of stress field in inclusions of large rudder arm steel 苏娟华 Journal of Materials Science and Technology Advanced Materials Research Advanced Materials Research 中国有色金属学报 功能材料 2009-4-1 材料学院 18 苏娟华 2009-5-1 材料学院 19 王爱琴 2009-10-1 材料学院 20 21 王要利 文九巴 2009-4-20 材料学院 2009-8-20 材料学院 22 文九巴 Rare Metals 2009-4-15 材料学院 23 文九巴 腐蚀科学与防护技术 Advanced Materials Research Advanced Materials Research Journal of Materials Science 中国有色金属学报 材料研究学报 CHINA FOUNDRY 2009-3-1 材料学院 24 谢敬佩 2009-10-1 材料学院 25 谢敬佩 2009-7-1 材料学院 26 谢敬佩 2009-10-1 材料学院 27 28 29 闫焉服 闫焉服 杨涤心 2009-6-1 2009-2-1 2009-8-1 材料学院 材料学院 材料学院 castings 30 Synthesis and Stability of Cubic Silicon Nitride Influence of SiC content in Al2O3-SiO2 Castables on Resistance to PbO Rich Slag Isothermal superplastic solid state bonding of 40Cr and Cr12MoV steels based on surface modification Isothermal superplastic solid state welding of 40Cr and QCr0.5, ZQSn6-6-3 激光冲击过程中等离子体实际作用面积实验研究 人体步进摩擦的主要影响因素 超高碳钢中枣核状马氏体形态及亚结构 形变对超高碳钢组织细化的影响 Electrochemical Properties of Spinel LiCoxMn2-xO4 Prepared by Sol-Gel Process XRF Inductive Bead Fusion and PLC Based Control System 姚怀 Multi-Functional Materials 2009-10-9 材料学院 and Structures China's Refractories 2009-9-15 材料学院 31 于仁红 32 张柯柯 China Welding 2009-9-25 材料学院 Materials Science & 2009-1-15 材料学院 Engineering A 中国激光 摩擦学学报 金属学报 材料热处理学报 Journal of Alloys and Compounds Frontiers of Materials Science in China 焊接学报 2009-5-1 材料学院 33 34 35 36 37 38 张柯柯 张凌峰 张永振 张占领 张占领 赵胜利 2009-11-15 材料学院 2009-3-11 材料学院 2009-6-25 材料学院 2009-4-17 材料学院 39 朱锦洪 2009-3-1 材料学院 基于Proteus软件的数字式等40 离子切割机控制系统的设计与仿真 Bionic optimization 41 research of soil cultivating component design 土壤耕作部件仿生优化设计研究 43 玉米种子跌落冲击的试验研究 玉米种子脱粒过程高速摄影观44 察分析 42 朱锦洪 2009-2-1 材料学院 郭志军 郭志军 李心平 李心平 Science in China Series E: 2009-4-1 车动学院 Technological Sciences 中国科学(E2009-4-1 车动学院 辑:技术科学) 农业工程学报 2009-1-25 车动学院 农业机械学报 2009-11-25 车动学院 45 蝴蝶鳞片微观结构与模型分析 燃煤气化-旋风熔融集成处理46 焚烧飞灰的试验研究 Preparation and flexural properties of biomimetic 47 laminated boards made from starch and maize straw fibers 48 49 50 黄糊精/秸秆纤维复合材料弯曲性能 黄糊精/秸秆纤维增强复合材料的吸湿性能分析 复合材料定向管动力响应及优化分析 Dynamic Simulation of Hydro-mechanical Differential Turning Hydraulic System of Tracked Vehicle Application of DSP/BIOS to the design of virtual terminal of tractor Multi-range Hydro-mechanical Continuously Variable Transmission of Tractor The General Analytical Models on Inductance Matrices of Four-pole Bearingless Motor with Two-pole Controlling Windings 无轴承电机的通用可控磁悬浮力解析模型 邱兆美 王学涛 农业机械学报 动力工程 International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering 农业机械学报 农业机械学报 南京理工大学学报 2009-11-25 车动学院 2009-8-15 车动学院 张伏 2009-6-1 车动学院 张伏 张伏 张中利 2009-5-1 车动学院 2009-11-1 车动学院 2009-6-20 车动学院 51 周志立 Materials 2009-5-30 车动学院 Science Forum 车辆与动Materials 2009-5-30 力工程学Science Forum 院 车辆与动Materials 2009-5-30 力工程学Science Forum 院 52 曹青梅 53 徐立友 54 卜文绍 《IEEE Transactions 2009-9-1 on Magnetics》 电信学院 55 卜文绍 Research on Parameter 56 Optimization of Neural Network 吴贵芳 《中国电机工2009-10-1 电信学院 程学报》 International Journal of Hybrid 2009-1-1 电信学院 Information Technology Most Optimum Component Composition Based on 57 Multi-attribute Utility Function 58 DRM安全策略的模糊层次分析法效用评估及选取 吴庆涛 International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security 《通信学报》 International Journal of Information Security 2009-6-1 电信学院 张志勇 2009-11-1 电信学院 Analysis and application of 59 Bio-Inspired Multi-Net Security Model Molecular characteristic of VP2 gene of infectious bursal disease viruses isolated from a farm in two decades 鸡新城疫病毒抗人肿瘤性疾病的分子机制 TAS处理供体细胞或重构胚对山羊克隆胚胎发育的影响 动物乳腺生物反应器与生物制药 葡萄籽原花青素对小鼠脑组织氧化损伤的保护作用 机场鸟撞的生态防治 饲粮结构与非结构碳水化合物比例对绵羊消化代谢的影响 核酸疫苗的特点、组成及在动物免疫中的应用 支气管败血波氏杆菌PRN粘附素R1区蛋白的免疫原性 转染技术在顶复门原虫研究中的应用 Preparation and Amplification of Colony of Goat Transgenic Fetal Fibroblast and Mammary Gland Epithelial Cell with Human Lactoferrin Gene 梓醇对过氧化氢诱导的星形胶质细胞氧化损伤的保护作用 郑瑞娟 2009-9-2 电信学院 60 李银聚 Virus Genes 2009-4-3 动科学院 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 李银聚 刘凤军 刘玉梅 刘玉梅 王占彬 吴秋珏 吴庭才 吴庭才 闫文朝 生物学通报 畜牧兽医学报 生物学通报 食品科学 生物学通报 畜牧兽医学报 生物学通报 畜牧兽医学报 中国农业科学 2009-6-20 动科学院 2009-6-15 动科学院 2009-10-1 动科学院 2009-11-1 动科学院 2009-9-20 动科学院 2009-1-1 动科学院 2009-5-20 动科学院 2009-9-20 动科学院 2009-10-1 动科学院 70 张玉玲(动科) Agricultural Science & Technology 2009-10-1 动科学院 71 张自强 中国中药杂志 2009-8-1 动科学院 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 Effects of environmental factors on breast blister incidence, growth performance, and some biochemical indexes in broilers 温热环境对肉仔鸡胸囊肿发生的影响 猪霍乱沙门氏菌DasdC500株的生物学特性及作为活疫苗表达载体的应用 No association between estrogen receptor Beta polymorphisms and uterine leiomyoma XRCC1 codon 280 and ERCC2 codon 751 polymorphisms and risk of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma in a Chinese population Effect of bauxite addition on thermal behaviour of ultra-low cement Al2O3-SiO2 castables Mixed Micellization of Alkylbenzene Sulfonate Gemini Surfactant Ia and Nonionic Surfactant Triton X-100 in Aqueous Solution 新型结构规整的三联苯桥基四官能度化合物的合成与表征 纳米OMMT/EVA-g-PU复合材料 炮制对柴胡药材中4种柴胡皂苷的影响 A new acylated quercetin glycoside from the leaves of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni HPLC法测定柴胡口服液中柴胡皂苷b2的含量 HPLC法测定甜叶菊有效部位中4个酚类成分含量 四臂星形聚苯乙烯-聚-4-乙烯基吡啶嵌段共聚物纤维状胶束负载纳米粒子研究 赵芙蓉 J. Appl. Poult. Res. 2009-12-14 动科学院 赵芙蓉 赵战勤 农业工程学报 生物工程学报 2009-4-30 动科学院 2009-1-25 动科学院 翟仙敦 DNA and cell biology 2009-12-1 法医学院 翟仙敦 Bulletin du cancer 2009-10-1 法医学院 周宁生 China’s Refractories Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie 高等学校化学学报 复合材料学报 中国药学杂志 Natural Product Research 药物分析杂志 药物分析杂志 高分子学报 2009-3-15 高温院 杜西刚 2009-8-1 化工学院 高喜平 赫玉欣 姜华 李军 李军 李军1 李军波 2009-9-1 2009-4-1 化工学院 化工学院 2009-11-20 化工学院 2009-10-15 化工学院 2009-5-1 2009-4-1 化工学院 化工学院 2009-10-1 化工学院 86 荧光共振能量转移新技术及其在药物筛选中的应用 梁菊 中国药学杂志 Journal of Asian Natural Products Research(J.Asia Nat.Prod.Res) 中国中药杂志 中国药学杂志 Journal of Energy and Power Engineering 应用化学 Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry 2009-7-8 化工学院 Phenylethanoid glycosides 87 from the roots of Phlomis umbrosa 88 糙苏根的化学成分研究 89 委陵菜化学成分的研究 Enzymatic saccharification of cellulose using an ionic 90 liquid [Amim][COOH] pretreatment 离子液体预处理的纤维素酶解91 糖化 Effects of promoters on catalytic performance of Fe- 92 Co/SiO2 catalyst for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis Effects of the ratio of Fe to Co over Fe-Co/SiO2 bimetallic catalysts on 93 their catalytic performance for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis Interfacial Interactions and Performance of Polyamide 94 6/Modified Attapulgite Clay Nanocomposites PBT/原位聚合改性凹凸棒粘土95 纳米复合材料的微结构与粘弹性 聚双环戊二烯在干摩擦和油润96 滑条件下的摩擦学性能 Substrate Specificity and Stability of Layered 97 Bio-Inorganic Nanocomposites Hydrogen production from the monomeric sugars hydrolyzed 98 from hemicellulose by Enterobacter aerogenes. 刘普 2009-1-1 化工学院 刘普 刘普 刘振 2009-4-1 2009-4-1 2009-9-1 化工学院 化工学院 化工学院 刘振 2009-9-1 化工学院 马向东 2009-9-1 化工学院 马向东 Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry 2009-6-1 化工学院 潘炳力 Polymer Composites 高分子材料科学与工程 摩擦学学报 Journal of Scientific Conference Proceedings Renewable Energy 2009-2-1 化工学院 潘炳力 潘炳力 2009-4-1 化工学院 2009-11-1 化工学院 彭淑鸽 2009-5-1 化工学院 任云利 2009-5-22 化工学院 Cyanation of aryl bromides 99 catalyzed by N-heterocyclic carbene/Pd(OAc)2 Development of an Open-Air and Robust Method for Large-Scale Palladium-Catalyzed Cyanation of Aryl Halides: The Use of i-PrOH to Prevent Catalyst Poisoning by Oxygen Ethylenediamine/Cu(OAc)2.H2O-catalyzed cyanation of aryl halides with K4[Fe(CN)6] Ligand-Free Cu-Catalyzed Cyanation of Aryl Halides with K4[Fe(CN)6] in Water Microwave-enhanced and ligand-free copper-catalyzed cyanation of aryl halides with K4[Fe(CN)6] in water 无配体铜催化芳溴和K4[Fe(CN)6]的氰化 乙二胺基乙磺酸钠的合成与表征 Insights into roles of oxygen and H2O in copper-catalyzed cyanation of aryl halides with K4[Fe(CN)6] Synthesis andCrystal Structure of a New Cadmium() Supramolecular Network Containing Chelating Imidazole-4-carboxylate Ligand Effects of Ultrasonic and Dispersants on Shape and Composition of Hydroxyapatite by Reflux Method. 任运来 Bulletin of the Catalysis 2009-1-10 化工学院 Society of India, Organic Process Research & Development 100 任运来 2009-5-14 化工学院 101 任运来 Catalysis Communications Letters in Organic Chemistry Tetrahedron Letters 2009-2-15 化工学院 102 任运来 2009-10-1 化工学院 103 任运来 2009-8-12 化工学院 104 105 任运来 宋文生 分子催化 有机化学 2009-10-1 化工学院 2009-6-1 化工学院 106 田欣哲 Bulletin of the Catalysis 2009-10-3 化工学院 Society of India 107 尹卫平 Chin.J.Struct.Chem. (结构化学) 2009-11-1 化工学院 108 张军 Inorganic Materials 2009-10-1 化工学院 Synthesis, sintering behavior and morphology of beta-tricalcium phosphate 109 via sol-gel self-propagating combustion technique. 1,4-Dibromo-2,5-bis(hexylo110 xy)benzene 111 2-Benzy- loxybenzaldehyde azine Tris(4-tert-butylphenyl)phosphine oxide 张军 Journal of Materials Science and Engineering Acta Crystallographica Section E Acta Crystallographica Section E Acta Crystallographica Section E The journal of physical chemistry A Journal of molecular structure: Theochem Advanced Materials Research Journal of Applied Polymer Science 《Environmental Earth Sciences》 《环境科学》 航空动力学报 中国机械工程 农业机械学报 计量学报 2009-3-1 化工学院 张玉清 2009-11-1 化工学院 张玉清 2009-11-5 化工学院 112 张玉清 2009-12-4 化工学院 A density functional study 113 of the interaction of NCO with small copper clusters Interaction of NCO with 114 small silver clusters: A density functional study Cytotoxicity and Degradability of 115 Chitosan-Based Thermosensitive Hydrogels as Drug Delivery System Preparation of Chitosan 116 Thermosensitive Hydrogel for Delivery Syste Removal of fluorine from contaminated field soil by anolyte enhanced electrokinetic remediation 氟污染土壤的阳极强化电动力学修复研究 航空弧齿锥齿轮承载传动误差的分析与设计 弧齿锥齿轮齿面误差检测与实验验证 直廓内齿与渐开线齿轮啮合传动计算与噪声试验 基于网格搜索算法的空间直线赵爽 2009-2-12 化工学院 赵爽 2009-3-15 化工学院 周惠云 2009-10-12 化工学院 周惠云 2009-3-1 化工学院 117 朱书法 2009-11-1 化工学院 118 119 120 121 122 朱书法 曹雪梅 曹雪梅 邓效忠 雷贤卿 2009-7-15 化工学院 2009-11-1 机电学院 2009-8-10 机电学院 2009-11-1 机电学院 2009-3-15 机电学院 123 124 125 126 127 128 度评定方法 超声波对Ni-CeO2纳米复合电铸层微观结构和性能的影响 基于坐标变换的圆柱度误差评定算法 Numerical analysis of non-Newtonian TEHL line contact problem based on real-coded genetic algorithm 非牛顿特性对重载点接触热弹流润滑的影响 滚/滑接触中HKD航空润滑油拖动特性试验研究 流变模型对航空润滑油拖动系数计算的影响 The lapping mechanism of hypoid gears Grey Relation Between Nonlinear Characteristic and Dynamic Uncertainty of Rolling Element Bearing Friction Torque 滚动轴承摩擦力矩的乏信息模糊预报 滚动轴承摩擦力矩的非线性特征 立体视觉测量系统现场校准技术 李济顺 李济顺 中国有色金属学报 中国机械工程 2009-3-15 机电学院 2009-8-15 机电学院 邱明 Tribology International 2009-7-1 机电学院 王燕霜 王燕霜 王燕霜 航空动力学报 兵工学报 航空学报 Journal of materials processing technology CHINESE JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 航空动力学报 农业机械学报 光学学报 2009-3-1 2009-7-1 2009-2-1 机电学院 机电学院 机电学院 129 魏冰阳 2009-3-10 机电学院 130 夏新涛 2009-4-1 机电学院 131 132 133 夏新涛 夏新涛 徐巧玉 2009-4-1 2009-4-1 2009-6-1 机电学院 机电学院 机电学院 Surface coatings in 134 tribological and wear-resistant applications Development of automatic 135 fault tree synthesis system using decision matrix Research on grinding model 136 of roller for manufacturing involute spline 薛玉君 杨宗霄 张丰收 International Heat Treatment and 2009-6-15 机电学院 Surface Engineering International Journal of 2009-10-10 机电学院 Production Economics Key Engineering 2009-8-1 机电学院 Materials 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 挤扩支盘桩水平承载力计算和高笑娟 影响因素分析 齿轮五杆曲柄滑块机构的轨迹张彦斌 综合研究 分支中含有闭回路结构的完全张彦斌 各向同性移动并联机构型综合 纳米LiCoxMn2-xO4粉体的制备蔡羽 与电化学性能 荧光显微技术在梨自交不亲和陈迪新 性检测中的应用 Combined overexpression of chitinase and defensin genesin transgenic tomato 陈双臣 enhances resistance to Botrytis cinerea Sequence-related amplified polymorphism analysis of tree peony (Paeonia 郭大龙 suffruticosa Andrews) cultivars with different flower colours 基于ITS序列分析对疑似白羊侯军 肚菌株的分子鉴定 成熟欧李果肉中单宁提取条件李学强 的优化 土壤温度对油松树干液流活动徐军亮 的影响 桃新品种“玉西红蜜” 杨英军 黄瓜花的性别决定 张菊平 植物花色的表现机理 张菊平 Improve freezing tolerance in transgenic poplar by 周洲 overexpressing a ω-3 fatty acid desaturase gene 轧辊用高钒高速钢的滚-滑动徐流杰 磨损性能及失效行为研究 不同耕作方式对旱作冬小麦旗黄明,李叶衰老和籽粒产量的影响 友军 不同耕作方式对旱作区冬小麦黄明,李生产和产量的影响 友军 豫西地区红富士苹果叶片营养刘红霞 诊断 工程力学 农业机械学报 中国机械工程 功能材料 生物学通报 建筑工程学院 建筑工程2009-2-1 学院 建筑工程2009-5-16 学院 2009-7-1 2009-2-20 经济学院 2009-6-1 林学院 African Journal of 2009-10-15 Biotechnology 林学院 Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology 《食品科学》 生物学通报 生态学报 园艺学报 生物学通报 生物学通报 Molecular Breeding 摩擦学学报 应用生态学报 农业工程学报 植物营养与肥料学报 2009-4-1 林学院 2009-3-5 2009-2-28 2009-12-1 2009-8-1 2009-6-1 2009-1-1 2009-11-18 林学院 林学院 林学院 林学院 林学院 林学院 林学院 2009-1-1 2009-6-1 2009-1-1 2009-3-25 耐磨中心 农学院 农学院 农学院 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 Analysis of the genetic relationship between Piper methysticum and pepper by AFLP 现代生物学基因研究进展——从遗传因子到超级基因(1) 现代生物学基因研究进展——从遗传因子到超级基因(2) 牡丹花发育过程中花瓣抗氧化活性的变化 牡丹开花和衰老期间花瓣糖代谢的研究 探索DNA双螺旋结构的竞赛及其创新思维方法的思考 水分胁迫对水稻结实期光合特性及叶片防御酶系统的影响 簇毛麦的遗传学研究及其在小麦遗传改良中的应用 利用电离辐射创造普通小麦外源染色体易位系 垄沟覆膜集雨系统垄宽和密度效应对玉米产量的影响 不同水分和氮素形态对弱筋小麦豫麦50淀粉产量和淀粉糊化特性的影响 Effects of wheat-residue application and site-Sspecific nitrogen management on growth and development in direct-seeding rice. Response of photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence quenching to leaf dichotocarpism in Ligustrum vicaryi, an ornamental herb 草木樨状黄芪和木本霸王的科间体细胞杂交 豌豆清蛋白1(PA1)基因的克隆及对苜蓿的转化 Crop yield and soil responses to long-term fertilization on a red soil 施江 PAKISTAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY 生物学通报 生物学通报 园艺学报 园艺学报 生物学通报 中国农业科学 生物学通报 生物学通报 农业工程学报 中国农业科学 2009-6-1 农学院 施江 施江 史国安 史国安 史国安 王贺正 王林生 王林生 王晓凌 吴金芝 2009-3-20 2009-4-20 2009-11-25 2009-8-1 2009-8-1 2009-5-1 2009-11-20 2009-7-20 2009-8-15 2009-5-10 农学院 农学院 农学院 农学院 农学院 农学院 农学院 农学院 农学院 农学院 徐国伟 Acta Agronomica Sinica 2009-4-1 农学院 杨月琴 PHOTOSYNTHETICA 2009-3-1 农学院 张改娜 张改娜 张会民 植物学报 草业学报 Pedosphere 2009-4-1 2009-2-1 2009-3-20 农学院 农学院 农学院 in southern China 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 Factors affecting potassium fixation in seven soils under 15-year long-term fertilization Long-term effects of manure application on grain yield under different cropping systems and ecological conditions in China 长期施肥对水稻土和紫色土钾素容量和强度关系的影响 长期施肥条件下土壤钾素固定影响因素分析 小麦–玉米种植制度下长期施钾对土壤钾素Q/I关系的影响 观察\"心皮是变态叶\"的好材料——日本晚樱 Seasonal acclimation of superoxide anion production, antioxidants, IUFA,and electron transport rates in chloroplasts of two Sabina species 杜仲雄花茶加工过程中总黄酮含量变化分析 杀青和初炒对杜仲绿茶中绿原酸和总黄酮的影响 张会民 Chinese Science Bulletin 2009-5-15 农学院 张会民 The Journal of Agricultural 2009-2-15 Science 土壤学报 科学通报 植物营养与肥料学报 生物学通报 2009-4-15 2009-11-1 2009-4-25 2009-7-20 农学院 张会民 张会民 张会民 张亚冰 农学院 农学院 农学院 农学院 张有福 Plant Science 2009-2-20 农学院 白喜婷 白喜婷 食品科学 农业机械学报 2009-6-15 食品学院 2009-1-25 食品学院 A study of the interaction 180 between Escherichia coli and audible sound Development of a real-timemultiplex PCR system for the quantitative detection of Chinese GMrice 石墨炉原子吸收光谱法直接进样法测定红葡萄酒中铅 栀子饮料加工过程中浸提及风味调配工艺的优化 植物内生真菌分离方法的研究 古绍彬 181 古绍彬 Journal of Biophysics and 2009-11-30 食品学院 Structural Biology Journal of the Science of 2009-1-30 食品学院 Food and Agriculture 食品科学 食品科学 食品科学 2009-9-15 食品学院 2009-9-1 2009-8-1 食品学院 食品学院 182 183 184 郭金英 郭香凤 何佳 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 发酵剂的添加量对半硬质干酪品质影响研究 不同包装方式和贮藏条件下的烧鸡贮藏特性研究 木糖醇酸奶发酵、贮藏期间质量变化的研究 Bacteria impact on H2O2 Accumulation during the Interaction with Rice 杜仲雄花乙酸乙酯提取物的镇静催眠作用研究 表面活性剂对超临界CO2 萃取人参中皂苷的影响 萃取方式对超临界CO2萃取樟树籽仁油的影响 高压CO2-水混合体系水解菊粉制备果糖工艺 金银花提取液抗氧化活性研究 猪血清IgG干燥方式及干燥保护剂的应用 丁香提取物抗菌机理的研究 镧钼热阴极表面活性层中的镧超微粒子 Analysis of the Optical Path Difference in the Michelson Interferometer for Atmospheric Wind Measurement: A New Method THE RESONANCE ESCAPE FACTOR AND DENSITY SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF Li 670.970 nm RESONANCE LINES The self-absorption coefficient of sodium resonance line for the spherical geometry atom cavity Gradient stress induced coexistence of tetr-agonal and rhombohedral phases in Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 films Maxwell—Wagner Mechanism Induced Dielectric Relaxor in 贺家亮 康怀彬 李道敏 李欣 李欣 罗登林 罗登林 罗登林 罗磊 罗磊 张慧芸 郝世明 食品科学 食品科学 食品科学 Plant Production Science 食品科学 农业工程学报 中国粮油学报 农业机械学报 食品科学 农业工程学报 食品科学 中国稀土学报 The Open Spectroscopy Journal Modern Physics Letters B 2009-3-15 食品学院 2009-9-15 食品学院 2009-5-1 2009-4-1 食品学院 食品学院 2009-10-1 食品学院 2009-8-1 食品学院 2009-9-25 食品学院 2009-8-26 食品学院 2009-11-1 食品学院 2009-4-30 食品学院 2009-3-1 2009-2-1 食品学院 数学与统计学院 数学与统计学院 贺健 2009-3-20 贺健 2009-4-15 数学与统计学院 贺健 Physical Chemistry : An 数学与统2009-5-10 Indian 计学院 Journal 数学与统计学院 数学与统计学院 李立本 Physica B Integrated Ferroelectrics 2009-5-1 李立本 2009-11-1 BiFeO3/Bi3.25La0.75Ti3O12 Film The (G'/G)-expansion method and travelling wave solutions for a higher-order nonlinear schrodinger equation VARIATION OF THE POWER LAW EXPONENTS IN THE ANALYSIS OF UNIVERSAL DYNAMIC RESPONSE DFT study of the C-Cl bond dissociation enthalpies and electronic structure of substituted chlorobenzene compounds Molecular structure, IR spectra of 2-mercaptobenzothiazole and 2-mercaptobenzoxazole by density functional theory and ab initio Hartree-Fock calculation Natural bond orbital (NBO) population analysis of para-substituted S-Nitroso-thiophenols PCM study of bond dissociation energies in N-nitroso compounds PCM study of the solvent and substituent effects on bond dissociation energies of the C-NO bond The heats of formation in a series of nitroester energetic compounds: A theoretical study Direct Measurement of Branching Fraction for Inclusive Semimuonic Decay of Neutral D Mesons Applied Mathematics and Computation Modern Physics Letters B J. 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