August 12, 2002,
968 National Press Building, Washington DC 20045 USA
Dear Editor at Nature:
Included please find an original article with CD disk, entitled “A mouse model for the study of liver diseases” for consideration by Nature. The article contains about 4,198 words of text, 7 figures (which can be reduced); it will fill approximately 5 pages of Nature. We believe that the paper is appropriate for Nature in that:
Chronic hepatitis is a major global healthcare problem. Alcoholic steatohepatitis is the most common cause of cirrhosis. In addition, three hundred million individuals, that is 5% of the world population, are chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) carriers, while more than 170 million individuals throughout the world are infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV). The establishment of animal models for studying the mechanisms of liver diseases and testing for the efficacy of potential treatments would be a valuable addition to dealing with these diseases. Here we show that SAMP8, a senescence-accelerated mouse strain, displays severe liver pathology, which is not seen in senescence-resistant mice (SAMR1). Our observations suggest that SAMP8 mice are valuable animal models for the study of liver diseases. The possible mechanisms of liver damage in SAMP8 mice are also discussed.
Please find one copy of relevant paper by Carp et al. 2002.
Thank you for your consideration.
Sincerely yours,
Xuemin Ye, Ph.D Phone: 718 494 xxxx,
Fax: 718 698 0896, email: