Hello to all my students! I am safe! My family and closest friends are all safe! Though I am very much in shock, horrified, and saddened that one human can do this to another. The World Trade Center is very close to me. My two aunts live closer to the WTC than I do. And I knew many people who worked there and were there that day who felt the tremble and heard the blast when the planes colliding into the twin towers... there were a lot of close calls, but luckily, everyone of my close friends made it out safely! But since so many people are still unaccounted for, most people here know someone who knows someone who is still missing. (I just pray that there is a big space that many people are hiding safely under and that within the next few days, they will be found! All we can do is pray. I am VERY scared right now. I don't know what will happen next, but I fear for everyone's life. I don't want any more lives to be lost. Why is the world this way? It’s so sad. How are the feelings of fellow students in China? Here, everyone is sad, shocked, and horrified. Angry too... but actually, there's less anger and more of a feeling of hope. Everyone in NYC and all around the USA are helping the rescue mission in hopes to still find people trapped in the rubble. Most of the news and people on the streets are very focused on the rescue mission rather than the act of terrorism itself. It's actually amazing how much people are helping. Blood banks are full of blood that people donated. Centers are full of socks, boots, flashlights, tools and other equipment needed to help
out at ground zero to dig out people. As of this morning, all areas are full of donated items! But we know that more items will be needed in the weeks to come. Please pray for us that we will find people. People who are fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, daughters, sons, husbands, wives, friends, cousins, etc. pray for us. Pray for the world! Please pass this on to your fellow classmates since I have some trouble accessing some e-mail addresses and I don't have everyone's e-mail address. Thank you. And be safe! Carrie
2001-09-16 01:55:35