BS EN 1183 :1997
This British Standard, having
been prepared under the
direction of the Consumer
Products and Services Sector
Board, was published under the
authority of the Standards Board
and comes into effect on
ommittees responsible for this
ritish Standard
The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted to Technical Committee
CW/29, Tableware, upon which the following bodies were represented:
Association of Consulting Saentists
Association of Metropolitan Authorities
Association of Public Analysts
British Ceramic Confederation
British Ceramic Gift and Tableware Manufacturers' Association
British Ceramic Research Ltd.
British Glass Manufacturers' Confederation
British Hardware and Housewares Manufacturers' Association
British Importers' Association
British Retail Consortium
CESA - The Association of Catering Equipment Manufacturers and Importers
Co-operative Union
Consumer Policy Committee of BSI
Department of Trade and Industry, Consumer Safety Unit
Stoneware Potteries Assoaation
Vitreous Enamellers' Association
BS EN 1183 :1997
National foreword
This British Standard has been prepared by Technical Committee CW/29 and is the
Engish language version of EN 1183 : 1997 Materials and articles in contact with
foodstuffs - Test methods for th,ermal shock and thermal shock endurance, published
by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN).
Compliance with a British Standard does not ofitself confer immunity
from legal obligations.
EN 1183
March 1997
ICS 67.250
Descriptors: Kitchen utensils, materials, food-container contact, thermal shock tests, thermal shock resistance
English version
lVIaterials and articles in contact with foodstLdfs - Test methods
for thermal shock and thermal shock end uance
Materiaux et objets en contact avec les denrees
alimentaires - Methodes d'essai pour le choc
thermique et la resistance au choc thermique
Werkstoffe und Gegenstande in Kontakt mit
Lebensmitteln - Prufverfahren fiir
Temperaturschock und
This European Standard was approved by CEN on 1997-02-14. CEN members are
bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the
conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard
without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards
may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CEN member.
This European Standard exists in three offiaal versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the
same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Denmark,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands,
Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
Page 2
EN 1183 : 1997
This European Standard has been prepared by
Technical Committee CEN/TC 194, Utensils in contact
with food, the secretariat of which is held by BSI.
Further European Standards are being prepared with
the following titles:
EN 1184
EN 1217
Materials and articles in contact with
foodstuffs - Test methods for
translucency of ceramic articles
Materials and articles in contact with
1 Scope
2 Defrnitions
3 Principle
4 Apparatus
5 Samples
6 Procedures
foodstuffs - Test meth,od for water 7 Expression of results
absorption of cera7n,ic anticles
A further standard is proposed with the following title 8 Test report
Materials and articles in contact with Bibliography
foodstuffs - Test method for crazing
resistance of ceramic articles
This European Standard shall be given the status of a
national standard, either by publication of an identical
text or by endorsement, at the latest by
September 1997, and conflicting national standards
shall be withdrawn at the latest by September 1997.
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations,
Annex A (informative)
the national standards organizations of the following
countries are bound to implement this European
Standard: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France
Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg,
Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden,
Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
Annex B (informative) Calculation of
thermal shock endurance from test results
This European Standard specifies test methods for
thermal shock and for thermal shock endurance for
brittle materials, for example glass, glass-ceramics and
ceramics intended for use in ovens or as tableware.
Two test methods are described:
- Test method A is used for articles known to be
sensitive to thermal shock;
- Test method B is generally applicable.
The test method to be applied depends on the
intended use of the article and/or its thermal shock
2 De丘ntions
For the purpose of this European Standard, the
folloiwing definitions apply:
2.1 thermal shock
Sudden change in temperature
2.2 thermal shock endurance, Atso
Value for the resistance against sudden change in
temperature corresponding to the temperature
difference at which, for the frrst time, 50 % of the
samples fail.
2.3 temperature variation
Difference at any given time between the temperature
at the centre of the working space of the water bath or
test oven and at any other point in that working space.
2.4 temperature fluctuation
Short term change in temperature at any point in the
working space of the water bath or test oven.
3 Principle
Samples are heated and then cooled rapidly under
controlled conditions to determine their resistance to
thermal shock.
Thermal shock tests are repeated using increasing
temperature differences until 50 % of the samples fail.
The temperature difference Atso is given as the thermal
shock endurance.
Page 3
EN 1183 : 1997
4.2 Hot water bath., coruprising a bath or tank
capable of containing at least five times the apparent
volume of the overall dimensions of the samples being
tested (including the volurue of the basket) at one
time; fitted with a water circulator, a thermometer and
thermostatically-controlled heater capable of
maintaining during all the duration of the test the
water temperature to within + 2 0C of the specified
upper temperature, ti.
4.3 Test oven., preferably electrically heated, capable
of achieving a temperature of at least 300 0C, fitted
with an air circulating device to ensure that the
temperature variation does not exceed + 5 0C and a
thermostatic control capable of maintaining the
temperature fluctuation to within + 2 0C up t0 180 0C
and to within + 3 0C above 180 0C.
4.4 Basket, for testing two or more samples
simultaneously, made out of, or coated with, an inert
material which will not damage the surface of the
samples during the test procedure. The basket is
capable of holding the samples in a position which
ensures that air escapes and water can immediately
enter the inside of holloware. The samples are held
separately to allow free passage of water between
them. The basket is fitted with clamps to prevent the
samples from floating when immersed.
NOTE. For the multiple testing of samples, the basket may be
combined with an automatic device for immersing it in the hot
water bath (4.2) or oven (4.3) and transferring it to the cold water
bath (4.1).
4.5 Tongs, with tips protected by a head resisting
material such as glass or mineral wool.
4.6 Gloves, gauntlet-type, ruade from a heat-resisting
4.7 Staining agent
NOTE. A suitable staining agent is eosine present at a
concentration of (5 +1) g/l and a domestic washing up liquid
present at a concentration of (5 + 1) g/l.
5 Samples
The test shall be performed on not less than ten
samples. Use only unused samples to start the test.
6 Procedures
6.1 Test method A
6.1.1 Remove any dirt or loose debris from the
NOTE. Clauses 4.1, 4.2 and 4.4 apply to method A, clauses
4.1, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5 and 4.6 apply to method B.
4.1 Cold water bath., comprising a bath or tank
capable of containing at least five times the apparent
volume of the overall dimensions of the samples being
tested (including the volume of the basket) at one
time; fitted with a water circulator, a thermometer and
thermostatic control capable of maintaining during all
the duration of the test the water temperature to
within + 2 0C of a specified lower temperature, t2,
within the range 10 0C t0 20 0C.
@ BSI 1997
sampies ana auow tne sampies to reacn amment
Protect the apparatus from draughts throughout the
6.1.2 Fill the cold water bath (4.1) with water,
containing a staining agent, to a volume equal to not
less than five times the apparent volume of the overall
diruensions of the samples to be tested including the
volume of the basket and to a depth sufficient for
complete immersion of the samples plus not less
than 50 mm. Adjust and maintain the water
temperature to within + 2 0C of the specified lower
temperature, t2.
N 1183 : 1997
6.1.3 Fill the hot water bath (4.2) with not less than
the same volume of water and to the same depth as in
6.1.2, then adjust and maintain the water temperature
to within + 2 0C of the specified upper temperature,
ti (see 6.3).
6.1.4 Place the empty samples in the basket (4.4) so
that they are held separately and meet the conditions
of 4.4, then fasten the samples and immerse the basket
in the hot water bath, until the tops of the samples are
not less than 50 mm below the water level and, in the
case of holloware they are completely filled with water.
If necessary, adjust the heat control to maintain the
bath temperature to within + 2 0C of the specified
temperature,≠l, and keep the samples immersed at this
temperature until they have reached equilibrium.
6.1.5 Drain the loaded articles and transfer the loaded
basket, either ruechanically or manually, within 5 s
or 6 s after removal from the hot water bath to the
cold water bath so that the samples are completely
immersed in the cold water bath. Keep the samples
immersed for 30 s, then remove the basket and its
contents from the cold water bath.
6.1.6 Inspect immediately each sample for chipping,
cracking, craung or breakage and determine the
number of samples which have failed the test.
6.2 Test method B
6.2.1 Remove any dirt or loose debris from the
samples and, if necessary, dry the sample.
CAUTION: Handle hot samples only with dry tongs or
6.2.2 Fill the cold water bath (4.1) with water,
containing a staining agent (4.7), to a volume equal to
not less than five times the apparent volume of the
overall dimensions of the samples to be tested
(including the volume of the basket) and to a depth
sufficient for complete immersion of the samples plus
not less than 50 mm.
Locate the cold water bath (4.1) near to the test oven
and adjust and maintain the water temperature to
within + 2 0C of the specified lower temperature, t2.
6.2.3 Place the samples, either separately or contained
in the basket (4.4) in the test oven (4.3) which has
been previously heated to the upper teruperature, ti
(see 6.3). Maintain the samples at this temperature
until they have reached equilibrium.
6.2.5 Remove the samples from the cold water bath.
Inspect immediately each sample for chipping,
cracking, crazing or breakage and determine the
number of samples which have failed the test.
6.3 Determination of thermal shock resistance
Repeat the testing procedure with the reruaining test
samples according to method A (6.1) or method
B (6.2) as appropriate, with increasing temperature
difference values,f1 - t2, until all samples have failed.
Commence testing with a temperature difference value,
tl - t2 0f not less than 40 0C and increase temperature
ti, by 10 0C for£l - t2 S 100 0C and by 20 0C for ti - t2
>100 0C.
7 Expression of results
7.1 Requirements for failure by thermal shock
Samples which do chip, crack, craze or break are
recorded as having failed the thermal shock test at the
temperature difference£1 - t2.
7.2 Thermal shock endurance
Record the number of failures at each temperature
difference and determine the Atso - value by listing the
cumulative percentage of failures versus the
temperature difference at which the samples failed
(see annex B). Determine the standard deviation s by
computing the failure/temperature difference data for
the complete set of results.
8 Test report
The test report shall include the following details:
a) a reference to this European Standard;
b) an identification of the article tested;
c) the number of smnples taken for the test and the
sampling method;
d) for the thermal shock test:
- the test method used, i.e. A or B;
- the temperature difference≠l - t2 in degrees
- the number of samples which failed the test and
the mode of their failure;
e) for the thermal shock endurance test:
- the test method used for thermal shock, i.e. A or
one at a time, holding them with the tongs (4.5) or, if
the samples are large or contained in the basket (4.4),
with the gloves (4.6). Immerse the samples without
impact completely in the cold water bath for a
specified period between 8 s and 2 min ensuring that all
holloware is filled with water.
Complete the process of transferring each sample, or
the basket with samples, from opening of the test oven
to immersion in (5 + 1) s. Ensure that the difference in
temperature between the test oven (4.3) and the cold
water (4.1) is not more than + 3 0C from the required
temperature value at the time of transference.
- the temperature difference Atso at which 50 % of
the samples have failed;
- the standard deviation s.
NOTE. Any unusual features noted during the determinations
should also be reported.
⑤BSI 1997
Annex A (informative)
IS0 718
IS0 2747
IS0 7459
Laboratory glassware - Thermal shock
and thermal shock endurance - Test
Vitreous and porcelain enamels -
Enamelled cooking utensils -
Determ,ination of resistance£othermal
Glass contamers - Thermal shock
resistance and th,ermal shock
endurance - Test methods
Page 5
EN 1183 : 1997
Annex B (informative)
Calculation of thermal shock endurance
from test results
Example for Method B
tl - t2 No. of Cumulative
oC failures at ti failures in %
Standard deviation s
= 200
= 30,1
l l 3 2 2 l ~!三
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