Good evening, I’m honored to be the first one to give the presentation. We will learn the topic of three gains of international trade. During my class, if you have some problems and somewhere doesn’t get it, welcome to interrupt me anytime or point out my mistakes. 可能我的演讲中难免会有一些小错误或者说得不恰当的地方,你们可以随时打断我指出来。I’ll appreciate that. The purpose of my 20 minutes class is I hope you can connect the concept or the theory knowledge with our life, with the things we already known well. Thus, I specially chose the cases we are familiar with. I hope you can use the things we learned in class to treat the things in life with another angle. Alright? 我这节课的目的是希望你们听完后能将理论知识与生活中的事物联系起来,用另外一种角度来看待国际贸易与我们的联系。International trade is not a big concept far away from us. We benefit from it a lot. Maybe sometimes you just don’t realize it. Ok, let’s get started.
You already know the content we are going to learn is three gains of international trade. Before we talk about the gains, let’s review the definition of international trade. 在我们开始讲国际贸易带来的好处之前,先回顾一下国际贸易的概念。What is international trade? International trade, as well as free tread, had the original intention that goods and services could be exchanged freely between countries with no barriers to this exchange. 国际贸易是指世界各国之间商品、服务和生产要素交换的活动。
But why should we develop international trade? I believe you can name many reasons. I will summarize them in a very simple word “benefit”or “gain”. Because we can get gains from it, that’s why it exists.正因为国际贸易能带给我们好处,所以才有它存在的价值However, what on earth is its gain? 那么究竟它的好处具体有哪些呢?Here is a list of it. There are it will increase world-wide output, goods and services produced at lower cost, greater range of commodities for consumers, more choices, overall increase in standard of living and producers can obtain benefits of economies of scale. All of them are not difficult to understand, but maybe you need to take some time to example to match each of them. 要理解这些理论并不难,但是如果要你们列举想匹配的例子,也许就要花一些时间So, next I will explain three of them attached cases.下面,我将会附上例子进一步解释其中的3点。
Now, I want to ask you a question, which topic do you think is related to us very closely. It’s about our future, our future study. Two words, guess it. Ok, more tips, we are international college students, right? we will consider this thing more than other college’s student.Yeah, you got it. It’s exactly studying abroad.出国留学Then, I want to ask you another question, do you think studying abroad can be counted as a kind of international trade? Why? Actually, it is. Now, let’s first review the classification of the international trade. It will help us to understand it better.我们先来复习一下国际贸易的分类,这将有助于我们理解刚刚那个问题的答案。
International trade can divide into international goods trade, international trade in service and international technology trade.国际贸易可以分为国际货物贸易、国际服务贸易和国际技术贸易。Moreover,
international service industry also have classification of business service、
communication service、building and related engineering trade、financial service、distributing service、education service and so on. 国际服务业下又可以细分为。。What we said studying abroad belongs to the education service category. 我们所说的出国留学就是属于国际服务业中的教育服务,所以它当然可以算是一种国际贸易。And what benefits can we get from it? There is no doubt that it gives us another option to get education.毫无疑问它提供给我们多一种接受教育的选择It widens our future ways in where can I get education, which college can I get admission? The most important is study abroad provides more possibilities about what my future life will become, what person will I turn into. 更重要的是,它增加了我们未来人生的可能性If there is no international trade, I believe we won’t have so many possibilities of our life.如果没有国际贸易,我相信我们不可能有如此多的对未来的选择机会。
Let’s take a look at this statistic figure. 2011年度我国出国留学人员总数为33.97万人。较2010年,我国出国留学人数有进一步增加。出国留学人数增加5.50万人,增长了19.32%.从1978年到2011年底,各类出国留学人员总数达224.51万人。截至2011年底,以留学身份出国,在外的留学人员有142.67万人,其中110.88万人正在国外进行相关阶段的学习和研究.
We can see more and more Chinese choose to go abroad. Nowadays, it even becomes the popular trend. As to the country we can choose, there are USA/UK/AUSTRALIA/FRANCE/GERMANY /new Zealand and ect.
我们可以选择出国留学的国家和学校也是非常的广。所以出国留学这个案例可以很好的解释国际贸易如何带给我们更多的选择。也就是the greater range of commodities and services for consumers, more choices.
Well, it’s the first case. Let’s m ove on to the next.接下来我们看第二个案例。
First, I have a question. Which brand telephone do you think is the most people ever had at least once? 你们认为哪个品牌的手机是大多数人都曾经拥有过的?Correct, it indeed has the biggest possibility. 的确诺基亚有最大的可能性,为什么这么说呢next I will illustrate with numbers. 下面我将会配合数字来阐述。But first of all, let me briefly introduce the background of Nokia company.
尽管从08年开始,由于苹果和安卓系统带来的智能手机的涌现导致诺基亚在2011年智能手机市场的份额已经从2010年的33%降至14%,远低于苹果和三星。However, the glorious period of nokia can reflect one of gains we listed. Which one d o you think I’m going to use this case to explain? Yean, perfect. economies of scale.规模经济By the way, let’s review the concept of it. It means由于生产专业化水平的提高等原因,使企业的单位成本下降,从而形成企业的长期平均成本随着产量的增加而递减的经济。
let’s come back to the case. 诺基亚的巨大订单的增加,这就是一种规模的扩大,由此带来的利润增加,是不是也反映了成本的降低?肯定是的,因为利润是等
到得。所以nokia的这个案例很好的反映了规模经济带来的好处。而你们觉得如果没有国际贸易,如果nokia的手机只能卖给本国芬兰Finland,它还有可能销售这么多的手机,获得这么大的利润吗?是不可能的对吧。芬兰人口只有那么多,再怎么卖也可能卖到4亿是吧?现在能够理解国际贸易所带来的规模经济的好处了把?OK, it is the second case.
Let’s come to the last case. The same as before, I have a question. How many foreign banks do you know? 这里是我搜集到的一些举例:韩亚,友利,永亨,渣打,东亚,南商,花旗,汇丰,恒生等等. Another question, 你们知道哪项业务是其中大多数银行,也就是外资银行不具备发展的吗?是信用卡业务credit card business。2008年之前,相关政策规定,外资银行需要与中资银行合作才能发行信用卡。来自香港的东亚银行是政策放宽之后第一家获准独立发行信用卡的外资银行,时隔4年,你们猜哪一家银行成为第二个幸运儿?是花旗。By the way?你们知道花旗是哪个国家的吗?yes, America.
银行卡产业发展,可以为拉动消费内需,促进经济增长发挥作用。尤其是信用卡的消费信贷功能能够直接刺激消费。经济水平增强,也意味着人们生活水平的提高。这是不是就是我们所说的increase the standard of living?Maybe some of you will wonder can credit card business be counted as international trade? 你们任务外资银行独立发行信用卡算是一种国际贸易吗?
回顾一下我们之前提到的国际服务贸易中有一项是金融服务,其中金融又包括银行和保险。银行和其他金融服务中包括存款、贷款、与债务市场有关的服务。其中外资银行跨国发行信用卡就属于这一类的国际贸易。So, the credit card business of course is a kind of international trade.
Ok,the study of theory and cases is finished. Before the end of the class. let’s review what we learned.在结束之前,我们再来回顾一遍讲的内容。我们复习了几个概念,分别是国际贸易的定义,国际贸易的分类,国际服务贸易的分类以及规模经济的含义。
Class’s over. Thank you!。。。