

2023-01-08 来源:钮旅网


It tells the story of Simba, a lion cub who flees the family home when his dad - King Mufasa - snuffs it and wicked Uncle Scar tricks him into thinking it was his fault. He grows up tucked away in a jungle hiding place, alongside newfound buddies Timon and Pumbaa (a meerkat and a wart-hog, in case you're wondering), before eventually plucking up the courage to return to the Pride Lands and take back what's rightfully his.

它讲述了辛巴的故事,一只狮子幼崽逃离了家,他的父亲 - 穆法萨国王 - 扼杀了它,邪恶的疤痕叔叔欺骗他认为这是他的错。他躲在丛林藏身处长大,与新结识的伙伴Timon和Pumbaa(如果你想知道的话,是猫鼬和疣猪)一起长大,最终鼓起勇气回到骄傲之地,夺回了理应属于他的东西。
