

2022-05-03 来源:钮旅网

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、Many universities and scholarship program ask for letters of recommendation.(许多大学和奖学金项目都需要推荐信。)

2、I participated volunteer activities on the recommendation of you.(根据你的建议,我参与了志愿活动。)

3、I hope my recommendation can provide some references for you and wish you a delightful journey in China.(希望我的推荐可以为您提供一些参考,并祝您在中国有愉快的旅程。)

4、My recommendation to him was that he start updating his résumé.(我给他的建议是,马上更新自己的简历。)

5、It's best to find a builder through personal recommendation.(最好通过私人介绍寻找施工人员。)

6、That includes letters of recommendation from all over the world, and written by, yes, men and women.(其中包括来自世界各地的推荐信,自然也包括男性和女性写的推荐信。)

7、Dutt and her colleagues studied more than 1,200 letters of recommendation for postdoctoral positions in geoscience.(达特和她的同事研究了1200多封关于地球科学博士后职位的推荐信。)

8、We make this recommendation for two reasons.(我们提出此建议有两个原因。)

9、For everyday, at my dermatologist's recommendation, I wear a sunscreen of SPF 15 or 30 on my face and neck.(在我的皮肤科医生的建议下,我每天都会在脸上和脖子上涂上防晒系数为15或30的防晒霜。)

10、Also a glowing letter of recommendation from a linguistics professor wouldn't hurt, which I'd be more than happy to write up for you.(另外,一名语言学教授热情洋溢的推荐信也不会带来什么坏处,我非常乐意为你写这封推荐信。)

11、This recommendation should be rejected as dangerous, however, since there is no assurance that the watch commanders' standards will continue to be observed once approval is no longer required.(但是,这项建议应以危险为由予以拒绝,因为无法保证一旦不再需要批准,监测指挥官的标准将继续得到遵守。)

12、Three letters of recommendation are required to apply to graduate schools.(申请研究生院需要三封推荐信。)

13、So what's your recommendation?(那你的建议是什么呢?)

14、I had the operation on the recommendation of my doctor.(我根据医生的建议做了手术。)

15、No recommendation.(没有推荐。)

16、The third recommendation was updated.(对第三项建议进行了更新。)

17、this recommendation should be rejected as dangerous, however, since there is no assurance that the watch commanders' standards will continue to be observed once approval is longer required.(然而,这项建议应以危险的理由予以拒绝,因为无法保证一旦核准时间变长,监测指挥官的标准还能继续得到维持。)

18、I agree with Brendan Braizer's book recommendation.(我同意布伦丹·布拉泽的推荐书单。)

19、Let's say a boss is asked to write a letter of recommendation for a former employee seeking an engineering job.(让我们来假设一种情况:一位老板被要求为一个正在寻找工程师工作的前雇员写一封推荐信。)

20、I got the job on the strength of your recommendation.(由于您的推荐,我得到了那份工作。)

21、New research reveals that men are more likely to receive excellent letters of recommendation, too.(新的研究表明,男性也更有可能收到优秀的推荐信。)

22、Arthur has made a recommendation, which he wants her to put before the board at a special meeting scheduled for tomorrow afternoon.(阿瑟提了个建议,要她在明天下午拟定召开的特别会议上向董事会提出。)

23、The best way of finding a lawyer is through personal recommendation.(找律师的最好方法是通过个人推荐。)

24、It's basically a recommendation engine.(它其实是个推荐引擎。)

25、Nearly 60% of our bookings come from repeat business and personal recommendation.(我们近60%的预订来自于回头客生意或个人推荐。)

26、The recommendation of the commitee was smothered up.(委员会的建议被扣压下来。)

27、That'll be my first recommendation.(这是我第一条建议。)

28、Ekman's observation may be relevant to the British expression "keep a stiff upper lip" as a recommendation for handling stress.(埃克曼的观察结果可能与英国人的表达“保持冷静”有关,这是一种应对压力的建议。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


