

2022-05-04 来源:钮旅网

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、A cuckoo in flight, clocking up thousands of miles to complete the long journey from England to Africa.(一只飞翔的布谷鸟,飞越数千英里,完成从英格兰到非洲的慢慢旅程。)

2、In spring-time from the cuckoo-bird.(春天时节兮,布谷鸟声。)

3、The cuckoo comes in April, and stays the month of May; sings a song at Midsummer, and then goes away.(布谷鸟,四月来,五月一直在,仲夏唱支歌,然后就离开。)

4、Miles Davis was a great artist but kind of a cuckoo clock.(迈尔斯·戴维斯虽然是个艺术家,不过更像个布谷鸟钟。)

5、the cuckoo replied ruefully, "how can i not feel sad at my current poor situation?"(杜鹃悲哀地说:“我这样可怜,怎能不伤心?”)

6、The cuckoo standing in the branches sang the rhyme of spring.(布谷鸟也站在了枝头唱起了春天的童谣。)

7、The koel, a tropical cuckoo that lurks in thick cover, has a rising bisyllabic wolf-whistle.(噪鹃是热带的一种布谷鸟,它潜伏在灌木丛中,发出有节奏的似狼叫声。)

8、A reed warbler feeds a baby cuckoo.(一只苇莺正在喂养小杜鹃。)

9、The hour strikes and the melody of hundreds of grandfather and cuckoo clocks rings out.(一到整点,成百上千的落地钟和布谷钟齐鸣。)

10、The cuckoo doesn't talk itself into anything.(布谷鸟并不说服自己任何事情。)

11、cuckoo! cuckoo!(布谷鸟!布谷鸟!)

12、The cuckoo heralds the spring.(杜鹃预示春天的来临。)

13、The cuckoo has taken over, and its appetite is insatiable!(当然是鸠占鹊巢的布谷鸟,并且它的胃口简直是大得没边!)

14、In England the cuckoo is the herald of spring.(在英国杜鹃鸟是报春的使者。)

15、Come gentle sun, while the cuckoo sings.(温柔的阳光普照大地,布谷鸟儿把歌唱哟。)

16、Should seem 'a cuckoo-song, ' as thou dost treat it.(你会把它看成一支“布谷鸟的歌曲”;)

17、When Mrs. Thrush leaves the nest to get a worm and comes back to feed her young, there are four little thrush mouths and one huge cuckoo mouth.(当画眉鸟夫人离开巢穴去捉虫子回来喂养她的孩子们的时候,就有四张小画眉鸟的嘴巴和一张巨大布谷鸟的嘴巴大张着。)

18、But to follow a cuckoo, you must first seduce it.(但是要追踪杜鹃鸟,必须先诱捕它。)

19、It was also a bad year for the cuckoo - Numbers have fallen for the past 15 years.(对于布谷鸟来说,这也是难熬的一年,布谷鸟的数量已经15年持续下降。)

20、The bird in the clock gaily hops out and says cuckoo.(钟里的小鸟愉快地跳出来,“布谷布谷”地叫着。)

21、When sin, like that cuckoo, tries to take over your life and demands that you come back to its rule, say, "Praise God, you are no longer my master."(当罪像布谷鸟一样试图掌控你的生命,并要求你回到它的律法中时,你说:“赞美神,你不再是我生命的主宰了。”)

22、The first chapter of "cuckoo flowers - set of characters welcome" pull off the opening ceremony.(第一篇章的《杜鹃花海-组字迎宾》拉开开幕式的序幕。)

23、cuckoo,'' says Mr. Bacs. 'But the melody this bird sings is completely organic and spontaneous.(鸟鸣声:巴克斯说,“普通钟表中的布谷鸟只会反复地‘布谷、布谷’叫个不停,“但是这个鸟鸣装置产生的旋律完全是鸟儿自然发出的声音。)

24、Sin, like the cuckoo bird, has an insatiable appetite, and it tries to take over our lives.(罪恶,就像布谷鸟一样,有着贪得无厌的欲望,它试图控制我们的生活。)

25、The cuckoo lays its eggs in other birds' nests.(杜鹃在其他鸟的巢中产蛋。)

26、The cuckoo grows rapidly and then throws the little thrushes out of the nest!(布谷鸟迅速长大并且把小画眉鸟们扔出了窝!)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


