


造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、The dunhuang's burial customs is directly influenced by Buddhology and adjoining ethnical conversaion.(又受到佛教东渐和各周边民族风俗的直接影响。)

2、From then on, there had been no ethnical groups, national boundaries, and the obstacles of communication.(从此,人类里,没有了种族,没有了国界,也没有了沟通的阻碍。)

3、While displaying a rich ethnical and regional character, the ethnic finery is also the symbol of cultural recognition in a country with multi-ethnic groups.(民族服饰在彰显浓郁的民族和地域特色的同时,还是多民族国家文化认同的外在符号。)

4、Wa people is the only one ethnical group in yunnan province.(佤族是我省的独有民族之一。)

5、We should pay attention to ethnical Language's influence when researching on ethnical culture.(研究民族文化不能忽视民族语言的影响。)

6、What may have been the relative length of these ethnical periods is also a fair subject of speculation.(人类文化上的这些阶段的相对长度究竟是多少?这也是一个值得推敲的问题。)

7、In the history of Myanmar, the ethnical relationship has always been very complicated.(从缅甸联邦形成的历史来看,其民族关系一直是非常复杂的。)

8、The article believes that ethnical theory is extensive concept of national theory, but there is still similarity and conspicuous differences between western national theory and ethnical theory.(族性理论是民族理论的外延性概念,与以往西方民族理论既有相似之处,又有显著的不同点。)

9、Most of married tragedies in the Book of Songs are tragedies of pursuing freedom and exclusion. The feudal ethnical code is admittedly one of the causes, but it is not the most basic one.(《诗经》的婚恋悲剧,多是追求自由与专一的悲剧,这其中固然有礼制的原因,但并非是最根本的。)

10、The Indian family of America, unlike any other existing family, exemplified the condition of mankind in three successive ethnical periods.(美洲的印第安种族不象其它任何现存的种族,他们为人类文化顺序相承的三个阶段的社会状态都提供了例证。)

11、Wedding custom is a cultural phenomenon, indicating rich ethnical cultural psychology.(婚俗是一种文化现象,它本身蕴涵了丰富的民族文化心理。)

12、Many factors affected the feeding patterns of the local children, including ethnical groups parents' education, family income, the number of children and their birth order in the family.(影响当地儿童喂养方式的因素很多。民族、父母的受教育程度、家庭的收入情况、家庭孩子数及孩子的排行均明显影响到儿童的喂养行为。)

13、As a tourism resource, ethnical traditional festival has the characteristics of nationality, integration, mass, variability, compatibility and recreation and so on.(民族传统节日作为一种旅游资源具有民族性、综合性、群体性、传承性、变异性、兼容性、休闲性等特点。)

14、Basically, the vitality of ethnical medicine lies in its real effects.(民族医药的生命力归根结蒂在于其实效性。)

15、In the multi-cultural city of Malm, the park on a sunny day is inhabited by thousands of users of all sorts; ages as well as ethnical backgrounds.(马尔默是一个多元文化的城市,公园里阳光明媚的一天,会有成千上万年龄和种族背景都不同的游客相会于此。)

16、This article elucidates the point that art education is an ideal method for ethnical education; it helps to develop a student's overall qualities, Which no other science can substitute.(艺术教育是一种理想的德育教育方式,它对提高大学生的综合素质具有其他学科不可替代的作用。)

17、they reflect the common primitive mythical thinking of a common ethnical origin of culture.(它反映了同一文化源头民族共同的原始神话思维。)

18、With the development of family inn, the problems about how to make full use of this kind of dwelling mode and enrich tourism in ethnical area should be discussed.(家庭旅馆这种住宿形式在民族旅游开发中蓬勃发展,对丰富民俗旅游的内涵有重要意义。)

19、Communication language should use Wa ethnical as much ad possible. Conclusion Messages that will be conveyed should be connected with the present malaria control strategies.(交流语言应尽可能多地使用佤族语言。结论所传输的信息应与目前的疟疾控制策略相联系;)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


