发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 06:12
热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 15:26
Pearls of…You know what you thought the first time you admired a woman's pearls. There is something so glamorous and timeless about these jewels of the sea... and now you can give them, and wear them, alongside several different loving and encouraging messages. Available on hand tied silk thread, sterling silver chain or gold-filled chain with a variety of messages for beauty, love, happiness, wisdom, friendship and success.珍珠系列…你知道自己第一次钦羡别的女人的珍珠时是怎么想的,那是一种对这种来自大海的珠宝的由衷赞叹:多么摄人魂魄,又永远不会被时光磨灭…如今你也可以佩戴它们,拿它们当礼物赠送,还附有各种不同的爱和鼓舞的信息。通过手工系的丝线、纯银链或镀金链传达了不同的信息,有美丽、钟情、快乐、智慧、友谊及成功。Pearls of Love