发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-23 23:30
热心网友 时间:2024-11-02 18:32
In me the tiger sniffs the rose.心有猛虎,细嗅蔷薇。
Here lies one whose name was written in water.此地长眠者,声名水上书。
Cast a cold eye,on life,on death.冷眼向生死,一骑过红尘。
Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves.使生如夏花之绚烂,死如秋叶之静美。
What one cannot see must be behind one.背后之物非 目所能睹。
Everything is the same, but you are not here, and I still am. In separation the one who goes away suffers less than the one who stays behind.此间百凡如故,我仍留而君已去耳。行行生别离,去者不如留者神伤之甚。